Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Hardcore Challenge (Original Sci-Fi)

The Hardcore Challenge (Original Sci-Fi)


Themes: Bondage, Dom/Sub, Humiliation

Summary: In which a full-dive VRMMO streamer goes ahead and does the hundred hour hardcore challenge. She's got it all planned out, so it should go perfectly... right?


As the stream finally starts, all anyone can see at first is her face. A pair of gorgeous blue eyes glaring intensely at the camera, set on a perfectly proportioned, blemish-free face with lips pursed in an unforgiving frown.
“You all… are a bunch of irredeemable unrepentant perverts.”
The stream chat tends to agree with her.
K but can u rly blame us?!
Srsly this is a once in a life time opportunity!
Those are just four of thousands of messages coming in every minute. In fact, the chat is almost moving too fast to keep track of. But then to be fair… over a hundred thousand people are watching the stream right now. A hundred thousand viewers watch as the woman’s face contorts in further anger for a long moment… before suddenly breaking out into a beautiful sunny smile.
“But then… so am I~”
The camera pans out at that, revealing the streamer in all her glory. AshKitty was her handle, with Ashley Katsum being her real life name. But everyone just called her Ash or Kitty, of course. Though they weren’t seeing the real her right now. Rather, they were seeing AshKitty’s in-game VR avatar, and the rest of her body is as perfectly proportioned as the rest of her, while being barely contained within a solid gold plated bikini that leaves little to the imagination.
As the stream chat goes even MORE wild, Ashley watches it fly by for a moment… before her eyes catch on one specific message in particular and she develops a Cheshire Cat level grin.
“Oh? I see at least one of you has some culture and class. Why yes nameless peon, you are correct. This IS the ultra-rare, twenty-forty-two anniversary bikini set. Impossible to actually get your hands on in this day and age. But then, you all know that it’s not just transmog because… well…”
Ashley lets out a laugh as she does a little twirl, hands outstretched and arms wiggling while the rest of her avatar jiggles and bounces in all the best ways.
“That’s right, folks! Your little Kitty is finally doing it! You’ve been begging for this for MONTHS now… and I’m finally here. Doing the hundred hour HARDCORE challenge!”
Stream chat gets to another level at that and Ashley just basks in the attention for a moment, tossing back her blonde locks and letting her avatar’s ruby red lips curl into a satisfied smile… sort of like a cat~
Then, she shoots an amused look at the screen.
“And boy have you all showed up in force for this challenge, huh? You know I’ve literally never hit six digit concurrent viewers on FlyBubble before? And yet the moment I switch to some no-name, small-ass camgirl website… you pervs show up in force.”

FlyBubble was THE premier streaming website these days. It was where all the big names congregated and thus where all of the viewership was. As AshKitty, Ashley had been working hard to make a name for herself on FlyBubble for years now, developing a reputation on the world’s premier VRMMO of Extraordinary Life… or ExLife for short, as a kickass and badass bitch.
Even still, her peak concurrent viewers before today had been around fifty-five thousand at most. And yet here she was currently streaming on aforementioned no-name camgirl website to over a hundred thousand people… and rising.
Still, it made sense. They were all here for the same reason that Ashley couldn’t stream this challenge on FlyBubble. Put simply, the hundred hour hardcore challenge in ExLife was neither sanctioned nor condoned by the developers of the VRMMO. However, that didn’t mean they’d stopped it. And they’d actually been the ones to put a hardcore mode in the game in the first place!
Back in the day, before VR had really become what it was in the modern era as a full-dive experience, ‘hardcore’ had more meant that if your character died that was it. You were gone. Time to start over.
In the more modern era where completely immersing yourself in Virtual Reality was possible, hardcore had become something else. It was also sometimes called ‘Real Life’ mode. Basically… in hardcore, you felt everything just like if it was real life. And more than that, all of the restrictions were off as well. You could be hurt. You could even be tortured. And as a woman, you were at far greater risk of being caught, held prisoner, and raped.
Now, even in hardcore more you couldn’t actually be harmed in the real world. It wasn’t like that ancient meme from earlier in the century where ‘if you die in the game you die in real life’. That wasn’t a thing. Well, most of the time anyways. There had been very rare reports of someone dying in ExLife and having a heart attack from the experience and thus dying in real life as well.
There’d also been reports of people losing limbs in ExLife, only to feel a strange sort of ‘reverse phantom limb’ in the real world, like they had a limb they shouldn’t have.
Basically, there was a reason that the VRMMO came with a litany of warnings that popped up every time you joined the game. Having certain health conditions in your hospital records could even cause the game to kick you entirely with a ‘sorry but you’re too high risk to play a full-dive VR experience like this!’ for your troubles.
And when it came to signing up for hardcore ExLife, you had to literally sign a bunch of release forms before the game would let you turn on the mode. A bunch of boiler plate stuff basically saying that whatever happened to you was completely on you and your choice.
Until now, Ashley had never played Hardcore ExLife. That was the sort of thing that camgirls and VR prostitutes tended to do. Because one of the things that you couldn’t do in normal ExLife was have sex. But in hardcore… there were no such restrictions. None whatsoever.
Ashley knew that a lot of her fanbase wanted her to do Hardcore ExLife because they hoped she’d get raped. Just as she knew that she was currently dominating this shitty little camgirl website despite there being a ton of other streamers currently streaming Hardcore ExLife right alongside her. Only time would tell if that lasted though… because she had a plan.
“Over a hundred thousand of you have tuned in to watch me do this challenge. And that number has been growing since I started my stream. Well… I hope you guys enjoy the next a hundred hours. Settle in, because it’s going to be a whole lot of FISHING!”
Smirking, Ashley pulls her trusty fishing pole out of her inventory with that last exclaimed word, before turning to reveal that she’s currently on a small island in the middle of a black void. There’s a quaint little house and a small pond and as she casts her line out into the pond, making her tits jiggle in the gold-plated bikini from the motion, the blue-eyed blonde giggles in response to the confusion and outrage in her chat.
Fishing?! DAFUQ?!
Whoa! Are you on some private island?! You can’t do the hardcore challenge like that! Cheater!
Ashley laughs at the confusion but scoffs at the accusations of cheating.
“Don’t be idiots, chat. Look, you can see the Hardcore Symbol literally right there on my screen. So obviously I’m in hardcore ExLife. And what can’t you do in hardcore ExLife? That’s right, you CAN’T set your islands to private. So yes, I’m on one of my personal islands. And nah, it isn’t set to private. Buuuut… good luck finding it, losers~”
Smirking as chat becomes a rapid exchange of shitposters and trolls alongside her more loyal, rabid fanbase, Ashley just lets it all devolve into a dumpster fire. This wasn’t FlyBubble after all. Anything went on this website, which was why she’d given her usual chat moderators the next several days off. Her chat could get as crazy as they wanted here… Ashley didn’t care. She had diamond-toughness level skin. Not a single thing that any of them could say could hurt her.
As she catches her first fish, Ashley coos and tosses it over her shoulder.
“One for the start of the pile! Let’s see… how many do you guys think I’ll get before the hundred hours are up? A few thousand, maybe?”
While some viewers start tossing out guesses, chat… actually starts to slow down. Ashley snickers as it does so, not at all worried. After all, the number of people watching her stream isn’t going down. No, rather… it’s still going up. The lack of activity in chat can thus only mean one thing.
“I know what you’re all up to~ You’re all trying to hunt me down. Good luck with that. Sure, my island isn’t set to private… but there are literally over five billion personal islands in ExLife. There are an infinite number of auto-generated worlds too. Maybe you lot could track me down if you had a million years to find me, but you only have a hundred hours before I turn off hardcore mode… forever.”
Smirking right at the camera, Ashley flips her blonde locks over her shoulder again, letting her jiggling tits drive her point home for her.
“It’s just not happening, losers. Sorry… not sorry. Heh, I’ll even tell you what! If one of you DOES find me… you can have me! After all, it’s not like I could fight you off anyways. I might be level one thousand, but transmog is disabled in Hardcore ExLife. Meaning that yes, I am in fact weak and defenseless wearing this stat-less novelty anniversary bikini, and wielding a no-damage fishing pole. So find me? You get to have me~”
She means it as nothing but another teasing taunt… of course. Obviously, Ashley doesn’t expect anyone to actually reach her island. Literally not even in a million years could they find her. She hadn’t gone into this unprepared. She’d taken every damn precaution in the book. A hundred hours of this challenge would be nothing, and then she’d have a notch on her belt as the first female ExLife streamer to manage to do the Hardcore Challenge without getting raped.
Except… the moment those last five words leave her mouth; a gloved hand covers it while another grabs hold of her wrist and yanks her back off of her fishing stool.
The fishing pole goes flying from her hands as Ashley, much too late, finally sees the chat messages scrolling in from her viewers.
Wait who the fuck is that?
“What was that? I can have you if I find you?”
The rough, gravelly voice of her captor makes Ashley fight all the harder, even as he reaches up and casually gropes one of her tits through her bikini top. N-No! No, this wasn’t supposed to be happening! This wasn’t supposed to be possible!
After a moment of her struggling ineffectually against her attacker’s grasp and him just nonchalantly molesting her for her entire stream to see, the man spins her around and throws her to the ground. Ashley stares up at her attacker with wide eyes… or rather, up at the black mask her attacker is wearing.
She immediately recognizes the set of course. It’s a high end ‘bandit’ set that max level PKers love to utilize. All of the stats you could want for some sick assassinations, while also concealing your true identity in every way. Even your level and stats. Though to be fair, someone like Ashley would know that this set is only obtainable at level one thousand anyways, so that part is a little meaningless.
What’s not meaningless is the fact that… she wasn’t wrong when she told her chat she was helpless. All things considered, a naked level one thousand could probably handle anyone that was level nine hundred and below no sweat, no matter what gear they had. However, a naked level one thousand against a geared level one thousand was essentially useless. Helpless. Defenseless.
And worst of all… once PvP was initiated, you couldn’t change your gear. And in Hardcore Mode… only one party needed to initiate PvP. On top of that, changing gear in Hardcore Mode was just like real life… you literally had to take off what you were wearing manually and put on whatever you wanted to put on. Meaning even if she COULD get out of PvP with this guy, it would take Ashley like thirty minutes just to put on her high-end raiding gear… which wasn’t actually specced for PvP at all anyways.
She was trapped. Helpless. On her back before a man who wasted no time in showing her exactly what he wanted from her. Reaching down, he disengages the codpiece from his ‘bandit’ gear and lets his avatar’s cock fall free of its confines. Then, he falls upon her, grabbing her by the wrists and forcing her hands above her head as Ashley screams.
It might just be her avatar and not her real body, but that doesn’t matter. She still feels all of it. She feels him roughly force her wrists together and then bind them over her head with some rope that comes out of a hidden compartment in one of his gauntlets. And she feels his cock slap down against her crotch with only a single triangle of glistening golden metal to block him from her pussy.
Ashley whimpers in fear before she can catch herself, only to clam up when she realizes that everyone must still be watching. In fact, if she focuses on it out of the corner of her eye, she can still see chat blazing away.
… They’re not saying anything worth repeating. Maybe a scant handful are screaming for him to leave her alone, but they’re RAPIDLY drowned out by the rest who are egging it on. There’s a reason she’s gotten six digit concurrent viewers for the first time in her streaming career. She’s actually quite successful as a mainstream streamer… but this isn’t that. This is something that every pervert who has ever even heard of her has fantasized about.
Not that her attacker is reading chat, interestingly enough. He easily could. But as he finishes tying her wrists together and brings his hands down to her breasts to give them a stronger, heartier squeeze, he doesn’t comment on the sort of sick and twisted shit that her current viewers are suggesting to him. Until suddenly he does.
“Don’t look at them. Look at me.”
Ashley blinks, blue eyes widening as she looks up into her attacker’s black mask. His cock still rests against her poorly covered cunt as he looms over her, so easily overpowering her.
“They aren’t here right now. Not a single one of those little ass wipes could find you. Not a single one of them WILL find you either. You might not be able to set an island to private… but PKers such as myself can black out areas for hours all the same.”
Ashley jolts at that. He’s right. And he’s almost certainly done so too. Not only can she not teleport out of the island even if she got away from him long enough to end PvP, but no one can teleport in either. The island isn’t set to private, that would break the rules of hardcore. But for the next several hours, it might as well be. No one is going to be able to get to them while he… while he does whatever he wants to her.
Some of the shit her viewers are suggesting is downright heinous. It doesn’t matter that none of it will happen to Ashley in real life. It doesn’t make it any less real, given they’re in hardcore mode. But again, her attacker doesn’t appear to pay them any mind. He just stares down at her for a long moment… before finally pulling.
The gold-plated bikini top Ashley has on comes away from her body with ease, causing her avatar’s incredibly perky, full breasts to bounce free as she cries out from the sudden sensation. His gloved hands then fall back on her tits a moment later, fondling and groping her chest directly now. Ashley can’t help but whine, shaking her head back and forth and trying not to moan for… for this bastard.
But he’s persistent. And experienced. Just how many women has he done this to in hardcore? Is he someone well-known? Ashley had done her research and she knew full well that there were some male streamers who made a point of hunting down any female streamers who did this challenge. However, she hadn’t heard anything about this guy. She had no clue who she was dealing with.
All the same… it’s not long before she’s moaning. He’s touching her chest in all the right ways and her nipples are hardening despite her reluctance, despite hating everything about this situation. And once he has her moaning… all bets are off.
One of his gloved hands slides down between her legs and yanks the bottom of the gold-plated anniversary bikini away as well. Her pussy slit is suddenly revealed and he wastes no time in sticking two leather-clad fingers up inside of her virtual cunt. Ashley’s blue eyes widen and she shudders as she feels every inch of his digits punching up into her pussy.
… She probably should have done some experimentation with this sort of thing ahead of time because holy SHIT was her body sensitive in ExLife. Was it just her or was it way more sensitive than in the real world?! Or maybe it was him… maybe something he was doing was fucking with her? Looking at her status effects, Ashley doesn’t see any debuffs that would explain it.
Currently, all she has is the ‘bound’ condition from the rope keeping her hands together above her head. She thinks there should be more than that. ‘helpless’, ‘defeated’, and ‘humiliated’ would be a few that she’d give herself at this moment as she squirms under her attacker, whimpering and moaning as he roughly gropes one of her tits while fingering her cunt.
Ashley loses herself in the sensations for a time. There’s no other way to describe it, because when he finally takes his fingers out of her and suddenly replaces them with his cock, the streamer is in NO way prepared for it. She chokes on her own spit as her avatar’s virginity is claimed right then and there with basically no fanfare.
In fact, the chat is up in arms over it. They hate how her attacker is ignoring them. They hate how he’s not even engaging with them. Many of them have ideas for what he should do to her. Many of them have ideas of what THEY would do to her if they had the opportunity he did. Some are just mad he’s not talking. Some want him to pull out a blade and start lopping off parts of her avatar right there on the spot.
… Ashley figures that’s for later. She’s under no misconceptions here of what’s likely to happen to her. She signed the release forms. She confirmed that she was willing to have anything happen to her in hardcore ExLife, fully of her own free will and volition. And then, stupidly enough, she’d gone ahead and streamed this shit. All because she’d thought she was safe. All because she thought she’d successfully cheated the system.
But she wasn’t safe and it didn’t matter how many precautions she took; someone had still found her and was now fucking her on the ground of her own personal island. He had his cock inside of her and was stirring up her insides in a way that had her reluctantly moaning all the louder. He was as good with his dick as he was his hands… and those were back on her breasts now too for good measure.
Shuddering beneath him, Ashley realizes that she only really has one way of fighting back left to her. Technically… she could log out at any time. But then she forfeits the hundred hour hardcore challenge. And sure this isn’t even on FlyBubble, sure it isn’t an officially sanctioned challenge from ExLife either. But she’s staked her entire reputation on this shit… and a glance over at her stream tells her she has over three hundred thousand people watching her get raped right now.
For most girls, that might be a sign that it’s time to quit before more people stop by to see her get assaulted. But Ashley has never been a quitter. And if she can stay in hardcore mode for a hundred hours no matter what this fucker does to her, then she can take that as a victory all on its own, right?
More than that… so long as she doesn’t cum, she’ll be able to say she maintained her pride. That’s what he’s trying to get out of her right now she’s pretty sure. He’s trying to complete her humiliation by making her orgasm for him first, then he’ll move onto the gore and other truly heinous shit that everyone is telling him to do to her.
So… Ashley refuses. She refuses to cum. She pushes back her enjoyment and holds her impending climax at bay at all costs. She figures he’ll get frustrated with her soon enough. He’ll stop trying to make her enjoy it and start hurting her and then she’ll just have to endure a hundred hours of torture. No sweat, right?
… Except that doesn’t happen. Her masked attacker doesn’t say a word as he fucks her on the ground. He just continues to plow her hard and fast, the most noise coming from him being masculine grunts as he pounds into her avatar and makes Ashley feel every inch of his rock hard dick. He doesn’t get angry. He doesn’t get frustrated. He just keeps fucking her. Until… until Ashley feels like she can’t hold on any more.
It has to be hours at least, right? Except Ashley isn’t even allowed to lie to herself. She can literally look at the stream to see it’s only been thirty minutes before… before she lets out an incredibly lewd cry and finally cums for him. The chat goes wild of course, howling with both horror and glee.
Nooooo! Hold on Kitty! Don’t give in to that bastard!
Fck hes gonna start cutting her now I bet
O yea big time
They’re all saying what she’s thinking. That now that he’s gotten what he wanted from her, it’ll be time for the torture to start. As he begins to pull back out of her cunt, Ashley tenses up, readying herself for the pain. Which is why she’s caught off guard entirely when he shoves an open potion bottle in her mouth and forces the contents down her throat.
Her attacker finally breaks his silence… in order to feed her a stamina potion. That’s right. Once Ashley is past the choking and sputtering and has managed to swallow more than half of the potion, she gets a notification that lets her know she’s just imbibed a standard max level stamina potion. In an instant, her entire body feels re-energized and powerful. She feels like she could run a fucking marathon.
Of course, she’s not going to get the chance because as soon as he’s finished making her drink the potion, her attack flips Ashley onto her front, pulls her up to her knees… and starts fucking her from behind, taking her doggystyle. Ashley grunts and then moans at the sudden intrusion, quivering and arching her back as she’s solidly plowed by deep and powerful thrusts.
Except… when her brain finally catches up with what’s happening, she can’t help but be confused. That… that was it? No pain? No torture? No rending her limb from limb and turning her into a quadruple amputee before calling her shit like his ‘fuck meat’?!
Not that Ashley wanted that to happen. She really, really didn’t to be clear. But… she’d heard some of the horror stories. There were videos out there that she had avoided watching. And having her captor feed her a stamina potion and just change positions from one vanilla sex pose to another was… unexpected given all she’d been taught to anticipate.
It feels so good is the worst part. As he fucks her doggystyle, he gathers her blonde locks up into a ponytail and yanks her head back. That hurts a little bit but in a surprisingly good way… especially when he reaches around to her front and grabs one of her tits, groping and squeezing it from behind. Moaning up a storm, Ashley can’t fight it anymore. Not the pleasure and certainly not him. She’s well aware that she’s ‘catering’ to an audience of hundreds of thousands of people… and she’s even aware of the things they’re seeing as they’re getting to watch her face contort in pleasure as she’s fucked from behind.
Holy fck she loves it
Bro shes having the time of her life
Kitty!!! Fight it! D-Don’t give in!
Lol idiots. Cant you see its all a scam? Dudes probably her boyfriend. Ugh, what a lame fake-ass set up.
That last viewer is wrong. Ashley wished it were true, but she seriously has no idea who this guy is. She certainly didn’t PLAN this. And yet, as the hours turn into days, he doesn’t stop. He just keeps on fucking her. And yes… days go by. Technically in Hardcore Mode you do need sleep just like in real life, but stamina potions can take care of that sort of thing. A potion that her attacker seems to have an endless supply of.
Ashley loses all track of time. All track of the world around her. She’s vaguely aware of changing scenery when her attacker carries her into the farmhouse and runs a hot bath for her… before fucking her there as well. She’s also aware of him taking her on a bed, fucking her in every position from a consummate mating press to on her side with one leg draped over his leather-clad shoulder.
He doesn’t stop. He doesn’t slow down. And all Ashley can do is take it. All she can do is take his big fat cock as she cums for him again and again and again.
Until finally… the stamina potions stop flowing and she passes out, her need for sleep finally overtaking her. She passes out on the bed, unaware of anything but assuming her torment is just beginning.
… Except when she wakes up a few hours later, she’s fine. She’s alone and completely untouched save for of course the copious amounts of sexual assault. Except… except as she wakes up with a groan, Ashley finds herself running her hands up and down her avatar’s body. Remembering the way it had felt for him to touch her. To hold her tightly and… and use her.
A ping makes her eyes snap open as the timer she’d set right before the stream went live goes off and announces that she’s hit a hundred hours. Sitting up on the bed, Ashley gapes at the timer… and then at her chat. She ‘only’ has about a hundred thousand viewers left. Still over six digits, but nowhere near the peak anymore. Apparently watching her sleep naked was only appealing to so many people. Though still more appealing than her usual stuff it would seem.
Ashley doesn’t even bother actually reading any of the chat messages though. She realizes… she’s done it. She’s completed the challenge. And she’s done so with her avatar’s body entirely intact. It doesn’t seem to make much sense… until she sees the note. Picking it up, Ashley gets a private message that she’s careful to open out of her stream’s view. It’s contact information… left behind by her attacker.
She could use this to track him down and get back at him. She could find out who he was and maybe even use her followers to ruin his life. For a long moment, Ashley just stares at the contact information. Then, wordlessly, she ends her stream. Immediately after, she sends a PM back and then disconnects from ExLife, turning off hardcore mode on her way out.
Out in the real world, Ashley Katsum slowly rises up out of her VR Pod as the doors over the top of her slide back from the egg-shaped pod, allowing her to climb off of the bed and groan as she stretches her sore limbs. She doesn’t usually spend a hundred hours straight in VR, but it wasn’t the first time she’d done a time-based challenge. She’d made sure that her VR Pod had all of the proper settings on to keep her body in tip top shape while she was basically in a five day coma.
That said, as she rises from the bed and stands up, Ashley looks at herself in the standing mirror right next to the pod. It was a highly recommended part of the full dive experience, to always make sure you could see your real self the moment you got out of VR. Ashley Katsum is nothing like AshKitty. She’s brunette with brown eyes instead of blonde and blue-eyed for one.
And she likes to think she’s pretty enough… but she’s not VR pretty. She’s not perfect like her avatar is. Even still…
Moving to the shower, Ashley quickly cleans herself up. Then she spends the next hour in the bathroom ‘getting ready’.
Just as she’s stepping out into her hall, a knock at the door comes and a ping lets her know it’s him. Biting her lower lip, the streamer walks barefoot over to her front door and opens it, letting him step inside.
She stares at him once the door closes… and he stares right back at her. He’s handsome enough. In the same way she’s pretty enough. But… it’s not about looks. It’s about what he did to her. About the things he made her feel.
Slowly, Ashley sinks to her knees and reaches out, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock. He smiles down at her and laces his fingers through her brunette locks as she begins to suck him off, one hand wrapped around the base of his dick and the other down the front of her sweats and panties, fingers pushing into her cunt.
Submitting in real life, it turns out… is just as good as submitting in VR.


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