Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Subverted & Sold (Chuck)

Subverted & Sold (Chuck)

A/N: Subverted & Sold was a commissioned one shot originally written back in December of 2019. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Alexei Volkoff tasks Sarah Walker with proving her loyalty by seducing a Russian Businessman to get him on the side of Volkoff Industries. Unfortunately for Sarah, she's been tricked, and the mission is nothing but a trap.

Themes: Mind Break, Rough Sex, Breeding


"It's time for you to prove that your loyalty is not fake, Sarah. If you have been honest with me so far, then you will be willing to do what it takes to assist me in this next… task."

Even before she'd entered the room, Sarah had known that she was probably going to be tested, finally. The CIA Agent was after all in a sort of quasi-state of deep undercover within Alexei Volkoff's organization, Volkoff Industries. It was quasi, because the man himself, Alexei Volkoff, knew exactly who she was. Unavoidable, given that he himself was an Intersect.

But what his Intersect could not account for was whether or not Sarah would be willing to betray the FBI for her own personal gain, for her own selfish reasons. That was how Sarah had gotten in, that was how she'd managed to infiltrate Volkoff Industries, by pretending to be disillusioned with her current loyalties, and declaring to Alexei that she wished to abandon the CIA in order to build a life with Chuck.

Alexei Volkoff was just the sort of egomaniacal sociopath to think he was her only way out of the Intelligence Agency. But of course, just because she'd managed to convince the man to allow her to work for him and betray her former employers didn't mean that she'd gotten his trust yet. And given that Sarah HADN'T betrayed her former employers in reality but was instead undercover to try and get to the heart of Volkoff Industries so they could take down the man himself, well, that was plenty intelligent of him.

Regardless, he'd called her to his office and made her wait in front of his desk for a few minutes before finally delivering those fateful words, the words that told her he was just about ready to trust her… if she could complete one more task. Sarah is tense, of course, even as she stands in a relaxed stance in front of his desk, legs spread slightly, and hands clasped behind her back, her spine straight and her posture impeccable.

Nodding at his words, the CIA Agent presses her lips tightly together.

"I'm eager to prove myself… sir."

Alexei just smiles at that, the older man cocking his head to the side.

"Are you? We shall see. The mission I have for you is one I believe you will do well on. There is a businessman named Oleg that will be visiting America in the next few days. He is Russian, as I'm sure you can guess. Volkoff Industries requires his cooperation, and his considerable resources. I want you to seduce him, and record it all for blackmail purposes, just in case he is not quite so easily convinced through normal channels."

Sarah stiffens at that. She hasn't had a seduction mission since she and Chuck got together. Whether that's just because one hasn't come up, or because the CIA actually respected her request not to send her on anymore since that time… Sarah couldn't say for sure. But obviously, Alexei Volkoff is not CIA, and he has no reason to respect her wishes, not when she came to HIM, hat in hand.

This is it, the big loyalty test… but, she notices that he didn't say she actually had to sleep with this Oleg character. Seduce the Russian businessman, and then record it for blackmail purposes. There were a number of things she could do to Oleg, a number of ways she could lead him into humiliation and embarrassment, without ever having to let him touch her…

Keeping the smile that starts to rise at that thought from her face, Sarah makes sure she's offering Alexei a purely professional look as she nods her head sharply.

"I am ready for this mission, sir. I am ready to prove myself."

Alexei lets out a simple grunt at that, and then the older man waves a hand dismissively towards the door.

"Then go. I expect regular reports on your progress, once you've made contact."

Sarah turns on her heel and leaves the room, expecting to only have to make one report. There's not many men who can resist her killer body and her feminine wiles. She doubts this businessman, this Oleg… will be any different.

As soon as Sarah is gone, Alexei finds himself pulling back a bit, looking down at the beautiful MILF between his legs, sucking his cock. Feeling his eyes on her, Mary Bartowski pulls back off of his member with a pop, though her hands continue to dutifully slide up and down his dick even as she looks at him with love and devotion and adoration in her gaze.

"She's going to betray you, Master."

Alexei Volkoff chuckles at that, and casually reaches out, placing a hand atop the head of Chuck Bartowski's mother and sliding the former spy turned sex pet back down his length. As he fills Mary's willing throat with his member, he looks up at the door that Sarah Walker has just disappeared through and grins somewhat wickedly.

"Of course, my dear. But obviously, I am as always, five steps ahead. Sarah Walker has already outlived her usefulness to me. This mission I've sent her on is no test… it's a final task, to get the last bits of water from the well. Oleg should be well-pleased with his purchase, at the very least…"


Having reclaimed her natural blonde hair for this mission and wearing a bright red killer dress that accentuates her gorgeous body in all the right ways, Sarah almost feels like herself again, even as she walks into the hotel bar and almost immediately finds her target. Oleg Karnoff sits at a table, all alone, casually drinking, his eyes flickering back and forth across the room… though mere moments after Sarah enters, his gaze focuses on her and her alone.

Sarah doesn't shy away from him or ignore him. Instead, she looks right back at him as he feasts upon her visage, the businessman staring at her and taking her in hungrily right from the very beginning. When their eyes meet, Sarah lets her lips curl into a knowing smile and her eyes twinkle with knowing promise. Yes, she knows she's beautiful, she knows he's noticed… and she's interested, based purely on his likely wealth.

She doesn't make her way over to his table immediately though. No, for Sarah's plan to work here, she needs to play it cool. She has absolutely no intentions of sleeping with Oleg Karnoff tonight. Instead, she's going to draw the businessman back to her hotel room with promises of sex, and then she's going to humiliate him, and record it, all with the cameras that she'd set up in her room a couple of hours ago.

The night should produce more than enough blackmail material for Volkoff to use to get Oleg under his thumb, and then Sarah will finally be in. She'll be one step closer to bringing down Alexei Volkoff and getting back to Chuck and Casey and the rest. First though, she has to play it cool. So, Sarah walks over to the hotel bar rather than approaching Oleg. She signals the bartender, and when he comes over, she gives him a smile and orders one of her favorite cocktails. He smiles right back and nods, starting the preparations right away.

Here is where Sarah's plan begins to fall apart, not that she knows it yet. In the end, all of this… wasn't a mission at all. It was a trap, and Sarah had walked right into it. The bartender that makes her cocktail for her is in fact an Agent of Volkoff Industries himself, and Oleg already knows who she is… having picked her out from a selection of photos Alexei had provided the businessman with during their negotiations, which actually took place back in Russia weeks ago.

Sarah has been sold like so much chattel to the businessman, not that she knows it yet. But she will soon enough, as the bartender hands her the cocktail she's ordered… but with something extra added in. Taking the cocktail in hand, Sarah sips from it before turning towards Oleg and his table. She's still exuding complete and utter confidence as she makes her way over, sauntering and swaying her hips the entire time… but inwardly, there's no denying that that first sip of her cocktail does surprise her. It's… this particular drink is her favorite, and yet it's never tasted as good before.

Astounded by the bartender's skill, the CIA Agent ends up taking three more sips of her drink before she manages to even get to Oleg's table, despite having every intention of nursing the same cocktail all night long, while plying him with more and more liquor to get him drunker and drunker. By the time she stands before Oleg as the businessman stares at her with greedy eyes, Sarah is feeling surprisingly warm… almost blissfully content. She's going to have to come back to this hotel sometime in the future, if only to get a proper cocktail made by that absurdly skilled bartender.

"Mm, I couldn't help but notice you staring. See something you like?"

Oleg flashes a grin, and stands up, bowing a bit.

"Oleg Karnoff, at your service. Please, join me at my table."

Well, that was why she'd walked over, wasn't it? Sarah smiles prettily, even as she sits down at the table, leaning forward just enough to give Oleg a nice view down the top of her lowcut dress at her tits. She knows she catches him too, his eyes zeroing in as the businessman freezes up for a second in sheer stunned disbelief at her beauty.

He recovers quickly enough though, admirably so, and as he leans back in his chair, taking her in, Sarah moves to introduce herself. She had every intention when she walked in here of using a pseudonym, of course. Not that it would have mattered given Oleg already knew exactly who and what she was, but she didn't know that, and she wasn't stupid enough to use her own name.

"Sarah Walker. You're charmed, I'm sure. Now, what's a man like you doing in America? I hope you don't mind me saying, but I can tell you're not quite native…"

And like that, that's right out the window. The drugs in her cocktail are already going to work, loosening Sarah's inhibitions, clouding her better judgment. She tosses out her fake name like so much trash and introduces herself properly to Oleg without a second thought, even as the Russian Businessman grins all the wider and chuckles at her words, shaking his head.

"No, I am not. I am a proud son of Mother Russia, of course… though I admit, I have a wide variety of tastes. American women… have always been a weakness of mind."

Sarah's smile widens at that, and she leans forward again. This time it's not really on purpose, it's more unconscious behavior, like a predator catching scent of her prey. But of course, she ends up flashing Oleg once more, and his eyes zero in on her cleavage and the view he has down the top of her dress as she licks her lips suggestively.

"Oh, is that so? Well, I'm as American as they get, darling… so I think we'll get along just fine."

Oleg grunts at that, finally tearing his eyes away from her barely-contained tits to instead look at the glass in her hands.

"It seems you've finished your first drink. Perhaps I can order you another?"

Sarah blinks at that, and looks down at her cocktail… which, somehow, some-when… is completely gone already. For a moment, the beautiful femme fatale is nonplussed. How had that happened? WHEN had it happened? But the drugs now flowing through her system wash over her uncertainty and confusion and smooth out her thoughts a moment later. She's too happy and too warm to worry about such things. Besides, this means that she can get another superb cocktail made by the hotel bartender.

"I'd love that… though only if you get yourself something as well. I don't drink alone."

That last bit is tacked on as something as an afterthought. Sarah still has to get Oleg drunk and up to her room, after all. She still needs to record him getting down and dirty. Though, as the businessman signals the bartender and orders another of what she and he are already both having, Sarah finds herself staring at him while his head is turned away, biting her lip slightly. Would it be so bad, to… seduce him properly?

Chuck would understand, right? It's just… the Russian was so hunky… so handsome… how hadn't she noticed that before? A shiver runs down Sarah's spine, but she quickly hides her sudden uncertainty behind a bright smile as a second cocktail soon arrives for her, and she begins sipping from it as well. Before she knows it, she's quite drunk… but more importantly, she's chockful of drugs, designer drugs made to make her all the more malleable for her new Russian Master.

When Oleg eventually knocks back the last of his vodka for the fifth time and suddenly stands up, Sarah blinks owlishly, caught off guard as he holds out a hand to her.

"Come with me. I think we've plied each other with drinks long enough, sweetheart. Don't you?"

Her heart pounds in her chest, and beneath her dress, down betwixt her thighs, Sarah is dripping wet as she happily takes Oleg's hand and lets him pull her up onto her feet. At this point, she's staring at him just as greedily as he's stared at her all night long. She wants… she knows exactly what she wants, even if she's still ashamed to be betraying Chuck for it. But she wants it all the same.

So lost in her desires, Sarah doesn't even fully notice when Oleg leads her to HIS room instead of her own. Truth be told, the mission that she'd been sent on, and her even greater mission of getting in good with Alexei Volkoff, have both been far from her mind, ever since the third or fourth drugged cocktail. All she wants right now is to feel good with Oleg, all she wants is for Oleg to… to have his way with her.

As such, the beautiful blonde spy doesn't resist in any way as he pins her back against the wall of the elevator and kisses her aggressively all the way up to his penthouse suite on the top floor of the hotel. She doesn't stop him from stripping her down once they're safely ensconced within said suite either. Soon enough, Sarah is wearing nothing but the sexy red lingerie she'd put on under her killer dress, and Oleg is ogling her, hesitating as if he's loathed to pull her undergarments off in the same rough way, he did the dress.

Eventually, he decides against it and slumps back on a large lounge couch, spreading his legs apart and pointing to the space between them.

"Get on your knees, take out my cock, and suck it you horny little American bitch."

Sarah shudders at the degrading, domineering language… and does as she's told. Sinking down to her knees wearing nothing but her sexy red lingerie, the blonde femme fatale soon has Oleg's cock out of his pants and in her mouth. She doesn't even hesitate, doesn't pause for even a moment to realize that all of this… was just plain wrong. Under the effects of the drugs, Sarah has completely forgotten her original plan of seducing him back to her hotel room and recording him as she humiliated him with the ball gag and handcuffs and whips that she'd procured just for their first and last encounter together.

Rather than getting the blackmail on Oleg Karnoff without every having to let him touch her body in any way, Sarah has instead let him grope her, kiss her, strip her down, and now order her to suck his cock. She's obeying quite willingly, bobbing up and down on his member, suctioning her pouty lips around his girth, slurping away at his dick with all the experience of a female spy well-versed in seduction missions.

Only, now she has Chuck. She's supposed to be better than this… but maybe she just isn't. Sending a silent apology off to her boyfriend, Sarah nonetheless continues to suck Oleg's cock with great enthusiasm… until eventually, he reaches down and places a hand atop her head, lacing his fingers through her blonde hair.

"You American girls, always playing it safe. Over in Russia, our women know that to properly please us, they have to make some sacrifices… here, let me show you."

His eyes flash with mischief and that and the words he's spoken are the only warning Sarah gets before Oleg shoves her the rest of the way down his sizable cock, forcing her to deep-throat his impressive member right then and there, and choking her on it as she's unable to adjust to him beginning to face fuck her with his incredibly girth.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"Yes! That's more like it, slut! Take it all, you filthy American whore! Take every last inch of my cock, bitch!"

And Sarah does, even as her eyes water, even as slobber and drool collect on her lower lip, even as he rails her throat with his impressive length again and again and again. She gags and gurgles and chokes around his cock, the excess fluids created by the rough face fucking ultimately sliding down off of her chin and landing on her bra-clad tits, pooling in her cleavage as she's forcibly taken by the Russian Businessman… and loves every last second of it.

Truly, she does. It feels right, honestly, submitting to Oleg, letting him do as he likes with her, allowing him to treat her as nothing more than a toy or plaything. He's having his way with her throat, and all Sarah can do is kneel there and take it like the good little American bitch she is. Eyes rolling around in her head from lack of oxygen, hands clutching at the tops of her legs, Sarah lets Oleg plow her throat to his heart's content, right up until his release, which comes without warning.

He fills her throat and then her mouth with his cum, and ultimately his seed explodes out of her lips, Sarah unable to keep it in as he makes an utter mess of her face. Oleg pulls out of her mouth with a pop and makes sure to unload the latter half of his release onto her face anyways, painting her features from her forehead to her chin in white, hot, stringy spunk before he's finished with her.

Once he's done, and Sarah is knelt there gasping and rasping for breath, coated in his jizz, Oleg looks down at her and smiles, nodding his head, clearly pleased.

"That's a good look on you, American. A very good look. Now stand up and bend over the table so I can fuck you from behind like the bitch you are."

Sarah whimpers, but does as she's told. Some small part of her is screaming that all of this is wrong, so, so wrong… but if this is wrong, Sarah has already decided she doesn't want to be right. And her body… her body YEARNS for more from Oleg, it yearns for the Russian man's touch, it yearns for domination. So, Sarah stands up, rising from her knees, and turns around to bend over the coffee table behind her, planting her hands palm down as she stands there with her ass jutting up in the air as a result.

Some of the cum on her face drips off onto the expensive table as a result, but the majority of it sticks and begins to dry, even as Oleg stands up and looms over her, working open the clasp on her bra first and pulling that undergarment away, before then moving onto her panties, which he pulls down her legs and off of her ankles one at a time with her help.

"I'll be keeping these, whore."

Sarah bites her lower lip and just hangs her head, unwilling to admit how much she liked the idea. Not that it mattered, Oleg was playing games with her at this point. After all, in truth, he wasn't just going to keep her panties… he was keeping her as well. He'd bought and paid for her, after all. Grinning wickedly, the Russian Businessman takes his cock, still nice and hard and now all wet with Sarah's saliva, and slaps it down with a meaty smack on her ass, causing the blonde beauty to gasp and moan from the sudden contact.

Fortunately for Sarah, Oleg has no real patience for foreplay at this point, or else he'd tease her much more extensively, and perhaps even make the hapless, oblivious spy beg for it as well. Instead, he slides his cock back along her ass crack until finally, his impressive length falls down betwixt her thighs, and he's lined himself up with her cunt.

Then, he slams into her, thrusting the entirety of his length up into the blonde femme fatale with nothing more than a grunt at the action. Sarah, on the other hand, squeals like a stuck pig, moaning wantonly as Oleg's cock splits her open, as he fills her to the brim. Before tonight, Sarah would have said that size wasn't everything. She'd been with big men and she'd been with small men in her line of work, and some of the big men had been worthless in bed, while some of the small men had been quite attentive to her needs. Of course, she'd used and ultimately broken most of them, as that was her duty on most seduction missions.

Chuck, on the other hand, had a completely average dick… but he too was very attentive to her needs, which was one of the reasons Sarah loved him so much. Or at least, one of the reasons she thought she did. Right now, Oleg's big fat cock was doing a great job of turning Sarah's world view up on its head and rearranging her priorities when it came to sexual encounters.

Never before had being plowed from behind by the biggest dick she'd ever come in contact with felt so good. Never before had being split open and aggressively taken without any consideration for her own health or arousal felt so good. To be fair, she'd been even more sopping wet than she usually was with Chuck well before Oleg finally thrust in. Everything up until this point, from the kissing to the stripping to the face fucking, had turned her on more than any foreplay she and Chuck had ever done.

Now, Oleg was fucking her in a way Chuck had never and likely could never have fucked her, and Sarah was cumming her brains out from the experience, unable to do anything but take it from behind as she planted herself, bending over the coffee table like she'd been ordered to do by Oleg. The businessman forces Sarah to orgasm repeatedly and makes her completely forget the fact that he's not wearing a condom… right up until he cums and she cums with him, and she finally feels his seed painting her fertile womb white from within.

Of course, Oleg isn't done there, not by a long shot. He keeps fucking her all night long, not giving Sarah a chance to rest for even a moment… not until he himself is tuckered out, anyways. He fucks her more than Chuck ever could have, though unbeknownst to her, Oleg was using performance enhancing drugs, as Volkoff had left instructions that Sarah needed to be properly imprinted on him while she was under the influence of the largest amount of drugs that very first night for the entire program of drugging and transforming the blonde spy to actually work.

Oleg took to this task quite happily, and Sarah didn't have a chance to rest until the man eventually passed out inside of her, holding her close, the big spoon to her little spoon, even as he snored right into her ear. It's around now that Sarah begins to realize just how much she fucked up. Not even just betraying Chuck by sleeping with Oleg, and not only by forgetting to have the man use a condom and letting him cum inside of her about five to six times.

No… she'd completely and utterly been outclassed and out-seduced by the Russian Businessman and hadn't gotten a single ounce of blackmail material on him, despite literally letting him fuck her seven ways to Sunday. They were in HIS hotel room, not hers… and all of that recording equipment had gone completely to waste.

She would… she would have to do better tomorrow. Her first report to Volkoff would have to be carefully curated so as to not fully announce her failure. Soon, she would have Oleg right where Volkoff wanted him… she just… she'd just need to play the part of the Russian Businessman's sex pet a little while longer.

As Sarah falls into a deep, satisfaction-filled slumber, she has no idea that it's not going to be just a part for much longer…


Several days after their first night together, Sarah remains unaware that she continues to be drugged. To her surprise and excitement, Oleg is more than willing to have her favorite cocktail from the bartender downstairs ordered and brought up to the suite at any time of day. She's drinking a lot more than usual these days, and intaking plenty of the drugs that leave her complaint, without inhibitions, and all too eager to obey.

Still, at the very least, Sarah had been able to focus on something besides getting fucked by Oleg long enough to beg off a return to her own hotel room. Ostensibly, she'd gone back there for her things, but on top of gathering up her clothes and her luggage, she also grabs some of the smaller, more portable surveillance equipment.

As such, when Sarah slowly comes out of the penthouse suite's private pool, showing off her gorgeous body in the sexy little white bikini she's currently wearing, to a hungry-looking Oleg, who's studying her from the lounge chair he's currently sitting on, she's at least certain that THIS is all being recorded. She's managed to put a camera in the pool area, as well as every other area of the suite, and so all of the naughty, whorish things Sarah has done with Oleg so far, the last several days have been recorded and sent off to Volkoff, as attachments to her regular reports.

Of course, unbeknownst to one Sarah Walker… Volkoff wasn't getting a single one of her reports. The channel that he'd set up for her to communicate with him through didn't actually go to him… it went to Oleg Karnoff, her new owner. Every time Sarah thought she was sending a report about how her progress with the Russian Businessman was coming along, as well as recordings that she thought Volkoff would eventually use to blackmail Oleg… Oleg was in fact the one getting it all.

Needless to say, he was going to cherish the recordings of their encounters for a long time… and also needless to say, he'd been responding to Sarah as Volkoff all this time, slowly changing the parameters of her mission so that she would be more and more willing to do whatever the fuck he wanted with her. Of course, drugged into compliance as the hapless blonde spy currently is, Oleg doesn't really need to give her any orders as Volkoff, to have her obeying his actual orders as Oleg.

"Come over here and suck my cock, you silly American cunt."

Case in point, the moment that the Russian's words leave his lips, Sarah is sauntering over seductively, putting some sway in her hips and flashing him an eager smile as she bends over right then and there, planting her hands on either side of the lounge chair and leaning forward until her face is in his crotch. Rather than kneeling down on the hard cement, she takes up this unbelievably sexy, slutty pose instead, staying on her feet but doing an unorthodox version of the face down, ass up position. Ass high in the air, and face low in Oleg's crotch, Sarah offers no resistance as he drags his cock out of his shorts and slaps it across her moaning face, before sliding it right into her open mouth.

Sarah sucks Oleg's cock with great enthusiasm, wanting nothing more than to make the Russian Businessman as happy as she can. She's falling more and more under his spell, and while some part of her realizes this and recognizes that it's a bad thing… that part of her doesn't know how to get out of this, doesn't know how to escape the hole she's dug for herself. She has to make Volkoff happy, which means she has to make Oleg happy… right? That's why she's here, she's pretty sure. Volkoff's last response to her latest report had said that he and Oleg had come to an understanding, so now… now it was her duty to make sure the businessman stuck with Volkoff Industries, no matter what.

That didn't make much sense, but in her drugged state, Sarah didn't have the mental faculties to realize the simple fact that Volkoff's last message implied that Oleg knew exactly who she was. She was supposed to be undercover to the businessman, after all, supposed to just be some American floozy he'd picked up in the hotel bar and taken up to his room.

But the idea that she was supposed to keep Oleg happy with his arrangement with Volkoff Industries implied that he knew Volkoff Industries sent her. This SHOULD have greatly disturbed Sarah, but even as Oleg pulls her off of his cock and orders her to get her American cunt up onto his member, she's not too worried about it. Everything will work out in the end, and she's all too happy to stay with Oleg for as long as it takes to make the man happy…

Sinking down onto his length, the drugged blonde spy moans happily as she begins to ride him, noting internally how amazing he feels inside of her. Once again, Oleg isn't wearing a condom, but truth be told, Sarah hasn't asked him to wear one a single time over the last several days. He's cum inside of her dozens of times at this point, and not once has she done a single thing to take action against it. She isn't on the pill, she hasn't gone and gotten any morning after medicine, she hasn't ordered him to wear a condom, or even asked him to pull out.

She just keeps letting him cum inside of her, and as Oleg does so yet again, filling her with his seed, Sarah experiences an explosive, drug-induced orgasm right alongside him, her entire world getting rocked as his white, hot spunk pumps up into her womb once more. Her eyes roll up in her head, and her tongue lolls out of her mouth in a truly erotic, fucked silly fashion as she's completely and utterly broken for the umpteenth time by his cock.

In Sarah's drugged mind, she can't help but feel that this is just another sign of how compatible they are. Volkoff was right to send her on this mission, and he was right to change the parameters as well, because every day Oleg proves two things. One, that Sarah could never have turned the tables on the businessman, could never have humiliated and degraded him like he does to her day in and day out. And two, she needs to continue being his fuck toy, both for Volkoff… and for herself.

"That's a good little slut. You know your place, don't you, American? You're my little whore-bitch, aren't you?"

As Oleg speaks such crass words into her ear, he's also pinching and pulling her nipples. Sarah can only moan wantonly in response… but they both know that that's her way of agreeing with him, even as his seed coats her womb once more.


As Oleg sits on the edge of his bed, waiting for his new pet to join him, he reflects that signing on with Volkoff Industries has proven to be a boon in more ways than one. Several months after his trip to America, he's back in the motherland, back in his home of Russia… and he's finally seeing dividends from his investment in Volkoff Industries.

Needless to say, Alexei Volkoff has made Oleg Karnoff a wealthy man indeed. But not just that… he'd also given the Russian Businessman another gift that Oleg has made great use of over these last few months, even after returning to Russia. After all, it was all too easy to convince dear, drugged Sarah Walker to come with him by the time his stay in America was over with. Two weeks of constant, continuous fucking while under the effects of whatever drug Volkoff's man down at the bar had been putting in her drinks, and Sarah had gladly taken to calling Oleg master, and even renounced all previous loyalties to both the CIA and Volkoff when Oleg had confronted her about her true identity.

They'd spent the last night in the hotel watching a nice little montage of Sarah getting fucked in a variety of positions by Oleg, as he'd in turn revealed to her that all the time, she thought she was sending reports back to Volkoff, she was actually sending them to Oleg instead. He'd put all of that delicious pornographic footage to good use, that's for sure.

Nothing could compare to the real thing though. Just as Oleg is starting to get impatient and begins planning punishments for his pet's tardiness, there's the sudden sound of chimes. Blinking, the Russian Businessman can only watch as a familiar hand slides into view in the doorway, two finger cymbals clashing together in a melodic fashion.

Slowly, Sarah Walker reveals herself in all of her slutty glory. Oleg had known that his pet had a surprise for him, she'd confided as much while sucking his cock during her usual welcome home blowjob at the door. But he hadn't expected this. Perhaps he should have… the new and improved Sarah Walker was as much of a stellar whore as he'd been a stellar CIA agent. All of that drive, all of that focus, all of that skill and talent… it had been turned towards figuring out the best ways to please her new Master.

So, Oleg supposes he shouldn't be surprised that Sarah has out done herself and dressed in a sexy, slutty belly dancer's outfit. Coming fully into view, the smiling blonde slut licks her lips and begins her routine, seductively dancing his way as Oleg remains sat on the bed, watching her with hooded eyes the entire while.

Dancing, swaying, shaking every bit of her gorgeous, voluptuous body, Sarah does an excellent job of getting him hard… painfully so. And yet, Oleg lets none of his discomfort show on his face, nor does he admit how she's gotten to him by releasing his cock from its confines too early. Especially when he knows she'll do it for him soon enough.

And sure enough, as Sarah gets closer and closer, at the apex of her belly dancing routine, her hands flick out and she begins to unbutton and unzip his pants, taking her time with it, undulating her abdomen and jiggling her tits as she goes in again and again, until his cock is fully out of the confines of his pants and boxers, and standing straight up, throbbing and pulsating angrily in her direction.

Sarah stares at his cock with clear avarice and desire, his new pet loving nothing more than to worship her Master's member at every opportunity. Still, rather than sinking down to her knees and sucking him off as she's usually wont to do, Sarah instead continues her routine, pulling back a single foot and dancing her heart out as she shows off her gorgeous body, clad in the sexy belly dancer's outfit she's procured from somewhere or other.

Eventually though, Sarah does turn away from him, and pulls her skirt to the side, revealing that it's even more slutty than it looks. There's a slit hidden in the folds of her belly dancer's skirt, and she's able to expose her entire backside to him as she backs up, still shimmying and still dancing, and sinks down onto Oleg's cock, reverse cowgirl style.

She then proceeds to give him the absolute best lap dance and fuck that she can, and as Oleg takes hold of her by her hips and groans appreciatively at the feel of her warm, wet cunt around his impressive member, he reflects that this whole scenario, more than anything else, is proof that Sarah Walker is now fully mind-broken and utterly under Oleg's control, just as Volkoff had promised.

Having red Sarah's CIA file front to back, Oleg was well aware that there was already a man in Sarah's life when Volkoff had sent her on this mission to have her removed from the playing field. This Chuck Bartowski was a lucky fella… until he wasn't. Grinning wickedly and reaching around to Sarah's front, Oleg pulls the top of her belly dancer's outfit up and begins to grope and squeeze at her tits.

Across from them, there's a floor-length mirror set up. In it, both of them can see the lewd and utterly arousing image that they're making right now. Oleg in particular finds himself focusing on the changes to Sarah's body more than anything else though. Her tits have grown heavy with milk, which even now begins to leak out from between his fingers as he pinches and pulls at her nipples. Meanwhile, her rock-hard abs have begun to give away and show a swell instead, indicating that he's bred his beautiful new American bitch, and she's already growing heavy with his child.

Oleg does hope that it's a son, if only so that he'll have a proper heir to inherit his name and all that he's built in this life. But if it's a daughter, he'll be just as happy, and cherish her with every fiber of his being. After all, it's not as if this will be the only child that his American pet will be giving him. Sarah Walker has good genes and HAD an excellent mind. His and her children will be strong, Oleg is sure of this. He'll breed his pet for as long as he wants.

Similar thoughts run through Sarah's head, even as they climax mutually once more together. She's no longer on the drugs, not that she ever knew she was, but that's because at this point, she doesn't need to be drugged anymore. The effects of the cocktails she drank back in America are permanent now, and she will forever remain Oleg's blonde American bitch.

As they orgasm at the same exact time and Oleg fills her already pregnant body with another load of cum, Sarah's broken mind accepts, not for the first time, her new place by her Master's side, happily submitting to Oleg Karnoff with every fiber of her being. She's betrayed everything she ever knew, from the CIA, to Chuck, to everyone else back home, to even her country.

But as much of a patriot as Sarah Walker once was, such things mean little to the blonde these days. She's going to stay in Russia with her baby daddy for the rest of her life, having as much hot, baby-having sex as she can and pumping out as many children as her beloved Master wants from her. This is where she belongs. This is where she wants to be. Most of all, this is where she NEEDS to be, so that her beloved Master can always have immediate access to her.

Broken and turned into nothing more than a fuck toy and sex pet, Sarah Walker wouldn't trade her fate for any other in the whole wide world.


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