Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Fire Lord’s Wife (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

The Fire Lord’s Wife (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

A/N: The Fire Lord's Wife was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written back in 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Set in a world where Katara and Zuko get married just after the war is over, and Katara is a certain way in the bedroom~

Themes: Roleplay, Breeding, Dom/Sub


As Zuko sits at the head of the feast in the place of honor and the most respect, he makes sure to keep his smile properly fixed upon his face. The young Fire Lord had an image to maintain after all, and it was carefully cultivated to be directly opposite to that of his father. Ozai would likely have been scowling, if not simply grimacing and glaring sternly.

But Fire Lord Zuko was not Fire Lord Ozai, nor was he anything like his mad sister who had, for a short day, been Fire Lord Azula. In the end, Zuko was his own man, and he was doing his level best to lead his nation out of a hundred years of war that they'd started. He was lucky to have such kind and understanding allies in that task. He was lucky to have the Avatar himself on his side… and others, of course.

There's suddenly a dark-skinned hand in his lap, slipping into his sleeves and stealing one of his hands away from where he has them folded up together as he kneels there at the head of the feast in his honor. Glancing to the side, Zuko's fixed smile softens and becomes a lot more real as he lays eyes upon his equally young wife, the latest woman to bear the title Fire Lady, even if she looks anything but.

Katara had consented to marry him, more because of the love that had blossomed between them then because of any political gains. That said, the political gains of tying the daughter of one of the Water Tribe Chieftains to the royal family of the Fire Nation were immense all the same and went a long way to making sure the tenuous peace actually held. Which meant Katara had basically gotten to dictate terms.

Zuko would have been happy to let her have anything she wanted, he'd fallen deeply, madly in love with her after all, but his ministers and advisers would probably have kicked up quite the fuss if not for the amount of political power she was bringing to the table. As such, in a room that was made up of different shades of red and black, from the walls to the tables to the clothes, to even the foods on the plates… Katara was the only one wearing water tribe blue.

The gorgeous, dark-skinned waterbender stood out in the midst of all that red, but then she would have stood out anyways with her different skin tone and the fact that she was sat right beside the Fire Lord himself, at his right hand. She was his wife, and Zuko certainly didn't begrudge her any of her agency. Even still, there was a smidge of red in Katara's accessories.

Even with their marriage, Katara hadn't stopped wearing the betrothal necklace that he gave her. It was more of a choker than anything else, and made with Fire Nation colors, even if the entire practice of giving betrothal necklaces was distinctly of water tribe culture. It had felt right to do, so Zuko had used firebending to melt a couple of gems down into the precious stone that he wanted and turned that into the necklace.

Katara hadn't taken it off since, and his advisers had all praised him out of earshot of her for somehow 'taming' the water tribe 'savage'. More than a few of them had received painful burns that day, though nothing on the level of what Zuko's own father had done to him.

Regardless, Zuko looks over at Katara as she takes his hand in his, and she looks back at him with a knowing smile on her face and a soft squeeze of their hands, now joined together.

"Shall we retire, my lord?"

The twinkle in her eyes immediately brings a blush to the unscathed part of Zuko's face as the young man immediately feels his pants beginning to tighten. His beloved wife was a minx of a woman at the best of times, and it seemed she had intentions of giving him a gift for his birthday in private. Certainly, making love to his gorgeous Fire Lady was much higher on the list of things that Zuko wanted to be doing right now when compared to sitting around an overly loud, incredibly packed feast.

With a nod to Katara, he lets her gently pull him to his feet. They say their goodbyes to those in attendance, and their thanks to those who traveled a long way to celebrate his birthday with him. It wasn't just the day of his birth after all, it was Zuko's first birthday since the end of the war. There'd been a lot of firsts like that, and in the interest of securing peace and making it long-lasting, they'd celebrated every single milestone with the same gusto that they'd celebrated the end of the war itself.

Soon enough, he and Katara are out the back and making their way down a private corridor towards the Fire Lord's personal quarters. However, despite there being limitations on who should be in said corridor, they still don't get five feet before they find themselves accosted, it feels like.

"Oh! Fire Lord Zuko, happy birthday! Can I have a moment of your time, please?"

Zuko stops and blinks at Ty Lee, wondering just where the gymnast had come from. Ever since she and Mai had started learning from the Kyoshi Warriors, and the Kyoshi Warriors had in turn began learning from them, he swore that the circus performer had gone from mere gymnast to a sneaky ninja, the way she was always popping up.

"Ty Lee… you know you don't have to call me by my title, we're friends. But if you don't mind, let's talk in the morning, alright?"

"Oh! But it really can't wait, Zuko! Pretty please!"

Before Zuko can shut the excitable girl down, Katara pats his arm and gives him a pleasant smile.

"It's alright, go ahead and talk to her. It'll give me time to prepare."

Mental images of what those preparations could look like flash through Zuko's mind, and he blushes again, cursing his pale Fire Nation complexion even as he gives his wife a short nod. Katara just winks at him, nods to Ty Lee, and hurries on down the hall. Zuko, meanwhile, raises a brow at Ty Lee. She beams at him and bounces back and forth on the balls of her feet for a moment in companionable silence. As said silence stretches, Zuko raises the second eyebrow.

"Ty Lee… what did you need?"

Blinking as if startled, the gymnast stops moving.

"Oh! Well… um, I already wished you a happy birthday, yeah? How's the day been so far, Zuko? Fairly good I hope!"

"… It's been fine… Ty Lee, you said this couldn't wait until tomorrow. But as you can clearly see, I have a date with my wife in our quarters. So please, if you would, get to the point."

Ty Lee's smile grows, and she nods enthusiastically.

"Right! Of course! I totally am planning to explain exactly why I stopped you and demanded to speak to you! Any minute now! Yep, definitely gonna tell you as soon as possible!"

Staring at the excitable, energetic gymnast, Zuko lets out a sigh and covers his face with his palm.

"Katara put you up to this, didn't she?"


Ty Lee doesn't even try to deny it, grinning like a loon as Zuko chuckles, shaking his head ruefully.

"Let me guess, she wanted you to distract me for a few minutes so she could get whatever she has planned prepared?"

"Got it in one!"

Less annoyed and more amused now that he knows this is all his loving wife's scheme, Zuko raises an eyebrow curiously this time.

"And what do you get out of it?"

To his mild surprise, Ty Lee actually pulls back for a moment, her smile not quite diminishing, but still finding itself accompanied by a big blush.

"… Next time, Mai and I get to join in."

THAT admission does all sorts of interesting things for Zuko. He blushes too, and they both stare at each other awkwardly for a long moment before the young Fire Lord pointedly clears his throat.

"… I'm going to follow after Katara now. You have a good night, Ty Lee."

"O-Oh, right! Yeah, um… should have been enough time! See you later, Zuko!"

And like that, they part ways. Like that, Zuko finds himself striding slowly but with purpose down the corridor to his quarters, where his scheming wife is waiting for him, the anticipation building with every step of the way.


When he steps inside the bedroom, it's easy enough to locate Katara. Zuko still stops dead in tracks however, when he sees what form her preparations have taken. Gone are her ceremonial blue robes. Gone is every stitch of clothing except for her choker, the betrothal necklace he'd made for her in Fire Nation colors.

Katara has stripped down to her birthday suit, but if that were all, Zuko would probably already be striding forward to claim his wife and make love to her until morning. It goes further then that. For one, rather than standing or sitting on the bed to wait for him, Katara is knelt before the bed with her hands in her lap and her head bowed in supplication. For another, there are golden bands around her wrists with little loops off of them, likely meant to be shackles of some sort. And finally, there are two more loops hanging from her nipples.

His wife was 'dressed' for lack of a better word, like a slave girl. To the point that she'd even pierced her nipples for him. Zuko's mouth is unbelievably dry, even as Katara's head comes up and her beautiful, vibrant blue eyes snap to him as a wide smile spreads across her face.

"Ah! Master, you're back!"

Quickly, she rises from her kneeling position and hurries over to him, pulling him further into the room. Zuko allows her to do so, remaining silent so he can get an idea of just how he's supposed to play this. Katara is buck-naked and has pierced nipples and is acting like she's his happy little slave rather than his wife… and there's no denying that it is distinctly doing it for him right now.

"Let's get you out of those robes!"

She quickly and efficiently stripes him naked as well, only stopping for a moment to coo over his erection and comment over just how BIG he is. Then, Katara is pulling him over to the bed, her hand in his as she smiles at him brightly once more.

"Okay, you just lie back, Master! It's your birthday, so let me do all the work~"

Curious to see what THAT will look like, Zuko does as he's told, laying back on the bed and watching as Katara wiggles her hips, doing a short approximation of a belly dancer's dance, before ultimately climbing on after him. She turns away from him then and brings her pert little water tribe behind up to rub against his raging erection, her dark-skinned bubble butt wiggling all over his cock in a most enticing way.

Zuko groans at the teasing, and her name slips out unbidden, which turns out to be the wrong thing to do.


Looking back over her shoulder at him, smirking, her eyes sparkling with mischief, Katara is demure, nonetheless.

"Oh no, this slave isn't worthy of having a name, Master. Please, refer to this slave as simply 'Slave'. Or if Master prefers, 'Cunt' or 'Bitch' work equally well."

And then, before he can voice his discontent with all of those options because even if this was a fun roleplay, he still loved his wife and had never even HAD slaves before, Katara lifts her hips up high into the air… and promptly impales herself on his member. Rather than giving an intelligible response, Zuko ends up groaning, his hands immediately going to Katara's hips as she begins to ride him.

Though, he doesn't do anything more than just grip at her body, squeezing it to make sure she's there, to remind himself that she's his. And she is, she's all his, and as always she's unbelievably tight and wet around his cock. Katara might be currently pretending to be a slave girl, but she's certainly an eager one! Moaning throatily, she bounces up and down on his member, riding him reverse cowgirl in a way that has Zuko grunting and groaning all the while.

In no time at all, he can tell he's going to cum. When he mentions it to Katara, however, she immediately tries to push off of him.

"Oh! We can't have you cumming inside, Master. This lowly slave doesn't deserve to carry the child of the Fire Lord~"

Instinctively, Zuko grips more tightly at Katara's hips, keeping her from pulling away from his cock and holding her to him. Because that right there? That was a bunch of bullshit. He and Katara had definitely been trying, they'd had numerous talks, and both of them wanted kids. In fact, Zuko could think of no greater birthday present for himself then to knock up his beloved wife.

So, with a growl, Zuko slides his hands from Katara's hips up to her arms, pulling her back against his chest and securing her to his body as he begins to thrust up into her from below with distinct purpose. In response, Slave Girl Katara squeals and shrieks and giggles as she wiggles in his embrace.

"O-Oh, Master! You're so big! B-But you can't cum inside, Master! I-If you do, the tea that I had at dinner, one that ensures fertility, will almost certainly get me pregnant! Not inside, Master! Anywhere but there~"

Zuko just lets out an amused huff into Katara's ear, even as he doesn't let up for even a moment.

"You know what? I've come to a decision. I'm not going to call you any of those other names. Instead, I think I'd prefer to call you Minx."

Katara just squeals atop him as one last powerful thrust up into her sopping wet twat seals the deal. He cums, and with him so too does his darling, perverted, kinky minx of a wife. Katara orgasms explosively around his cock as he spills his seed inside of her apparently fertile womb. The two of them both seize up from the mutual orgasm, and though nothing is certain quite yet, there's still no doubt in either of their minds that this is the moment when Zuko got Katara pregnant.

His darling wife slumps back against his chest, mewling in satisfaction, all too content to just lay there atop him even as his cock softens but keeps her plugged up, his seed remaining in her deepest depths. Zuko, meanwhile, sighs happily as he holds Katara to him, cuddling her close, his arms wrapping around her body and perhaps playing with the loops of gold piercing her nipples, just a little bit.

They lay like that for a time, the picture of contentment, before finally Zuko speaks up, his tone undeniably amused.

"… So, next time Mai and Ty Lee get to join us, is that right?"

Katara's head whips around and her eyes are wide for a moment before she offers him a sheepish shrug and an apologetic smile.

"Only if you wish it. But then, it only seems right that a Fire Lord not be restricted to one measly slave concubine such as myself. A true Fire Lord should have a harem of beauties from all over to satisfy his every need~"

Zuko snorts at that and just holds his darling wife closer.

"Minx… you're more than woman enough for me… but seeing how you made a promise, I suppose it's our duty as husband and wife to fulfill it."

Katara just giggles and cuddles in closer, and together the two of them, a most unconventional Fire Lord and Fire Lady, fall asleep in each other's arms.


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