Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Rao’s Children (DC Universe)

Rao’s Children (DC Universe)

A/N: Rao's Children was a Poll Winner from my P atreon originally written back in 2018, before being released to HF in 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: When Rao sees the state of his favored race during a deep space sparring session between Superman, Supergirl, and Power Girl... well, the trio aren't leaving without Supergirl and Power Girl pregnant. 

Themes: Rough Sex, Breeding, Mating Frenzy


Rao was much reduced. The deity, not the sun of the same name. While the red supergiant named after him was still there, the god himself was left little more than a faint specter of what he'd once been with the death of his people and their planet. The Kryptonians had been too content with their home to ever leave it… and that had spelled their doom.

Almost, at least. Even now, even as diminished as he was, Rao could feel them clashing. The last of his children, the last of the Kryptonians. They dressed up in garish costumes and called themselves silly names based around the species that they found themselves growing up among. Superman, Supergirl, Power Girl… it was ridiculous. Rao would have been more appalled if they weren't his best chance at rebuilding Krypton and his power as well.

But they hadn't yet gotten down to business. Rao couldn't understand why. They weren't even fornicating with the damn primitive apes on the planet they'd taken to calling their home! Luckily, they'd finally given him an in. They'd left behind the mudball that they called Earth, and they'd traveled to another solar system, a barren solar system, so that they could fight at their true strength. It was glorious, what he could sense in his diminished state.

It was beautiful… but it wasn't what it could be. Their combat was certainly a tremendous thing to behold, but their coupling… their coupling would be so much more. And Rao could make it happen. He might have been reduced, he might have been diminished, but he had at least this much power left to him. Thus, shifting the energy of the sun they were fighting near was not out of his reach. Changing the light just a bit, was not impossible.

He did not have to control their minds or influence their thoughts to gain what he wanted. All Rao had to do was remove the all-to-human inhibitions that they'd built within themselves. Without that which had been conditioned into them… their true nature would undoubtedly shine through. Rao was not the sort of being with a face or a body. He wasn't strong enough to have either.

But if he did have a face, if he did have a mouth… he'd be smiling in that moment, even as he made the minor change to the system's star. Instead, the diminished deity settles for radiating satisfaction, even as he settles in to 'watch' what comes next.


The change is not immediate. Instead, it's gradual. He'd brought his cousins here to this system in order to show them what could happen when they really cut loose. Power Girl was a bit more aware of her strength than Supergirl was, but he still felt like both of them needed a lesson in restraint, and perhaps in letting go as well.

Thus, the trio of Kryptonians had been at it for days now. Superman would usually have Power Girl and Supergirl fight him together, or he'd instead have them fight one another while he supervised. It would be unfair to have either of them fight him and the other in a two on one. Still, as time passed and days turned into weeks, he couldn't deny that he began to feel differently towards the last female members of his species.

And wasn't that an odd way to think of them, rather then his beloved cousins, as they obviously were. Power Girl might have been from another universe, but that didn't mean she wasn't family…

Regardless, Superman began to notice that Power Girl and Supergirl weren't girls at all… they were beautiful young women, budded female Kryptonians in the prime of their lives. And they in turn began to notice him as well. It started with glances, here and there. Then it went on to flirting. As things became more and more sexually driven between the three of them, Superman found himself getting groped in the most inappropriate of ways. As Supergirl and Power Girl learned to work together to get what they really wanted, he found his crotch massaged, and his ass pinched more times than he could count.

Rather than stop things then and there with a firm reprimand, he instead retaliated. Really, what else was he supposed to do with two beautiful blonde Kryptonians teasing him like that? Once he began to 'fight back', things became even more heated than before. Tits were pinched, asses ground onto his crotch. Superman had never felt more confident or carefree in his life. Rao's minor influence opened up a whole new slew of options for the trio of Kryptonians. In the end, was it any wonder that things eventually escalated?

Supergirl was on her back, with her big strong cousin over her. Power Girl was laid out nearby on her side, watching the two of them with hooded eyes. Meanwhile, Superman was trying to decide why he didn't just take the next obvious step right then and there. Finally, he snaps and reaches down, tearing the crotch out of his own costume with little care to what should have been material that was even supposed to withstand Kryptonian strength.

That alone was a testament to how much the male Kryptonian held back on a daily basis, but Supergirl was less focused on that, and more focused on the big fat, incredibly erect cock now staring her right in the eye as Superman leaned over her, speaking to both of them.

"It's clear that the two of you have been distracted for days now. Distracted by this, I suspect. Well, if you wanted it so badly…"

He's right, she does want it badly… but that doesn't stop Supergirl from letting out a cute little 'eep!' all the same, when her older cousin flips up her skirt and pushes aside her leotard and her panties. His cockhead presses against her dripping wet cunt right then and there, and the youngest of the three Kryptonian stares down at the joining they're about to partake in, eyes wide.

"… Then I'll give it to you!"

With that, Superman spears forward and in doing so, causes a minor earthquake. Supergirl's subsequent scream as he takes her virginity isn't any better for the planet they're on, and the very trees nearby shake and rattle, some of them even splitting apart from the sheer noise that the nubile young blonde is emitting.

That doesn't stop either of them though. Even as Superman begins to thrust into his young cousin's cunt, Supergirl is lifting her hips to meet him, panting heavily, her face flushed with arousal as she takes his massive schlong again and again. It's everything she didn't know she wanted, everything that she's ever truly desired, deep down inside. The ground around them craters with the force of Superman's pounding, but they don't fall into said crater. Instead, they end up floating in the air as the Man of Steel continues to fuck Supergirl with reckless abandon. The shockwaves of their coupling cause the land to flatten out all around them, even as Power Girl floats up into the air as well, now blatantly touching herself to the sight before her.

Even flying as they are, the way Superman fucks his current lover is not any good for the planet. But then, there's no one here. The damn rock is barren, save for plant life. Highly aggressive plant life at that, leaving even animals unable to truly evolve on this world. As such, while they murder more than a few trees with their coupling, no true intelligent life is lost, even as the Kryptonians REALLY let loose.

The world explodes around them, quite literally. Superman's rough, vicious railing of Supergirl's cunt causes actual volcano eruptions, even as the planet's crust begins to break apart from the sheer forces being driven into it. And even then, neither Kryptonian is actually touching the planet's surface anymore. This is all just the force of their shockwaves, the true strength of a Kryptonian under a yellow sun like the one in this solar system.

Their rough mating frenzy outright destroys the planet, in the end. It comes right as Superman finds his release, a roar leaving his throat that reaches out and demolishes the last mountain on the barren rock. At the same time, his seed spills into Supergirl's womb, filling her to the brim and then some, even as she cries out with one final orgasm of her own.

Supergirl is left exhausted, even as they float in space, panting in what should be a vacuum, shattered rocks floating away all around them. The molten core of the destroyed planet dissipates with no atmosphere and no crust left to protect it. But while Supergirl is exhausted, and the planet is destroyed, Superman is far from done.

And Power Girl is finished waiting. As he pulls out of his younger cousin and turns to face the older version of her, Superman finds himself blindsided by the over-ear, big-tittied blonde. Power Girl's impact sends both Kryptonian halfway across the solar system, right into the surface of ANOTHER barren planet. As they make contact with the planet's surface, Power Girl uses that moment to impale herself on Superman's member.

The male Kryptonian lets out a grunt, even as his hands go to her already pumping hips. The rapid-fire bouncing has the unintended effect of sending them right through the planet and out the other side in just a few minutes. They barely feel the heat of the planet's core as they burst an entire world like a pimple without even stopping. Neither cares much, too focused on one another to even recognize the massive amount of destruction they've just caused.

Power Girl moans wantonly as she rides Superman's big fat cock. Supergirl's juices still coat the entire length, making the passage even easier as the big-tittied Kryptonian bounces up and down on his shaft. Not to be out done, Superman's hands move from her hips up to her tit-window, and it's the work of a moment for him to viciously rip her breasts out through that window, stretching it wide open as her massive mammaries bounce about in zero-g.

Superman's fingers squeeze down HARD on Power Girl's exceptionally large breasts. The resulting cry from the blonde's lips shouldn't have gone anywhere since they were in space… but one could never underestimate a Kryptonian's true strength. Her cry goes right through the moon just behind them, and the small planetoid half-shatters before they even make contact with it, fully breaking apart as they fuck right through it moments later.

To say that Superman and Power Girl were truly letting loose would be an understatement. Even as Superman turned things around on the buxom short-haired blonde, the Solar System continued to feel the raw, untamed power of their coupling. In a single moment, Power Girl is no longer riding Superman as they fly through space. Instead, he's suddenly over her, and her legs are wrapping around his waist as he pulls her in by her hair and kisses her heatedly. Their tongues writhe against one another, even while Superman's cock thrusts forward with more force than any human could ever hope to survive.

This is why the Kryptonians have not settled down with the 'primitive apes' that make up the population of the world they call home. This is why Superman has not made children with one Lois Lane. If he ever went full out, if he ever let himself go, Lois would end up splattered across a skyscraper a dozen blocks away from their apartment. And their apartment would no longer exist.

This holding back has unconsciously crippled the Man of Steel's seed. Even his body knows that Lois won't be able to survive the gestation of a half-Kryptonian baby, and thus, even the few loads she's managed to coax out of Superman as he lays back and doesn't dare move a muscle while she rides on top of him, are completely and utterly sterile.

Now though, now that he's letting loose, Superman has never felt more powerful, more virile… more prepared to make his Kryptonian mates pregnant with HIS children. Supergirl has already been seeded… Power Girl soon experiences the same pleasure, as his cum fills her unbreakable womb, painting her inner walls white.

Things don't end there though. Superman has weeks of sexual tension to work out, and both Supergirl and Power Girl are happy to reciprocate his affections, every time one of them is recovered from the last time. It becomes a different sort of two on one then, as the female Kryptonians trade off one after the other in order to finally bring Superman true satisfaction.

The solar system he'd carefully picked out for its lack of life doesn't survive the encounter. Every single planet orbiting the big, yellow sun is destroyed by the time the trio are finished with it. But even then, even as they head back to Earth, they're not fully done. No, during the spaceflight back to their home, neither Superman nor the two females can truly keep their hands off one another.

In the end, it's only as they enter Sol that they finally begin to come down… and even that, only after Pluto has gone the way of the dodo bird, as well as the solar system they'd left behind. At that point, all three are exhausted, but also satiated, finally. Superman, Supergirl, and Power Girl come in for a relatively soft landing on Earth's Moon, laying there with one another as the two female Kryptonians curl into Superman's sides, cuddling close.

He pulls them in as well, the smile on his face matched by his new mates. Even with the altered sun behind them, not a single one of the three can bring themselves to regret what they've done. Even with their costumes completely destroyed, and Superman's cum spilling out of Power Girl and Supergirl in loads, none of them truly mind the change in their relationship.

This is what was meant to happen, all this time. This was why they'd survived the destruction of Krypton. Power Girl might have been an addition, in the end, but ultimately, she just made things easier still.

They were going to revive their race. All three of them knew that now, just as Supergirl and Power Girl instinctively knew that Superman's seed was already taking root in their wombs. They would bear his children. They would bear good, strong, healthy full-blooded Kryptonians. And the galaxy would never be the same.


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