Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Dark Wizard’s Harem (Goblin Slayer)

The Dark Wizard’s Harem (Goblin Slayer)

A/N: The Dark Wizard's Harem was a commissioned one shot originally written back in February. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which an evil mage known as Dark Wizard captures Guild Girl with the intention of using her to build himself a harem of gorgeous women. Everything goes precisely according to plan.

Themes: Hypnosis, NTR, Harem Sex


"Y-You can't possibly think you'll get away with this blatant kidnapping! I run the Adventure's Guild's front office! They'll notice I'm gone before too long!"

Even as she's thrown to her knees at his feet in chains, the beautiful buxom woman known as Guild Girl continues to be defiant. Truthfully, he's not sure how accurate her words actually are. Ultimately, she's nothing more than a jumped up receptionist who works on the frontier handing out quests to adventurers.

Would her disappearance really be noticed by anyone of importance? No matter, in the end it didn't really matter… she wasn't going to be missing long enough for anyone to notice. Chuckling, he leans forward on his throne.

"Tell me, Guild Girl… do you know who I am?"

Glaring up at him angrily, her hands shackled together at the wrist, she growls.

"A villain, obviously."

"Hmph, perhaps in your narrow world view, yes. But more specifically… I am Dark Wizard. And from now on, you may call me… Master."

Guild Girl's eyes widen, and the woman rears back in a sudden panic, but Dark Wizard is already calling upon his magics. With a flare of power, a pentagram appears in the air and shoots out, stopping just atop Guild Girl's forehead. The gorgeous woman goes stiff, her head bucking backwards in the process, her body trembling as the hypnosis magic goes to work… rearranging her thoughts.

Dark Wizard just watches on with a grin. This was the plan, after all. Guild Girl's capture was all to further his goals, and no one suspected a thing. His lair, as it was, was a large mansion he'd gotten through his hypnosis magic, allowing him to amass quite the fortune. He had all of the wealth he could ever need… but now he wanted something more. Now, he wanted companionship.

"M-Master… Master…"

As the pentagram atop Guild Girl's brow fades, the vacant look in her eyes does not. She gazes up at him with a gaze of total devotion and adoration, a slow smile spreading across her face, one that shows just how in love with him she now is.

"Are you ready to serve your new Master, Guild Girl?"

"Yes… Master…"

"Then come."

Reaching down, Dark Wizard flicks open the button to his pants, and deftly extracts his cock from its confines. As his thick, throbbing member flops out, Guild Girl, still in chains, shuffles forward, her glazed over eyes fixating on his dick. A moment later, and she's taking him in her mouth as he grabs hold of her hair and guides her forward.

Dark Wizard groans, as he proceeds to enjoy Guild Girl's mouth. She's not the best at this, but that's alright, they have time to train her up. Although, just in case…

"Give it your all, Guild Girl. Worship your Master's cock, you useless sow."

Immediately, Guild Girl's efforts increase by a noticeable margin, and Dark Wizard groans even louder as he enjoys her mouth and tongue to their fullest. Grinning wickedly, the evil man looks down at the first of his hypnotized women.

"Good girl. Good bitch. This is where a defiant cunt like you belongs… on your knees, submitting to my every whim. Don't you agree?"

He lets her pull back off of her cock and use her hands for a moment so she can answer him, one stroking his shaft and the other fondling his balls.

"Yes Master. This useless sow belongs on her knees, submitting to your every whim."

Dark Wizard chuckles, enjoying hearing such things come from her lips. After all, he hadn't started out this way. He'd gotten where he was today through sheer determination… meanwhile, bitches like this one had tried to hold him back, every step of the way. His magic… his magic had been deemed 'useless' by this very cunt, back when he was just starting out. All because he could barely influence anyone to do anything, and his spells didn't have much combat potential to them at first.

Well, look who was laughing now. He'd worked hard and developed stronger spells, and now his special brand of hypnosis magic had made him one of the wealthiest men in the entire frontier. It was time to reap the benefits, time to take his revenge… but not just that.

"Deeper. Faster."

His orders are answered with actions, as the hypnotized Guild Girl begins to bob down his cock even faster, taking him deeper into her mouth and down the back of her throat as she begins to choke herself out for him.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

As he enjoys Guild Girl's efforts, he's also thinking about the future. There was a reason he'd taken Guild Girl, beyond his petty revenge on the bitch for looking down on him when he was just starting out. She would be the lynchpin of his entire plan to build himself a harem. After all, there was only one type of woman in this world worthy of his loins…

Speaking of loins, in that moment, Dark Wizard groans and tips over the edge. Guild Girl's enthusiasm, and efforts to make him cum, finally bear fruit as he fills her throat with his spunk. Having given no orders to the effect of swallowing, he very nearly drowns her as she chokes and gags on his seed, which spurts out of her nose and the sides of her mouth for a moment as her cheeks balloon outward from the size of his load.

Dark Wizard doesn't care though, he just smiles cruelly and holds her in place until he's done, before finally releasing her. Coughing and hacking, her face a ruinous mess, Guild Girl eventually gets her breathing back under control, even as he snaps his fingers and unshackles her, freeing her from the chains that bound her wrists together.

"Now that you are my slave, I have but one task for you, woman. You will go back to your job, you will pretend everything is normal… and you will collect the most beautiful women you know and bring them here, to me, to become my slaves as well. Do you understand?"

Without hesitation, without reservation, Guild Girl looks up at him reverently and smiles as she nods.

"Yes, Master. It would be my absolute pleasure."

Dark Wizard just grins and dismisses her with a wave of his hand.

"Go and get yourself cleaned up, and then return to your duties. I expect to see you soon, my pet."

As Guild Girl gets to her feet, bows, and walks out, Dark Wizard licks his lips in anticipation of her next visit. She'll bring others, he's sure… so before they arrive, it'll be best to be prepared.


"What exactly are we doing here, again?"

"You said this would help us with him… but how?"

"This place seems… very fancy…"

"All will be explained momentarily, girls. Please, follow me a little bit further."

Three days later, and Dark Wizard finds himself entertaining new guests. He can't help but grin as Guild Girl approaches with three more women, all beautiful in their own rights. One of them… isn't an adventurer however, and he's a little surprised by that fact. Still, he reserves judgement for now. Adventurers were what he wanted, but he hadn't actually stated that to Guild Girl. He'd just assumed she would only bring him adventurers because of her job. Which begged the question, who was this non-adventurer she knew?

As they arrive before him, Guild Girl bows.

"This is the Wizard. He'll be able to help us. Master, this is Priestess, High Elf Archer, and Cow Girl. I've brought them to you, as requested."

Both Cow Girl and Priestess just look confused, but High Elf Archer is sharper than that and immediately catches Guild Girl's slip of the tongue, her eyes narrowing in suspicion as her hand goes for one of the knives at her waist.

"What is this?"

Looking back at the three of them for a moment, Guild Girl giggles.

"You three wanted a solution to your problem, didn't you? You all love the same man… a man I too had feelings for, until recently. You don't want to share him, but also don't want to hurt each other. Well, here is the solution."

His thrall is… next to useless, Dark Wizard is beginning to realize. Though maybe he shouldn't be too hard on her. She did get them here, at least. Still, the way Guild Girl is explaining things, only Cow Girl is still confused. Even Priestess is starting to get that something is up. And High Elf Archer suddenly has a knife in her hand, glaring at Guild Girl and Dark Wizard both.

Luckily, he'd more than prepared for their arrival. Before any of them can decide to attack or try and flee, he simply… turns his hand over, palm up. This causes the massive magical pentagram array beneath their feet to activate, their eyes going wide as control of their bodies is the first thing to go, their agency robbed of them as the mass hypnosis spell goes about rearranging their priorities.

On the edge of it, Guild Girl giggles again, before moving over to him and leaning in close, panting noisily.

"D-Did I do good, Master? Did-!"


With his free hand, Dark Wizard contemptuously backhands Guild Girl across the face, sending her spinning to the ground.

"You stupid bitch. What if I hadn't been prepared for so many? What if your terrible acting had prompted them to investigate sooner before you got them within my realm? What if they'd attacked before I could activate the array? You did terrible."

He's only partially telling the truth. Really, he's just using her minor mistakes as an excuse to call her an idiot and declare her incompetent. After all, he hasn't forgotten the way she looked down on him, back before he'd become Dark Wizard. Just because she was now his slave, didn't mean there wasn't penance to be doled out.

Regardless, Guild Girl just hangs her head and sobs for a moment as she apologizes profusely for her failings. Music to Dark Wizard's ears, truth be told, even as he watches pentagram symbols appear on all three of the other's foreheads, before finally fading away, their faces suddenly lighting up the moment their eyes land upon him. Looking the three over, he decides he doesn't mind that Cow Girl isn't an adventurer. She's still VERY beautiful, and from the sound of things, she was part of some love-pentagram with Guild Girl, High Elf Archer, Priestess, and some other guy.

Heh, from the sound of it, this other guy could have had a harem, if he'd played his cards right. Four women, pining after him without the help of hypnosis magic? Tch, some guys had all the luck. But… at the same time, some had all the power, and as Dark Wizard gazes down upon his four thralls, he decides that he prefers having power over luck.

"Go stand with the others, bitch."

Guild Girl does as she's told, and Dark Wizard looks at the four women, as they all do their best to pose sexily for their new Master, pushing out their chests if they have them, as is the case for both Guild Girl and Cow Girl, and doing other things if they don't, for High Elf Archer and Priestess. Ah, but Dark Wizard doesn't mind. Flat is fine too.

Snapping his fingers, he has a servant (also hypnotized of course) bring in what will be their new clothing. Harem girl outfits, that's the only way to describe them. Bikini tops that are connected to a collar that will fit tightly around each of their necks, and golden crotch plates with flowing silks coming off of them.

Once the outfits have been placed in front of each of them, Dark Wizard gives the order.

"Show me your bodies. Strip down for me slowly, sensually, and then attire yourselves appropriates. You will wear only these new outfits in my presence, or you will wear nothing at all."

"Yes, Master."

"Of course, Master."

"Our pleasure, Master~"

"Please, look upon us, Master!"

There's certainly no doubt that he's going to do that, heh. Dark Wizard watches as the four hypnotized women all strip down for him. Slow and sensual, just as he'd ordered. It gives him time to soak in each of them. Priestess comes across as the purest, the most chaste of the group. As she removes her robes however, she becomes just another lithe blonde, her hair cascading down her back. And yet, she clasps her hands in front of her, as if in prayer to him, before going and putting on the harem girl outfit.

Guild Girl, meanwhile, is much sluttier about it. She does a little dance, showing off her much more mature curves, her body that of a proper woman in comparison to Priestess' petite form. She wiggles this way and that, shaking her sizable booty and giving him a lustful, inviting grin as she licks her lips salaciously, offering up all of herself to him.

She would have the most voluptuous body of the bunch, if it wasn't for the non-adventurer, she'd brought him. Cow Girl's body is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the most curvaceous he's ever seen naked. Her bust is huge, bigger even than Guild Girl's, and her hips are nice and wide. It makes sense, Dark Wizard supposes. She's obviously a farm hand, going by the clothing she'd been wearing when Guild Girl brought them in. Still, he's a little surprised by just HOW stacked she is. Perfect for breeding another generation of farmers, he supposes, heh.

And then there's High Elf Archer. The only non-human of the foursome, the green-haired High Elf's body is likewise quite unique. It would be wrong to call her as petite as Priestess. She's actually flatter then Priestess in the chest department, but at the same time, what she lacks in bust size, she makes up for in the form of strong, powerful thighs and an athletic, toned ass. She's definitely the most physically fit of the group. Dark Wizard can see a place for her, in his new harem… he can see a place for all of them, to be fair.

Soon enough, they've stripped naked and then gotten redressed, now clad in matching harem girl outfits that are enchanted to mold to their respective body types perfectly. Licking his lips, Dark Wizard enjoys the sight for a moment… but his cock is already throbbing in his pants, and he refuses to wait any longer to enjoy his new toys. Rising from his throne, Dark Wizard lets out a lustful growl.

"Come. Follow me to the bedroom."

They do so with another chorus of 'Yes Master!', following after him as he leads them down the hall. Once they're in the mansion's Master Bedroom, Dark Wizard turns back to them all and lifts his arms.

"Disrobe me."

They obey that order as well, of course, the four girls quickly working together to strip him down to nothing, until he's standing naked before him, his swollen erection pointed unerringly in their direction. A grin spreads across his face, as he watches them all stare at it eagerly, with devotion and worship in their eyes.

"The four of you… you all wanted to be with the same man?"

"Y-Yes, Master. His name was Goblin Slayer…"

"All he cared about was killing Goblins."

"He was my childhood friend, and our town was attacked by Goblins, leaving him with lifelong trauma."

"He caught our attention in a number of ways… but wouldn't give us the time of day. He may not even notice we're gone."

Dark Wizard just shakes his head in amusement. What a bunch of silly broads, falling in love with a man like that. Heh, to think, a day ago they were all fighting with one another over who would get to be with this Goblin Slayer. Now… now they were all united in a single purpose… being his slaves.

Of course, just because they would be his loyal, dutiful harem slaves for the rest of their days, didn't mean a bit of competition wasn't in order. Sitting down on the edge of his bed, cock in hand, Dark Wizard grins darkly.

"I want you each to try your best to convince me to fuck you first. I know how badly you want my cock, after all. Who's to say I'll be able to last long enough to plow all four of you tonight? One or two might have to wait until tomorrow…"

He trails off leadingly, a wicked smirk on his face. It wasn't true, he had magical means of keeping his stamina high and letting him go all night long no matter the number of partners. But it would give them an incentive to do their best in convincing him, or so he figured.

Cow Girl goes first, the farm hand stepping forward and immediately bringing her hands together in front of her, the result squishing her large tits together even beneath her bikini top as she looks at him in eager arousal.

"P-Please Master… don't you want to see these babies filled with milk? Breed me! Knock me up! Make me your kept woman and fill me with your seed until I'm pregnant!"

Dark Wizard's already throbbing cock certainly twitches at the idea. Mm, breast milk every morning with breakfast actually sounds quite… divine. Next up is Priestess. She too clasps her hands together in front of her, but higher up, in prayer.

"Ah, Master has shown this lowly Priestess the light! I was wrong to worship anyone but you, Master! Please let me make it up to you! Turn my body into a temple to your glory, and use my physical form to slake your lusts, however you like!"

Oh yes, he's going to enjoy defiling a priestess. This one in particular looks so cute and innocent… she's delectable, and he's going to take his time exploring every bit of her petite form. After Priestess, High Elf Archer steps up. Blushing, she runs her hands down her body.

"… I'm two thousand years old, Master. You'd think that meant I'd seen it all, but in truth… I'm still a virgin. This virgin High Elf offers her body up to you. Allow me to give you my purity, the most precious gift I can offer. I'm yours, Master, to do with as you please."

As a scholar and a researcher, Dark Wizard was vaguely aware that for High Elves, two thousand years was considered young by their standards. Still, the idea of deflowering a two thousand year old elf was undeniably appealing, that much was for sure. She had the strongest argument by far. And then there was Guild Girl.

Dropping to her knees, her head bowed, Guild Girl all but prostrates herself before him.

"I beseech you M-Master, for my service to you… please fuck me. Please use my worthless body. Plow your useless sow to your heart's content. Fuck my cunt, my ass, or my throat as much as you like. Breed me or turn me into an anal slut for your pleasure. I have no desires but to serve you. For bringing these three to you… I beg that you fuck me first, Master."

For a long moment, he just stares down at her. He'd half-expected her appeal to come with some reminder that she'd presented the other three girls to him for him to hypnotize. It was a reasonable reason for her to get to go first, after all. But he'd also had every intention of ignoring her and leaving her for last after the way she'd treated him when he was a young adventurer.

Now though? Something in her plea had gotten to him. Oh, it wasn't that she'd somehow warmed his cold, darkened heart. Rather, her words had sparked interest, and he decided he quite liked her idea.

"You want to be my anal slut so badly? Assume the position then, bitch."

Guild Girl stiffens, but of course, can no more deny her Master than she can deny her need for air. Having already been on her knees, it's the work of moments for her to turn around, bend forward, and lift her ass high into the air for him. Taking the downward doggy position, she offers herself to him on a silver platter… and standing up, Dark Wizard steps forward to take advantage of that fact.

As he spears into Guild Girl's ass, the other three women all watch on with jealousy, until he snaps his fingers at them.

"Pleasure me or prepare yourselves. I care not which, but don't just stand there."

They quickly obey, with High Elf Archer and Cow Girl coming over to either side of him before Priestess can. Rubbing their bodies against his, they take turns kissing him as he begins to fuck Guild Girl's ass. She's not ready for it of course, and she HOWLS in pain as he penetrates her back door and plows her hard and fast from above, but Dark Wizard cares not for her pleasure… all he cares about is his own.

It feels good, to put Guild Girl in her place while High Elf Archer and Cow Girl both lavish him with attention. His two harem girls eagerly nuzzle into him, whenever he's not kissing one of them. Meanwhile, Priestess doesn't have a place to go, with his two arms taken up by her friends. Instead, she follows his second command, the beautiful young blonde fingering herself and playing with one of her breasts as she moans, watching him fuck Guild Girl the entire while.

These four hypnotized ladies are here for his pleasure and his pleasure alone… and so Dark Wizard makes use of them. He fucks Guild Girl into a stupor, before eventually unloading not inside of her, but all over her, pulling out at the last second in order to positively COAT her in his jizz as she lays there, twitching and insensate beneath him.

After which, Dark Wizard straightens up, having already made his decision on who he would fuck next. Guiding High Elf Archer and Cow Girl's mouths down to his cock to clean him up is the work of a moment, while he makes eye contact with Priestess, freezing the petite blonde in place.

"Get on the bed. Spread your legs. Offer yourself up to me."

She does as she's told immediately, breath hitching as she scurries over to the bed. Dark Wizard turns, forcing his two cock cleaners to turn with him, and smiles as Priestess spreads her legs wide and then lifts her hips off the bed, using two fingers to splay her pussy lips open for him.

Pushing High Elf Archer and Cow Girl away, uncaring of how they fall to the ground behind him, Dark Wizard climbs onto the bed… and a moment later, slides into Priestess with a low groan. Her response is a sharp squeal, as he tears through her hymen. It turns out, she was a virgin too, she just hadn't thought to make that part of her offer before High Elf Archer did it.

"Yes! Yes, Master! Make me a woman! Fuck me however you like! Allow my body to be a temple to you and only you!"

As Priestess sings to him, as she begs him to use her body, as she worships him with her every word, every thought, and every action, Dark Wizard fucks her all the harder, taking her up on her numerous offers. He spears her cunt hard and fast, finding her to be absurdly wet. He lowers his mouth to her breasts and bites at her nipples, tugging on them with his teeth.

Gripping her hips, he doesn't let up for even a second, not that the hypnotized girl beneath him would want him to. And in the end… he finishes inside of her, filling Priestess with his seed as she gasps, her eyes rolling up in her skull from the pleasure, her pussy walls clenching and squeezing down around his cock in sheer ecstasy.

As he pulls out, Dark Wizard uses one of those previously mentioned magics to rejuvenate himself, as he's beginning to feel the tip of exhaustion filling his body. In an instant, he's strong and virile and ready to go once more, his cock rising back to full mast in no time as he turns to his last two harem slaves. He doesn't really have to think about it… if he's not saving the worst, aka Guild Girl, for last then, he's saving the best.

And so, he grabs Cow Girl next, leaving High Elf Archer for last as the two thousand year old elf pouts. It makes Dark Wizard chuckle, even as he bends Cow Girl over like she's nothing more than a dog and begins to fuck her from behind. As he takes her from behind like a bitch in heat, she squeals and moans, especially when he plays with her tits, which are hanging down below her, bouncing with every thrust he makes until he gets his hands on them.

"Breed me, Master! Make me your broodmare! Knock me up! Make my fat titties fill with milk so I can serve you even better!"

Her words certainly do a lot to spur him on. The thought of his own personal milk bitch fills Dark Wizard with arousal, and soon enough, he's spilling his seed inside of Cow Girl. Honestly, whether or not he's knocked her up here and now is inconsequential… he will eventually, that's all that matters.

And so finally, it's High Elf Archer's turn. Laying on his back, Dark Wizard has her ride him instead. With her hands behind her head, laced together, and the elf herself in a crouch as she impales herself again and again on his cock, it's less a riding and more of a sexy, slutty dance. Her eyes cross and her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth. The two thousand year old virgin, virginal no longer, doesn't seem to have anything to say as she cums again and again on his dick.

She, like the others, probably had all sorts of ideas of what they wanted to do with their lives. Beyond just their little four-way fight over this Goblin Slayer fellow, they all had their own wants and needs. They all had their goals. But no more. They belong to Dark Wizard now. Their minds, bodies, and souls all belong to HIM.

This is what all of it was for. The accumulation of power and wealth. After all, what was the point of money and magic if it couldn't get you companionship? The start of his harem was before him, and even after he fills High Elf Archer with his seed, he keeps on fucking them.

He fucks all four of them over and over again, well into the night and even into the next morning, plowing them all silly, creampieing their cunts and asses, filling their gullets. He doesn't stop for anything, not until they're ALL too exhausted to continue.

Only then does Dark Wizard rest, a broad grin on his face. Victory… was his.


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