Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Queen’s Consort (Tomb Raider)

Queen’s Consort (Tomb Raider)

A/N: Queen's Consort was a commission originally written in October of 2022. Posting it here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In an AU where Himiko and Sam achieve symbiosis, the Sun Queen is reborn along with the Sun Empire. Lara Croft stands as her Queen's bodyguard and Consort.

Themes: F/F, Sex Toys, Dom/Sub


"Your Majesty, my employers are willing to pay handsomely for the right to build the very first Oil Rig within your territory. Your waters are an untouched source of natural splendor, and the money you could make from-!"

"You are correct. My waters are untouched and covered in natural splendor. So tell me why I would let slime like you despoil them?"

The suited toady standing in the middle of the throne room stiffens at that, and his bodyguards look between each other, their hands twitching to their weapons. Before they can actually draw, however, a short whistle sees them both with spear points pressed firmly into the back of their necks.

Seeing this, the man suddenly looks significantly paler. Meanwhile, the monarch he had been speaking to smiles thinly.

"I do believe you have overstayed your welcome. Leave and never return. Let your employers and anyone else willing to pay for the information know this; the Sun Empire is safe from the predations of your kind. Yamatai and all that she surveys will not be touched by you and your industrialism. We are not helpless. We are more than capable of defending ourselves."

With that, the man and his guards are escorted out after the latter have been disarmed. Leaving just the Sun Queen Himiko alone in the throne room… with her ever-present bodyguard and Queen Consort, of course. Having been the one to whistle, Lara Croft steps forward from around the side of the throne and drops to one knee, bowing her head before her Queen and Mistress.

"My Queen… they will surely come for what is our all the same."

Himiko smiles with Sam's lips and Sam's body. But then to be fair, it's not JUST Himiko in there. Rather than fully taking over Lara's friend, Himiko and Sam have achieved a form of… symbiosis. The Sun Queen is reborn, and the Sun Empire along with her, but Samantha Nishimura is still in there as well. The girl that Lara had come to love still very much exists… she's just so much MORE now, being melded together with that of a god-like woman from ancient times.

"I am aware, my dear Lara. I am very aware of what men are capable of. And more so what modern men will do to satisfy their greed. We will be ready for their technology, for their weapons. Yamatai is not defenseless, even now."

And it was true. In the wake of Himiko and Sam's symbiosis, the Sun Empire had been remade. It started on the island of Yamatai, but the Sun Queen's powers were such that they had rapidly expanded to both the surrounding waters and islands nearby. While the Sun Queen's omnipresence extended only as far as Yamatai itself, her reach did not. Even back when she was trapped in a decayed body, her ability to control the weather was legendary. Now? In Sam's form, the Sun Queen was fully realized.

Abruptly standing up, Himiko reaches down and tucks two fingers under Lara's chin, lifting her head up so that her Consort looks her in the face. Lara's breath hitches, and she stares with reverence and awe at her Queen.

"Do I detect a tinge of… disappointment in my handling of the situation, my dear Lara?"

Flushing, Lara squirms for a moment as the Sun Queen sees right through her.

"… I don't know if you should have let them go, your Majesty."

Himiko-Sam was not the only entity who had gone through a lot of changes since the formation of the Sun Empire. They had undergone a very literal melding, joining together and becoming one woman from two minds. But Lara… Lara had no excuse to explain how she had changed. Rather, it was more accurate to say that her true nature had always lurked just under the surface, hadn't it? Indeed, she had discovered many, many things about herself.

For one, she was a natural submissive. She worked best with a proper dominatrix lording their superiority over her. It had never worked with men… but with women, well, that was a different story entirely. Himiko and Sam were the perfect mixture of a Mistress for Lara Croft to submit to at the end of the day. The familiarity and tenderness that Samantha brought was just enough to offset the domineering and altogether severe level of control that the Sun Queen demanded of her surroundings.

At the same time, Lara Croft had discovered herself to be a sadomasochist. She liked pain, and she didn't care where it was landing. Be it seeing others in pain or getting to experience it herself… she really didn't have a preference one way or the other.

That was the real reason she didn't think the Sun Queen should have let them go. And it was obvious in a heartbeat that Himiko knew exactly why. She could read Lara like a book at this point, given half of her was the empathic, all-feeling Samantha.

Turning her chin touch into a jaw grab, Himiko's eyes narrow as Lara's breath hitches, her pupils shrinking to pinpricks under her Mistress' touch.

"You would have preferred I took them prisoner, hm? Or would you have wished for me to torture them right here in the throne room for all to see? No… for YOU to see. Is that it?"

Panting noisily, Lara trembles before ultimately averting her gaze in submission.

"Your Majesty is all-knowing, as ever. You know me too well…"

Himiko snorts derisively at that, shaking her head back and forth for a moment before scoffing.

"Rise, Consort."

Lara doesn't hesitate to obey. She immediately snaps to attention, arms at her sides, legs tight together, chest thrust out. The Sun Queen observes her like this for a moment, before smiling a wicked smile.

"I would have liked to torture them as well. To kill them and send their heads back as warning to their superiors. But alas, as you well know, there is such a thing as optics, my dear Lara."

And if that wasn't a sign of how much of Samantha still lived on in the Sun Queen, Lara wouldn't know what was. Because if it were just Himiko, or if she was the overwhelming majority of the melding, then she would never have considered such a modern expression like 'optics'. Rather, back in Himiko's time period, killing those emissaries and sending their heads back to their masters would have been 'good optics'. It would have been considered perfectly normal, even.

But they weren't in the original Sun Queen's time period anymore. They were in the modern era, and while Himiko's powers allowed the Sun Empire to establish itself, there was still a danger of making too many major enemies.

Avoiding making enemies of those corporate windbags who wanted to harvest Yamatai and its surrounding waters for its natural resources was impossible at this point. But it was one thing to defend oneself when the time came. It was another entirely to take such drastic preemptive actions as slaughtering the messenger.

Lara knows her Mistress is right and bows her head in acknowledgment and submission as Himiko sighs.

"A punishment is in order, I suppose. For such… naughty, self-destructive thoughts."

Perking up at that, Lara tries not to smile too widely, attempting to appear contrite as she bobs her head in easy agreement.

"Yes, Mistress. Of course, Mistress."

Himiko sees right through her paper thin attempt at contrition of course, giving her a scoff and a knowing eye. Then, she snaps her fingers and points to her throne.

"Assume the position, Consort."

Lara, clad in ceremonial armor, doesn't hesitate to do exactly that. She climbs up onto her Mistress' throne and plants her knees in the cushion, her hands going palm down on either arm of the chair. Meanwhile, Himiko steps up behind her… and runs a finger down Lara's back. A shiver goes up the brunette's spine as the ceremonial armor… simply falls away, showing the Sun Queen's control over her domain and everything in it.

Everyone, too. Lara would have it no other way. She loves belonging to her Mistress. Maybe she would be less happy about it if it were just Himiko, but Sam is in there too… and together, the melded mind is everything Lara could have hoped for in a partner… in a Queen.

With Lara's body now fully naked, completely on display, Himiko's hands fall upon her shapely, toned behind. The brunette gasps and lets out a whimper through clenched teeth, even as the Sun Queen slowly spreads her ass cheeks apart. Though Lara can't see it, she knows what her Mistress has just revealed. There, nestled between Lara's fine butt cheeks, is an ornate butt plug she's been wearing the entire day.

She wears it almost every day in fact, with the Sun Queen slotting it into her each morning, and usually not taking it out until the night falls. Lara loves it. It's like a collar, though she also wears an ornate golden choker that functions almost like a collar as well. Still, the butt plug… it's a mark of the Sun Queen's ownership over her. It's a mark of just who she belongs to.

Himiko grabs the base of the ornate, bejeweled butt plug with her fingers, but does not pull it out. She twists and turns it a little bit, making Lara moan out as she arches her back and shudders from the sensation. But ultimately, she leaves it right where it is.

Instead, she pulls away. Lara doesn't dare turn around. Instead, knowing what's coming, she lets the anticipation build, letting her entire body strum with excitement and eagerness. Until finally-


The whip lands upon her right buttocks, and Lara squeals. Even knowing it was coming, she couldn't truly prepare herself for it without looking back. Her body shakes and spasms as Himiko flogs her.

"Count them out, Consort."


"Eep! O-One, Mistress!"


"Two, Mistress!"


"Ah, three, Mistress!"

Again and again, Himiko whips her. It's as much for pleasure as it is for punishment, to be fair. Lara is a masochist, an eager little pain slut. She loves being hurt; she sort of always has. It was half the reason she went on all her adventures. The thrill of it, the adrenaline rush that came from doing death defying stunts all day, every day. And of course, the pain when she would fail in some way. She'd managed to survive everything, but not without injury. And the injuries… the injuries were what really made her feel alive.

Of course, these days, Lara Croft is a tamed woman. She doesn't go on tomb raids anymore. Doesn't go hunting for ancient temples or anything like that. She's given all of that up in exchange for a life of twisted and perverted domesticity. She is her Queen's Consort, her Mistress' Pet… and Lara wouldn't have it any other way.

It's not long before the flogging has her blood roaring in her ears. Lash marks scatter across her back and ass as she counts for the Sun Queen, reaching all the way to the end, the customary…


"T-Twenty-five, Mistreeeeess!"

As fast as it all began, Himiko stops whipping her and suddenly surges forward. Lara gasps, barely having time to react before the other woman has her hands on her. One wraps around Lara's throat from behind, grabbing at her neck and holding it fast. Not quite choking her, but very much letting Lara know who's in charge. Not that she even needed a reminder.

The Sun Queen's other hand, meanwhile, goes down between Lara's thighs. The carrot and the stick, as ever. After flogging Lara senseless, Himiko's fingers dive into her Consort's sopping wet cunt and begin driving in and out of her until Lara is a squealing, trembling mess, squirting all over the seat of her Queen's throne, coating it in her pussy juices.

The Sun Queen doesn't stop until Lara is spent. She doesn't stop until the brunette slides down off of the seat, falling to the floor before the throne, panting heavily. Only then does she let her fingers get pulled away as Lara falls. Only then does she swing her leg over Lara's head, and swivel around, retaking her throne as a Queen would, rather than the submissive posture Lara had just had upon it.

In an instant, the Sun Queen's hands close around Lara's ponytail and drag the kneeling Consort's head down between Himiko's thighs. Her suddenly exposed pussy is brought to Lara's lips, and the brunette begins to eagerly slurp and lick and eat out her Mistress' cunt.

Service to the Sun Queen and the Sun Empire… perhaps it wasn't what Lara thought she would be doing when she originally came to Yamatai all those months ago, but at the same time… she truly wouldn't have it any other way.


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