Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Beauty of Jealousy (RWBY)

The Beauty of Jealousy (RWBY)

A/N: The Beauty of Jealousy is a one-shot originally written back in April of 2020! Posting it up here for people to enjoy!

Summary: Ruby Rose gets accosted on a train by her fellow students from Signal after they learn that she's skipping ahead to Beacon two years early.

Themes: Exhibitionism, Humiliation, Gangbang


She doesn't notice anything is truly amiss, at first. Getting on the train, Ruby Rose is lost in thought, still contemplating the events of the past week. She was going to Beacon in just a couple of days! How wild was that, really? And all because she'd managed to impress the Headmaster himself with that Dust Robbery, she'd done her best to foil a week ago.

It was- Ruby blinks and then blushes a little as she's suddenly pulled from her thoughts by the distinct sensation of someone's hand brushing against her petite little behind. She wiggles a bit and shifts forward, recognizing that it was probably an accident and that with how crowded the train is, there's no way anyone can TOTALLY keep their hands to themselves.

But then it happens again… and again… and as Ruby shifts uncomfortably, the train continuing on, she finds herself ending up closer and closer to a window, squeezed into a small space, trying to get out of the way of the hand, until finally she's forced to admit it… she's dealing with a train molester. Now, Patches and Signal didn't have trains. The little island was small enough not to need one.

But Yang had told Ruby never to let any guy touch her if she didn't want to be touched, and she'd even warned Ruby about the trains in Vale specifically, regaling her younger sister with stories of having to break the fingers of dudes who thought they could get away with messing with her. Ruby… Ruby really didn't want to break anyone's fingers, to be honest. But she also knew she had to stand up for herself.

So, spinning around, Ruby prepares to tell off the guy who thought he could get away with molesting her. If she had to, she'd show him she had aura and was a huntress-in-training, and then he'd back off. Except, as she faces her molester, the words die on Ruby's lips, her silver eyes widening slightly. Because the man who was touching her wasn't a man at all, but a boy her age… and more than that, the grinning boy was familiar to her.


"Hey, you're Ruby Rose, ain'tcha? We go to Signal together."


Just as Ruby begins to answer in the affirmative, he cuts her off.

"Or rather, we did go to Signal together. Heard you'll be starting at Beacon next week instead. That's pretty ridiculous, don't you think?"

It was ridiculous, and Ruby finds herself letting out a sheepish little laugh as she prepares to share in the absurdity of it with the boy, willing to forget what he was doing before, awkward as she is. But once again, he speaks before she can even say a word… and what he's saying gets more and more unkind.

"After all, what's a little bitch like you doing getting into Beacon two years early? What, did you suck off the Headmaster or something? What do you have that we don't, huh?"

"You tell her man."

"Seriously, who does that girl think she is?"

For the first time, Ruby realizes that the two of them aren't having a private conversation. They have an audience… and not just the normal passengers on the train, but… more students from Signal. More than she's ever seen in one place outside of the Academy. Ruby's eyes go wider as her gaze flicks from boy to boy… and even across some girls. All of them are her schoolmates, though she can tell that some are in higher years than her. None are lower in year than her, but that still leaves the train car filled to the brim with Signal students.

In her confusion, distress, and hesitation, the original boy grabs her and pins her up against the window he managed to corral her towards. Ruby lets out an eep, even as more of the boys move to help him. She squirms and struggles, but every single one of them has aura themselves, and even if she'd definitely be able to take them all on in a fair fight… this is far from fair, and she doesn't even have Crescent Rose with her today. She hadn't thought she'd need it, not for a simple train ride at that!

Once the boys have her up against the window, one of the girls, an older looking girl, steps forward. For a second, Ruby hopes that she might speak up in her defense, maybe even tell the boys to leave her alone. This silly, stupid hope is born from a simple fact… Yang might have warned Ruby about train molesters and not letting guys touch her if she didn't want it… but she hadn't gotten around to warning Ruby about how petty, jealous, and catty other women could be, especially when they felt like they'd been slighted.

"Look at this little silver-eyed bitch. She thinks she's so damn special, getting to skip two years and go on ahead of us. But then, this isn't anything new, is it?"

Ruby opens her mouth to protest, but the boy from before, the first boy, covers her mouth with his hand and gives her a wicked grin and a shake of his head. The talkative older girl continues on without pause.

"After all, we already knew she received special treatment, just because her Uncle is one of Signal's Professors. We already knew that she was getting extra training, simply because of nepotism."

That… T-That wasn't true! Uncle Qrow was only showing her how to use a scythe properly, because they were the only two scythe-wielders in all of Signal! It wasn't favoritism, s-surely! If any of the other students had decided to take up such a difficult weapon, surely Uncle Qrow would have been willing to give them extra lessons too! But unfortunately, Ruby doesn't get a chance to say any of that, as the other girl continues on.

"This bitch doesn't deserve to go to Beacon early. She needs to be put in her place."

Her last sentence is like the starting gun being fired at the start of a race. Immediately, the boys holding Ruby in place begin to grope her far more aggressively then before. She squeals around the hand covering her mouth and struggles mightily, but there's no escaping them, and unfortunately the entire train car had been taken over by her fellow Signal students before she'd even noticed what was happening.

In the end, the silver-eyed girl is quickly stripped naked, her clothing pulled off of her piece by piece, much to her muffled displeasure. The girls take her clothing, while her bra and panties are pocketed by the boy who first started groping her. He and the older girl who gave the speech seem like the ringleaders of this whole thing… but everyone is participating, much to Ruby's dismay. H-Had she really upset everyone this much? She'd been so excited to be going to Beacon early, alongside her big sister, that she hadn't really thought about who she left behind.

More than that though, Ruby finds her body reacting to the unwanted touching in a most unwanted way as well. As much as she doesn't want this… there's a reluctant pleasure budding within her as the boys grope and molest her soft, nude form directly now, her exposed breasts getting a lion's share of the attention, but also her pussy lips getting fondled and played with as Ruby finds out at the most inopportune time that she is INCREDIBLY sensitive.

As it turns out, this is something she inherited from her mother, and Summer Rose had been quite the nympho because of it… but unfortunately, she'd died long before Ruby was old enough for her mom to sit her down and warn her of that particular genetic trait. In the end, all Ruby can do is whine and whimper and squirm and struggle until ultimately, their exploratory ministrations draw her first orgasm out of her.

And it really is the young prodigy's first orgasm, she's touched herself a few times experimentally, but she's never actually gotten off to it before. Not like this anyways, with a shuddering cry escaping Ruby's lips as she feels that dam break within her, the sensation she'd always shied away from when experimenting with herself suddenly overwhelming her.

The silver-eyed girl sees stars for a brief moment, only to come crashing back down to Remnant hard as the mocking laughter of her former schoolmates fills her ears.

"The little slut just came! From being molested!"

"What a needy whore!"

"Honestly, who does she think she is? A bitch like her should just be turning tricks on some street corner in downtown vale. Not taking up a slot at Beacon that some hunter who's actually worth a damn could be filling."

Ruby flinches, because all of the insults come from girls. The guys are too busy touching her… and taking pictures as well. By now, her pride in tatters, she just wants it to be over. So, she gives them all what they want… or so she thinks.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry, p-please, just… please f-forgive me! H-How can I make it up to you all? I d-didn't mean to upset everyone s-so much!"

Unfortunately for Ruby, this was actually the wrong thing to say. Because… her classmates were cruel and evil, but they weren't originally intending to escalate beyond this. The pictures, the molestation, the insults. That was all they'd had planned… originally.

"You can suck my dick, bitch."

The original boy grabs Ruby by her short hair and drags her head down, and the next thing the young woman knows, there's a cock in her mouth and she's being forced to suck on it, though it's more gagging and choking then sucking.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Meanwhile, another boy grabs her by the hips, yanking her out of the small cubby that she'd originally been pushed into. She's drawn away from the window she'd been pulled up against, into the middle of the cabin, so that all of her male classmates can get better access to her. Ruby doesn't realize this until she's already been deflowered, her cunt abruptly full of a dick and a stab of pain going through her that causes her to shriek around the dick pistoning in and out of her throat.

Still, there's nothing she can do, not really. She did tell them she'd make it up to them. If this… if t-this made them happy with her again, then that was okay, right? Part of this thought process had to do with how good it was already starting to feel. It'd hurt at first, the roughness, but now Ruby's sensitive body was beginning to react in a very positive way. As she moans around the cock in her mouth, her hands are brought up by two more boys, who wrap her fingers around their cocks, obviously expecting her to stroke them. So, Ruby does, seeing no way out but to give in.

Meanwhile, the girls who have come along for this little adventurer are taken aback by the savagery and ferocity of their male counterparts. The boys are falling upon Ruby Rose like a pack of wild animals, and even the lead girl, the one who'd given that speech about how worthless Ruby was, hadn't exactly seen this coming. More than that, she can tell that if they don't do something to make themselves active participants in their own way… the boys might turn this gangbang into a full-blown orgy, and she and her friends, outnumbered two to one, might not get a chance to say no, just like Ruby didn't.

So instead of potentially joining Ruby in her sudden brutal gangbang, the female ringleader steps forward and takes a marker out of her bag. Pushing through the boys that Ruby is currently servicing, interjecting herself into the sudden depravity on her own terms, the young lady grabs one of Ruby's tits, groping and squeezing it and then pulling on it and holding it steady so she can write 'SLUT' in big blocky letters on Ruby's flesh.

Her female friends, seeing their leader do this, move forward, and begin to do the same. This seems to save them from the boys' libidos, because while there's still plenty of guys waiting their turn for Ruby with their dicks out and in their hands, the girls' active participation in Ruby's gangbang makes it clear that they're still part of the same group, instead of it turning into an 'Us vs. Them' scenario where the 'us' was one gender and the 'them' was the other.

Of course, while it starts out as self-preservation, there's no denying that each girl from Signal enjoys degrading and groping and fucking with Ruby just as much as the boys from Signal are enjoying ACTUALLY fucking her. One boy in particular who had a crush on Ruby for the longest time keeps going back for seconds, and while there's some light ribbing for that, they let him do as he pleases, even egging him on to fuck the bitch who was so ready to 'abandon' him even harder. Something he did with enthusiasm, even as tears streamed down his face over her 'betrayal', his features twisted into something approaching hate.

Ruby didn't even know the boy that well, couldn't even remember his name in the midst of everything that was happening… which made it all the worse of course, and she was forced to apologize again and again to him in particular, begging for his forgiveness as he fucked her cunt and even her ass over and over. No part of Ruby is spared, from her pussy and asshole, to her mouth, to her tits and the rest of her body as well.

They fuck her in every way that their greedy little minds can think of for the next hour, taking turns blocking the train car's entrances and exists in order to keep anyone else from ruining their fun. By then though, Ruby has been plowed completely insensate, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth, when it isn't occupied with sucking a boy's cock.

With their fun over and the doors about to open, the group clean themselves up and then depart. They take Ruby's clothes with them, the underwear going with the male ringleader, while the female leader tosses Ruby's actual clothes into the trash. Ruby herself is left behind in the train car, naked and splayed out on a bench. Covered in marker and cum, with her Signal ID card laid on the one clean part of her tummy, she twitches and moans and mewls, still making peace signs as that was one of the last orders the last boy who fucked her gave her.

A new crowd of passengers files into the now empty train car as the train itself begins moving again. It doesn't take long for Ruby to be discovered in all of her defiled glory. As the doors close, scrolls come out and people begin taking pictures and video, wide-eyed and muttering to one another about just how slutty the young woman appears to be and wondering how a so-called huntress-in-training can possibly be so depraved.


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