Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Daemon’s Web (Warhammer 40k)

The Daemon’s Web (Warhammer 40k)

A/N: The Daemon's Web was a commissioned one shot originally written in August of this year. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: A very unlucky Warp Spider ends up trapped in the Warp with a Slaaneshi Demon.

Themes: Bondage, Mind Break, Tentacle Sex


"Wakey, wakey little spider~"

What… what happened? Consciousness returns to Menellya slowly, right up until she tries to move, only to find that she can't. Her body jerks in fleshy bindings, her limbs restrained as her eyes snap open. The first thing she notes is that her helmet has been removed… not good. The second thing she notes is the world around her is Not Right. She's… still in the Warp. Oh fuck, she's still in the Warp.

Now, to be clear, Menellya was a Warp Spider. She was an Eldar who specialized in the use of a teleportation unit built into her armor that allowed her to rapidly jump through the Immaterium. It made her almost impossible to target and allowed her to strike at her enemies and then disappear long before they could strike back.

The Immaterium, otherwise known as the Warp, was like a second home to her. And yet, it was also the most dangerous place in the cosmos. Every time she jumped, every time she used her teleport, she risked being lost within it. The riskier and less thought out the teleport, the higher the chance of her being just… gone, forever.

A glance down has Menellya blanching at the sight of her bared chest. It's not really the fact that her breasts and abdomen are fully on display that fills her with horror and terror in that moment, however. It's the fact that on top of her helmet being removed, a large part of her armor is just… gone. Including the part that allows her to teleport.

She's lucky there's not a mark on the rest of her… for a given value of the word.

"There you are spider. You know, I always did question it. Calling yourselves Warp Spiders... it seems rather silly, doesn't it? After all, whoever heard of a spider who constantly risks getting caught in another's web?"

As Menellya, properly awake now, fully registers the voice this time around, she stiffens up and slowly turns her head in its direction. There, standing before her, is a woman. Ethereally beautiful, she had the kind of feminine form that was carved into statues as examples of the fairer gender's beauty.

She was… gorgeous beyond belief, the sort that if you saw her in public, you might just walk straight into a wall trying to keep your eyes on her.

… Menellya no longer feels lucky for having survived her drop into the Warp without a mark on her. She feels very unlucky indeed. Because no matter this creature's beauty, it is no woman, no female. No, rather, the Eldar is staring at a demon of the Warp… and not just any demon either. A slow grin spreads across the Slaaneshi Daemon's face, as Menellya jerks in her bondage more violently, trying in vain to rear back away from the other, trying to escape.

"Ah, there it is. Recognition. How… mm, delightful~"

Any other Warp Daemon would have been preferable. Chaos was split into four realms. Three of them could be trusted to kill you at least, albeit in varying degrees and different forms of slow and painful.

Tzeentchi Daemons would scheme you to death, likely stringing you along for a time before either sending you back to the Material to get yourself killed out of fear that you would advance one of their plans, or just offing you themselves as part of some convoluted (and hilarious to them) plot.

Khornish Daemons would fight you to the death, and while what they did with your corpse and more specifically your skull afterwards would be grotesque and vile, at least you would simply be dead. It was probably the nicest fate to be expected from Chaos. Death in battle… there was something appealing about that.

A Nurlgish Daemon would not be so kind. They would keep you alive for a time, preferring you die slowly via illness and disease. You would probably be used as a seedbed for their more virulent strains, developing bacteria and sicknesses that could only thrive in a living host. But… you WOULD eventually die, inevitably.

Slaaneshi Daemons, however… there was no such guarantee of death. No, for the creations of Slaanesh, living in excess was the preference. It might have sounded nice to the ignorant or foolish. It might have sounded like a dream come true to the hedonistic. But… be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it, and the Prince of Pleasure's creations fully embodied the principle 'too much of a good thing'. In fact, they downright reveled in it.

It was a Slaaneshi Daemon that Menellya stared at now, and she knew she was absolutely fucked… in every possible way she could imagine. Giggling, the Daemon shakes her head, tousling her locks back and forth as she does so, her perfectly sculpted breasts jiggling as well in… all the most intoxicating ways.

How long? How long had she been unconscious? How long had this Daemon had unrestricted access to her? Menellya… Menellya had always been something of an outlier. She wasn't very feminine, preferring what were commonly viewed as masculine pursuits above all else. Part of that was… well, her love and lust for all things feminine. She preferred females as bed partners over males. By a WIDE margin.

And this Daemon was… presenting the perfect representation of Menellya's deepest fantasies. While also being a fucking Chaos Daemon. Indeed, it wasn't just that she was ethereally beautiful, and perfect in every way. There were the… tentacles too.

They had gone unnoticed at first, mostly because Menellya was busy thinking about how fucked she was, and how any other type of Chaos Daemon would have truthfully been preferable. But the longer she's dangling in midair, the more she's forced to take in the bigger picture. What she's bound up in isn't some separate thing… it's another part of the Daemon. Flowing down the length of her back, pressing themselves low to the floor to keep Menellya from noticing them, and then flowing up into the air to hold her aloft, are numerous fleshy, and altogether slimy tentacles.

"Ah, finally noticed those, did you? Cute~"

Taking a step forward, the Daemon closes the distance between them, smiling a lurid, coquettish smile. Menellya's heart thuds in her chest, the tomboyish Warp Spider trying her damnedest to fight down her natural reaction. She cannot give in. It will only make things worse for her. Unfortunately, what little of her armor remains is inoperable. She can do nothing, as the Daemon reaches for her. Well, nothing but try to bite those fingers of hers.

The Daemon just giggles as she curls her fingers back out of reach.

"Oooh, feisty. Not to worry, pet. I'll go easy on you this first time around."

Menellya opens her mouth to respond, to curse the impossibly beautiful creature in front of her… but that, as it turns out, is precisely what the Slaaneshi is waiting for.


Quick as a whip, one of the tentacles from the Daemon's back spears forward. Menellya doesn't doubt that it has enough strength to puncture straight through the back of her throat and out the back of her skull, but of course, that's not what the Daemon wants. Instead, while the appendage does shove itself into Menellya's mouth with lightning-fast speed, it also slows down considerably once it's got her jaw stretched wide open and pushes itself down the back of her throat instead.


"That's it. Take it, darling."

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

The violent tentacle skull-fucking probably IS the Daemon's idea of taking it easy on her, truth be told. But for Menellya, it's not easy at all. Especially not when the other tentacles wound around her limbs begin to shift and move inward, groping and squeezing in all the ri- WRONG places. The tomboy Warp Spider can only gasp around the obstruction barreling down her esophagus again and again as feelers toy with her nipples, tendrils rip away the last of her armor, and begin to press against her lower orifices.

"Mm, that's it. Moooore~"

It's not like Menellya has a choice. The Eldar is trapped, caught in the grasp of a Lust Daemon who will not let her go. There is a reason this is considered the worst fate one can suffer at the hands of Chaos. She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that her suffering is just beginning.

But knowing is only half the battle. As tentacles push into her cunt and ass, Menellya gurgles, eyes half-rolling back in her head. Her vision is still occupied by the Daemon's beautiful body, and to make matters worse, the Slaaneshi is running her actual hands up and down her form while her tentacles play with Menellya.

The view is to die for… if only she COULD die, her pointed ears twitching, her struggling doing nothing as she's held aloft and fucked in every hole.


She's not sure how long it continues on for. The tentacles drive in and out of her orifices, wrecking her body but never in a permanent fashion. Her holes are stretched to their limits, but there is no tearing… no blood, even. The Daemon truly is taking it easy on her.

Only, her torment feels ever-lasting, and might as well have lasted an eternity, before the Daemon finally takes 'mercy' on her. Only the tentacle in her throat actually pulls back, however. The tentacles in her cunt and ass remain there, extracting reluctant pleasure from Menellya that the Warp Spider cannot prevent, that she finds impossible to fight.

Gasping, panting, coughing and hacking for breath, Menellya looks with tired eyes upon her tormentor. Upon the creature that has her dead to rights. Those fingers come forward again, but Menellya makes no effort to bite at this time, allowing the Slaaneshi Daemon to run her digits up under the tomboy Eldar's chin and lift her head.

"Feeling a bit more… cooperative, pet? Mm, tell me, are you ready to behave?"

Menellya does not answer. It's the last bit of defiance she has in her, and they both know her non-answer might as well be confirmation of her submission.

"Yesss, I think someone like you would much rather put your tongue to use down here, wouldn't you?"

The tentacles fucking and holding Menellya aloft reposition her abruptly so that her face is mere inches from the Daemon's cunt. Using two fingers, the Daemon spreads her pussy lips wide, showing off her glistening sex and offering it up to her. And the worst part is… Menellya is tempted. She knows it's a bad idea. She knows just giving in even a little bit will spell her doom. But she's still tempted.

Slowly, her lips part. Her tongue begins to stretch out… and the Daemon rests a hand atop her head. Shivering, the Warp Spider's tongue moves to flick at the Daemon's slit, provoking a low moan of approval from the perfectly sculpted creature. Then, before she can dive deeper, the Slaaneshi's grip on her hair tightens up, and she yanks her head back.

"Ask nicely, pet. Beg for it… beg for your Mistress to grant you this gift."

Her first instinct is to deny it. To fight back. But that tentacle that had ravaged her throat is still hovering in place, ready to go right back down her gullet. Menellya curses herself for her weakness internally, even as she speaks through gritted teeth.

"Please, Mistress… please let me… lick you."

The smile on the Slaaneshi Daemon's face is beatific as she giggles airily.

"Goood girl. Very good~"

She pulls Menellya back down, and the Warp Spider finds herself beginning to eat out her 'Mistress', even as shame fills her heart. If her mother could see her now, she would be so disappointed in her.

Long, long ago, her mother had been a Howling Banshee. So powerful. So strong. So capable. But then, one day… she'd vanished into the Warp, never to be seen again.

When Menellya had first decided to become a Warp Spider, she would be lying if she said she wasn't hoping to one day find her mother. To locate the woman who gave birth to her, and potentially bring her home. It was a long shot, the longest of shots in fact, but it was better than nothing… right?

Except, her hopes and dreams had led her here, to this greatest of nightmares. She was trapped and unable to do anything but submit to a creature that would bring her to the greatest heights of ecstasy, while also subjecting her to the horrors of what it likely considered pleasure. She couldn't say what was in store for her… only that what was being done to her now was likely the least that the Daemon would enjoy inflicting upon her body.

Once again, an indeterminate amount of time passes as she eats out the Slaaneshi Daemon, and the tentacles in turn continue to fuck her orifices. The pleasure grows and grows, and she crests over the edge, orgasming again and again. Until finally, the Daemon, her new 'Mistress' lets out a low groan and proceeds to paint her face with her fluids.

"Ahhh. Keeping things so, mm, vanilla, it took me longer than usual… but it was worth it, in the end. Sometimes, it's fun to go back to basics, isn't it?"

Menellya just stares up into the face of her 'Mistress' tiredly, her jaw aching, her tongue feeling almost numb from the amount of work she'd done. But she'd done it, for what that mattered. She'd managed to make the Daemon cum. Perhaps it would show mercy to her now and end her before the true suffering could begin.

"I've decided I like you pet, so I'll keep you. In fact, you remind me of another of my pets. Let's go see her, shall we?"

But no, it was not meant to be. And Menellya, held aloft by the Daemon's appendages, doesn't exactly get a say in matters as she's dragged off to another part of the Warp. However, just when she thinks things can't get worse, they do. For the pet that the Slaaneshi takes her to see, against all odds is…


She regrets it a moment later. Her mother can't even hear her, her ears are stuffed with tendrils, her eyes are covered in something fleshy, and her body… her body is on full display, showcasing all of the torments and tortures that had been inflicted upon her in the years they had been apart.

"Oh? Mother? No wonder you reminded me of her. How absolutely delightful~"

"P-Please… please, just kill us! Please-mmph!"

"Enough of that now. No more talking until you know how to beg for the right thing, I'd say~"

"Mmph! MMMPH!"

But it's no use, Menellya cannot break free. She's trapped, just as her mother was long ago. And they both belong to this Daemon now, their 'Mistress'. There is no escape.


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