Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Best(?) Wingman! (Harry Potter)

The Best(?) Wingman! (Harry Potter)


Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Exhibitionism

Summary: Neville has been going to Hermione for tutoring for years. But only this year is he starting to have problems. Luckily his good friend Harry is there to help him out!


“Honestly Neville, I don’t know what’s gotten into you! You’re usually so much more focused than this!”
Ears burning with shame, Neville Longbottom tries his best to focus on the matter at hand, rather than the forcible jiggling as his tutor, Hermione Granger, crosses her arms over her chest. Or rather, she tries to cross her arms over her chest, but the maneuver winds up with her forced to settle for crossing them UNDER her chest instead, a sign of just how much recent changes to her body have left her at something of a loss as well.
Neville wasn’t a bad student by any means. However, for the first several years of his time at Hogwarts, he’d been forced to use a substandard wand. His grandmother had denied Neville the opportunity to buy his own wand, INSISTING that he use his father’s wand. When Ollivander had found out about this after said wand finally broke and Neville’s grandmother was forced to let him buy a new one, the Wandmaker had damn near blown a gasket.
Just because a wand worked for the father, didn’t mean that it would work for the son. It didn’t WORK like that, or so Mr. Ollivander claimed… and to be fair, he was the expert so Neville really had no reason not to believe him. In fact, he had every reason to believe the wandmaker was right, because ever since he’d gotten a wand properly fitted to him, he’d felt downright amazing.
That didn’t mean he was all caught up though. His shy attitude and substandard wand meant he’d been behind for his first several years at Hogwarts, and if he was going to catch up, he would need a magical tutor. That was where Hermione Granger came in. The brunette witch was the brightest student of their generation, and she’d been more than happy to take Neville under her wing and bring him up to speed.
And last year, that had worked out perfectly. He’d learned a lot and proven there was a good student under all his insecurities and tribulations. However, THIS year…
“Neville! I think we end here for the day, you’re just too distracted!”
As Hermione delivers that ultimatum, she stands up, her breasts bouncing boobily all over the place as Neville hastily reverts his eyes. It wasn’t fair! Ever since the summer, Hermione had come back built VERY lewdly! Almost LAVENDER levels of lewd in fact! How’s a bloke supposed to concentrate when those big, bouncy, honkers are jiggling around with nothing more than support charms under her blouse?!
He's only a man, after all! As Hermione fast walks from the room in a huff, Neville just groans and places his face in his palms. This wasn’t going to work… but what was a wizard to do?
“Well… you could make a move, you know.”
Neville sputters at that, even as Harry shrugs along with his suggestion.
“W-What? No… I… Hermione’s not my type, Harry!”
Blinking owlishly, the green-eyed wizard tilts his head to the side in confusion.
“She’s not? But weren’t you just talking about how much you like her tits?”
Neville nods, before blushing even harder.
“But relationships are more than about what’s skin deep, Harry! Hermione is a good friend, don’t get me wrong… but I’m not looking for a girlfriend like her. She’s too…”
He doesn’t quite know how to put it into words. Neville had a type. He definitely did. And Hermione wasn’t it. It was as simple as that. Which was why he was here, complaining to Harry about her. Ultimately, he didn’t expect anything to come from it, but he’d needed to vent and Harry was Neville’s best friend in the whole of Hogwarts.
“… I see. I might have a solution to your problem, Neville.”
Eyes widening, Neville looks at the other wizard in something approaching poorly concealed hope.
“No promises… but yeah, I’ve got something I can try…”
And thus did Neville find himself at his next tutoring session with Hermione a couple days later, trying desperately not to stare at her tits. Hermione, meanwhile, was growing more and more cross with him by the second.
“You need to focus up, Neville. I don’t know if we can continue these tutoring sessions if you’re not-!”
Before she can finish her ultimatum however, the door opens and a third enters the abandoned classroom. Hermione blinks as Harry walks in nonchalantly, completely at ease.
“H-Harry? What are you doing here?”
Neville perks up, watching as his friend saunters forward, not an ounce of insecurity in his gait.
“Oh, don’t mind me ‘Mione. Keep working with Neville, alright? Pretend like I’m not even here.”
The muggleborn witch gives Harry a furrowed look, before swinging back around to face Neville, her tits once again bouncing boobily in that way that draws the eye and Neville is helpless to resist. However, this time, at long last… Hermione catches him. Her eyes begin to widen and her lips part as she realizes what he’s looking at, and Neville begins to shrink in on himself, ready to take the much-deserved barrage of ridicule he’s earned from her.
However, before any of that can happen, Harry steps in. Despite his words to just pretend like he wasn’t there, the green-eyed wizard makes it a little hard to do so, especially when he suddenly lifts Hermione out of her seat and sits her down on his lap instead. But more than that, just as soon as he has her situated, his hands move from her waist to those world-class knockers of hers, grabbing at her massive milk jugs as his lips close on her neck, kissing up and down the soft, sensitive flesh there.
Hermione moans, instinctively tilting her head to the side to grant Harry further access, even as one of her hands falls on one of his wrists and the other goes back to grab at his dark, untamed hair. Neville can only watch wide-eyed as for a second, it’s as though the entire world falls away for the bossy brunette witch. Hermione all but melts into Harry’s embrace… for a moment anyways, and then she recovers herself and tries to gather the tattered remains of her suddenly shredded dignity.
“H-Harry! W-What do you think you’re d-doing?! I have a STUDENT I’m tutoring, and you can’t just… you can’t just… oooh~”
He can’t just squeeze and bounce and grope her tits, Neville finishes for her in his head. Except that’s exactly what Harry ends up doing, the other wizard wasting no time in going to town on her. When Hermione opens her mouth to protest again, she doesn’t even get a word out, because suddenly he’s giving her a deep, tongue-filled, lewd kiss that she can’t help but respond to by slurping and sucking at his tongue, moaning and gasping all the while.
When they finally pull apart for air, only Hermione is gasping and panting. Harry is barely breathing heavily as he just smiles knowingly at the brunette witch.
“I’m just helping you take a load off, Mione. We both know you’re only so tense and pent-up because your body is in dire need of pampering. Honestly, I should have done this years ago… you would have been much more relaxed.”
Hermione just mewls as Harry continues to play with her jugs. Neville, meanwhile… has a broad smile on his face. He, for one, IS actually much more relaxed. See, he has no reason to stare at Hermione Granger’s fat tits any more, because now they’re another man’s property. He can finally concentrate on studying!
“Hermione… can we get back to the tutoring session now?”
His tutor looks at him incredulously for a moment, before Harry chuckles in her ear and backs Neville up.
“It wouldn’t exactly be fair to Neville if we monopolized all of his time with you, Mione. Go on, pretend like I’m not even there.”
That draws a sputtering gasp from Hermione, who clearly struggles with the concept of pretending Harry isn’t there, especially given the things he’s doing with and to her in that moment. But in the end, she does as she’s told and focuses back on her lesson with Neville… and to Hermione’s utmost surprise and chagrin, it’s one of the better tutoring sessions they’ve had all year. Sure, she’s a stuttering stammering mess for most of it, but Neville… Neville blows through the curriculum that Hermione had planned to teach him that session, and proves that he’s just as ready to learn as ever, much to her surprise.
Despite everything, Hermione comes away from the tutoring session feeling a strange sense of pride and accomplishment. But she fails to notice the contemplative look on Neville’s face as she goes…
“Yeah, so it’s not the breasts that are the problem anymore, Harry. Those are yours now.”
“… Uh-huh.”
“It’s her face! And lips!”
“Have you seen her, Harry? She’s too cute for words! And those lips… they’re just made for kissing! Like you kissed her. But at the same time… I don’t know. I can’t explain it! I just know that if something isn’t done, I’ll be just as distracted as before soon enough.”
“Please Harry. Can you do something? You solved the first issue so effectively!”
“Sure, Neville. I’ll handle it.”
Frazzled as all hell, Hermione Granger prepares for her next tutoring session with Neville Longbottom just a few days later. Honestly, the last few days have been… have been… something else. Harry has been all over her every single day, especially after she put her foot down at the end of the last tutoring session and told him he wasn’t allowed to be there anymore. She didn’t want him doing that to her in front of Neville, no matter how much it helped the other wizard study!
To his credit, Harry had proven very agreeable on that front. But to Hermione’s mild horror, he’d then taken that as carte blanche to go ahead and molest and pamper her every chance of every day since instead! And sure, those daily molestations and pampering had actually done wonders for her stress. Maybe… maybe pampering WAS what she’d needed. But that didn’t mean she could just… could just set it all aside and-!
“Hey, Mione.”
Stiffening, Hermione very deliberately does not turn towards Harry as she continues to prep for the tutoring session.
“Harry… I already told you, I’m not doing anything with you when it’s Neville’s turn.”
“Sure. But Neville’s tutoring session doesn’t start for a half hour, does it?”
Hermione sputters, still not looking at Harry, even when he pats her ass cheek from behind through the skirt she’s wearing.
“That’s neither here nor there! I’m prepping for it, Harry!”
He sounds remarkably unconvinced, so Hermione endeavors to ignore him and his… his ass-patting! Until, that is, she bends over to pull something out of a chest, only for Harry’s patting to turn into a full blown smack across her massive booty, one that nearly sends Hermione face first into the magically enchanted chest as she squeals from the hefty, MEATY impact against her ass.
She manages to catch herself on the rims of the chest and avoid a humiliating tumble into the expanded compartment within, but she’s still greatly agitated, pushing herself up and spinning around with a mighty scowl on her face.
“Harry, you can’t… just…”
Honestly, she should have realized. The patting of her ass… it’d never felt like a proper palm. But also not like a couple of fingers. It was somewhere in between, thick and meaty and… and…
“Oh hey, now that I’ve got your attention… could you take care of this, babe?”
Hermione doesn’t even register dropping to her knees, though when it leaves her face to face with Harry’s massive cock, she kind of realizes she’s done so. The crazy thing is, he’s not even hard yet. He’s still mostly soft, barely twitching, and… and jinkies, t-those balls are the size of ORANGES!
Harry’s shaft ends up stretched over her face as she leans in further and further. Looking up past it with one eye to see Harry’s smug, knowing grin, Hermione lets out a huff of hot air against the underside of his still growing penis. She’s definitely going to give Harry a piece of her mind! Don’t think she won’t! She’s going to… she’s going to…
It’s such a pity that her mouth is juuuust wide enough to take such a jaw straining monster, but not wide enough for her to be able to talk with her mouth full. She’ll have to berate Harry for this later.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
For now, Hermione bobs up and down her boyfriend’s dick, bouncing her head away as she chokes and gurgles on his cock. Never mind that they’d only become boyfriend and girlfriend a few days ago when Harry had decided to molest her right in front of Neville like that. This… this was w-what girlfriends did for their boyfriends, r-right? Hermione had heard Lavender and Parvati talking about it in the dorm often enough.
Wide eyes staring up at Harry, Hermione gurgles and gags her way up and down his massive length, taking his huge dick into her tight little throat. She’s just… giving it a taste test!
“Good girl.”
Harry’s smile, those words… and the pat on her head mean NOTHING! Nor does the fact that he’s breaking in her tight Granger throat-cunt with more and more of his big fat cock! Though… though she has to admit, it’s kind of nice to just relax with a massive, magnificent, majestic member reshaping her esophagus and halfway down her gullet. All the while, Harry has one of her tits in his hands and is groping it casually, while the other remains in her hair.
She tries to get as many moans, groans, and grunts out of her boyfriend as possible, but it feels like she’s not giving it her all. That’s when she realizes she can use her own hands, and reaches up to fondle Harry’s balls. They must hurt with all of that white, hot jizz they’re carrying. Merlin, she can’t wait until he cums down her throat and she gets to swallow every… last… drop…
When Neville arrives at his tutoring session with Hermione a half hour later, he passes Harry on his way out and sees Hermione looking somewhat dazed. The brunette bookworm might as well have had hearts in her eyes. Plus, there was a trickle of something white going down from the corner of her mouth, and she had a big steaming tankard that she was gulping from every once in a while.
Neville might not fully understand what he was seeing, but on a subconscious level, he knew what had happened between Harry and Hermione. Just like with Hermione’s big honking milkers, Neville now knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hermione’s face and lips are just as off-limits as her giant honkers. Yes, everything is peachy keen and all’s well that ends well.
This tutoring session goes just as well as the last, with Neville able to focus on his learning and Hermione seriously mellowed out as she walks him through the lessons she’s prepared for him in something of a daze. However, near the end something happens… Hermione has to stand up, turn around, and bend over to put one of the visual aids she’d brought back in a box.
It’s then that Neville gets his first true view of Hermione’s amazing ass, toned from all that walking, running, adventuring, and heavy book carrying. Alongside her creamy thighs and long legs… he can’t look away, shamefully enough.
… Well, one thing’s for certain. They can’t have Neville distracted by all of THAT when he’s just trying to study!
“… Yeah Neville, consider it handled!”
“Thanks mate, you’re the best!”
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Unbeknownst to Neville, Hermione was already sneaking into Harry’s bed in the Head Boy’s Quarters in the early morning hours of every day by that point. With the privacy provided by the Head Boy and Head Girl’s Quarters, no one had a clue that Hermione Granger was waking him up with the most amazing throat-jobs, as well as liberal use of her big fat chest as a proper ‘tit-pussy’ to jack him off while he happily ate her out for breakfast.
As he licks at her cunt quite greedily while they sixty-nine in her bed, Hermione pulls her lips off of Harry’s cock for a moment and wraps her chest around his shaft as she looks back over her shoulder at him, positively panting.
“D-Don’t think I’m doing this because I’m some sort of scarlet woman, H-Harry… I’m only making sure you don’t interrupt my tutoring sessions… that’s all!”
Pulling back from her sopping pussy with a messy lower face, Harry chortles.
“Sure, Mione.”
The brunette just pouts mightily at his disbelief. Honestly, skipping breakfast was just the price that she had to pay to keep her boyfriend on the straight and narrow. If she didn’t take care of him properly in the mornings like this, he found time to molest and toy with her throughout the day, even in their classes sometimes!
Still, it’s not like her belly was getting filled with S-Grade Potter Baby Batter anyways. Harry kept her full in other ways, namely by putting her sweet mouth and pleasantly aching jaw through workouts multiple times a day.
Of course, Hermione isn’t expecting it when Harry suddenly sits up in the bed, his hands grabbing her by the hips and lifting her up.
“I think it’s time we took out relationship to the next level now, Mione.”
Hermione finds herself scrambling out of the bed, but with Harry following behind her, still latched onto her waist. Before she knows it, she’s pressed up against the window of the Head Boy’s bedroom, squeaking as she looks down at the courtyard below. Empty right now, of course, everyone is at breakfast. Everyone except for her and Harry.
Trembling in fear… and s-something else, Hermione looks back to see Harry hot-dogging her ass with his massive member, before sliding it down and then up and under to prod against her slit. A shuddering gasp leaves the brunette’s lips as her eyes go crossed just trying to figure out the logistics of taking such a honking great big cock up into her tight, virgin pussy.
“W-Wait, Harry. I’m really not sure…”
She’s half-expecting him not to wait and to just thrust up into her, which is why she’s surprised when she trails off all on her own, Harry actually pausing to tilt his head to the side. They make eye contact then, and he gives her a warm, reassuring grin.
“You don’t need to worry, Hermione. A genius like yourself? I bet you’ll have a genius pussy as well. It’ll know exactly how to tackle my dick.”
Hermione flushes, biting her lower lip and grumbling.
“I-It really doesn’t work like that…”
And yet, despite her soft words, she’s wiggling her hips and pushing back against Harry. In the end, it’s Hermione’s movement that causes the huge bulbous head of his shaft to finally push into her half an inch. Harry grunts… and then takes that as invitation to slam forward, thrusting in the rest of the way. He bottoms out inside of her in an instant, prompting loud, bleating squealing from the big-brained wildcat of a Gryffindor.
She shudders as she gets a proper lioness pounding up against the window, her big ole titties squishing against the glass. Honestly, it’s a good thing that it’s magically enchanted, otherwise she’s afraid that Harry might have fucked her right on through it, what with the force he’s using. His cock pounds forward into her without delay and without respite, and it’s all Hermione can do to try and keep up as her eyes cross and her mouth forms into a small but forever open ‘o’ shape.
Of course, they’d already been engaging in some pretty heavy oral play earlier, what with Harry fucking her throat and eating her out in that sixty-nine. So it’s not surprising that he only lasts through three mind-blowing orgasms from Hermione’s corner before his big fat cock bastes her insides with his seed, filling her womb with that S-Grade Potter Baby Batter she’d been thinking about just a few minutes ago.
That’s not the end though, much to Hermione’s surprise. Instead, Harry grabs her by her wrists, yanks her back away from the window, and then walk-fucks her over to the nearby floor-length mirror as he continues plowing her silly. Hermione, forced to look herself in the eye, freezes up for a moment at the look of pure, honest pleasure spread across her blissed out face.
She looks ridiculous, but in the end Hermione can only bring herself to care for a moment, trying to school her face into something more… reasonable, trying to find the words to tell Harry to slow down. Only for that moment, and then the desire passes and she lets herself be pulled under by the sea of pleasure she’s currently drowning in.
Eyes rolling back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, Hermione Granger goes with the flow as she shudders and quivers upon Harry’s cock. She orgasms another six times in front of the mirror, her massive titties bouncing all over the place. Then, they move things to the bed, making an utter mess of both said bed and her. Hermione ends up coated in Harry’s next load, which of course means they have to go to the bathroom next, though they end up fucking another time before actually ending up under the shower spray where… yes, they have sex yet again.
Harry was right. He SHOULD have been doing this to her years ago. Hermione can scarcely believe the sheer amount of lost time that she felt like they now had to make up for. She simply couldn’t get enough of how good it felt to have Harry buried inside of her. Fuck missing breakfast, she’d spend the whole day having sex with her beloved, big-dicked boyfriend if she could.
So delirious, Hermione does in fact completely lose track of time. Her entire world shrinks down to Harry’s cock, buried inside of her hungering twat again and again. Moaning wantonly, Hermione loses the plot. She had all of these plans for after Hogwarts, but in that moment, there’s only one thing she wanted.
“Please Harry. Pleeeease knock me up! Be a man! Breed me! Turn me into your broodmare, make me your woman, your baby mama!”
Harry, for his part, just chuckles as she wriggles and writhes beneath him. They’ve left the bathroom behind, with her in his arms and impaled on his dick. Her limbs were wrapped around his body, but she’d let him set her down. He’d ended up laying her out on the table in the Head Boy and Head Girl’s shared common room, where Hermione did a lot of her own personal studying.
But in that moment, the only thing Hermione cared about… was studying anatomy with Harry some more! She wanted his big fat cock inside of her, stirring up her insides! Instead, he’d pulled out of her and while he was fondling her tits and pinning her down to the table, he wasn’t fucking her like she wanted. Why wasn’t he-?
“Hey Neville.”
Harry’s nonchalant delivery of that casual greeting has Hermione freezing up with wide eyes as she slowly turns her head to the left.
“Hey mate! Looks like you’ve been taking care of business! Appreciate it!”
Wha… what was Neville doing here?! And indeed, the Gryffindor Wizard is currently setting up his study materials at the other end of the table, just a few feet away from a very naked Hermione, who has her legs spread and has been egging Harry on to man up and breed her for the last several minutes. Squeaking, Hermione belatedly tries to cover herself up with her hands, going bright crimson as she looks at Harry in betrayal.
But her boyfriend just looks back at her with a big grin, emerald eyes glittering.
“Isn’t fair to Neville to have you miss his tutoring time just because you can’t get enough of me, Mione. So I went ahead and invited him up here.”
T-Tutoring time? But that was supposed to be days away… unless… Hermione’s eyes widen, while Harry’s grin just grows as he nods, confirming her suspicions. Then, before she can do or say anything, he’s grabbed her by her hips, flipped her over onto her front, and bent her over the table. Then… she feels it. His cock pressing against her back door for the first time.
“You go ahead and give Neville his tutoring. If you do a very good job, then maybe I’ll fuck you again and give you exactly what you were begging for before. But until then… we’ll stick to anal.”
Hermione sputters and blusters at first, but in the end… there’s no helping it. Harry’s word is law, and Hermione is helpless before her boyfriend and his big fat cock. Ultimately, she teaches Neville, just like she’s supposed to, all while Harry smashes her fat ass to his heart’s content. Without a prepared lesson, all she can really do is help Neville with his homework… but that alone is more than enough for the young man.
“You’ve done so well, Neville… I’m proud to call you my student.”
“Thanks, Hermione! I’m proud to call you my teacher!”
It’s just the three of them. And for once, nothing lewd is happening… unless you counted the fact that Hermione was wearing nothing more than a crop-top and a short skirt, and cuddling against Harry’s side with her fat tits wrapped around his arm, nestled between those huge cow udders. But then, compared to what the happy couple usually got up to, this was nothing.
It was the end of the school year, and Neville had ended up acing all of his subjects quite easily once he stopped being distracted by Hermione’s lewd body. Meanwhile, Hermione was getting all the attention she needed, and Harry had a beautiful girlfriend keeping him warm at night… and throughout the day in a multitude of situations.
Seeing how happy they were together, Neville beams and then leans forward, looking Harry right in the eye.
“Harry, mate. After all that Hermione has done for me… I think you need to reward her for being such a great teacher. I’d do it, but she ain’t my girl, you know?”
Harry blinks at that, before slowly nodding, well-used to these frankly ODD conversations with Neville by this point. Of course, they weren’t usually had when Hermione was sitting right there…
“Sure, Neville. Uh… what do you think you’d want as a reward, Mione?”
Blushing profusely, Hermione wiggles for a moment before mumbling out a response.
“Could… could t-teach me to ride a broom and fly I suppose…”
Harry’s brow lifts, and then a wide and wicked grin spreads across his face.
“Oooh, I like that. We’re going to have to train your grip though~”
Hermione gives her boyfriend a flat look, before smiling softly.
“You’re going to stuff me into a cheerleader uniform every chance you get, aren’t you?”
“Hah! What an amazing idea~”
As the two lovebirds get all touchy feely with each other, Neville just smiles, happy to see everything worked out for the best. You see… Hermione really WASN’T Neville’s type. Because Neville was a bottom, and any woman he got with what inevitably have to be a top.
Now you might be wondering how that made him and Hermione incompatible. Wasn’t their entire relationship based on Hermione bossing Neville around? Yes, yes it was originally. However… Neville had a sixth sense for these kinds of things. In the end, he could tell that Hermione and him weren’t right for each other. Deep down inside, Hermione Granger was just as much of a bottom as he was. She just needed to find the right man to pull it out of her.
Enter Harry James Potter. Now there was a top, and if Neville were gay… well, the fact was, Neville was not gay. But he was more than happy to play matchmaker for his two friends! One day, he hoped to find the same happiness as Harry and Hermione… but for now, he was content to just bask in the moment. He’d graduated from Hogwarts as the third best student in school, behind ONLY Hermione and Harry in terms of both practical and written tests. The world was now his oyster, and he couldn’t wait to go out there.
Meanwhile, Hermione and Harry were all too eager to do the same… especially given, despite not quite showing yet, Hermione was already a couple months pregnant.
Yes, all was well that ended well, ultimately. And things for Neville, Hermione, and Harry had ended quite well indeed.


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