Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Grand Prize (Overwatch)

The Grand Prize (Overwatch)

A/N: The Grand Prize was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written back in 2019. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Hana Song, aka, finds herself honoring a grand prize for one of her contests.

Themes: Free Use, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly


At least he's not particularly ugly-looking. She'd been afraid of that, that he would be unpleasant, both in looks and smell. That he would be one of those fabled neckbeards that she knew made up a portion of her fanbase. There was always a degree of… disgust to interacting with people, mostly men, who had no concept of personal hygiene.

But no, this young man (though she really had no business calling him young when they were the exact same age) was a handsome enough fellow, clean shaven with a strong jaw and an even stronger body that more importantly, didn't stink to high heaven. His name was John, but despite being American, he spoke fluent Korean.

So far, he'd been nothing but a gentleman, but then, so far, they hadn't interacted in any setting save for in front of cameras and a whole lot of people. Hana had had to be there when John accepted the grand prize after all, smiling and shaking hands with the man (strong grip) and making nice for the cameras. But it hadn't been as difficult to 'make nice' as she'd feared, truth be told. It'd honestly been kind of fun. He'd been kind and warm and altogether intelligent as they'd made small talk, letting the people behind the whole contest get all the B-roll they needed for whatever little clips they were going to put out.

Now though, now Hana had to admit to some level of… nervousness. After all, now they were in her home together… alone. That was the grand prize, as it stood. The contest that her people had decided to launch in order to promote her latest merch line had a lot of prizes involved, something like over five thousand of her fans got something, she'd been told. But only one lucky fan could get the grand prize. Only one lucky fan got to spend the day playing games with the one and only Pro-Gamer, .

And of course, part of the contract stipulated that there wouldn't be cameras for this bit, that contrary to most things, this wouldn't be publicized and exploited to high heavens. The reward of getting to play games all day would actually be what it said it would be, that was how they were differentiating themselves from everyone else. Still, it did mean she was all alone with John… not that she was in any danger.

Hana's eyes flick over to her workshop across the way, where her mech suit sits, seemingly depowered. Hana could have it up and running with a voice command in a single instant, if need be.

"So, this is your place? It's pretty nice, Hana. Ah, I hope now that we're aware from all the cameras and people, I can call you Hana."

Blinking as John speaks up behind her, the Korean Pro-Gamer turns to him, part of her ready to tell him off, to tell him that that was a little too forward. But then she sees the smile on his handsome face, and something in Hana melts a little as she blushes slightly.

"… Sure, that'd be fine."

His grin widens, and Hana's blush intensifies. Damn, part of her was beginning to wish that he had been ugly and smelled bad. Then she wouldn't be dealing with… whatever THIS was.

"Cool. So… you want to go get comfortable? I'll make myself at home, but I imagine you don't wear that… thing around your house all day long."

That gets a blink from Hana, who looks down at her signature, form-fitting suit. The suit that everyone associated most with her, with . Even though it was only supposed to be for piloting her mech, she'd had to fight enough times outside of the mech that it'd become her brand, and now she even did tournaments in it. She knew that it got all the guys riled up, after all, it was practically painted on, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. And John wanted her to take it off?

Her silent confusion must come across, because John chuckles as she frowns.

"Look, I didn't come here today to play games with … I came to play with Hana Song. I know that most people might say they're the same thing, but to me, it's not. I want you to be comfortable, Hana… so please, for me?"

Slowly nodding, Hana turns and leaves for her bedroom. Half of her expects him to follow her (half of her HOPES he will) but he doesn't. He stays in the living room, even as Hana changes into something more comfortable. When she comes back out, it's in a pair of short shorts and a tank top with her bunny on the front of it. Honestly, she doesn't feel any less exposed, but when he looks at her and smiles, Hana finds her heart leaping in her chest. Damn it all, what was this guy doing to her?

"Perfect. Now we can start to play."

Hana nods. Video games… at least that was something she knew.

"Have you decided what you want to play yet?"

Her eyes roam across her extensive library of physical copies, though she half-expects him to take her into an online competitive game of some sorts. She's fully prepared for him to use her as little more than a handicap in order to boost his standing and score in some of the more competitive shooters out there. However, John shakes his head.

"I wanted to talk about the terms of this grand prize first. I was hoping you could help me understand some of it. So… since I won, I get to spend the entire day with you. I get that part. But as far as the game part goes… we get to play any game that I want to play, yes?"

Hana blinks as she takes in his words. Eventually, she nods. John forges on though, smiling slightly.

"Does it have to be a video game though? The contract didn't specify video game… it just said game. I know, I checked."

Blinking, Hana cocks her head in confusion as she thinks back to her own reading of the contract. He was right, it didn't specify video games, it was just heavily implied, given who she was. But then, what did he want to do? Some sort of card or board game? Hana could get behind that… it'd be a lot more intimate though, she supposed.

"Um… I guess not. You're right, the contract was very clear. We'll play any game that you want to play, John."

His smile turns into a wicked grin then, and Hana's heart skips a beat as she suddenly finds herself wondering if he really was talking about board games. The answer to that question is made obvious a made moment when the American whips his dick out, and the Korean girl's eyes slide down to it, going wide at the sheer size he's got on display.

"Cool. Then I know what game I want to play."

Should she… should she really let this happen? Flushed with embarrassment, but also feeling rather flattered, Hana Song fidgets a little. Honestly, she now feels MORE exposed in her current clothing then she did in her skin-tight suit… all he'd have to do is pull her shorts down and he'd have a-access to everything. And yet, rather than calling for her mech, Hana finds herself staying where she is and answering John with a rather simple response.


John chuckles at her and slowly strokes his cock up and down. It's pointed in her direction, twitching and throbbing and pulsing. Hana feels her heartbeat quickening, feels d-down there getting moist and w-wet and slick…

"Yeah. It's a really simple game… and it does still involve video games, after a fashion! Why don't you boot up your system and get yourself into a lobby? Which game it is doesn't matter, go ahead and pick whichever you like most, or whichever you think you're best at."

She really shouldn't be just… going along with this. What if he was secretly recording all of this for later? Hana's eyes flicker around her living room, searching for a camera he might have installed while he was getting changed. There. Right on top of the TV, in plain sight, there's a small camera, recording this exchange. John follows her gaze to it, but rather than getting embarrassed or confrontational or apologetic, he just chuckles again.

"If you want me to go… just say the word, Hana. I'm not here to force you to do anything."

Hana just stares at the camera. If she sits down and starts to play, it'll have a full picture of her from it's current position. It'll be able to see… w-whatever John intends to do to her. Blushing, biting her lower lip, Hana finds herself shaking her head at John's offer, even as she walks forward and turns on her gaming system, getting things set up for a match, just as he'd asked of her.

In the midst of this, in the middle of her being bent over fiddling with her gaming console, John's hands suddenly fall on her hips. Hana squeaks a bit but doesn't resist as he hooks his thumbs into her short shorts… and pulls them slowly down off of her bottom and along her thighs. Hana's breath hitches as he exposes her naked derriere and dripping cunt to the open air, leaving her shivering, but not from the cold.

He pulls the shorts off of her feet and Hana lifts them one by one to help him.

"There's a good girl…"

Dressed only in her tank top now, Hana doesn't fight it when John pulls her back, back onto the couch behind them. He pulls her back onto him, onto his lap… and o-onto his dick. A soft cry leaves the young Korean woman's throat as he penetrates her vaginally. She's no virgin, despite so many people labelling her as a shut-in, a NEET, and a hundred other hurtful things. Hana has been with a man before… but none have treated her quite like John. None have so easily controlled her like John is.

As Hana sinks down onto John's cock, her controller in her hands, John in turn reaches up and tugs her tank top down off of her shoulders, all the way to her elbows. This in turn causes her breasts to pop out of the garment, springing free and bouncing and jiggling until they eventually settle down. Hana gasps when John grabs her tits in his hands, rolling her nipples in between his fingers.

"Alright… are you ready?"


"The game is simple, Hana. You can start the match now. All you have to do… is win five matches without cumming. For someone of your skill, that shouldn't be too difficult, right? Just kick ass for a half hour, beat some faces in, win five matches without orgasming on my cock… and if you manage it, you win our game."

"A-And if I don't?"

John pauses at that, in the process of pinching and tugging at her nipples, and chuckles again.

"Well, if you don't, there will be penalties. If you cum before five matches are up, then you're going to suck my dick afterwards, alright? And if you don't WIN five matches… eh, let's make it a best of five, yeah? Win three matches and you're fine. LOSE three matches… and I get to creampie your naughty little cunt. Sound good?"

Hana blushes beautifully but nods all the same.


"Good, oh, and one more thing!"

And then he puts her headset on her. She'd specifically not put that on, and for good reason too. Women got enough shit on games like this one. But her gamer handle was distinctive, and everyone knew who she was. The lobby had already been lighting up all this time with mikes, but she hadn't had to hear any of it. Now…

"Holy shit, is that ?!"

"Fuck yeah, time to put this Korean bitch in her place!"

"Hah, you think you can beat a professional gamer? Dude, this NEET is about to wreck us!"

"Nah, we just gotta work together!"

And like that, the match starts. At the same time, John's hands move from her breasts to her hips, and he begins to slowly thrust up into her from below, bouncing her on his lap and fucking her rather gently… at least at first. Hana tries to focus on the game, tries to focus on doing her best, getting kills, racking up points like she always does… but it's hard. Even if she is a pro, she's never played while being fucked before. And usually, she doesn't bother listening to all of the degenerates that play these games with her.

Now though, now she's experiencing both. Now she's getting fucked by a well-hung, handsome young American on one hand, while being verbally berated and abused and insulted by people halfway across the world on the other. And as shameful as it is… Hana is enjoying herself. Of course, the more she focuses on John's cock and the comments of a bunch of gamers over her headset, the more her performance in the game suffers.

She loses the first match. John chuckles as they join another lobby, stopping for a moment to play with her breasts again as his cock stays where it is inside of her, throbbing and pulsing with promise.

"That wasn't a very good showing, Hana… try to do better next time."

It's obvious from his tone that he's teasing her, that he doesn't think she can. But that's fine, because Hana doesn't think she can either. Especially not when a couple of hecklers manage to follow her into this new lobby from the last match, and their comments, when not repudiated by her, make everyone in the new lobby heckle her to for daring to lose to a bunch of amateurs.

Hana loses the second and third matches in record time, but by the end of the third, she doesn't care… she's too busy cumming her brains out all over John's cock, her eyes very nearly rolling up in her head as she moans wantonly into the open air. John takes the controller from her then and exits her out of the lobby, causing the relentless barrage of insults and the like to cease in her headset. Slowly, he pulls the headset off of her head, setting it and the controller aside.

Then, he takes her by the waist and SLAMS her down on his cock, and Hana sees stars as she realizes all this time that a good few inches of his length wasn't even inside of her. He cums then, filling her womb with his seed, pumping a nice thick load of cream into the young Korean woman's pussy. Hana's mouth hangs open, her tongue sticking straight out, and her eyes crossed in a truly pitiful display… but she could care less. She's never been happier, never felt more fulfilled. His white, hot cream, filling her quim to the brim, maybe even knocking her up (she's not on birth control… and he's not wearing a condom!) has Hana shuddering in orgasmic bliss.

She's not so out of it that she doesn't remember what she agreed to though, back at the start. When he drags her up off of his cock and sets her down beside him, Hana doesn't wait a moment before sliding off of the couch and in between his knees, taking his cock into her mouth and beginning to suck their combined juices off. After all, she'd cum before winning five games… so now she owed John a blowjob.

John looks surprised at her enthusiasm for all of a moment before grinning down at her as he chuckles softly. Taking her hair in his hands, gathering it up into a makeshift ponytail, he begins to slide her back and forth along his member.

"That's a good girl, Hana… I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful relationship. Don't you?"

Well, at the very least, the press would eat it up. Moaning around John's cock, Hana finds she doesn't care all that much, in the end. So long as he keeps treating her the right way, so long as he keeps controlling her… she'll be happy.


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