Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Poker Night (Harry Potter)

Poker Night (Harry Potter)

A/N: Poker Night was a commissioned one shot originally written back in August of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: It's Poker Night at Hogwarts. The Witches of all four Hogwarts Houses... plus one Harry Potter. But most importantly of all, can Susan Bones avoid making a fool of herself?

Themes: Dom/Sub, Public Sex, Humiliation


It was their final year at Hogwarts. For some of them, it was the second time that could be said, which was certainly an oddity. In the wake of the Dark Lord's Second Rise and the aftermath of the Wizarding World's Second War, the new guard in power over at the Ministry of Magic had made a simple declaration. Well, not so simple in words, because of course they'd been extremely verbose about it. But ultimately, all of their flowery language boiled down to one simple concept.

Dark Lord bad. Dark Lord followers bad. Everything Dark Lord and Dark Lord followers did while in power also bad.

And so, following this simple logic, they'd gone about reversing the incredibly nasty and vile laws and statutes that had been hastily put in place by the Death Eaters during the short time they were in charge. By and large, this was a good thing that everyone on the side of good and kind supported. Rights to disadvantaged groups like muggleborns were reinstated, and those who had had their property seized for being muggleborn or blood traitors had had it returned to them.

For Hogwarts though, this meant that the Ministry unilaterally declared the previous year of schooling to be Null and Void. Even if the school wasn't completely under Voldemort's control, it was tainted enough by Severus Snape's short tenure as Headmaster and the handful of Death Eaters who had been instated during that time that the Ministry was more than happy to just wash their hands of the whole thing.

And so, everyone was retaking the year they'd already taken, or in the case of a few who had been on the run for their blood status or something else, taking the year for the first time. While there were certainly some things that needed to be untaught or taught properly thanks to Voldemort's quasi-control over the school, by and large the curriculum in most of the classes hadn't changed.

For the younger years, there wasn't much to do but simply bear with it. Hogwarts would be out of whack for years as a result, a large portion of the school's population being a year older than they should be. The First Year had ballooned in size and would remain huge until they all graduated as Seventh Years.

Meanwhile, for the older years, there was a lot of free time as they spent the year relearning mostly the same shit, they'd been taught last year. Free time that in turn would lead to them all getting up to no good. Needless to say, the Wizarding World was going to be experiencing a bit of a baby boom before all was said and done, with a whole bevy of young mothers who needed support.

For the eldest at Hogwarts, there was so much free time that they couldn't help but turn to certain activities that would have been frowned upon if Headmistress McGonagall caught wind of them. Extremely frowned upon, in fact. Although at the same time, one could argue that they were simply working hard to promote inter-house unity.

Because for certain, there were girls from every house at the weekly Witches' Poker Night that took place every Saturday evening. Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and even Slytherins had all been invited and had all shown up to take part for weeks now. All female, of course… save for one obvious exception.

No one was going to try and say that the Man-Who-Won couldn't come to their weekly Poker Nights. Harry James Potter, soon to be Lord Potter (and Lord of half a dozen houses by right of conquest as well) was the most eligible bachelor in all of Wizarding Britain. Frankly, not a single one of the witches who came to the Poker Night minded his presence. Not only was he handsome and charismatic, having truly broken out of his shell after his defeat of Voldemort, but he was also fun to be around and a great source of eye candy.

More than that thought, it was Hermione Granger of all people who had set up these Poker Nights in the first place, and so when she'd shown up one night with Harry as her Plus One, no one was about to gainsay her or try to tell her she couldn't invite the one tolerable wizard in all of Hogwarts, even if it was a Witch-Only game.

All of this is merely to set the stage, however. It was once more Saturday, and that meant it was time for another Poker Game in the Room of Requirement. All of the usual suspects were there, of course.

Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis led a contingent of witches from Slytherin who had shown up every single week since the game's inception. Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, and Parvati Patil were the most noticeable additions from Gryffindor, sans Harry himself of course.

Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott were the two most well known Hufflepuffs, though they were far from the only ones in attendance. And finally, Luna Lovegood and Padma Patil were the more noticeable Ravenclaws, though they too were only a couple of the Ravenclaw witches who were at the Poker Game.

As things tended to go, several tables had originally been playing, with the Grand Table at the end of the night to be helmed by each table's winners. With hours having gone by, things were finally getting to that point. The Grand Table this evening turned out to have one member of each House sitting at it… plus Harry Potter himself. Daphne from Slytherin, Hermione from Gryffindor, Padma from Ravenclaw, and finally, last but certainly not least as it pertains to this tail, Susan Bones from Hufflepuff.

"D-Damn it! One more hand! I'll get it all back this time, I shwear!... hic!"

Susan… might have had a bit too much to drink. As the other girls at the table all look at her askance, Harry just raises an eyebrow, having been presiding over the Grand Table while also playing as well. This final game of the night was notorious as a high stakes, no limit poker game. That was why only the best of the best got to play at it.

Admittedly, Susan was probably out of her league here. Not only had the table she'd won this evening been clogged up with weaker Poker players, but Susan herself was also a notorious lightweight. All she'd had were a few butterbeers, but it certainly looked like she'd had a few TOO many butterbeers, because she was slurring her speech and hiccupping like she was already incredibly drunk.

She'd also been going on about Hufflepuff power for a while now, and so the rest of the Grand Table was rather eager to see her go, being the distraction, she was. Even her friends didn't think she should keep playing, as evidenced by Hannah Abbott stepping forward and putting a hand on Susan's shoulder.

"S-Susan, don't you think you should stop? M-Maybe it's okay to lose once in a while?"


Throwing her friend's hand off her shoulder, Susan slams a fist into the table, making it shake and ruffling even more feathers than she already has.

"H-Hufflepuff aren't losers! I shee how we're treated! I know we're the laughing shtock of the school!... hic! But that'sh just because you d-don't reshpect our power! One more hand!"

Tapping a long nail on the table, Daphne Greengrass pipes up from where she's leaning back in her own chair, ice cold as ever.

"From where I'm sitting, you certainly look like a loser, Bones. Maybe don't embarrass yourself any further. It's just Poker. I'd say we've taken enough of your money at this point… especially since you're making this scene rather than ponying up another buy in like usual."

Susan goes almost as red as her hair at that, because Greengrass is right. She doesn't have any more money, leaving her at the mercy of the other players to decide if she gets to keep playing or not. If she wants to keep going, she'll need to offer something of equivalent value to the Grand Table's exorbitant buy in fee.

For a moment, she mulls it over… and then drunkenly declares her intentions.

"I bet myself! How's that for a buy-in, huh?!"

While there's some interest in the eyes of the other witches at the table, there's also a lot of incredulity and derision. Daphne in particular sneers slightly as she furrows her brow.

"And how, precisely, is that supposed to work?"

Before Susan can set parameters however, Harry speaks up for the first time since the argument began.

"I'll allow it."

Every eye in the Room of Requirement turns to the Man-Who-Won at that, even as Harry stares Susan down. Rather than noting the dangerous glint in his emerald gaze, the drunken Hufflepuff beams and sits back down.

"There. Settled!"

Reaching up, she removes a clip from her hair, tossing it into the pot to signify her betting herself. The other girls at the table all exchange glances, but given Harry has already laid down the law, they just shrug and begin to play the next round. On Susan's head be it.


"I… I guess I'm out. I lost."

Here they were again, with Susan Bones once more having busted on her latest buy in. This time, the red head was a lot more subdued. Everyone was actually a little quiet… mostly because Susan had bet herself and then lost herself to the one wizard in the room. As Harry James Potter finishes scooping the massive pot over to his side of the table, including Susan's hair clip, he nods and rises from his seat.

"That you did, Ms. Bones."

Blushing a little bit, Susan drunkenly stands up as well.

"W-Well, I'm all yours then, I suppose~ Heh, what're you going to do with me, hm?"

Just like every other witch in the room, Susan would be lying if she said she didn't have a massive crush on one Harry James Potter. He was THE most eligible bachelor in the entire wizarding world after all. Still, he also had a reputation at Hogwarts of being the Golden Boy of the Golden Trio. Despite being dragged through the mud over and over again throughout his years at Hogwarts, he had never come away looking tarnished.

Indeed, he always came out smelling like roses, and in the wake of his SECOND defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort, it was hard not to see him as this pure and good hero of legend. But of course, no one was as good as their legend said they were. No one who had been through what Harry had been through was as pure as freshly driven snow.

The Gryffindor girls all knew this, and all had matching blushes on their faces as they, along with everyone else, watched Harry walk around the poker table to where Susan was standing, waiting for him. The red-haired Hufflepuff has something of a lewd smile on her face. At most, she's expecting him to go for a grope of her nice fat ass, or potentially demanding a titjob with her big fat tits or something like that. Really, it wasn't like he would go any further than that.

Except as she and the other witches quickly discover, as the Gryffindor girls already knew… Harry is in fact a sexual deviant. Without hesitation, he grabs Susan by her hair and yanks her head back, his hand winding around as he forces her red locks into a makeshift ponytail that he wraps tightly around his fist. He then proceeds to bend her over the Poker Table, a gasp leaving Susan's lips as his other hand comes down HARD upon her massive bubble butt.


Everyone in the room jumps a little at the loud noise, even as those who weren't aware of what Harry is truly like go wide-eyed, those in the know can only blush harder. Susan, meanwhile, seals her fate by not protesting the treatment one bit. Instead, she wiggles her hips and moans out.

"Oooh, M-Mr. Potter, I didn't know you had it in you~ …hic!"

Still pinning Susan to the table, Harry raises his emerald green eyes up and sweeps them across the room, catching the caught-in-the-headlights look on every witch's face as he makes eye contact with each and every one of them.

"Anyone who doesn't want to witness me claiming my property can leave now."

His tone is one of finality, his voice deep and dark. Not a single witch in the room makes a move to go. Slytherins, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws all remain exactly where they are as they begin to realize what the Gryffindors have known for most of the school year. Harry might be a sexual deviant… but he's worth it. He's worth every last bit of it.

The corner of his mouth quirks up at the lack of movement and Harry chuckles as no one takes him up on his offer to escape. With a flare of his magic, the door to the Room of Requirement simply… melts away, disappearing into the wall and leaving them all trapped. But then, they'd had their chance. Now, they were going to play the part of a literal captive audience.

Yanking Susan back up by his hold on her hair again, Harry wastes no time in running his hand down her front. In an impressive display of magic that sees more than a few panties growing damp around the room, he disintegrates Susan's robes, stripping her down most irrevocably right there in front of all of them and showing off her Hufflepuff colored Bra and Panty set combo, much to the blushing red head's embarrassment.

"A-Are you sure we have to do this in front of everyone, H-Harry? I'd be more than h-happy to entertain you in a more… private setting."

It's funny how fast one can sober up. Certainly, Susan is no longer slurring her words or hiccupping as she wiggles helplessly in Harry's grasp. Chuckling as he uses his free hand to give her bra-clad tits and other parts of her body a grope, the wizard shakes his head.

"Oh no. This is happening here and now. So that everyone learns the consequences of betting themselves on a game of Poker."

The way he phrases it makes it sound like he means for it to be a cautionary tale. However, the tone he uses and the looks that many of the witches are giving Susan all around the room makes it clear that he knows some of them wouldn't mind losing themselves to him in a game of Poker either. But regardless, right now is all about the future Lady Bones and her oh so foolhardy bet.

Harry lets her keep her Hufflepuff bra on but applies the same magic he used on her robes to her panties. The red head eeps as she's exposed to the other witches at the table, but she doesn't get much of a chance to cover herself up as Harry pins her down face first again and continues to paddle her bottom with little fanfare, spanking her now bared ass cheeks hard and fast over and over again.


Susan yelps and squeaks and squeals as she's spanked in front of the entire room, every other witch blushing as they imagine themselves in her shoes. Even Daphne Greengrass, who is usually so unflappable, is not immune to the effects of Harry's overwhelming magical power and masculine machismo. Her best friend Tracey Davis, meanwhile, already has a hand buried betwixt her thighs, likely thinking she's safe to do so in the back of the room.

But Harry notices her, just as he notices a number of other witches starting to touch themselves. It's spreading across the room like wildfire really, and he smiles knowingly at each and every one of them, letting them know that it doesn't matter how subtle they think they're being. He sees them.

Meanwhile, with Susan Harry is a lot more hands-on. But then of course he is. She's his property now. She bet herself in the no limits game of Poker, failed to set any sort of parameters about what that meant, and then lost herself to Harry. In the eyes of magic, she might as well be his slave.

To that end, Harry begins to prepare Susan for her new life as the busty, bodacious red head moans up a wanton storm. Her moans turn to yelps and squeals all over again when he conjures a string of anal beads out of nowhere, specifically conjuring them so they're already IN her ass. As the balls in the string of beads inflate inside of her bowels, Susan quivers and trembles, unable to help the mini orgasm she experiences.

It is, of course, soon followed by even more orgasms when Harry finally takes out his cock and slams it home into Susan's quim. He takes her virginity, but it's not like he cares overly much for the sanctity of her purity or anything like that. Truth be told, this isn't about Susan. Well, it is… but it's also more than just her. This is about showing all of the women in this room just who's in charge. Not just the Purebloods, but the Half-Bloods and Muggleborns as well.

Of course, the Gryffindor girls already know all about that. Even the great Hermione Granger, bookworm extraordinaire and teacher's pet, is currently fingering herself under the table as she leans forward against it, face hot and bright red, eyes lidded, and lips parted in an expression of pure lust. But then, as his first conquest, there was nothing Hermione loved more than watching the powerful wizard take yet another witch and make her his bitch.

And indeed, as Susan experiences the pleasures of anal play from the string of beads buried in her ass while also getting fucked properly for the first time in her young life. Until now, Susan's sexual experience could be summed up to little more than some snogging in broom closets, maybe some heavy petting, and a couple of handjobs for boys she REALLY liked.

But of course, her status as the Heiress of House Bones and the future Lady Bones had kept any of those boys from ever treating her poorly. She might have been a Hufflepuff, but she was the closest thing that Hufflepuff had to a Princess these days. It just… didn't matter to Harry. Her status, her future, none of it was important to him. Possibly because by betting herself on the Poker Game, she'd effectively stripped away both. Her status was meaningless now, and her future rested solely in Harry Potter's hands.

Not that she seems to mind one bit. Squealing and moaning up a storm, Susan's eyes flutter and begin to roll back in her head as she makes an utter fool of herself, cumming again and again around Harry's cock. He grunts as her pussy walls flex around his length, doing their level best to milk him of his load. Whether Susan herself wanted that or not… it didn't really matter. Harry had already decided what he was going to do with her.

Yanking her head backwards with his grip on her ponytail and fucking her hard and fast, Harry looks around the room and lets out a lustful growl.

"I've come to a decision about what I'm going to do with my new property. As I'm sure all of you are already aware, I am not just to be Lord of House Potter and House Black, but also the Lord of a dozen lesser houses beside. Indeed, it would seem I have likely taken House Bones by Rite of Conquest now as well, though I'll leave that to magic and the barristers to decide."

As magic thrums in the air, everyone in the room knows his words to be true. It's an ancient magic to be sure, but that's the thing about magic… it never dies away. It's why the wizarding world seems so backwards and stuck in the past to muggles and muggleborn. Simply put, the wizarding world operates on magical rules and traditions that literally cannot be so easily done away with.

As Harry's hold over Susan Bones and thus House Bones all but solidifies with the numerous witches in the room acting as witness, he thrusts forward and begins to cum inside of her. As he creampies the moaning red head while Susan adopts a truly insensate, fucked silly expression, he continues on.

"As such, I will be taking Susan Bones as my concubine and breeding her as I wish in order to gain further heirs for the numerous houses under my stewardship. If anyone has a problem with this decision, speak up now."

Not that the women in the room knew it, but this too was part of those ancient magics. Funny as it was for Harry to be invoking those most ancient and powerful magics over a Poker Game of all things, it made it no less legitimate. If any of the witches did speak up in protest, they would be bound to fight Harry for Susan's freedom… a fight that would end with them under his control as well.

He was half-expecting at least one of them, perhaps from the Hufflepuff contingent, to be foolish enough to fall for the trap and end up in his clutches, but alas, that does not happen. Indeed, not a single woman in the room raises an ounce of protest over his declaration of intent. They're all too busy blushing like mad and trying to hide how wet they are, or how hard they're currently masturbating.

All save for Hermione of course, who with a fervent and altogether manic look in her eye, leans even more over the table, the noises of her fingers shlicking in and out of her pussy too loud to be ignored at this point.

"No one objects! D-Do it, my Lord! Take her! Breed her!"

Chuckling, Harry pulls out of Susan's thoroughly creamed quim and gives her ass a harsh smack.

"It's already done."

But that doesn't mean HE'S done. Even as he spanks Susan's ass, he's using his magic to create another sex toy inside of the young woman, this time in her cunt. As the massive vibrator forms up, it inflates to nearly the size of Harry's own cock, acting as a plug to Susan's freshly fucked pussy to keep his hot thick load of seed inside of her where it can penetrate her eggs and she can be well and truly bred.

While that's happening, Harry grabs the end of the string of anal beads in Susan's ass and pulls hard like a rip cord, causing the red haired Hufflepuff to squeal like a pig as the entire string of beads if yanked free of her poor, gaping asshole. At least, it appears to be gaping right up until Harry fits the head of his massive, bulbous cock against her back door and begins to push in.

It's all about perspective, and when face to face with his big fat dick, Susan's ass is barely prepared for it. Still very tight, her bowels clench down on his member even harder than her cunt did, all in vain as her body attempts to expel the intruder from her back door but to no avail. Instead, Susan is once more fucked from behind, this time anally while a massive magical vibrator churns up her cunt.

Needless to say, her orgasmic squealing only grows louder. Even the fact that she'd never even CONSIDERED anal before today doesn't really stop the pleasure from being overwhelming for the gorgeous Hufflepuff. Harry, for his part, can only smile a wicked smile as he reaches around to her front with his free hand and finally tears away her bra.

Susan's massive sweater puppies bounce free of their confines and Harry finally goes to work mauling and kneading her huge tits. In truth, he'd been saving those for last for one reason and one reason only… Susan had been the first girl in their year to sprout jubilees all those years ago. The red haired Hufflepuff had been the first witch to actually grow breasts, and back in the day Harry had had more than a few wet dreams featuring her and her tits prominently.

Now he was the Man-Who-Won with all that entailed, and he was buried to the hilt inside of Susan's ass. She was his concubine, his pet, his slave in the eyes of magic itself, and he was her Master. Funny how things can work out like that, but regardless Harry is done holding himself back. And so, he pinches and pulls at Susan's nipples while fucking her ass to kingdom cum, his seed locked in her womb and ensuring she's going to be knocked up by the end of the night.

The rest of the room is a strange juxtaposition of silent and stirring. So many of the witches in the room are touching themselves by now. From Pureblood to Half-Blood to Muggleborn, it doesn't really matter what they are or where they come from. Each of them is witnessing the reveal of a new Lord. Not a Dark Lord, not a Light Lord… but something else. Something more savage and brutal. Something… Primal.

And indeed, long before there was Dark and Light, there was simply Magic and those that Magic favored. Harry Potter is the first Pure Magical Lord in centuries, as every witch and wizard capable of great things and holding a true bond with magic had fallen into Light or Dark before now. His was a primal sort of power, and without a doubt, he was starting something here today. The first step had been the Gryffindor Witches, but this was the second step and with this, Harry's supremacy over Hogwarts would begin to develop.

With a lustful growl and a loud groan, Harry begins to unload in Susan Bones' ass, much to the gasping pleasure of both the red head herself and all of the women watching him do so. As he fills her bowels with the second load of his seed, Harry sweeps his glowing emerald eyes across the rest of the room and smiles knowingly.

Then, he pulls out of Susan's ass and yanks her off of the poker table, pulling his new concubine down to her knees where he slaps his messy cock across her face and then feeds it into her open, waiting mouth. As Susan Bones sucks him off with a nearly religious fervor, Harry lets out a contented sigh, finally relaxing his grip on her hair.

Instead, he rests his hand atop her head, not having to do anything as she literally begins to choke herself on his cock of her own accord.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As she gags down his dick just to get it clean of their combined juices, Harry hums and smiles at the other women in the room. Now they knew the score. Lord Potter was here to play, and he wasn't going anywhere.


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