Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Meet the von Dooms (Fantastic Four)

Meet the von Dooms (Fantastic Four)

A/N: Meet the von Dooms was a commissioned one shot originally written back in April of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: After the incident with the rocket, Susan Storm decides to go to the other smartest man she knows, rather than relying on the idiot who got her bombarded with cosmic radiation in the first place.

Themes: Loving Sex, Wedding Night, Handholding


"Do you, Victor von Doom, take Susan Storm to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, Susan Storm, take Victor von Doom to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Your Majesty, you may kiss the bride."

It almost felt like a dream, even now. Sitting on the edge of the bed, the long train of her wedding dress removed, Susan Storm… no, Susan von Doom, stares down at the spectacularly gorgeous ring on her left ring finger. It might have felt a bit like a dream, but it was very, very real. She was now married to Victor. The two of them were man and wife.

They'd stumbled into it together, the romance. When she'd originally gone to him, it had been for his expertise as a scientist and revolutionary researcher, not for his suitability as a prospective husband or anything like that.

When Reed had decided to launch his rocket anyways, despite the project losing government funding, Sue had gone along with him. After all, Reed Richards was supposed to be the smartest man that any of them knew. Not to mention, she'd been in love with him since she was a teenager, and he was one of her Aunt Marygay's boarders.

She'd followed him all the way to California, she could certainly follow him into space, right? Or so Sue had thought. There weren't many things that could kill a love like Sue and Reed had thought they had quite so quickly as being dosed with enough cosmic radiation to make her glow in the dark.

When Reed hadn't seemed at all put out by the results of their failed flight, and in fact seemed far too gung ho to begin researching their new abilities for Sue's taste… she'd developed a niggling suspicion. She'd never voiced it out loud. Maybe she should have, because last she'd heard, her brother Johnny and the test pilot Ben Grimm had joined with Reed in forming a superhero team of all things called the Terrific Trio.

Honestly, if she'd stuck around and let herself get roped into it, what would they have called themselves? Something even more asinine and over the top like the Fantastic Four?

No, she'd got out while she still could, and gone to other smartest man she knew. She'd gone to…

"You alright, darling?"

Victor von Doom's deep, dark tones pull Sue out of her musings, causing her to look away from her ring and up at him with a bright, sunny smile. She means every bit of it too. Her new husband stands in the doorway of the bathroom, wearing nothing but his pants at this point. His broad, bared chest is chiseled in a way Reed's never was. Meanwhile, the scarring on his face… Sue doesn't mind it. She hasn't minded it for a long time.

Victor von Doom has suffered failure. He's encountered setbacks in life. He knows that things can go wrong. Unlike Reed, he learned from his mistakes. That was why Sue had gone to him after the rocket incident. That was why she'd refused Reed's 'help'. Sure, Victor had run some experiments on her as well, but he'd kept her by his side the entire way and actually explained things to her as they went along, instead of treating her like some test subject.

It was more than she ever would have gotten from Richards, and Sue knew that from the bottom of her heart.

"Better, now that you're here."

Giving Victor a coy smile, Sue beckons him forward with a crooked finger. He walks over, looking a mixture of bemused and amused, though he grunts when she reaches out and hooks that same finger into his pants, yanking him the last several inches to her. Staring up into his eyes, Sue makes quick work of his pants, pulling out her husband's cock and placing her lips around it without so much as a 'by your leave'. But then, it was a wife's prerogative when she decided to do something nice for her husband, was it not? A Queen's decision, when she wished to pleasure her King.

Victor groans, his eyes drifting shut as the King of Latveria, its undisputed Ruler, shudders under her touch, under the feel of her mouth. Fondling his balls, Sue's own eyes crinkle in happiness, and she keeps it up, bobbing up and down on his cock for a good while.

She hadn't been entirely sure about Victor being the ruler of an entire country, at first. It was difficult for the American girl, born and raised, to accept. Decades of prejudice, of democratic indoctrination, left her feeling like everyone deserved a voice, no matter how stupid they were.

But she had to admit, after living in Latveria for the past year, working side by side with Victor in unraveling what happened to her and figuring out the abilities that the bath of cosmic radiation had left her with, Sue found the place to be quite relaxing. It was a nice, quaint little kingdom that Victor ruled with an iron fist. And the people in it… they loved him. They loved their King.

They'd just had a glorious fairy tale wedding to prove it. The whole of the country almost seemed to have turned out for their wedding, to watch as Sue Storm became Susan von Doom and married their ruler. Sue was under no misconceptions, of course. She was quite confident that her beautiful blonde looks played a large part in the roaring acceptance that Latveria had for her.

But in the end, she didn't think it mattered too much. No, she and Victor were deeply, impossibly in love. What everyone else thought was secondary to that.

Having gotten her husband nice and hard with her mouth, Sue pulls back off of his cock with a pop, before looking up at him expectantly as she continues to stroke him up and down.

"I want you inside of me Victor. I want you to take me, in this dress. Our first night as husband and wife. The first night of the rest of our lives together."

Victor growls and a moment later Sue is further up the bed, on her back, her legs being forcibly spread, and her wedding dress being hiked up out of the way. She feels him reach under and yank her panties down, and she happily lets him pull them off of her before spreading her legs even further. Her slippery wet sex, so very aroused for him, is soon met by his throbbing member, polished with her spit by the bout of oral foreplay.

Sue cries out, as he pushes into her. It's not their first time having sex by far. Theirs had been a whirlwind romance, in that it had only been a year since the incident, and they were already married. But it certainly felt like they'd been together for an eternity, as well. Every day since they'd admitted their feelings for each other, they'd barely been able to keep their hands off one another. Sue loved it. She loved HIM.

She'd thought she loved Reed, really, she had. But now, married to a real man, an actual King, Sue understood that all she'd had with Richards was a schoolgirl infatuation. A crush that the so-called smartest man alive had been happy to stoke, because it gave him his own personal cheerleader, a pretty girl to gasp and ooh over his discoveries and inventions.

Victor was different. Sue wouldn't call him down to Earth or anything like that, because he wasn't. Her new husband had an ego the size of the Empire State Building. The difference was, he didn't try to act like he didn't… and more than that, he saw her as a real live person, as her own woman. He didn't presume to make decisions on her behalf, or act without her consent. He loved her and she loved him. That was all there was to it.

As Victor fucks her, as he makes sweet, sweet love to her in their marital bed, Sue, still mostly in her wedding dress, moans wantonly and throatily while clinging to him with all her heart. Her arms around his neck, resting on his broad shoulders, and her legs coming up to wrap around his waist.

He felt so good inside of her. Raw and so filling. His cock stretches her like nothing else, and Sue cries out as she orgasms in no time at all. Moaning wantonly, the blonde shudders beneath him, eyes threatening to roll back in her head. As she does so, she keeps a tight hold on the deadlier of her powers. Her force fields were impossibly strong, and could be quite dangerous, so she and Victor had prioritized her learning to control them first and foremost.

The result, however, was that she didn't have quite so much control over her secondary ability, that of invisibility. And so, as Sue gets more and more aroused, as she cums upon her husband's cock, her body flickers in and out of existence. Still there… but increasingly invisible to the naked eye…


As he fucks his wife and she starts to lose control and go invisible beneath him, Victor chuckles and reaches up to tap the side of his head, casting a spell on his eyes that lets him see an outline of the invisible woman. Using that vision, he leans down and captures Susan's lips with his own, continuing to thrust into her deeply. His hands, meanwhile, reach up and take ahold of her hands, and he laces their fingers together as he fills her again and again, making sweet, sweet love to his new bride.

When Susan Storm had first come to him, Victor could admit that he'd thought about how he could use her to get back at Reed Richards. He'd admitted as much to her later on, when things had begun getting serious between them. She'd forgiven him for it, with that beautiful sunny smile of hers that he'd fallen so deeply, madly in love with.

How could he not be tempted? Richards, his archnemesis, had finally slipped up. The man had made a mistake, had encountered failure on a level that surprised even Victor. It was… glorious. Juicy. Delicious. And even better, Reed's woman had come to Victor for help, instead of staying at Reed's side. Absolutely scandalous, to say the least.

But those thoughts were far in the past. Victor barely even cared about Reed Richards or his… Terrific Trio's activities, at this point in time. Seeing Richards run around in spandex while stretching as if he were in fact MADE of spandex had gotten old fast, but Victor no longer felt the need to try to show up who they were now calling 'Mr. Terrific'. It was just… sad.

Regardless, while true that Victor had initially only thought of how Sue could be used against his archnemesis, Victor had eventually done away with such inclinations. Susan Storm was no tool, to be used and discarded like some passing fancy. She had proven to be so much more than that.

As he slides in and out of his invisible wife, kissing her deeply, his tongue pushing into her mouth to wrestle with her own, Victor can happily admit that he'd fallen deeply, madly in love with Susan Storm. She was his wife now, officially… but truth be told, he'd thought of her as his bride for months before now, viewed her as his Queen for much of their past year together.

Today was just about making it official. Today was about letting the people of his home, of Latveria, know that they had a new ruler, a new Queen to worship and stand in awe of… as he did. Indeed, Susan's physical beauty went a long way towards making his subjects roar their approval at the marriage. They quite liked how she looked standing next to their King, from what reports Victor had received.

It was good that they recognized just how gorgeous she was on the outside, even if they did not yet truly know she was as spectacularly beautiful on the inside as well, like he did. It was good that they accepted their Queen, because in the end, HIS opinion was the only one that truly mattered, and he'd already accepted her as HIS Queen ages ago.

Susan Storm… now Susan von Doom, had become so much more than Reed Richards' woman in Victor's eyes. She was his woman now, but also, he was her man. She had captured all of him, from his heart to his mind to his soul. He could not look away from her, could not imagine a world without her, even for a moment.

And to know that she loved him just as much in turn, to know that she shared his obsession with her right back… it was everything Victor had not known he truly needed. Susan filled his heart in a way that it had not been filled since his mother… well, best not to fall down that rabbit hole on his wedding night with his new bride.

Sue cries out into his mouth, and Victor grunts back as he thrusts into her with all his strength. Her inner walls stretch for him, before clenching back down in ecstasy. In the end, she milks him of his release, and Victor von Doom fills his new wife to the brim with his seed. It would be quite auspicious, if their first night together were to result with a child. Indeed, the people of Latveria would be overjoyed, absolutely ecstatic even.

But Victor cared not for that, even as he held his new bride close and she in turn held him right back. In that moment, all he cared for was Susan's pleasure. And as she flickers back into view, coming down from the heights of bliss and regaining control over her invisibility, he can see in her eyes that all she cares about is the same, for him.

The two of them, together, will no doubt take the world by storm. The new King and Queen of Latveria. Let Richards and those two dullards run around saving the day and fighting crime, or whatever asinine business it was that they were getting up to over in the States. Victor had his Queen… and Susan had her King. And that… that was all that mattered.


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