Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Rushuna’s Bad End (Grenadier)

Rushuna’s Bad End (Grenadier)

A/N: Rushuna's Bad End was a commission originally written back in October of 2019. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Akki Nago is a bit smarter than his massive size makes him out to be. Managing to screw up Rushuna's reload and disarm her all at once, the big bad bandit leader goes on to teach the blonde Senshi a lesson in fucking with him and his gang. The Smiling Senshi's journey ends before it has a chance to begin.

Themes: Mind Break, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly


Akki Nago was not a foolish man. He was a bad man, and he certainly embraced that title, given to him as it was by others. He accepted that society wasn't ready for him quite yet, that he was ahead of his time, but more than that, that he was a bandit, and that made him a wanted fugitive. He didn't give a fuck if the authorities were after him… after all, at the end of the day, he and his men were Senshi, meaning they could use guns.

Guns… guns were the great equalizer. They were also the biggest advantage that a group of bandits like the Yatou could have at this point in time. Everyone else was still catching up, still struggling to let go of tradition. But not Nago and his men. No, they'd embraced the power of firearms, and that allowed them to overpower any number of foolish, weakling samurai.

It had allowed them to successfully take over Lord Kanetsugu's castle and hold the old man for ransom as well. They'd conquered the place, and while Nago supposed he could have declared himself a lord in Kanetsugu's place and introduced firearms to the area all the faster as a result… why would he do that, when being a bandit was so much more fun? As a lord, he would be beholden to the very government he so disdained, and on top of that, he would have to look after his serfs and keeps them healthy so they could keep paying him tribute, year after year.

Why bother with all of that when he and the Yatou could just remain a bandit gang instead, fucking with the lords and serfs in equal measure, gathering tribute their own way without every having to pay anything back? Yeah, Nago knew how good he had it… and he wasn't going to change a thing, not for the whole world.

But then the girl had shown up. The guy had tried to sneak in first, walking right into the Yatou's ambush and getting captured for his idiocy, but Nago wasn't worried about him. No, he was much more concerned with the woman. Rushuna Tendo, as she'd cheerfully introduced herself. She was a buxom blonde bombshell, utterly gorgeous and well aware of it if the rather skimpy way she dressed was any indication. Nago could well admit that she looked great in pink.

But she was also a Senshi, something he'd caught on to practically immediately. While his men were busy ogling her perfect hourglass figure, from her massive tits to her wide hips and her fat ass, Nago's eyes were on the revolver at her waist. Which was why he'd taken her so seriously from the very beginning, and even decided to deal with her himself, despite his loins telling him he should be trying to take her alive for some… extra fun.

But then… then she'd dodged his precious Galdo! It shouldn't have been possible, the machine gun strapped to his left arm had a massive amount of firepower! And this girl… she'd avoided it like it was nothing, before following that up by listing the faults in his favorite weapon and even insulting him to his face.

To say Nago was upset after that would have been an understatement. He was furious. So of course, he'd set his men on her. She'd proceeded to dodge every single one of their bullets just like she'd dodged his, and shot either them or their guns, downing and disarming each and every one of his front line.

However, now Nago's confidence was beginning to grow again. Now… now he was beginning to see a chance at victory. As he stands there, amongst those fallen in the courtyard, he chuckles.

"Ahaha… not bad, girl. However, your gun is a thirty-eight revolver. Six shots, and you're done! How do you like that? I think you're the one who doesn't know how to use a gun, girl!"

At the same time though, he knows better. This bitch… she was trained. She was an expert in weaponry. Something was… something was off here. She wouldn't have walked into this trap with just six bullets. Which meant she had a way to reload. Even as the rest of the Yatou lining the ramparts begin to raise their own firearms in preparation to perforate the blonde bitch in their midst, Nago is watching Rushuna closely for whatever it is she thinks she's going to do next.

As such, as bullets start flying again, Nago sees it. He sees the moment when Rushuna leaps up into the air, spinning to avoid being shot, and then… and then manages to expel six fresh bullets from that impressive cleavage of hers. She's still spinning, and her arm comes up, and it's clear she's going to try to put the bullets into the open chamber of her revolver without missing a beat.

Utterly ridiculous, but Nago hasn't gotten where he is by taking too many chances. He was a Bandit Senshi solely, so he didn't have to take as many chances. Bringing his precious, insulted Galdo up to bear, Nago doesn't aim for Rushuna again. Instead, he aims for the bullets currently flying through the air, heading right for her gun.

He fires, and his own bullets fly across the courtyard between them. Due to the slow velocity of his massive machine gun, they take a second to get there, arriving just as her fresh bullets are about to slot into her revolver. Instead, both the bullets themselves and the revolver are hit, the fresh ammo knocked off course and the revolver slammed out of the blonde bitch's grip just like that, send flying and skidding across the courtyard.


Even as Rushuna cries out and falls to the ground from the sudden surprise attack, Nago is calling for a ceasefire. His men, trained to obey their leader without question, immediately hold their fire, allowing him to lumber forward. Rushuna is cradling her hurt hand, blood streaming off of it a little bit. It doesn't look too damaged though, so it seems she took just a graze. Otherwise, her hand would have been reduced to a mangled mess by his beloved Galdo.

Speaking of… Nago reaches out with his free hand and grabs the blonde bitch by her hair rather roughly, even as tears begin to well up in her eyes. She cries out as he tugs her off of her ass and onto her knees, only to go stock still when the still warm muzzle of his Galdo presses up against her forehead, ready to end her life.

There's no smile on Rushuna Tendo's face now, and no determination either. She doesn't look so menacing or dangerous anymore, not without her precious gun. Grinning wickedly, Nago calls out to his men.

"Get down here! Secure the idiot and the Lord! Close the gates of the castle! We're gonna have some fun tonight, boys!"

There are cheers at that, and Nago waits until his men are backing him up once more. Only once they've followed his orders and are in the courtyard with him, watching as he holds the blonde bitch at gunpoint, does Nago make his move. By this point, Rushuna is trembling with fear, but then to be fair, he's been digging the muzzle of his machine gun into her skull for a while now.

Sneering, Nago lets go of the bitch's hair and reaches down to instead grab the front of her low-cut top. With a vicious triumphant roar, he tears the garment off of her. What follows is almost shocking, almost impossible to believe. The sound of what has to be dozens of ammunition hits the air, even as said ammunition, all for a thirty-eight Nago casually notes, hits the ground. All of it had been hidden between her tits, ready to be expelled from her cleavage and loaded into her gun.

Now though, now her ammo was all over the ground, her thirty-eight had been taken by one of his men, and this bitch, Rushuna Tendo, was on her knees before all of them, topless and exposed, her gorgeous fat chest on display as even Nago finds himself growing hard at the sight. But then to be fair, she was a gorgeous female specimen, so of course he was going to get hard.

Normally, he wouldn't let himself be led around by his loins. He was fully ready to perforate this bitch with hot lead, turning her into a bullet-filled pincushion and dumping her in a shallow, unmarked grave for her insolence. As it stood now though, with her disarmed and completely helpless before him and his men… Nago wasn't going to pass up such a delicious opportunity.

"Guns on the bitch at all times!"

A few of his men point their rifles at Rushuna, and only then does Nago pulls his Galdo back and step away from her for a moment. But only for a moment. Stepping back, he grunts and gestures, and two more of his men step forward. They help him out of his get up, effectively helping him unstrap and pull his machine gun off of his left arm. Then they help him remove his armor, so that he's down to just his undergarments.

Once both arms are free, Nago steps forward again, reaching down towards his crotch and shifting his pants around, before pulling them down to drag his massive cock out from its confines. Akki Nago is… a big man. Some might wonder if everything was proportional, given that while he was plenty muscular, he was also plenty fat as well.

But his dick was far from some tiny thing to get lost beneath his gut. On the contrary, Nago had a cock that made men envious and women both afraid and intrigued. He had a massive dick that could have been mistaken as a third leg hanging between his thighs… and it was getting more and more erect the longer Nago stared at Rushuna's exposed tits.

"You… what do you think you're doing with that? D-Don't you dare…"

There's none of the feigned cheerfulness, or dogged determination from before. The blonde bitch sounds unsure now that she's at a distinct disadvantage, and it only spurs Nago on, making him laugh as he steps forward and grabs a fistful of Rushuna's hair once more. Holding her hair with one hand, he takes hold of his cock with the other and slaps it down across her face, causing her to fall silent and whimper under the rude treatment. Rude… that was what she'd called him and his men. Heh, the bitch didn't know the meaning of the word rude yet.

"Shut up, cunt. You think you can just come in here, shoot up my men, and then get to dictate terms to me? You think you can take on the great Yatou?!"

There's a cheer from the rest of his bandit gang at that, his men laughing and jeering at the blonde bitch their leader is about to teach a lesson to, making insulting and disparaging comments about her cow udders and the like. Nago lets them do the talking in that regard, just grinning as he watches Rushuna flinch at every insult, at every crass word.

She also blushes, and that blush has spread down from her face to her neck to her chest at this point, leaving him to wonder just how against this the bitch really is. He supposes he'll find out soon enough… but first, Nago is going to have some fun wrecking this cunt's throat.

"Open wide, bitch. And I better not feel any teeth. First time, I'll kill your little friend. Second time, I'll kill the lord and tear out every last one of your fucking teeth. Got it?"

Rushuna's eyes snap away from his dick for the first time at that, looking over to where the Yatou's prisoners are both currently tied up with guns pointed at them as well. When she looks back, the fear is still there, but some of the determination is back. For a moment, Nago half expects her to try to attack him… but instead, the blonde simply opens wide to try to accommodate his command.

Grinning savagely, the massive bandit leader places his equally massive cockhead inside of Rushuna's mouth, stretching her jaw even further than she already had it open, and forcing his member deep, deep past those pouty full lips of hers. Her mouth is tight, wet, and velvety in it's sensation, and Nago groans as he uses his grip on her hair to hold her head in place so he can force more of his cock past her lips.

He hits the back of her throat in short order, making Rushuna gag and choke on his dick, but that doesn't stop him, not even for a moment. He keeps going, right down her throat, into her esophagus, even as she gurgles along his member. The determination in her eyes doesn't last long as he hilts himself in her gullet, pressing her face into his crotch and burying her nose in his pubes while her chin ends up against his balls, the slobber and drool already dripping down onto both.

To her credit, she manages not to bite down, but her hands do eventually come up in cute little fists to beat against his legs as she asphyxiates on his cock. Nago just laughs. Her strength is pitiful, just like one would expect from a woman. As he'd thought, without a gun in her hand, Rushuna Tendo is nothing but a blonde bitch… and he's going to treat her like one as well.

After a few more moments of her weakening struggles, Nago pulls back out of the cunt's throat, and even out of her lips altogether. He stares down at her as his hard cock hovers inches away from her face. Rushuna, meanwhile, is panting heavily, her exposed tits bouncing and jiggling with every heaving breath she takes, her body shaking and shuddering as she inhales deeply again and again.

Chuckling darkly at seeing the stupid cunt brought so low so fast, Nago tightens his grip on her hair and forces her to look up at him.

"Give me a smile, cunt."

For a moment, she doesn't even react. Then, his words permeate, and her brow furrows in incredulity as she looks at him like he's crazy. But before she can tell him to go to hell or anything like that, Nago points to his prisoners again.

"Give me a smile… or they die."

Once more, the blonde's eyes flash over to the side. Then, she looks back at him… and smiles. It's a hesitant, wounded thing, obviously not real and it certainly doesn't reach her eyes. But it's a smile, and Nago relishes in it, loving the control he already has over this blonde. But he wants more… and he's going to get more.

"Good start, bitch. Looks like you can be taught… Let's see if you can be trained."

A sharp tug on her hair has her mouth opening in an involuntary cry, and then Nago is back in between her lips, back down her throat, and this time he's not idle either. He fucks Rushuna's face hard, ramming into the blonde Senshi's throat with all his might as he forces her to deep-throat his cock, gagging and choking profusely, right there in front of all his men.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

It had to be done this way, really. The bitch had come here and disrespected him in front of the Yatou. She'd dodged his Galdo that first time, and then insulted him to his face, in front of his men. At the end of the day, she either had to die… or she had to be taught a lesson. And with her disarmed and helpless before his physical brutish might, well, teaching the bitch a lesson had never seemed more appealing.

With a wicked snarl, Nago continues to pound away at Rushuna's esophagus, watching as tears stream down her cheeks unabated, and as saliva and slobber and drool end up collecting on her chin, only to fall down onto her wildly swinging tits. He laughs at the utterly ridiculous display; at the way he's so easily and quickly humiliated this stupid bitch who thought she could interfere with HIS business.

And then he keeps on fucking her face, plowing into her throat until the tight, clenching, squeezing hole he's fucking finally manages to milk him of his seed. He cums inside of her mouth of course, even forcing her lips all the way down to the base of his cock first, so that he can force her to drink as much of his seed as possible.

"Swallow it all, bitch! I'll punish you if you waste even a single drop!"

She gulps down some, but it's obvious that she has little to no experience with drinking jizz or even handling a dick that's Nago's size. That's okay though, because Nago wants her to fail. He wants to punish her with impunity. As such, a wide, wicked grin spreads across his face when his seed explodes out of Rushuna's nostrils and the sides of her mouth, coming back up even as he holds his cock deep inside of her throat.

Only once he's done does he pull back, leaving Rushuna's face in ruins, covered in cum, some of the stringy white substance even connected between her lips and his cock as he drags it away from her.

"Messy bitch… we'll have to work on that. But first, your punishment."

There's a flash of fear in the blonde bitch's eyes as Nago lifts her up off the ground by her hair, forcing her to stand on what are clearly incredibly shaky legs. Without hesitation, without mercy, Nago goes about tearing the rest of her clothes off of her, starting by tearing her stupid hat off of her neck, and then ripping the rest of her garments to shreds as he exposes every last inch of her body to himself, his men, and even her little friend and the lord.

He strips the disarmed blonde Senshi naked, exposing her voluptuous, curvaceous, and altogether beautiful pale body. Then, he spins her about, holding her up by her hair and her neck, causing her to choke a little as she squirms in her grasp.

"Look at this bitch, my faithful Yatou! Look at this stupid fucking cunt who thought she could come in here and usurp me! Who thought she could usurp US! She was so high and mighty but look at her now!"

He lets go of her throat and simply holds her by her lush blonde locks as he brings his other hand down to between her legs and slaps his massive palm up against his pussy. The entire courtyard goes silent, and even Nago freezes up for a moment at how… wet and loud that slap is. He pulls his hand away from the blonde's cunt slowly, looking at the glistening palm in silence. Everyone else stares too, even the blonde bitch's little friend.

Then, Nago begins to laugh. As Rushuna goes scarlet red in embarrassment and humiliation, her captor laughs, and his men laugh along with him.

"She's wet! The bitch is fucking wet"

Her squirming redoubles in it's intensity, but to no avail. She's just a woman after all, and as much of a master as she is in her own personal brand of Gun-Kata, without a gun, she's helpless against a man of Nago's strength and size… and despite herself, despite everything… that was clearly turning the blonde bitch on.

"Well then, I suppose this next part won't be as much of a punishment as I thought. No matter… gonna do it anyways."

Nago says that solely for Rushuna's benefit, speaking only loud enough for her to hear as he begins to man handle her into position. She whimpers and tries to wiggle away, but his grip on her is secure, and soon enough, the massive man has Rushuna right where he wants her… folded up into a full nelson, and positioned right above his thick, hard cock.

Twitching and throbbing with need below her, Nago's dick hovers like a viper waiting to strike, even as he wraps his massive arms up under Rushuna's legs, around behind her back, lacing his fingers through the back of her hair. His men all shout and holler and hoot and catcall at this, as it truly does make Rushuna look even more like a worthless whore than before, seeing her manhandled like this.

More than a few dicks are coming out as well, as the Yatou hold their guns with one hand and their cocks with the other, stroking them as they watch their leader have his way with Rushuna's fine ass body.

Lifting her up, positioning her just right as she whines and whimpers and tries to escape to no avail, Nago calls out to his men and the other prisoners.

"This is what you get! This is the fate of any bitch Senshi that thinks she's better than the Yatou Gang! This is what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn't belong, bitch!"

And then he drops her down on his cock. His member slams up into her cunt from below, filling her to the brim and then some as he rams right into her cervix within seconds, bottoming out in her tight, gripping quim. For a beat, there's nothing but silence… and then a low keening wail from Rushuna as she begins to spasm and shake on his dick.

"Holy fuck! The bitch's eyes are rolling back in her head!"

"Her tongue is lolling out of her mouth too!"

"What a whore!"

Given that he can't currently see her facial expression, Nago has to rely on the disparaging comments of his men to get a good idea of what Rushuna's face looks like in that moment. But it's not hard, not when she's very clearly orgasming all over his cock from the very first thrust. The bitch is ahegaoing all over his dick from the sound of things, her face turning into one of fucked silly pleasure as he begins to bounce her up and down on his cock.

It fuels his desire to teach the cunt her place and only makes him go faster and harder, and Nago laughs as he continues to plow Rushuna from below in the full nelson he has her in, holding her all folded up like a pretzel, helpless in his grasp as he uses her cunt like his own personal onahole, not letting up for even a second.

Her struggling ceases altogether in no time at all, and her body is limp in his arms, when she's not screaming in ecstasy as another orgasm or climax tears through her. Again, and again, she cums on his dick, far more than Nago was expecting. He wasn't expecting her to be so damn wet or slick either, his cock pistoning in and out of her all the faster because of how much of a needy, horny bitch she was.

He was beginning to suspect that this was what she'd oh so secretly wanted from the beginning. Maybe it was, maybe this was all just a ploy for her to get fucked and used and abused. But nah, Nago doubted it. He'd fucked up her reload of his own accord and skill, he'd been the one to take her down. This was his victory… it just turned out that she was a horny little cunt who got off on being defeated and fucked like a used-up whore.

That was fine by him though, he and his men would make use of her for a long while before they inevitably discarded her. He could already see it now, and it was spurring him on all the harder, all the faster, as he fucked up into the blonde bitch with a fervor unmatched. All of her orgasms, combined with his unrelenting thrusting… it's inevitable that he eventually breaks through her cervix and into her womb. Rushuna cries out anew at this, a mixture of pain and pleasure, but Nago doesn't let up for a moment. He doesn't slow down; he doesn't show mercy. He keeps on fucking the blonde as hard as he can, bouncing her folded up body up and down on his dick as he makes her cum again and again around his cock.

All good things come to an end though. Eventually, the pleasure begins to overwhelm him. With a loud groan, Nago feels his cock being milked by Rushuna's insides, not just her inner walls, but now her battered and broken cervix clenching and clinging to his cock as he thrusts up into her womb itself, causing her gorgeous abdomen to bulge out with every pistoning motion of his prick.

His seed is slowly drawn from him, his churning balls unloading for the second time that day as his cum shoots down his member and up into Rushuna herself, filling the bitch's womb to the brim with his white, hot cum. He pumps it up into her, painting her insides white, and knowing that there's a chance he might have impregnated her, right then and there.

He's not too worried about it either way, to be honest. Either she gets knocked up or she doesn't. He couldn't give a fuck, he's not gonna bother with the baby. Though, the ultimate lesson from her failure being for her to have to carry his child WOULD be an excellent final punishment.

Regardless, knowing that he has to appease his men as well, knowing that this is all of their victory, and it will only reinforce their loyalty to him if he 'shares', Nago steps forward and jerks Rushuna up off of his cock. Then, he lets the blonde bitch drop out of his arms. She hits the stone below with an 'oof!', face planting and ending up face down, ass up in the air.

Her fingers immediately thrust into her cunt and she moans like the wanton, cum-starved little whore she's become, even as Nago steps back and laughs evilly.

"Go on then men! No touching… but I think you all know what to do!"

The rest of the Yatou let out a laugh of their own and a cheer at that, followed by moving in closer. In near unison, one after the other, each and every one tips over the edge from their jerk off sessions, cumming as they unload all over the blonde Senshi that their leader had so thoroughly defeated with his dick. Rushuna Tendo ends up covered from head to toe in gunky spunk, absolutely coated in hot cum, painted white by the jizz of over a dozen bandits as they jack off onto her backside, her back, her hair, her everything.

And she continues to moan all the way through, clearly broken, clearly unable to even think straight anymore. Letting out another big belly laugh, Nago slides his gaze over to her little friend, the guy that had run right into their ambush and got caught for his troubles. He's tied up at the moment, but there's no denying the hunger in his gaze as he stares at Rushuna's fallen form, or the tented bulge in his pants from his obvious hardon. Smirking, Nago turns towards him fully, drawing his eye.

"You. You're nothing but a bounty hunter, aren't you? Nothing but a ronin…"

The young man's face twists at that for a moment.

"I… I'm a mercenary, yeah. Was hoping to save the Lord here and collect the reward money…"

Grinning wickedly, Nago spreads his arms wide.

"Why bother with that shit when you can have your own share of the spoils by joining up with us? That bitch killed at least a couple of my men in her first salvo. There's spots open in the Yatou, if you wanna join up and reap the benefits!"

He gestures pointedly to Rushuna's downed form, the cum-covered blonde both evidence of the Yatou's power, and an example of what the young man could have. The ronin's eyes follow Nago's hand over to Rushuna again, and he stares at her hungrily once more.

"… Fine… yeah, I'm in."

Nago just chuckles and has one of his men untie the guy. Within moments, Rushuna's little friend is standing over her as well, dick in hand as he jerks off onto her. He has several choice words for the bitch, berating her for getting them into this mess in the first place and for being a fool… despite the fact that it was he who sprung the Yatou's ambush in the first place. But Nago doesn't bother correcting him, and neither does the mind broken Rushuna.

The Smiling Senshi still smiles… but its now a lewd thing, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and her eyes crossed as she moans wantonly, practically writhing in all of the cum covering her bare-naked form. She'll be cleaned up eventually, but she won't be given anything new to wear in the way of clothing. Instead, she'll serve her new Master's every need, acting as Nago's horny little cocksleeve in every fashion for the foreseeable future.

She's been taught the folly of her ways, been taught the idiocy of a girl like her playing with guns. Her place is on her knees, sucking cock or being fucked from behind, or sometimes both at once whenever Nago gets tired of her and tosses her to his men for a night of place. Rushuna Tendo has completely and utterly broken. All she wants to handle now are cocks, all she wants to 'wield' are the meaty 'revolvers' she finds between men's legs.

The Empress will of course be disappointed to learn that her Senshi has fallen so severely and utterly. Rushuna's attempt at using Tenshi's teachings of winning without fighting has failed before it even begun. But alas, you can't always make everyone happy…


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