Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Royal Treatment (Black Clover)

Royal Treatment (Black Clover)

A/N: Royal Treatment was a commissioned one shot written back in July of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: While Asta is still recovering from his broken arms, Vanessa convinces Noelle to shoot her shot. And what better way than in a sexy Nurse Uniform?

Themes: Nurse Roleplay, Virgin Sex, Breeding


It was a pain in the ass, being laid up in bed with two broken arms. Asta could categorically and unhesitatingly NOT recommend it. Still, while the story behind his two broken arms was a long one focused around an asshole named Vetto, the short of it was, he'd done what needed to be done. His arms had been a sacrifice he'd had to make, at the end of the day. And ultimately, they HAD pulled through and won the battle, hadn't they?

Didn't make the recovery time after the fact any easier though. Not to mention, he'd kept fighting even with two broken arms, which further extended the time it would take him to fully, properly heal. All that said… Asta wouldn't change any of it for the world. He just wished he wasn't stuck in bed like this, d-damn it!

It truly was a fate worse than death for someone like him. A generally cheerful, energetic individual, he thrived in conditions where he could move around! Where he could be loud and maybe just a little obnoxious and get the attention of everyone around him! He did NOT do well in situations where he was stuck in bed, waiting for two of his four very important limbs to fucking heal.

Honestly, he-

A knock at the door takes Asta right out of his spiraling, slightly depressive thoughts. Looking over, he's about to open his mouth and invite whoever it is inside when a familiar voice comes through first.

"It's me, N-Noelle. Can I come in?"

Asta blinks at that. Noelle Silva, the second daughter of the Royal House Silva, was a noblewoman. Having grown up very aware of her social status and the expectations put upon her by her station, Noelle was… well, she was a little arrogant, and very snobbish. In fact, on Asta's first meeting with the silver-haired young woman, she'd denied his friendship and proclaimed that he didn't have permission to SPEAK to her of all things!

Of course, that was then, and this was now. They'd become very good friends since that first meeting, and Asta had gotten to see many different sides of Noelle. She wasn't… well, she wasn't as arrogant, vain, or condescending as she SEEMED to be at first glance. She was just really, really bad at first impressions.

This was all to say, he had NEVER heard Noelle sound so nervous and unsure of herself before. While she could be very reserved and stoic, and even quiet at times, she was a confident woman with a lot of courage. Sure, she had a little bit of an inferiority complex, and she also had difficulty admitting her own failures… but this? Stuttering and asking for permission to enter his room?

… Who was outside his door, and what had they done to Noelle? Heh, not that Asta actually believes in body swappers or anything like that. Clearing his throat, the young man calls out finally.

"Sure, come on in!"

To his mild surprise and confusion, Noelle does not immediately come in. He's just about to call out louder, his brow furrowing, when the door handle FINALLY begins to turn. The slowness of it all makes Asta tense up. Was he wrong? Was this actually some impersonator after all and he was about to be attacked? If so, what had they done with Noelle?! Wha-!

Asta's eyes widen, and his mouth drops open as Noelle Silva steps into the room and quickly closes and locks the door behind her. Standing with her back pressed up against the door, the silver-haired noblewoman looks anywhere BUT at Asta's face… as she stands there dressed in a skimpy, sexy Nurse's Uniform.

Done up in pink and white colors, just like she usually tended to wear but in slightly brighter tones, Noelle's Nurse Uniform is a lot different from her usual attire in several other ways as well. For one, it shows off a lot more of her upper chest as well as her cleavage and pushes her bust up in order to make her breasts far more pronounced.

For two, her top terminates just an inch or so beneath her chest, leaving her abdomen and belly button all exposed. Her skirt isn't much better, being very skimpy. Honestly, if it weren't for the hat with the cross on it, one might not be able to tell that she was even supposed to be a Sexy Nurse. Though the arm-length gloves and heeled boots also add to the whole… aesthetic.

And, if that weren't all enough, just in case Asta couldn't figure it out with his own two eyes, Noelle all but confirms it with her next words.

"N-Nurse Silva, reporting to c-check up on the patient. How… how is the patient doing t-today?"

Well, he was currently dealing with a lot more blood flow down to his crotch then he had been a moment later. Mouth still hanging open, Asta belatedly realizes he's staring when Noelle finally chances a glance over at him, only to hastily look away again and go even brighter red than she already was from having his gaze on her.


As if his use of her name was a trigger, Noelle abruptly pushes off of the door and walks her away over to him. It's almost like a strut, but clearly inexperienced and unpracticed, leaving it half-looking like a stomp as she reaches his bedside and clutches at the blankets next to him.

"That's N-Nurse Noelle to you, patient. Now, I asked you a question!"

… Had anyone explained how being a nurse actually worked to Noelle? Or a little thing called bedside manner? She was acting more like a prison guard and he her prisoner than anything else. Not that it wasn't working for him all the same. Especially with Noelle even closer than before. All of her assets, accentuated by her sexy Nurse Uniform, are mere inches away from him.

… This is torture. He doesn't have hands right now! Or he does, but they're in turn attached to useless, broken arms, damn it! Before he can stop it, a low, anguished groan leaves Asta's throat, prompting Noelle to shoot a concerned look at him, her eyes widening.

"A-Are you okay? Are you hurting anywhere?!"

He was fine… except also not fine. Blushing himself now, Asta just shakes his head and changes tact.

"Who put you up to this… Nurse?"

At addressing her properly, Noelle brightens for a moment before blushing and ducking her head again. Her answer… really isn't all that surprising.

"… Vanessa."

Yeah, he could see that happening. Before he can say anything else, Noelle clears her throat.

"B-But we're not here to talk about that, patient. We're here to talk about you. Um… does this… does this hurt?"

Carefully, she reaches out and touches one of his arms. Bandaged and casted up as they are, however, he can't even feel such a light touch. Eyebrow raised, Asta shakes his head, more than a little amused by Noelle's antics… but also still feeling fairly tortured as well. It wasn't like he would outright reach out and GRAB her without permission if he could right now… but god did he wish he had functional arms all the same in this moment.

"No… that's fine."

Nodding, Noelle's expression takes on a serious mien to it as she moves her hands along his arm, asking him the same question again and again. Until finally… she moves her hands from his arm to his chest.

"And… how does this feel?"

Eyes wide, Asta just stares at her for a moment. Did she not know what she was doing to him?! Or did she know, and she was here to torture him with… with her teasing look and her gorgeous body and… and…

"It feels… good…"

Still looking serious, though also blushing furiously, Noelle continues to rub her hands up and down his bared chest for a few moments. Does she… she's not really doing anything but torturing him more! She-! Suddenly, the silver-haired girl stops. Asta looks to see why, and realizes she's frozen up, staring at his… well, at his very noticeable bulge.

Flushing, Asta squirms as she just looks at where his throbbing erection is currently standing up in his boxers beneath the bedsheet covering his lower half. It's not his fault, d-damn it! And if she tries to tease him about it, he'll… he doesn't know what he'll do, but his revenge will be swift, that's for sure! He will-!

Asta's eyes damn near bulge out of his skull, when Noelle suddenly slides her hands down from his naked torso to beneath his waistline. His mouth opens, but no words come out, even as she pulls back the bedsheet, and then carefully takes hold of his boxers in her fingers. Only then does she hesitate, glancing between his face and his crotch.

"I-It would seem that the patient is suffering from… from a build-up. Would the patient like his N-Nurse to take care of that for him?"

For a long moment, Asta doesn't respond because… well, he honestly can't believe his ears. But then Noelle gives him a look, like she just might either beat him up or run away crying if he stays quiet.

"Y-Yes! Yes, the patient very much would!"

Perking up ever so slightly at that, the noblewoman turned sexy nurse nods sharply before yanking down his boxers in one fell swoop. His cock, rock hard and ready for action by this point, comes bouncing out, the most energetic and enthusiastic part of his body right now, what with his arms out of commission.

When Noelle slaps her hands down on either half of his meaty, throbbing member, Asta can't help but groan his appreciation.

"Is that… is that good, patient? Are you… are you feeling better?"

"A l-little bit. I'm going to need a lot more care though, N-Nurse Silva…"

"Okay… I can do that…"

Hell of a way for Asta to find out Noelle had feelings like this for him. At least, he thought that was what this meant. Truth be told, he'd never considered them as a couple. She was one of his best friends, and a comrade besides. But somewhere along the way, had she… had she decided that she liked him? More than liked him, really. This was a lot more than simple 'like'.

Not that Asta was complaining. As Noelle runs her hands up and down his length, milking him, Asta can only grunt in appreciation. And then she goes a step further, and he's groaning loudly. Leaning forward, reaching up to tuck her hair delicately behind her ear, Noelle Silva… takes him into her mouth. Just the tip at first, her lips spreading wide upon his cockhead and slurping at it noisily as she tries to find a proper tempo.

Atop her head, her nurse hat bobs up and down as she suckles at just the first two inches of his dick, not going any further. Still, her slobber and drool slowly slide down the rest of his shaft, giving her still-stroking hand the ability to jerk up and down his member all the faster. Asta can honestly hardly believe this is all happening, but one thing is for sure… he's greatly enjoying himself.

Groaning wantonly, the broken armed young man pants as he watches Noelle give him a handjob-blowjob combo. It's not the most experienced act of pleasuring it could be, she's very clearly not at all used to this sort of thing, but still… it's quite fun, and Asta likes to imagine he's the young noblewoman's first. Has to be, right?

Suddenly, Noelle pulls back, looking almost frustrated for a moment.

"The patient's blockage is taking longer than expected to deal with… it looks like I'll have to bring out the b-big guns."

Those definitely didn't sound like words Noelle would normally say. Probably some coaching from Vanessa or something. Either way, Asta certainly didn't mind hearing such crass language from the noblewoman's mouth. Especially when it's immediately proceeded by Vanessa yanking open her tight little nurse's top, pulling so hard that buttons go flying everywhere.

Her tits come bouncing free, and she climbs onto the bed properly, moving between his legs and kneeling there as she leans forward… and wraps her chest around his cock. Asta's eyes widen again, at the incredibly soft sensation of her beautiful, pillowy tits rubbing along his throbbing length. A truly heartfelt groan leaves his lips, and not for the first time, he wished he had access to his arms.

He wouldn't have been able to help himself. If he could have, he would have reached out and touched those tits, feeling Noelle up. But then, perhaps that was why Noelle was willing to do all of this? Maybe she was too nervous to approach him under normal circumstances. Maybe she needed him to be at a disadvantage, before she could finally work up the courage to make her feelings known. Maybe-

Blinking, Asta belatedly realizes Noelle has stopped her movements and is staring at him with her tits still wrapped around his cock.

"… I said that all out loud, didn't I?"

Wordlessly, his sexy nurse just nods, making Asta wince. It was sort of a small personality flaw of his… he tended to express his thoughts and goals verbally at times.

"Ah… sorry…"

Noelle just shakes her head… and goes right back to using her tits on his dick. She even uses her mouth again as well, graduating from the handjob-blowjob combo to a titjob-blowjob that is honestly blowing his mind. It's a testament to how much she cares about him, that she doesn't take enough umbrage with his words to stop.

Or maybe, he was right on the money. Either way, Asta tries to keep his thoughts to himself, and just enjoy the moment for what it is. And there's certainly a lot to enjoy about it. In fact…

"Noelle… I'm getting close!"

Her hand and mouth had been one thing, and they'd done a lot of the early duty heavy lifting. But her tits and mouth were on a whole other level, especially when combined with the sexy nurse outfit atop her head, and the gloves and skirt and heels she was still wearing even now.

Noelle freezes at his words and seems not to know what she wants to do in response for a moment. Then, acting on what seems like pure instinct, the silver-haired young woman takes him further into her mouth, sucking and slurping even more noisily than before as she goes to town on his cock. The speed at which she's moving dislodges the nurse hat from atop her head, and as she reaches up belatedly to try to catch it… the sight is enough to take him over the edge.

With a loud groan, Asta begins to cum. Noelle gasps and pulls back just in time to receive his load all over her face and tits, covering her front with his seed as she just kneels there, sputtering and taking it.

It's pretty fucking hot, seeing her coated in his cum… but he also feels a little bad after seeing how shellshocked it leaves her.

"Noelle, I'm sor-!"

"That's NURSE Noelle t-to you, patient! Just… give me a second!"

Hopping off the bed, Noelle steps away. Asta worries she's going to leave him entirely, but all she does is get herself a towel and clean herself off with some water, washing her face and tits in a way that… well, he doesn't THINK she's trying to arch her back and thrust her skirt-clad ass out in his direction on purpose, but it's certainly doing it for him all the same. Even with her frantic scrubbing, she still looks unbelievably hot in her half-undone Sexy Nurse Cosplay, and when she turns back to him…

"Y-You're still hard."

"Well… more like I got hard again. Because of you. Nurse Noelle."

Asta's tone betrays some of his embarrassment, but he hides it mostly behind pointed exasperation. Noelle blushes profusely, but then nods and walks back over to the bed.

"A-Alright. Understood. Then… I'll have to go even further to handle this patient's needs, it would seem."

Asta's breath catches as he hopes beyond all hope that 'even further' is what he thinks it is. Thankfully, his hopes do not go unfulfilled. Climbing back onto the bed, Noelle hikes up her short skirt and reveals something even more scandalous… a complete lack of panties, and a glistening wet pair of pussy lips, exposed and ready for action.

Shuffling into place, she kneels on either side of him and reaches down, grabbing his cock with one hand and spreading her slit apart with two fingers on the other. A moment later, it's happening. It's actually happening. Lining them up properly, Noelle proceeds to sink down onto his cock inch by inch, gasping and panting as she goes.

She's a virgin, until she isn't. Luckily, her wetness combats any discomfort most effectively, or so it seems. While she does wince a little, she forges onward all the same, seeming intent on burying him inside of herself. The last couple inches are the hardest, as they get deeper and deeper, and she gets tighter and tighter as a result. But in the end, she manages it.

And it really is her. Asta wishes he could say it was a group effort, but even thrusting up with his hips would jostle his broken arms enough to put him in a world of pain and possibly even set back his recovery. As much as he wants to fuck her, all he can really do is let her take the lead and show him how much she cares for him.

"D-Does the patient… feel g-good?"

Noelle's face is bright red as she plants her palms down on his chest and wiggles around upon his cock for a few moments, clearly trying to get comfortable. Nodding slowly, Asta gives her a broad grin.

"The patient is feeling really good, Nurse Silva."

It's clear that she needs the roleplay to get through this. Otherwise, it would all be too embarrassing. Blushing, Noelle averts her gaze and then a moment later begins to move.

"That's, nngh, good. Just… relax, patient. Your nurse will take care of all your woes and troubles."

There's not much else he can do, given the state of his arms. So Asta lays back and relaxes, and enjoys the feeling of Noelle's hot, wet pussy, wrapped around his dick and sliding back and forth along his member as she bounces up and down. Moaning wantonly, the sexy nurse is soon touching herself. One hand goes to her chest, while the other comes down to rest at the top of her mound, her fingers pressing at her clit.

As she masturbates while riding him, Asta just gets to watch. Well, and experience the unbelievable, mind-blowing pleasure that is Noelle Silva's hot, tight cunt clenching down upon his cock. Really, if he'd known how she felt about him, he would have done something ages ago!

… But this was alright too. Asta didn't mind Noelle making the first move one bit. In fact, it was pretty hot how she'd-

"I-Idiot! You're still thinking out loud!"

Asta's eyes widen, but before he can apologize, Noelle leans forward and lays a kiss on his lips, caressing his jawline with her hands. He kisses her back of course, once he gets over his shock. After a moment, she pulls away, just long enough to look him in the eye.

"The patient seems to have a p-problem with running his mouth. As his nurse, I prescribe another activity, to keep his lips occupied!"

And then she goes right back to kissing him. Asta is pretty sure that prescribing makeout sessions wasn't something real nurses tended to do… but at the same time, he wasn't about to complain. Especially not with how kissing was clearly one of Noelle's triggers. She'd been riding him before of course, bouncing up and down on his cock at her own pace as she adjusted to his size inside of her.

But once she starts kissing him, it's like all the training wheels come off in a split second. Her cunt clenches around his cock even tighter than before the moment their tongues touch, and then she's slamming herself down on his hips with enough force that he worries she's going to leave him with MORE broken bones then he started with!

At the same time, there's something unbelievably hot about how hard she's going, how fast she's going. She moans into his mouth so eagerly, so needily, that Asta can't help himself. He tries to speak around her lips, tries to warn her that he's going to cum soon, but it's impossible with how insistently she's kissing him.

More than that, with his broken arms he can't even stop them, can't even pull her off of him. Not that he WANTS to, but he's not an idiot. He knows the dangers of unprotected raw sex… no matter how good it feels right now. Noelle must too, right? She must know better than to go all the way.

And yet, in the heat of the moment, Noelle's pussy is clenching down harder and harder around his cock, and the way she's shaking makes him think she's climaxing upon his member, even as she drives him closer and closer to the edge himself. In the end, there's no helping it. Asta's balls churn, his cock throbs, and with a hoarse groan into Noelle Silva's mouth, he pumps a hot, thick load right up into the silver-haired noblewoman, filling his so-called personal 'nurse' to the brim with his seed.

They both cry out and groan in their own way, riding that high of pleasure until finally, Noelle slumps forward, collapsing onto his chest panting and mewling and wiggling. Asta once again wishes he had the use of his arms so he could wrap them around her and hold her close… but for now, he settles for kissing the top of her head gently and resting his lips against her hair as she recovers.

When, at long last, Noelle raises her head, she does so with a heatless glare in his direction.

"Y-You came inside, idiot…"

Asta pouts mightily at that.

"Well, I couldn't tell you that I was getting close! You were kissing me too hard and-gah!"

Lashing out, Noelle grabs him by his cheek, pinching and pulling on it with a growl.

"You better take responsibility, if anything happens!"

His words slightly muffled, Asta doesn't hesitate to respond in the affirmative all the same.

"'Course I 'ill!"

For a moment, Noelle freezes at his easy agreement, blushing all over again. Then, she's kissing him and he's kissing her back. He might not have the use of his arms, but he can swap spit with the best of them, at least.

The Nurse Roleplay might be over for now… but the rest of their lives were still ahead of them.


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