Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Mitis’ Summoned Hero (Cautious Hero)

Mitis’ Summoned Hero (Cautious Hero)


Themes: Rough Sex, Mild Femdom, Divine Sex

Summary: The gods and goddesses come together to decide who will get to summon the next Hero. It lands on Mitis, Goddess of Archery. This is not a Good Thing.


The gods and goddesses that call the Divine Realm their home have gathered together once more. Why? Because yet another world was in danger, and it was time to do something about it. Namely, it was time to select a deity who would in turn summon a bonafide Hero that would go on to bring salvation to the endangered mortal plane in question.
Everyone can only watch with bated breath as the decision is made. It’s always different, and this time around there’s a great big fortune wheel with all of their names on it. At a glance, they’ve all got equal chance of being chosen, no one having a bigger sliver than the others. Which annoys a few of the waiting deities, because they had made an effort to try and bribe the Great Goddess herself, Ishtar, ahead of time.
Alas, their bribes didn’t seem to have had any effect. If there was any favoritism, then it was on the back end. And in fact, the ultimate results being what they were… well, it seemed quite clear that Ishtar hadn’t rigged a damn thing.
As the great big wheel slows to a stop, the little ticker lands upon one of the multitude of slivers… and a goddess is chosen. Mitis, Goddess of Archery to be exact. A hush falls over the crowd of deities at this news. There’s not even any protesting from those who had hoped they would get the chance to summon a Hero this time around. They’re all simply too shocked by the results to so much as raise a peep.
Slowly, all of their eyes, even Ishtar’s, turn towards the Goddess of Archery in their midst. Mitis stands, somehow managing to give off both an unassuming and regal air at the same time. Among a multitude of gods and goddesses, the beautiful Goddess of Archery with hip-length white hair, purple eyes, and an understated white, sleeveless dress with golden jewelry doesn’t necessarily stand out. They’re all divine after all, and at a glance, Mitis actually seems more average than most.
And yet… there’s a tension in the air, as the others all look at her. Finally, the silence breaks and the muttering starts.
“She’s going to be the one summoning a Hero? How can that possibly go well?”
“I know right? She’ll eat them alive, boy or girl.”
“Someone of her proclivities can’t be trusted with something like this. What is Ishtar thinking?”
“… Obviously Ishtar didn’t influence things at all. If she had, we wouldn’t have ended up with… this.”
There’s no way Mitis doesn’t hear them. She is a Goddess after all. However, none of their words seem to have any effect on the white-haired deity. As everyone is busy muttering about her to one another all around the Goddess of Archery, Mitis looks to the only other deity not doing any gossiping right now… the Great Goddess herself. Mitis lets a small smile grace her lips… and bows low to Ishtar in acknowledgment of her task.
Then… she begins making her way to the summoning room.
Kenta was your average human guy. Or so he always thought. Sure, maybe he had pretty good looks or something. He definitely got more attention at school from girls then most boys did. However, he wasn’t some sort of ladies’ man, so Kenta had never utilized his good looks to try and do any skirt chasing. He was focused on his studies and sports and figured he would always have time to find a woman in the future.
… Alas, that did not seem to be the case. He had been summoned to another world by a Goddess named Mitis of all things. She was incredibly regal and very beautiful… divinely so, in fact. She was also incredibly poised, and he had to admit, as much as it was insane being taken from his old world to be the Hero of another, he couldn’t help but want to impress and please her.
When she’d first summoned him there in that summoning room, she had been so… reserved. It was like she was holding herself back, like she knew she couldn’t be her real self around him or something. Kenta had always been good at reading people, to be honest. But there was a difference between reading people and reading a bonafide Goddess, wasn’t there?
He hadn’t quite been able to put his finger on what Mitis was holding back. All he knew was that she felt like she had to put an act on around him, and it was an act she’d kept up for the entire week since his summoning. From the summoning room where she had introduced herself and explained his duty, to this world that she’d brought him to which was apparently in need of saving.
They hadn’t been idle or anything like that in the past seven days. Kenta had always been a go-getter, whether it was grades or sports. Now, he had something new to focus on with all his might and that was getting stronger. As the Hero, he had the ability to level up, something Kenta had taken to with gusto. With Mitis guiding him, he had already managed to get over a hundred levels in this world. Of course, the Dragon King said to be terrorizing this world was apparently level Nine Hundred and Ninety-Eight… just one shy of this world’s level cap of Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine.
If Kenta wanted to beat the Dragon King, he would need to not only continue his own personal growth… but also recruit some allies and form a party that he could rely upon to help him get stronger and eventually save the world.
There was just one problem with that. In the last week, rather than sticking around towns and getting the chance to meet the people of this world and hopefully find some capable natives with lots of potential, Mitis had taken him further and further out into the wilderness. Kenta didn’t want to speak ill of his Goddess, because really, Mitis was his whole world at this point… but it felt almost like she was isolating him or something.
He couldn’t deny it’d been good training, of course. After spending two days getting all the way out here, she then had him clear out the entire area for the next five days. He’d killed all sorts of monsters and gotten super strong in the process. It was just… weird that he hadn’t had a single human interaction outside of her in all that time.
In fact, he hadn’t had any human interaction at all, because as he was constantly reminded by her divine beauty, Mitis was a Goddess, not a mortal woman.
At this point… well, Kenta felt like he needed to say something.
“Ah… Goddess… this training has been great and all, but do you think it’s about time to head back to town? After all, we’ll need to recruit a party eventually, won’t we? And the earlier in my leveling that I get some party members, the less of a gap there will be between me and them, right?”
As he speaks, he tends to the last embers of the slowly dying fire. It’s early in the morning of the seventh day, and he’s just finished breakfast. As such, he doesn’t bother looking up, just… casually tossing out those words, trying not to sound accusatory or anything like that. Which is why the sinister cackle he gets in response causes him to jolt.
“Mhmhmhm! I suppose it was only a matter of time… before you saw through my mask!”
Blinking slowly, Kenta looks up to see Mitis, Goddess of Archery, standing across the clearing from him. No, not standing… rather, she’s currently crouched down and not wearing a single stitch of clothing. Her nudity is the first oddity that the young Hero notices, but it’s not the last. After all, her purple eyes have turned blood red, her teeth have sharpened into fangs, and her abnormally long tongue has lolled out of her mouth.
Kenta gapes at the sudden change to his deity. Unbeknownst to the young man until now, THIS was the true nature of Mitis, Goddess of Archery. This was why all of the other gods and goddesses at the selection had been so shocked when she won. All were quite aware of her nymphomania, Ishtar included. Frankly, they wouldn’t have blamed the Great Goddess if she had secretly taken Mitis off of the wheel altogether, or at least made it so the ticker COULDN’T land on her name.
Alas, Ishtar’s sense of fairness had kept her from rigging the lottery in ANYONE’s favor, and so Mitis was the lucky winner. She’d managed to keep herself from jumping Kenta right then and there in the summoning room, even though he was a handsome, innocent young man and she could SMELL his virginity. Still, there were limits to Mitis’ self-control. And that limit, it would seem… was one week.
“This is my true self, Hero! And now… your virginity is mine!”
Kenta, still reeling and trying to mentally catch up with what the fuck is happening, can only squeak as Mitis leaps at him. He’s simply not prepared for the Goddess’ speed. She moves so fast it’s like a blur to his vision, his hundred or so levels that he’s gained by this point just not enough to bring him to her level. They DO give him the strength to survive what’s about to happen, at least.
In the first of three seconds, Mitis reaches Kenta and takes him to the ground. He’s not wearing his armor, so it’s only his regular clothes that are shredded into a million tiny fragments in that single second, his entire body laid bare before the lecherous, nympho goddess on top of him.
At the same time that she’s tearing his clothes off of him in that initial split second, her hands also find the time to glide over him, touching him in places and ways that make Kenta’s cock harden far faster than should be humanly possible. But then, there’s nothing human about Mitis. She is a nymphomaniacal goddess heavenbent on stealing his virginity.
As the first of three seconds comes to a close and the second of three seconds begins, Kenta hasn’t even fully registered his nudity yet. In the time that’s lapsed so far, his human perception has barely allowed him to notice that he’s no longer sitting up and tending to the fire, but suddenly on his back. He hasn’t had the time to notice that his back is now bared, nor even that his cock is fully erect.
As the second of the three seconds begins, Mitis impales herself upon Kenta’s cock. No muss, no fuss. All of the sudden, he’s ball’s deep inside of her pussy, the young Hero’s virginity fully stolen by the nympho goddess as her divine pussy squeezes, massages, and grips at his dick. She pleasures Kenta in ways completely unimaginable to his mortal mind, which is probably good because he’s not imagining much of anything right now.
He's still trying to come to terms with how fast she’d moved as she lunged at him. Registering that she’s fucking him is a bit outside of Kenta’s realm of human perception at the moment. But that isn’t stopping Mitis. Her inner walls flex along his cock, tightening up as she rides him so fast and so hard that… well, a second is all she needs.
That second of three seconds might as well have been a half hour of normal fucking between a mortal man and woman. Fuck, it might as well have been an hour. In that split second, the Goddess of Archery’s nymphomaniacal nature carries them both through, her insides giving Kenta the greatest sexual experience of his life… one that he can’t even properly enjoy as its all taking place too damn fast for the young Hero to actually understand what’s happening.
His hundred or so levels at least give him the fortitude to survive the lewd, nympho goddess’ depravations though. But at the same time… there’s absolutely nothing to be done as the third second finally begins.
As three of three seconds comes knocking, Kenta finally registers the events of second one. He’s on his back, naked, with his cock throbbing and buried inside of the most heavenly pussy he’s ever experienced. As Kenta registers and perceives second one, the events of second two catch up to him… and the pleasure that Mitis is visiting upon him is beyond that of what a mortal mind could even hope to imagine.
The young, formerly virginal Hero orgasms violently in that third second, his balls completely drained in that very short amount of time by the goddess’ divine, milking insides. Kenta’s eyes go wide and then roll back in his head as he cums and cums what feels like his entire damn soul up into her godly cunt, followed by him blissfully blacking out from pleasurable exhaustion.
Three seconds. That’s all it takes from start to finish.
When Kenta wakes up, he’s honestly a little surprised to be alive. The last thing he remembered was an insane-looking naked Goddess bearing down on him with elongated fangs, elongated tongue, and blood red eyes. Then, the rest of what happened hits him and he lets out a shudder as he finally gets a chance to come to terms with the way he just lost his virginity.
That shudder in turn allows Kenta to realize he’s currently restrained. At first, he begins to panic, thinking he’s been captured or something, maybe imprisoned. But no… his restraints are not of the mundane variety. Quite the opposite, in fact. They’re still in the forest clearing, but Mitis has her body wrapped around his. The Goddess of Archery even has his face buried in her bare breasts.
As he registers that those soft, supple mounds of boobflesh belong to his Goddess, Kenta hears a soft, almost shy giggle, and knows in that moment that Mitis is aware he’s awoken. With it being too late to pretend to still be unconscious, the young Hero slowly lifts his head to meet Mitis’ gaze, somewhat afraid of what he’ll see there.
However, the blood red eyes, fangs, and tongue are all gone. His Goddess has her regal mask back on, though as she looks down at him, it slips slightly as she lustily licks her lips.
“Mm… what fun that was, dear Hero.”
Kenta flushes as she holds him a little tighter. Giggling some more, Mitis lets out a loud sigh.
“Ah. Such a shame it’ll be so much harder to get at you next time, now that you’ve seen my true self and will be so very wary of me. Still… I suppose there’s no harm in a challenge~”
Kenta slowly blinks as he takes this all in. He finds himself laying in her arms for several seconds, just processing what had happened and what she just said. In fact, he takes an entire minute to get his thoughts in order and come to a decision. Funny, that. It takes him twenty times the length that it took her to steal his virginity and make him cum his brains out.
Still, he’s only human, he figures.
“… Goddess… I don’t care if that’s your true self.”
Mitis stiffens in surprise, staring at him with wide eyes as Kenta gives her a broad smile from betwixt her breasts.
“You’re still my Goddess, no matter what. And I accept you… all of you.”
He probably should have seen it coming, but Kenta is still a little startled when his declaration has the obvious effect of causing Mitis’ mask to completely slip free once more. Her eyes bleed red yet again, her teeth elongate into sharp shards of pearl white, and her tongue slips fully out of her maw as she lets out a wanton, nympho moan and chuckles.
“Mm, you better train hard to be able to handle me, Hero. I’ll expect you to back up those words of yours~”
Kenta opens his mouth to say that he will, his face set in determination, but before he can say a word, Mitis is kissing him again, forcing her lips over the young Hero’s and ravishing the inside of his mouth with her long tongue as she moans happily and giddily, fully letting her nymphomania run wild.
From that day on, Mitis stops holding herself back… and Kenta accepts her attentions wholeheartedly, proving to be the foil that the Goddess needed all this time. He trains diligently, constantly leveling up and always getting stronger. But not to be able to defeat the Dragon King that plagued this particular mortal realm, though he did eventually do that as well.
No, all of Kenta’s training and level ups and increases in power was for one reason and one reason only… to make his body a Grand Temple dedicated to his Goddess’ needs, a place of worship and adoration and devotion, constantly built stronger and tougher so that he could last even a fraction of an instant longer for her.
Mitis, of course, happily molested her Hero constantly, groping and all but dry humping him at every turn. Not that it was ever truly dry humping, as the Goddess of Archery was ALWAYS wet. She would only cease when there were other people around and she was forced to put on her regal mask, but Kenta could feel her nymphomaniacal gaze on him at all times all the same.
He’s also perpetually covered in hickeys, love bites, and kiss marks from his Goddess, with her mounting him at least once a day, sometimes multiple times if she’s exceptionally horny. This all becomes a little harder to explain away when Kenta finally starts building a party to take down the Dragon King with, but by that point he’s hundreds of levels stronger than his party members and explaining said strength as ‘super-secret ultra-special training’ from his Goddess tends to make them shut up.
In the end, theirs is a special relationship… even between a Goddess and her Hero, their relationship is incredibly unique.
But Kenta wouldn’t have it any other way.


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