Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Mother-Daughter Bonding (RWBY)

Mother-Daughter Bonding (RWBY)

A/N: Mother-Daughter Bonding was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written back in 2019, posted to HF in 2021, and now posted here for people to enjoy!

Summary: Blake and Kali are spending some time together at the festival when Blake overhears some human males making lurid comments about her and her mother. 

Themes: Breeding, MaleDom, Rough Sex


Blake is already in a bad mood when the humans first start making asses of themselves. The phrase 'woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning' has never been more applicable, in a way. She's gone into heat, now of all days. Its stupid, and she hates it, but she wasn't about to let it ruin this. It was so rare that Blake got to see her mom these days, and with Kali in town for the festival, the younger cat faunus wasn't about to show her up for something as dumb and idiotic as a heat.

Of course, the moment Kali had laid eyes on her, the older woman had gotten this look in her eyes, as if she knew exactly what was going on. Blake was currently doing her best to ignore that though, in favor of trying to enjoy her day. She just wanted to have some fun at the festival with her mother. Was that too much to ask?

"Damn, look at the ass on that one. That's a woman's ass right there."

"Right? But then there's the younger one. Shit, that's not half bad either…"


The humans had been following her and Kali for a little while now, though in this case 'following' didn't mean much. They were traveling through the festival after all, walking down the main walkway, so it could be said that the human men behind them were simply going in the same direction, not actually following them. Except, they kept making those fucking comments.

Blake was this close to turning around and biting their fucking heads off. She wasn't going to just let them continue talking like that, especially not when her treacherous body was reacting to the words in a way that Blake herself was most certainly NOT. It was unfathomable, and Blake was nearing the end of her rope.

However, as if sensing this, Kali suddenly reaches out and wraps an arm around her daughter's waist, bringing her in close a little and guiding her along. Blake looks to her and sees Kali smiling knowingly, even as the men continue to mutter in the background, their voices growing quieter as they look at their phones. It's obvious that, just like Blake, Kali's enhanced hearing has picked up their comments. Cat ears are good for that sort of thing, after all.

And yet, Kali doesn't seem even slightly perturbed as Blake glances back at the men, steaming.

"Mom… can't you hear them? Why do humans have to be so… ugh!"

Kali chuckles, continuing to lead Blake along, even as the men stop dead, whatever they're seeing on their phones shocking them to the point that they stand there frozen.

"Now, now, sweetie. No need to get so worked up. Humans aren't so bad, Blake. They just find you attractive, that's all."

Blake can't help but scoff at her mom. Her parents may have been founding members of the White Fang, but it'd been a long time since they'd been counted amongst its number. And even then, Kali had always been the calmer, more reserved one. Still…

"That doesn't make it better, mom…"

Kali just giggles, and Blake frowns as her face grows red. It feels like her mother is almost mocking her with her answer.

"Who knows, Blake? You might appreciate it… one day."

Another scoff exits Blake's lips at that. She knows Kali means well, but really? She might appreciate a bunch of dumb, dirty apes drooling over her one day? Honestly… still, the humans had stopped following them, falling back into the crowd and effectively disappearing from Blake's senses. That was good enough for her and tamping down on the problems that her current heat was causing her, the young cat faunus tries to focus on the matter at hand, enjoying the beautiful day with her beloved mother.

And to be fair, they have quite a good time after that. The next hour is practically tolerable, despite Blake's heat running havoc on her senses, making her smell all sorts of things she'd rather ignore, feeling all sorts of things she'd rather not feel. Needless to say, when her mother eventually suggests that they find a place out of the sun to take a little break because Blake looks slightly overheated, she can't really say no. A break sounds nice, to be perfectly honest. It IS a hot day out, even if that's not really Blake's current problem.

They head over to Kali's hotel, where she's staying while she's in Vale, and Blake follows after her mother as they descend the stairs up to Kali's floor. She almost considers suggesting they take an elevator instead, but Kali leads them right to the stairwell, and Blake hesitates just long enough that she gets stuck with this option… which is not the right choice at all.

She spends the entire time walking up the stairs trying to ignore her own mother's smoking hot ass, right in front of her, as well as the sensations between her thighs brought along by the constant friction of her taking each step, one at a time. Yeah, needless to say by the time they make it to Kali's floor, Blake is more than a little frazzled, her face bright red and her eyes directed at the ground, so they don't continue to slide up to take in her mother's bottom.

Blake has known for quite some time that she was bisexual, her team at Beacon had told her that, as had her past relationship with Adam. She liked both men and women well enough, but… well, Kali was her MOM. That was just wrong, and Blake hated her heat for prodding her in that direction. Yes, Kali had a gorgeous body, one that Blake knew she'd inherited judging by comments just like the ones that those assholes from earlier were throwing about. That didn't mean Blake could just lust after her own flesh and blood because Kali was hot though…

They come up on Kali's hotel room, and the older cat faunus happily unlocks the door as she gestures Blake inside. Blake enters, head still down and face still aflame. She gets all the way as the middle of the room, before her eyes hit bared feet, and she realizes that the hotel room isn't as empty as she thought it would be. Head whipping up, Blake's eyes go wide as she takes in the sight before her.

The two men before are right there, except now, they're naked. In her earlier disgust, Blake really hadn't been paying much attention to their physiques. They'd been wearing shirts and pants, and that was about it. But she hadn't seen how those shirts clung tightly to muscular torsos, nor could she have guessed what those pants were hiding in their depths.

Now, naked before her, are two musclebound humans with cocks as thick as her wrists hanging between their legs, though that's quickly turning to standing straight up in the presence of her and her mother. As their erections go, Blake's eyes fixate on one, and her nostrils flare as she breathes in the scent of their unleashed musk, which by this point, has thoroughly permeated the room.

Then, a feminine hand slips under her chin and casually turns her head, and a moment later Kali is kissing her. Blake's eyes widen for a moment as her mother engages with her in a kiss that is NOT very motherly at all, but then she melts, and their tongues intertwine at Kali's unspoken direction as Blake moans into her mother's mouth.

She's been fighting her heat all day, something that Kali had told her more than once growing up to never do. If you fought it, you didn't chase any of it away, all you managed to do was push it down and bottle it up inside of you. But that just meant eventually, the bottle would shatter and all of that stuff you'd tried to suppress would come back with a vengeance in the worst possible way.

"Damn, the MILF really is a perverted slut."

"Hah, you had any doubt? Did you see those pictures she sent us all one-handed like? She wouldn't have invited us here if she wasn't looking to get laid, man."

"Fuck, you want her or the daughter?"

"Man… I'll take the fucking MILF, unless you wanna play me for it."

"Nah, I'm fine with the younger one. Look at her, she's already got most of her mom's curves anyways."

Some part of Blake's mind knows that she should really focus more on what the guys are saying. What pictures? Kali had invited them here? Why would her mother do that? These were questions that Blake probably should have been asking, but to be fair, she was a little distracted. Besides, it didn't take much to figure out the answer to the last one. As Kali's hands roam, Blake's clothes fall off of her. Instinctively responding to this, Blake begins to grab at her mother's garments as well, pulling Kali's dress off of her.

Their naked bodies press into one another, and Blake's moans grow louder still as her mother touches her in all the right places. Kali's experience shows in the way that she plays her daughter like a fiddle, to the point that when a pair of large masculine hands finally grasp at Blake's hips and draw her lower half back from her mother, the overheated, over-sensitized cat faunus happily goes along with it, just as long as she can continue to makeout with her smoking hot MILF of a mom.

Kali gets the same treatment, but she's even more eager than her daughter, shaking that fat booty back against the big cock that ends up hot-dogging her ass crack, while moaning into Blake's mouth. She slides her hands along her daughter's arms and slips her fingers through Blake's digits, interlacing their hands together and pulling them up.

Eventually, it's just their palms and their lips touching, the two cat faunus happily bent over in the center of the hotel room as each of the human men from earlier get into position, pull Blake and Kali into position, and line up for the main event. The only warning Blake gets of what's about to happen is Kali's sudden muffled scream of pleasure as her male partner slams home into her first. A moment later, Blake's tight little cunt, not quite virgin but just about, is speared open as well.

It's the first human she's ever been with before, and she has to admit, his dick is a LOT bigger than Adam's. But to be fair, everything about the musclebound human is bigger than Adam. Whether or not the man would be able to take her former lover in a fight, well, that was another story. And it wasn't really relevant to what was going on right here, right now. Namely, that Blake was getting fucked. She was getting fucked from behind by some male pig of a human while her mother interlaced their fingers together and made out with her… and she was LOVING it.

Her tongue writhes against Kali's, even as they both take the fat, massive cocks currently pistoning in and out of their sopping wet cunts again and again. They're being plowed from either end, like some sort of advanced or evolved Eiffel Tower. Blake and Kali in the middle, making up the meat of the sandwich, while the men act as the bread. Except, it's the men who are providing the meat to Blake and Kali at the moment, and given the heat she's currently in, Blake can barely stay coherent as she's constantly orgasming, moaning into her mother's lips, drooling all over Kali's face.

"Yeah, you fucking like that, Meat-Milker? Hehe, should have known a MILF like you would be a perverted ho. Fuck!"

"Her daughter's the same way! She's so fucking tight man, I swear. Faunus are the fucking best!"

Meat-Milker? The name that the man fucking her mother gives to Kali sounds rather odd. Like it's more than just him calling her something derogative, but also how he KNOWS her. Blake doesn't get how that's supposed to work. Why would anyone know her mom as 'Meat-Milker'? It was such a perverse name.

Regardless, the use of it is just enough for some small part of Blake's rational thoughts to take over, or perhaps not take over so much as claw their way out of the oppressive heat trying to break her and reassert control. She realizes, in that moment, that she can feel the cock inside of her beginning to throb and pulse. And as if reading her mind, sensing her sudden fear, the man fucking her confirms it.

"Fuck, getting close… gonna breed this bitch nice and good."

"Hah, hell yeah! Gonna do the same to this faunus slut as well! Ready to be a mommy again, cunt?!"

Kali's response is to moan her encouragement. Blake's is to widen her eyes. What?! That was never part of the deal! Except, there was no deal. Blake had… this was all… it was so spur of the moment. Or was it? In that instant, clarity comes to Blake Belladonna as she looks into her mother's eyes and realizes that Kali has been planning this from the very beginning. None of this was spur of the moment… this was her idea from the start.

Belatedly, Blake considers trying to escape, trying to free herself. But she's far too late for that. The man buried inside of her quim cums a moment later, and Blake's eyes roll back in her head as she orgasms explosively, her heat satisfied by the sensation of this human jazzing deep inside of her womb, filling her to the brim with his life-giving seed, pumping a nice, thick load of cum into her.

He's breeding her, full stop… and from the sound of Kali's moans and the grunts and shouts of the man fucking the MILF, she's getting bred as well. For a brief moment, mother and daughter have the same looks of sheer, utter ecstasy painted across their fucked stupid faces. Their lips part but their tongues remain intertwined as they cling to one another, fingers still interlaced.

And then its over, and as the massive cocks slide out of them, both Blake and Kali collapse down to the floor, to their knees, jizz leaking out of their well-fucked cunts and sweat covering every inch of their naked, voluptuous bodies. Mother and daughter both just kneel there for a moment, panting and gasping for breath as they lean on one another for support.

Then, a massive meaty member slaps down on Kali's shoulder, right as another does the same on Blake's.

"Clean 'em off, sluts. We ain't done with you yet."

Blake shares a look with her mother, and even though she knows exactly what the older faunus is doing now, she doesn't fight it. Instead, she turns to the cock on her shoulder and opens wide, her tongue lolling out in an incredibly lewd fashion as she begins to lick and slurp the thick shaft clean. Now that she's no longer fighting it, she feels so much better. All of mother's warnings had been right. She should have just embraced her heat from the beginning.


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