Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

P.U.S.S.Y. (Harry Potter AU)

P.U.S.S.Y. (Harry Potter AU)


Themes: Cheating, Size Play, Rough Sex

Summary: Otherwise known as Pursuing Undercover Stocking Stuffing Yearlong. In which a young Harry just wants enough siblings to field a full Quidditch Team. So he gets his mom with Santa.


One might say it starts when James Potter flaked out to go gallivanting around town with his Marauder friends the day before Christmas. This resulted in a few broken promises, after all. Number One, he’d insisted he was going to throw a Christmas Party on Christmas Day. Instead of doing any prep work for that party whatsoever, he left it all in Lily’s overworked, overstressed hands.
Number Two, he said he would take the kids to see Santa on the day before Christmas. Instead, he’d let Sirius talk him into running off to do who knew what. When she realizes her husband has completely flaked out, Lily has a simple choice to make. Does she let her kids down like James did and make them all cry? Or does she do what any self-respecting mom would do and salvage things to the best of her ability?
Needless to say, Lily had chosen the latter option which was how a very young Harry Potter found himself sitting on the lap of a large burly man in a Santa Costume. As far as Harry was concerned, this WAS Santa… but he was also bigger than Harry had ever seen him before!
“Santa! You’re bigger than last year!”
Giving him a smile from beneath his fine, bushy beard, Santa chuckles as he bounces Harry on his knee.
“Well, I suppose I worked very hard to become big and strong, young man! Now, I do believe you’ve been a very good boy so what do you want for Christmas this year, Harry?”
With all the innocence of a child, Harry buys Santa’s excuse hook, line, and sinker. Not that the excuse could have ever explained how the man was twice the size from the ‘Santa’ that James had taken Harry and his littler brother and sister to see last year. This Santa was absolutely huge, there was no comparison to be made. But Harry was a kid, and kids are fucking dumb.
Still, Harry thinks long and hard as he sits there in Santa’s lap, kicking his feet back and forth. He furrows his brow, pondering the situation and trying to figure out what exactly he needs. Young though he is, Harry is aware that his dad is an important guy. To him, James is just dad, but to others he’s ‘Lord Potter’. As such, Harry has never exactly wanted for anything. Especially since his dad’s friends, like Harry’s godfather Sirius, always give him toys at Christmas and his birthday.
Truth be told, there’s only one thing Harry wants that James can’t give him. The boy didn’t quite understand it, but he’d overheard snippets of a conversation between James and Lily where they’d discussed the possibility of more kids. Apparently, after Harry’s brother and sister had been born, a pair of twins, something had happened and James wouldn’t be able to be a dad to any more kids.
With that in mind, Harry looks up to Santa with all the guilelessness of an innocent young boy.
“Mr. Santa Claus, sir… this year for Christmas, I want a new sibling.”
Blinking as if taken aback, ole St. Nick lets out a soft chuckle.
“Oh-ho? That’s, uh… quite the request, young man. Is there anything else you might want?”
Harry thinks about it for another few moments before shaking his head.
“No sir! I want a new brother or sister, so we can field a Quidditch Team!”
Eyes shining with the thought of it, Harry misses the confusion in the eyes of ‘Santa Claus’ as the man mouths the word ‘Quidditch’ to himself. But finally, Santa slowly nods.
“… Alright, I’ll see what I can do…”
Beaming at that, none the wiser to what he’s just helped set in motion, Harry hops down from Santa’s lap. His siblings have already gone, so Harry runs up to Lily who’s standing off to the side, watching the whole exchange with a smile and also a face as red as her hair.
“Your turn, mama! Your turn!”
Lily’s face goes even redder, but she lets Harry drag her over. They end up taking a few pictures of her sitting on Santa’s lap just like Harry and his brother and sister did. To be fair, Santa has gotten so BIG that even Harry’s mother barely covers his muscular thigh as she sits perched there, squirming in place. When Santa leans in and whispers in Lily’s ear, Harry assumes they’re talking about what Lily wants for Christmas.
It seems like grown-up stuff though, because before Harry even knows it, Lily is clearing her throat and looking at him.
“H-Harry, sweetie… I need to pay Santa with some milk and cookies I have in the kitchen. Why don’t you take your brother and sister to their room to play? Watch over them for me, okay?”
Now, when dad is away, Harry is the man of the house. That’s what James has always said anyways. So as Lily asks him to watch his brother and sister, Harry’s face becomes serious and he nods his head up and down. Leading his younger siblings upstairs isn’t too difficult, especially since they have so many of their favorite toys in their shared bedroom.
And yet, Harry can’t help but be curious. For one, he’s absolutely fascinated by just how big Santa has become. Can Harry get that big when he’s older? For two, he’s wondering just HOW Santa is going to bring him a new sibling. Will it be the stork, maybe?
He’s a good big brother. He swears that he is. But sometimes his siblings can be a little boring. Case in point, the moment they’re in their bedroom, the two are playing with their stuffed animals. Something Harry, big boy that he is, doesn’t bother with anymore. He’d much rather be flying his trainer broom or something like that, but his mother had been very clear that he was supposed to be watching his siblings.
And yet… and yet…
Harry lets his curiosity get the better of him, sneaking back down the stairs just enough that he can both peek down into the living room, while also being able to glance back and see the door to his siblings’ bedroom. Technically, he wasn’t leaving them unchecked. He was just… multitasking! Yeah, that was it!
Of course, what Harry sees is the start of something even more fascinating than Santa’s sudden surge in growth from year to year.
“Oh! Look at how clumsy I am, I’ve spilt milk all over your crotch!”
The large, buff, jolly man chuckles at that, even as Lily reaches down and rubs at his milk-stained crotch with her bare hand. Neither of them are aware that Harry is watching this all with fascination in his emerald green eyes.
But then to be fair, Harry hadn’t been aware of just how flirty Lily and ‘Santa’ were being even before he’d made his… startling request. He’d innocently ignored plenty of ass palming, butt pinching, and even titty groping that had been going on while he and his siblings were all still in the room. Now… well, the spilt milk is just the excuse Lily needs to take things a step further.
“I suppose I’ll just have to… clean this up.”
“Hm. I suppose you will.”
Dropping down to her knees between the incredibly muscular thighs of ‘Santa Claus’, Lily’s red head is still for a moment before she frees Santa’s equipment from his stained red pants. A moment later, her head is bobbing up and down as she wraps her lips around the meaty South Pole of the man she’s hired to give her children a proper Christmas Experience.
It wasn’t like Lily had planned to cheat on James today. She’d put out a call for a Santa Claus and got more than she bargained for. Before she knew what was happening, she was flirting and the older, very buff gentleman she’d hired was reciprocating. One thing had rapidly led to another, hadn’t it? And now… now they were here.
Gorging herself on the thick meat of ‘Santa’, Lily gurgles as she stares up into his surprisingly kind but also incredibly amused eyes. She bobs up and down on his huge fat cock with all her might but can’t even make it halfway down without having to pull back for air. Still, she soon has him nice and hard and quite spit-polished, until finally she pulls back and rises to her feet.
“I’m not sure my… mouth is up to the task.”
Snorting in amusement, ‘Santa’ shrugs.
“Well, your kid did ask for that new sibling… something about something called Quidditch?”
Lily blushes at that, and quickly hurries to strip out of her pants and panties to distract the man from Harry’s slip of the tongue. Godric’s Hollow was technically a mixed community of both magical families and muggle families. And the ‘Santa Claus’ she’d gotten was a muggle. Aiming to distract him from any thoughts of Quidditch, Lily turns and promptly impales herself upon his spit-polished pecker, driving herself halfway down his length before she can second guess whether she truly wants to go through with this or not.
This, as it turns out, is highly inadvisable. Lily is ill-prepared for a dick of Santa’s size to be impaled inside of her tight, admittedly wet coochie. The red haired witch damn near lets out an ear-splitting shriek right then and there, and the only reason she doesn’t is because the man she’s impaled herself upon realizes what’s about to happen and covers her mouth with one of his massive hands, muffling the noise.
Lily still bucks like crazy, until he wraps his free arm around her waist, pulling her back into his lap properly against his chest. This has the result of causing her to sink another few inches down his length as her feet leave the ground, her legs kicking up into the air and going as ramrod straight as her spine for a moment. Lily’s emerald green eyes are wide and her nostrils flare as she shudders and quivers upon the cock she just unthinkingly sat upon.
“Damn girl… thirsty or not, that wasn’t a good idea. You clearly weren’t ready to go all in, sweetheart.”
Lily can only blush at the older gentleman’s almost fatherly attitude. As far as Santa Claus went, he was damn near born for the part, acting like this even now with her. Trembling, Lily just shakes her head and he finally moves his hand away from her mouth. Her own hands are planted on his muscular thighs for support as she pants noisily.
“I-I just… f-fuck…”
“Yeah, darling. I get it.”
Chuckling quietly, he lets her adjust to his size, his cock splitting her open in a way no man had ever done before. But then to be fair, the only man Lily Evans Potter had ever BEEN with before today was James. Her husband wasn’t small by any means, but he was thoroughly outclassed by this older man. THOROUGHLY outclassed.
Slowly, Lily begins to slide up and down the cock she’s impaled upon, all while ‘Santa’ hums and helps her keep her balance as well as keeps her from going too slow or too fast. Moans start to emit from Lily’s mouth, and as they get louder he has to slide his index finger in between her lips, letting her suck on it to keep her quiet.
She’s such a bad, bad girl… and yet, Lily can’t help but enjoy herself immensely. To the point that she even reaches for her camera again. Angling it properly, blushing all the while, Lily takes a few lewd pictures in his lap, even as she rides him reverse cowgirl. Though, with her feet up in the air kicking back and forth, it’s more like he’s using her as a sex doll, bouncing her up and down on his cock. The size disparity between the two of them only amplifies that feeling.
All the while, unbeknownst to both of them, Harry has been watching the entire time. He watched as his mother cleaned up the milk she’d spilled on Santa’s lap, and he’d watched as she then went on to do something weird. For a moment, it looked like Santa was killing his mother! Harry had been frozen in confusion and fear, uncertain of what to do.
In the end though, he hadn’t done anything. For one, it was his mom who had… well, done the impaling. For two, when Santa had removed his hand from his mother’s mouth, Lily hadn’t been upset or angry or even afraid. She certainly hadn’t called for help. Instead, she’d seemed… happy or something.
Harry, taking this all in, can’t be sure what he’s seeing. But his mom is definitely enjoying herself. So much so that Santa has had to put a finger back in her mouth to keep her quieter. Harry’s not sure why Lily is making the noises she makes when she has a bowl of ice cream. He’s also not sure what the POINT of all of this is supposed to be.
Suddenly, down below, his mother spasms and shakes in Santa’s lap. Meanwhile, Santa himself lets out a single grunt as his hips shift and he thrusts upwards. Then… whatever it is they were doing, its abruptly over. Lily slumps and so does Santa. Somehow, the milk his mom spilt on Santa’s lap… now it’s coming out of Lily herself! Even trickling down her thighs!
Harry almost goes down there and says something, but two things stop him. One, he’s supposed to be watching his siblings and he doesn’t want to get in trouble. Two… what if this has something to do with Harry getting a new sibling? He doesn’t want to interrupt it if it does…
Slowly, Harry creeps back up the stairs and returns to his brother and sister’s bedroom. But even as he watches them play with their stuffed animals, he can’t quite get what he saw out of his head…


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