Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Grimm Warlord (RWBY)

The Grimm Warlord (RWBY)

A/N: This commissioned one shot was originally written back in July of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Inspired by my other fic, The Grimm Prince. In which the Branwen Tribe digs too deep and bites off more than they can chew.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Master/Slave, Monster Sex


"Raven! We found something!"

Glancing over at her subordinate, Raven gives Vernal something of a one-eyed glare. Almost immediately, the young woman shrinks back with a cringe, belatedly realizing how exuberant she'd allowed herself to get.

This entire debacle was an irritant to the leader of the Branwen Tribe. Unfortunately, she hadn't gotten to where she was in life by being an idiot. Sure, she firmly believed that Might made Right… but there could be strength in numbers, and Raven had no desire to deal with a mutiny.

… It'd all started when they'd decided to stay near some ancient ruins in Mistral. This in and of itself hadn't been the problem, really. There were plenty of ruins strewn across the Kingdom of Mistral, and they were a common place for a group of bandits like the Branwen Tribe to stay while they were lying low either before or after attacking a nearby town.

In this case, it was both. They had settled into this particular set of ancient ruins because a settlement had sprung up nearby in the past year. New towns in Mistral were always juicy targets. They were rarely well-defended, and they were usually flush with resources. It was all because of bureaucracy and the corruption inherent in politics back at the Capital. Or so Raven's numbers guy always said.

Basically, no one wanted to actually spend the money to defend a new settlement. But at the same time, a new settlement wasn't going to be built unless some rich fuck had been suckered into investing heavily into it. They always half-assed it though, going all in on supplies and resources so the town could establish and build itself up quickly, while refusing to put in for the protection such a juicy cash cow would need from bandits like her tribe.

It was much, MUCH too juicy a target for Raven and the Branwen Tribe to pass up on, and so of course they had gone for it. And even that wasn't in and of itself the problem. The attack on the town had gone well, and the negative emotions conjured by said attack led to a secondary Grimm attack that wiped every trace of Raven and her people's presence clean from the place.

With no one around to say who had and hadn't been there, well… it was all gravy in the end. The rich fuck who had invested in the town got to chalk it up to the Grimm being assholes, and Raven and her Tribe got to make off with all sorts of goods and riches. Albeit, not much in the way of monetary wealth or treasure, given that most people who were willing to uproot themselves and try and make a new settlement weren't very rich.

Maybe that was why she was dealing with this bullshit now. The Branwen Tribe had been thriving just fine for quite a while now, but because her men only saw the coin AFTER they sold off all the excess supplies and resources they stole from these new, flush settlements, they didn't ever really feel like they were getting anything.

Raven was no one's fool. She understood what discontentment among the troops looked like. And so, when one of her bandits had come to her after this most recent attack with a map and a fanciful story, she'd been forced to listen, because he'd gone and done it in front of the entire fucking tribe.

Apparently, one of the families who they'd stolen from and then left for dead in this most recent settlement had had a specific reason for coming all the way out here, and it wasn't just to try and be part of a new frontier town. No, rather, they'd been hoping to find their fortune, because apparently they had a story they'd passed down from generation to generation about a great treasure buried in the nearby ancient ruins.

Yes, the very same ancient ruins that the Branwen Tribe had been squatting in before and now after their most recent attack. Honestly, the tribe should already have moved on, and would have moved on if it wasn't for this idiot. His story had lit a fire under the rest of the tribe. It had stoked and awakened a need for adventure that far too many of the morons under her command clearly had nestled within their chest.

Even her protégé, Vernal, was letting it get to her head, damn it. Raven had made no secret of her distaste for this whole exercise, even as she'd allowed the tribe to scour through the depths of the ancient ruins over the past few days. As it turned out, there WAS actually more down there, under the surface. More death and destruction, that is.

The original idiot who'd initially gotten his hands on the map had died the first day they'd delved, too gung-ho and excited to think twice about leading the charge. He'd walked right into a trap that had taken his legs clean off at the thigh, and then bled out before anyone could get him any help. Or rather, no one had tried to get him any help, more likely. Raven hadn't failed to notice how the so-called 'treasure map' had changed hands over the last few days, before finally landing in Vernal's hands.

Their casualties from plumbing the depths of these ancient ruins had yet to reach the double digits though, so Raven had… allowed it. Not least of which because, despite the deaths, the tribe only seemed to grow more and more excited the deeper they delved. She'd thought, or at least hoped, that a few horrific demises here and there would be enough to get it out of their systems.

But no… no, that had been too much to ask for, it would seem.

Still, at least her reluctant allowance had kept her in the loop. The tribe still followed her, still respected her strength. They weren't about to turn on her just because she hadn't let them have their fun, at least. And hopefully, they were almost done with this entire debacle. No treasure had been found, so far at least.

"And what, pray tell, did you find?"

Even with Raven's caustic tone, Vernal perks up at her leader's response.

"There's a symbol in the corner of the map. We found a big stone door with the same symbol. We think that's where the treasure probably is."

The younger woman is careful to keep the exuberance out of her voice, and her tone level, but Raven can read the excitement in every fiber of Vernal's being all the same. Sniffing haughtily, Raven just rolls her eyes.

"And you came to me… why?"

Deflating just a bit, Vernal blinks.

"I thought… you might want to join us, boss?"

That was… hm, well, in all fairness, if there WAS treasure to be found, then it probably was for the best that she be there. In fact, Raven was lucky that Vernal was the map's current owner, because anyone else in the tribe would have likely tried to deceive her regarding any treasure and her proper share for allowing this whole situation to unfold as she had.

Making her decision, Raven gives Vernal a single sharp nod.

"Good. Lead the way."

Vernal perks up a bit at the positive reinforcement, and together the two of them descend down into the ruins. Raven stays on her guard, of course. She's not an idiot after all, and she's not about to fall prey to any missed trap… or ambush from even her most trusted associate. But none of that happens. The bandits who have been delving these ruins for days now have dealt with all the traps along the way, and as usual, Vernal was ever-loyal and submissive to Raven's considerable might.

Together, the two of them reach the rest of the delving party, as well as the door. Raven's eyes narrow at the symbol, a dragon's head with dark, twisted horns coming off of it. She doesn't recognize it from anything, but then to be fair, these ARE ancient ruins.

"Alright, boss is here now, everyone. Let's do this."

As she stands there with her arms crossed over her chest and her Grimm mask covering her unimpressed gaze, the delving party works to pull open the large stone door. It's very, VERY heavy… but with a dozen men working at it, they manage to get it to slide up into the ceiling far enough for one of them to scramble under it. From there, he apparently finds some contraption on the other side that lets him pull the door up the rest of the way and lock it into the open position.

On the other side is a winding corridor that has a bend only a few dozen feet ahead. From around that bend however, there's an odd glow. Raven's eyes narrow, as she follows after Vernal and the other delvers. The group makes their way down the hallway cautiously, having clearly learned some valuable lessons about traps and the like over the past few days.

They don't encounter any though, even as they reach the bend and turn the corner to find out exactly where the glow is coming from. Raven is altogether most grateful for her Grimm mask as she does so as well, because it allows her to hide her reaction. Her eyes widen behind the mask, and her jaw drops open in shock as she beholds the truly majestic sight.

It's a cave… filled to the brim with fully matured Dust Crystal Formations. Every color you can imagine, too, and it goes on for hundreds of feet. There has to be millions of lien worth of Dust Crystal in here. To Raven's absolute shock, they've actually done it. They've found real treasure.

Of course, the delving party is not nearly as reserved or subtle in their reaction as she. Bandits yelp and whoop and cheer over their find, jumping for joy and shouting happily. All the while, Vernal is glancing to Raven, trying to hold back the broad smile of her own, clearly hoping to find some sort of approval from the bandit leader.

Finally, Raven deigns to give her protégé the barest of nods, a sign that Vernal had indeed done well. This allows the younger woman to break out into a big, broad grin, even as she doesn't quite get nearly as rowdy and rambunctious as the others. In all fairness, Raven is forced to admit that the girl has earned it… this might just be the biggest score the tribe has ever taken.

The logistics of selling it all would certainly be quite the chore, and Raven wasn't looking forward to that… but with the monopoly the SDC had on Dust, the black market for the incredibly useful substance was absolutely booming. They would make a huge amount of coin off of all of this, once they'd harvested it and brought it to the surface.

It seemed she'd been wrong, in the end. There really was something of value down here after-

"Who dares disturb my slumber?"

Raven stiffens, as does Vernal, both of them dropping their hands to their weapons as the dark, gravelly voice resonates across the cave. The bandit leader can't quite pinpoint its location, but then, neither can anyone else it would seem. The delving party have all stopped cheering and laughing and are now looking around uneasily.

"Humans… how quaint."

None of them had realized it before, but though the Dust Crystal Formations ended after a few hundred feet, the cave itself… did not. Instead of there being cave wall back there, there had been a wall of shadow, of pitch black darkness so dark and so black that it hadn't really registered to them. It was just the back drop upon which all their riches could be admired… until it wasn't.

Pushing forth from the wall of shadow is a familiar skull-like head… and Raven's eyes widen as she draws her blade immediately. A massive, hulking Grimm Dragon pulls itself forth from the shadows, large red eyes brimming with way too much intelligence looking down at them all as it does so.

Still, a Grimm Dragon, as dangerous as they were, could be beaten. Raven opens her mouth to rally the troops, to get her bandits into something resembling an actual fighting force… when everything changes. The words never come out, instead choked in her throat as it closes up in fright from what happens next.

The Grimm Dragon suddenly begins to shrink, and in mere moments it's replaced by a Grimm Humanoid, something most of the human residents of Remnants didn't know existed, let alone had seen before. Raven herself only knew about one such creature, in fact… and just the sight of a Grimm man standing before them is enough to bring the name to her lips, passing through with barely a whisper.


Those intelligent red eyes, much smaller now but no less dangerous, flicker to Raven, and she knows instantly that he's heard her. His lips begin to curl, but before he can say anything, one of the bandits closer to him suddenly gets in his face.

"Hey! Dunno who the fuck you think you are, or what you're doing down here, but if you think you can fool the Branwen Tribe with some sort of illusion semblance, think again! Right boys?!"

There's a beat, and then the rest of the delving party save for Raven and Vernal, lets out a raucous cheer of agreement.


Looking vaguely amused, but also still quite irritated, the Grimm cocks his head to the side.

"Illusion, am I?"

And then, before the bandit with a death sentence can speak again, he slams his arm straight through the man's chest. The explosion of blood, bone, and viscera coats another nearby bandit, even as the first dies immediately. And then, the pandemonium starts.

Standing at the back, near the entrance… she could have run. She SHOULD have run. Either via use of her semblance or just her own two legs, Raven should have turned and booked it. Instead, she finds herself frozen in place, caught and held by… by those piercing red eyes. Because the Grimm never looks away from her, even as he slaughters her men. Not even once.

His gaze won't let her move, but Vernal is under no such aegis. As he finishes with the rest of the delving party and finally moves towards the two of them, the younger woman lets out a harsh shout and finally finds her own courage, lunging forward to attack.

Raven steels herself, fully anticipating Vernal's death… but to her surprise, it never comes. The Grimmified man treats Vernal almost gently as he grabs her by the throat with one hand and her wrist with the other, squeezing hard enough that the bones grind together even through her aura as Vernal cries out and drops her weapon.

He then drops her to the ground, where she knees, cradling her wrist and whimpering. Finishing his approach, Raven remains frozen in place, even as he reaches up and pulls her mask off of her face. Looking down at it for a moment, he snorts dryly.


Then, he looks to Raven herself and peers at her deeply.

"You… are not one of my sister's toys. No… I sense the stench of Ozma on you. Is that how you know the name Salem?"

She hadn't even realized she couldn't unclench her jaw until now, as he asks her a question. But now that he's asked, she feels compelled to answer… to save her own skin, if nothing else.

"Y-Yes… but I follow him no longer! I h-have washed my hands of his and Salem's war, I s-swear!"

This is the truth of Raven Branwen. She is, deep down inside, a coward. Her Might makes Right philosophy is just a façade she hides behind to pretend she is not a craven woman who has run away from every truly tough situation in her life. And in that moment, Raven can tell… he see that truth of her. Somehow, he sees to the very core of her.

But he doesn't bring it up, oddly enough. Instead, he just grins.

"Smart. Salem and Ozma's little lover's spat has been interrupting this latest cycle for centuries. It's a pain in the ass, but what can you do, right? Salem might be the youngest of us, but she's definitely the most vindictive. Probably because the Brother Gods turned her immortal during her period."

… There's a lot to unpack, in what the Grimm standing in front of her just said. Raven tries for a long moment, before floundering.


Looking at her in knowing amusement, the Grimmified man cocks his head to the side.

"What's got you so confused? That your greatest fear is the youngest of the Grimm Ruler-Class, or that the only reason she hasn't settled down like the rest of us is because Ozma is still kicking around and she's constantly PMSing?"

"I… I…"

There are no words. Her whole worldview had just been flipped upside down, only for the pieces to reassemble themselves into a frankly crystal clear picture. It explains so much. So, SO much. And yet, at the same time…

Looking down at the Grimm mask in his hands again, the Grimm 'Ruler' as he's referred to himself hums for a moment before shrugging.

"I suppose I'll give this time period a try. Never seen you humans wear our faces before like this, so maybe it'll be interesting. You're… bandits, yes? The two of you?"

He glances from her to Vernal and back again, and Raven trembles as she nods shakily. And then Vernal has to make a fool of herself, looking up at him with angry tears in the corners of her mouth as she grits her teeth.

"Y-You stand before Raven Branwen of the Branwen T-Tribe, swine! Know your place before she takes off your head for your disrespect!"

… Well fuck. Raven looks down at her protégé askance, but Vernal is too busy glaring up at the Grimm King in their midst. Does she not understand that she's likely just signed their death warrants? Except, rather than kill them both for Vernal's impudence, the Grimm just seems amused as he looks to Raven.

"Is that so?"

Tossing Raven's mask aside, the Grimm steps up to Vernal, and places a hand atop the short-haired girl's head. His fingers spread out, splaying across her skull as he grips down and pulls her head up. Vernal yelps, only to gasp when… when the Grimm proceeds to pull out a throbbing, ridged, inhuman cock from some sort of sheathe and slaps it down across her face.

"Well, Raven Branwen of the Branwen Tribe? Are you going to stand up for your underling? Are you going to stop me from humiliating her?"

He rubs his cock back and forth across Vernal's face, as Raven watches wordlessly. Finally, one of Vernal's eyes flickers over to her.


But Raven doesn't move. And finally, the Grimm King gets tired of messing around and forces his cock right into Vernal's mouth when she tries to speak again.


He's not gentle about it either. Even as Vernal squirms and wiggles to no avail, he begins to fuck her face, right then and there. Surrounded by the dead, the Grimm King forces his cock down her protégé's throat… and Raven does NOTHING.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

After a few moments of this, his inhuman, glowing red eyes look over to Raven, shimmering with amusement.

"Well? Join us, wench."

Raven collapses to her knees with a strangled cry in the back of her throat, and crawls over. It's what she would do if she found herself face to face with Salem and it was the only way to survive. And something told her that this Grimm was FAR stronger than the woman Raven had always known as THE Queen of the Grimm.

But as it turned out, Salem was not THE Queen of the Grimm, she was A Queen of the Grimm. And the youngest, at that.

Coming up right beside Vernal, Raven winces as the Grimm King's other hand grabs her by the ponytail and yanks her in further. Rather than pulling out of Vernal's throat in order to make use of Raven's, he merely relegates the bandit leader to his ball sack instead. Unfurling from the same place as the rest of his cock, his heavy, hot and churning balls end up in her mouth, as Raven dutifully sucks at them, terrified of the consequences of refusing him in this moment.

"You see, girl? Your confidence was misplaced, as was your awe, your respect. Your leader is nothing more than a craven bitch, eager to submit if it means she'll survive. Do you understand now?"

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Obviously, Vernal is not in a position where she can currently respond with words. However, Raven can almost feel the younger woman's gaze on her… as well as the complete and utter annihilation of any respect or adoration that she had ever had for her.

Raven tries to put it out of her mind. Vernal's opinion of her doesn't matter, after all. All that matters is survival, and in this case, Raven knows what she has to do to survive. Submit, totally and utterly, else she face death. And so, she sucks and slurps at the Grimm King's balls dutifully, even nuzzling them as she feels Vernal's chin press against her cheek more than once when the younger woman is forced to take the inhuman cock all the way to its base.

Until finally, with only a groan as warning, the Grimm King proceeds to cum, exploding down Vernal's throat with a force that leaves the young woman choking on his seed. Of course, it comes right back up and flows down Vernal's chin, out of her mouth. Raven's eyes widen, as her head is held in place, even as she finds herself waterboarded by the deluge of cum, nearly drowning in it as it flows back down his shaft, across his balls, and fills her nostrils and mouth as well.

She shakes and trembles, wondering for a moment if this is how she dies… but no, in the end she doesn't quite asphyxiate, before he releases his hold on both of them. As the two female bandits pull back, each coughing and hacking and choking on their knees before him, the Grimm grins down at the two of them.

"Good. You're beginning to learn your place. Hm… I think, if I'm going to be staying awake, that I'll try out being a bandit myself, this time around. The Branwen Tribe is quaint… but for someone like me, it's nothing. We'll see about uniting all of the bandit tribes in this region, and perhaps the regions beyond. Only once a force of thousands rape and pillage in my name, will I be happy."

He considers them both for a moment, before smiling toothily.

"One of you can stay in charge of the Branwen Tribe and serve under me. The other… will serve under me more directly. I'll let you both choose which will be which."

Raven doesn't even hesitate. Vernal's respect for her leader might have been destroyed, but the difference between the two of them was still night and day. Without missing a beat, the older woman slams Vernal down onto her back, making sure the younger woman hits her head on the stone hard enough to daze her. Then, she sets about ripping Vernal's clothes off of her, shredding them with almost frantic movements.

Finally, Raven half-strips herself down, and plops her naked cunt right on top of Vernal's mouth. Sitting on the younger woman's face, facing the rest of her body, Raven leans forward and forces Vernal's legs open just as her protégé is FINALLY recovering enough to fight back. Raven's own physical strength completely overwhelms Vernal however, as does the lack of air as Raven grinds her cunt down on her protégé's face.

If Vernal thought she was going to let her take everything she'd ever worked for, she had another thing coming. Raven might know when she was outmatched, but she also knew when she wasn't… and she was so much stronger than Vernal, it wasn't even funny.

"M-My Lord… your toy is ready for you."

As she offers up Vernal's cunt, the Grimm King… nay, the Warlord looks down at them both in amusement. Slowly, he circles around them as Raven trembles in anticipation, waiting for him to make his move. However, she's fully expecting him to come to a stop in front of her, and spear Vernal's quivering cunt with his massive Grimm cock.

Which is why she's taken completely by surprise when he instead drops to his knees behind HER, grabs her by her ass, and impales her anally on the spot.


He punches into her asshole without so much as a by your leave, and only Raven and Vernal's spit and drool and saliva to slicken the passage. Raven cries out in a completely undignified manner, tears forming at the corners of her eyes as he takes her back door right there on the spot.

"W-Wait… I thought-!"

"That's your problem, bitch. You thought."

Grabbing her by her ponytail again, the Grimm Warlord forces Raven's face down into her own subordinate's pussy, pushing her into a reluctant sixty-nine. Vernal was already forced to begin eating Raven out in order to get some much needed air. Now Raven, smothered by Vernal's cunt, is forced to do the same as the Grimm's inexorable strength keeps her pinned in place.

"I've changed my mind. You'll both be my toys. I'll lead your silly little tribe personally for now, and when the time comes for some expansion, I'll get one of my children to take over for me. God of Darkness knows that you humans have NEVER been any good at taking care of yourselves. Honestly, there's HOW many of you left? This is just sad."

Raven stops fighting back, as his words wash over her. Not only is his strength utterly impossible, but the way he keeps dropping these bits of knowledge… it sounds like he can literally sense every living human left on Remnant. If that's possible… then what hope do either Vernal or she have, in the end?

As his cock continues to ravage her no-longer tight asshole, Raven lets the tears fall, even as she eats out her protégé somewhat reluctantly. Neither she nor Vernal are happy about their current circumstances. But in the end, their survival dictates their submission and obedience. Raven, for one, intends to keep on living… no matter what she has to do in order to survive.

After what feels like an eternity, the Grimm Warlord finally cums in her ass, pumping her bowels full of his seed as Raven cries out into Vernal's cunt. Then, without hesitating, he pulls out of her and spins the two of them around. They positively skid across the stone floor when he does so, remaining in their sixty-nine position somehow against all odds.

Raven's tongue remains in Vernal's cunt right up until their new Master yanks her head back and shoves his cock inside of her instead. As he fucks her protégé right before her eyes, Raven watches on, knowing it's only a matter of time before her twat gets the same treatment. She watches, as he holds her by her ponytail and FORCES her to look… and after a moment, she lets her tongue trace out and lick at Vernal's clit.

It's half a peace offering, and half an attempt at taking her own initiative to please their new Master. And it seems to be a raging success, on both counts. He smiles wickedly and knowingly but also nods approvingly down at her, while Vernal squeals and clearly tenses up around his cock, perhaps even cumming as he ravishes her with his big fat Grimm dick.

Make the best of a bad situation. Do anything to survive. Retreat in the face of overwhelming power. Submit, when retreat is not an option. These are the true tenets that Raven Branwen lives by. And as she gazes up into the Grimm Warlord's eyes, she knows… she knows she's going to be relying on them quite heavily, in the coming days.

She should never have let her idiot tribesmen talk her into letting them delve the ruins. The damn fools had dug too deep… and now she would be the one to pay the price again and again, likely for the rest of her life.


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