Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Haughty Noblewoman (Original Fantasy)

The Haughty Noblewoman (Original Fantasy)


Themes: Defeated, Breeding, Mind Break

Summary: A haughty, arrogant noblewoman finally gets her comeuppance at the hands of the latest in a long life of swordplay instructors.


“Alright your ladyship. Let’s start today off easy. Fifty laps around the courtyard to get you warmed up.”
He’s both surprised and not by the rejection of his order. On the one hand, he’s a little caught off guard by the sudden switch from griping and bellyaching to outright refusal to follow his commands, but on the other hand… he’s more surprised it took this long.
Raising an eyebrow, Renault the Spellsword tilts his head to the side as he stares at his young blonde charge.
“Excuse me?”
Staring right back at him, the young Lady Evelynn, Heiress of House Hucrit, crosses her arms over her chest and tosses her hair back over her shoulder.
“I said no, Instructor. I will no longer abide by this foolishness. It has lasted all WEEK, and if you do not begin taking my instruction seriously starting today, then I will be forced to dismiss you from my service!”
For a moment, Renault is quiet, studying the young woman in front of him. She is the epitome of arrogance. The definition of haughty. She is the stereotype that gives all other noblewomen a bad name. And he… is her swordplay instructor. One might wonder why the hell a haughty noblewoman would be instructed in how to wield a sword. Well, that was quite simple… Lady Evelynn had decided she would be, and that was that.
One day, the girl woke up and decided that she would become a swordswoman. More than that, she wished to become a Lady Knight, strong and righteous, powerful and mighty. Able to defend her holdings personally from all brigands and monsters that might threaten it. And so she had implored her mother to find her instructors in the way of the sword.
Renault knew he was not the first. He was not even the fifth. Evelynn had gone through over half a dozen Instructors before his arrival, tossing each and every one of them out on their asses after they’d ‘taught her all they knew’. Her words, to be exact. Renault had thoughts about that though. For now, he focuses on the present, however.
“I am not in your service, Lady Evelynn. I am in your mother’s service. Only she can dismiss me, and until such time as she does, I will continue to teach you the way of the sword MY way. There are no shortcuts to the power you desire, your ladyship.”
Evelynn’s eyes narrow at that, her haughty arrogance not even allowing her to give his words proper consideration for even a moment.
“You dare talk back to me?! You think my mother would not follow my will in dismissing you? She did when I dismissed the last six instructors before you! Or perhaps that is why you fear to teach me anything!”
Here, Evelynn lifts a hand to her lips, letting out a villainous laugh.
“Oh-ho-ho! Now the truth comes out, Instructor! You have heard all about my sponge-like, prodigal talents, haven’t you? My very first instructor said it himself! I extract talent and skills like no one else! I am a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy capable of soaking up all of your knowledge and all of your teachings in mere days when it would normally take months if not YEARS to learn what you have to offer!”
Here, Evelynn’s eyes flash as she gives Renault a sneer.
“Ah, but you’re smarter than all the others, if only by a little bit it would seem. They were all too eager to show me everything they knew, heaping praise upon me at every turn. Until in the end, I had no more use for them. There was nothing more they could teach me! And so I tossed them away, having extracted every ounce of value that they had!”
Tilting her head to the side, Evelynn smirks evilly.
“Is that what you fear, Instructor? You fear that once I learn all you know as well, you will be tossed aside? I will not sugar-coat things. Oh-ho-ho! Tis true! I will indeed rid myself of you and your inane ‘exercise regimens’ as soon as I am able! However, if you refuse to teach me anything… I will rid myself of you now and be done with it! Tis your choice whether our arrangement lasts a week or two longer, enriching you further, or ends today, leaving you with little to your name!”
What a bunch of complete and utter bullshit. As Evelynn rambles on and on, spouting nothing more than total nonsense, Renault has to struggle to resist the urge to shake his head. The idiot girl is so arrogant she gives arrogance a bad name. It’s obvious to him at least, what’s actually happened here.
The young noblewoman wanted to learn swordplay. She wanted to become a Lady Knight, to fulfill the ideal in her head. But she had no drive for actually putting in the work. She was allergic to hard work in fact, if the last several days had taught him anything. She quite literally broke out in hives as he’d forced her to do basic exercises in order to at least start strengthening her body for the rigors ahead.
Oh… Renault didn’t doubt that the other Instructors had TRIED to teach the young woman properly, like he was. At least one or two of them anyways. But he also didn’t doubt that they’d all caved the moment that Evelynn started talking about dismissing them for being ‘useless’ and teaching her ‘worthless’ things. For the sake of an easy paycheck, they would have all fallen over themselves to appease the young woman, likely teaching her whatever she wanted to learn in a haphazard manner while heaping praise after praise upon her.
Until finally, in her singularly haughty arrogance, Evelynn decided that she’d learned all she could from each of them. After all, they claimed she was a prodigy of unparalleled skill. So why wouldn’t she toss them away to seek someone new to instruct her further?
The half a dozen instructors had done this poor girl a massive disservice, but no matter how unlikeable Evelynn Hucrit was, Renault had no intention of doing the same. He was going to break her of her bad habits one way or another. He was going to-
Suddenly, Evelynn gets a glint in her eye and an even eviler smile across her pretty, noble face.
“… Or perhaps that’s your great secret, Instructor. Perhaps you’ve rapidly realized… you have nothing to teach me at all.”
In a sudden flash, Evelynn draws the sword at her side, the live steel making a ‘shing’ sound as it’s pulled from its scabbard. It’s the first time all week that she’s drawn it, with Renault demanding that she keep it sheathed as he instead ran her through her paces. The fool girl refused to actually part with it, no matter how many times he told her that she would not actually be practicing with a real blade for quite a while yet, but at the very least she’d never drawn it.
Now, however, she points her blade in his direction, looking like she’s figured it all out as she smirks at him.
“It would only make sense. Six instructors have come and go before you. Six swordsmen have given me all they knew. What more could you teach me, hm? Is that it, Instructor? Are you little more than a fraud? Have you promised my mother and I something you’ve now realized you cannot deliver? Admit it, Instructor. Admit that I am your better in swordsmanship in every way… and I may just spare your life.”
Renault… sees red. It was one thing for Evelynn to look down on him. She was a noblewoman and he was a wandering mercenary. They were in two completely different rungs of society, so it only made sense for her to look down on him for THAT, even if it did rankle something fierce.
However, in this moment, Evelynn is not looking down on him as a noblewoman would look down on a wandering vagabond. No, she’s looking down on him as one wielder of the sword to another. The weapon he’s spent his entire life learning. The weapon he’s trained with for decades. And she’s acting as though she’s better then him. No, she fully believes she’s better than him with the sword.
In an instant, Renault’s sword is drawn as well, though he doesn’t even remember making the conscious decision to draw it. For the briefest of moments, surprise and perhaps a hint of fear appear in Evelynn’s eyes at the sight. But then it’s quickly washed away by her trademark haughtiness, as she lets out another laugh from behind her raised hand.
“Oh-ho-ho! So you do have your pride after all, Instructor! Perhaps there’s something you will finally be able to teach me!”
Gritting his teeth, finally pushing back and tamping down the bonfire of rage ignited within him until it’s a tight, little ball that he can draw from without letting it overwhelm his senses, Renault shakes his head.
“You wish to know the difference between you and I, girl? You wish to learn the real consequences of drawing live steel against a wandering mercenary such as myself? Very well then. I shall be your Instructor no longer. Now… now we are enemies.”
Evelynn’s eyes widen briefly, before she grins wickedly and lunges forward.
“Have at thee then, foe of House Hucrit!”
The girl’s form is positively atrocious. She damn near stumbles into her first blow, looking like she’s going to trip over her own feet at any second. Dodging her wild, untrained and inexperienced swings is child’s play. Dancing around her and sticking out a foot so she DOES trip and fall flat on her face is just as easy.
Renault could have pushed the advantage, but instead he comes to a halt, his jaw clenching as he turns to stare at Evelynn’s upturned ass, the noblewoman face down in the dirt with her skirt having flipped up from the fall. She quickly rights herself of course, but not before he gets a good, long look at her underwear. Something that the haughty, arrogant bitch of a noble immediately recognizes when their eyes meet once more.
“You-! I shall be forced to kill you where you stand for that!”
Tilting his head to the side, Renault grunts.
“You may try.”
And try she does. But truth be told, he rapidly tires of running circles around her. That first pass was honestly all that Renault needed to know that the blonde noblewoman was exactly what he thought she was. A terrible excuse for a swordswoman, with zero talent, zero skill, and a litany of bad habits instilled into her by her own haughtiness and arrogance.
The first thing he does is disarm her. Tearing her sword from her weak, limp grasp is easy as can be, and as the blade goes flying end over end away from them, Evelynn watches it go with a wide-eyed, gaping look on her face. But Renault isn’t done. His next several slashes hit her, cutting into her just enough to make her bleed. He ruins her so-called ‘training clothes’, slashing them to shreds while barely scratching her skin. But he still does scratch her skin, something that makes her cry out in horror and agony, as though he’s stabbed her straight in the gut.
The girl falls back as his series of blows, all delivered in the span of a handful of seconds, send her falling back onto her ass. Tears immediately well up in her eyes, even as she holds up a hand as if to ward him off.
“W-WAIT! S-Stop!”
If he’d kept going, she would have lost that hand. But he stops. He stops and watches her in silence for a moment, curious to see if she’s actually learned a lesson here.
“You… you BEAST! H-How dare you cut me! Do you know who I am?! I am Lady Evelynn of House Hucrit, and I will have your heard for this! GUARDS!”
There’s a brief pause… as no one comes. Renault, meanwhile, stands there in disbelief. Mere moments before, Evelynn had been so very convinced that she was his better in swordplay. He’d proven her wrong in dramatic fashion, but rather than admit that she was terribly, terribly in over her head, rather than have her arrogance be broken by a live performance of her failure… she’d gone and automatically swapped to haughty noble arrogance instead, attempting to sic the House Guard on him.
Not that it had worked. No one was coming. No one was going to save her. As no guards materialize, Lady Evelynn looks around bewildered, seeming completely and utterly shocked that no one was answering her call.
“I would wonder if you’ve forgotten who I am, Lady Evelynn, but I realize now that based off of your insistence on calling me ‘Instructor’ and nothing else, you did not listen to your mother the Duchess when she first introduced me. As such, I shall amend this gap in your knowledge. I am Renault the Spellblade… and you stand surrounded by my signature spell, Wall of Wind. No sound may leave it. No one will hear your cries.”
Stabbing his sword into the ground, Renault removes his gloves as he starts to walk forward. Evelynn’s eyes go wide at the sight of him stalking towards her… and wider still when he reaches down and begins loosening his breeches.
“What… w-what do you think you’re doing?! S-Stay away from me, scum! I am a Lady! You! Gah!”
Reaching down, Renault grabs Evelynn by her hair, yanking her up off of the ground a few inches… into perfect position to slap her across the face with his freed cock. She goes cross-eyed just trying to stare at his sizable member, silenced for a moment by the horror of what just happened to her.
“Did I not say, Lady Evelynn? I am no longer your Instructor, and you are no longer my charge. I told you that I would show you the consequences of drawing live steel against a wandering mercenary. Did you think that the brigands and monsters you wished to fight out on the road would happily let you be on your way if they managed to defeat you in battle? Rather… did you think at all?”
Evelynn’s eyes finally uncross in order to look up at him in a glare. Even now, her haughtiness remains unbroken as she opens her mouth, no doubt to throw more vitriol at him. However, she doesn’t get a single word out.
He stuffs his cock into her waiting mouth as soon as she foolishly opens her lips, thrusting forward as fast as can be and forcing himself down the back of her throat so she can’t even bite down. In fact, he doesn’t give her the opportunity to even THINK about biting down, fucking her face right off of the rip with rough, violent, violating thrusts.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Her haughtiness rapidly leaves her as the horror returns. Her hands do eventually come up and smack against his legs, but to no avail. She tries to push him away, but she’s nowhere near strong enough for that as he stands there and happily rapes her throat, completely unopposed.
Now, it should be stated that even if this were the situation he’d described and he HAD beaten her in a duel out on the road… Renault would never have done this simply of his own volition. The most he would have done, given her insane attitude, would be to take her belongings, perhaps even forcing her to strip naked before leaving her to fend for herself. It wasn’t in his nature to go around outright raping women.
… However, Renault and Evelynn’s mother, the Duchess Hucrit, had had a private meeting this morning. He’d gone over Evelynn’s progress, or lack thereof, with the Duchess, and even told the girl’s mother what he believed had happened with all of her previous instructors. It had been the Duchess who had told him she was hiring him for another task… to end Evelynn’s desire to be a Lady Knight once and for all in a very final manner.
Duchess Hucrit had been quite specific, in fact. After six other instructors, it had become clear to the woman that this wasn’t merely a ‘passing phase’ for Evelynn. And so it wouldn’t be enough to temporarily break her of her obsession with the blade. No… she needed a more permanent distraction.
Which was why Renault had been paid quite a large sum of gold to rape Evelynn Hucrit and knock her up with his child. He’d even been given a virility potion by Duchess Hucrit herself. Now, he hadn’t expected the opportunity to present itself quite so fast… but here they were.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
As he continues to choke Evelynn on his cock, Renault reaches behind himself into his belt and pulls out the virility potion. He pops the cap one-handed and drinks it down while Evelynn is busy staring at the meaty intrusion barreling into her mouth and down her throat again and again. The young noblewoman’s face is tracked with tears at this point, and saliva and slobber are drooling down off of her chin. Her hands continue to push with all their might against his legs in a vain attempt to get him off of her… but she’s just so weak. She can’t stop him. She can’t do anything but take it.
Finally, with a loud groan, Renault proceeds to spill his seed down Evelynn’s throat. The blonde chokes on his cum, thrashing and struggling even harder than before as it threatens to drown her on dry land. Her eyes damn near roll back in her head from the lack of air, until at the last second Renault pulls back, taking mercy on her in a small way as he lets her cough and hack up his seed.
It splatters all over her front, making an utter mess of her and leaving her looking somewhat less desirable than before. If nothing else, the haughty bitch was incredibly beautiful… but now with her face and chest such a mess, he had no desire to touch either. That was okay though. He didn’t have to look her in the eye to rape and impregnate her.
“You… y-you…”
Amazed to see that even now she’s still regaining some of her previous haughtiness, Renault just shakes his head in disbelief. Then, using his grip on her hair, he proceeds to spin Evelynn around and plant her face down in the dirt of the courtyard.
“Ah! B-Bastard! S-Scum! Release me this once or I shall-!”
Her skirt had automatically flipped up again when he forced her into her new humiliating position, so Renault wastes no time in delivering a hefty smack to her panty-clad ass, which is now forcibly exposed to his gaze. Evelynn squeals, and then shrieks when he reaches down, grabs hold of her underwear, and tears them off of her altogether.
Renault grins at that, even as he places the tip of his cock against Evelynn’s slit. It takes a little bit to make sure it’s properly fitted… she’s struggling and thrashing about all the more. But in the end, there’s no stopping him. In the end, all the dumb noble bitch manages to do is delay the inevitable. When at long last the head of his cock is lodged inside of her tight, virgin cunt, and he can feel her hymen right in front of his tip, Renault leans forward, rearranging himself so that he has a foot on the back of Evelynn’s head and both hands free.
“You should know, bitch… your mother paid me to do this.”
That causes the young noblewoman to freeze up, her one visible eye from under her boot going wide in shock and disbelief.
“You… y-you’re lying.”
Renault just shrugs.
“Believe what you will.”
And then he thrusts in. His cock spears deep into Evelynn’s core, causing her to positively HOWL in pain as he tears right through her hymen. The girl isn’t very wet, but then that’s to be expected. He would be shocked if someone as haughty and arrogant as this blonde turned out to be a closet masochist. But no, her bitchy attitude wasn’t an act. It wasn’t a cover for some sort of submissive slut who WANTED to be fucked or anything like that.
No, that would have been nice, but it simply wasn’t the case. In the end, Evelynn Hucrit was PRECISELY the haughty, arrogant… and altogether useless noblewoman that she seemed to be. Her one and only purpose in life was exactly what he was doing to her now. To be used and filled and to pop out an heir for her Noble House.
Renault grunts as he fucks Evelynn as a harsh, fast pace. He’s not gentle about it. He’s not kind. He might have been, if she hadn’t made such a fucking nuisance of herself. It was one thing to accept pay to rape and impregnate the girl… if she wasn’t like she was, he might have gone about it in a different way. Perhaps sneaking into her room under the cover of darkness, hiding his features and raping her in her bed. It would still have been rape, but he would have been nicer about it.
But no. Evelynn had earned this. She’d all but begged for it. The bitch wanted a taste of what it meant to be a Lady Knight? He’d give her more than a taste. He’d shove the whole damn MEAL down her throat!
As he fucks her, Evelynn… breaks. Her haughtiness finally meets its match. Her bitchiness finally finds its limit. She can’t keep up the arrogant young noblewoman act any longer when he’s quite literally got his boot on her head and is fucking her in the dirt. Every thrust of his cock into her cunt further drives home the point that she’s completely helpless, utterly inept, and wholly alone with him.
No one is coming to save her. And the longer that remains true, the more and more he can tell that she comes to believe his words about her mother. Because it’s one thing for him to use his Wall of Wind spell to prevent her cries for help and pleas for the guards to be heard. It’s another entirely for the courtyard they train in to remain empty for this long.
Every single day, there have been people who have come by. Some to watch, but most are just passing through on their way to do their duties. And yet… as Renault rapes Evelynn there, face down and ass up in the dirt, no one appears. No one so much as walks by. The only way that could be possible is if Renault paid off the guards… or if the guards were given orders from their Mistress to block off the courtyard and let no one enter for the duration of her ‘lesson’ at his hands.
It's obvious, at least to Renault, that Evelynn comes to fully believe her mother’s part in all of this as the rape goes on. The fight goes out of her, slowly but surely, not that her struggles amounted to much in the first place. In the end though, she just lays there, his hips smacking into her ass with wet, meaty sounds as he drives his cock deep into her virgin cunt time and time again.
Until finally, at long last… Renault grunts and proceeds to fill Evelynn with his seed, pumping a nice, thick load of his jizz into the blonde noblewoman’s womb. With the virility potion provided by her mother, Renault doesn’t doubt for a second that he’s completed the mission. But… there’s no point in leaving even a small chance that the job was half-finished.
Pulling out of her, Renault drags Evelynn back up out of the dirt by her hair and shoves his cock back into her face. Forcing his way into her limp mouth is easy enough for the Spellsword, and he uses her lips and mouth and unresponsive tongue to clean his cock off for a moment. Then, he tosses her onto her back and with a wave of his magic, cleans her front.
He half-expects tearing her top open to bring her back to life… but no. Far from shrieking and trying to cover herself up as she throws even more haughty arrogance his way, the useless bitch just lays there, eyes vacant and lifeless as her breasts are exposed to him. Grabbing them, he gives them a good hard squeeze, even as he drives back into her cunt. Her body has reacted somewhat to his intrusion by this point, and she’s slightly wet by now. But the mind… the mind isn’t there. Evelynn has broken, completely and utterly.
Somehow, Renault just knows that the young woman is never going to pick up a sword ever again.
Unbeknownst to both Evelynn and Renault, there is one person who actually is watching them. High above the courtyard, in an upper floor of the castle… the Duchess’ Quarters have a window that looks out over said courtyard. Duchess Bethany Hucrit watches as the vagabond she hired to train her daughter in swordplay rapes Evelynn silly… and lets out a thoroughly wanton moan.
The Duchess, if anyone were to see her at that moment, would not strike quite the imposing, dignified figure she’s supposed to. Mostly because she was completely naked. Laying on a lounge next to the window, the Duchess touches herself freely as she watches Renault rape Evelynn into submission.
It wasn’t her first choice. Nor her second or third. It wasn’t even her sixth. But… it was her seventh. Renault the Spellsword was said to be the sort of man who always got the job done. And after Evelynn had waisted their House’s gold on the first six instructors, Bethany had been desperate to get the damn job done.
Initially, she had wanted to support Evelynn’s interests, truly she had. She’d assumed that her darling daughter was experiencing a flight of fancy though. Everyone knew that Lady Knights didn’t last long… that they were beacons for monstrous men and creatures of darkness. More than that, Bethany was confident that Evelynn herself wasn’t really Lady Knight material.
Unfortunately, the girl had become obsessed with learning the sword. However, none of her instructors had been able to break her of her noble arrogance. To be fair, Bethany hadn’t ever been able to teach Evelynn the difference between holding yourself to the high standards of nobility… and looking down on everyone of a lower class then you rather than recognizing that some experts, no matter their lack of nobility, were deserving of your respect in their particular field.
It was one thing to command the serfs to follow your will and support your initiatives in improving their lives and your lands. It was another thing entirely to request instruction in how to wield a sword, and then listen to absolutely NOTHING that your instructor was actually saying.
In the end, Evelynn had left her mother with no choice. If House Hucrit was to survive, something had to change. And it was clear Evelynn WASN’T going to stop… not without being forced to. That was where Renault the Spellsword came in. A mercenary who always got the job done… even if the job changed a week into things.
And indeed, from what Bethany was seeing, Renault had very much gotten the job done. Hell, he was going above and beyond right now to make SURE. As he fucks Evelynn down there in the courtyard, Bethany watches on… still a little surprised by one thing in particular.
Namely… she hadn’t expected to be so damn AROUSED by the sight. She’d originally forced herself to watch her own daughter’s rape because as Evelynn’s mother, she felt she had to, since she’d made it happen. It was meant to be a punishment, to assuage her guilt. Instead… instead, it was the hottest thing Bethany had ever seen.
The Duchess couldn’t get enough. Watching Renault silence Evelynn’s arrogant mouth with his cock, and then rape her face down in the dirt… it had flicked a switch inside of Bethany, one that could not be unflicked. Her entire body thrums as she pistons her fingers in and out of her cunt while trying to match Renault’s tempo.
Watching him rape her daughter into a lifeless state of submission… was the most arousing thing Bethany had ever seen done. The only way it could be better is if she’d had him do it in this room with her forced to participate, forced to hear every last one of her daughter’s sobbing cries. Fuuuuck…
Bethany cums, squirting all over the glass of the window in front of her, her hips buck and she shudders in orgasmic ecstasy. All because she’s watching her own daughter be raped and filled with a mercenary’s baby. It’s so hot. It’s so sexy. It’s… it’s glorious.
She finds herself wondering, as she watches Renault deliver his second load into Evelynn’s womb down below… if perhaps he might be willing to take on another job as well. It’s obvious even from here that Evelynn will be in no state to stay Bethany’s heir after this. She probably won’t ever fully recover. But that’s alright. Bethany is still young enough to have another child. And maybe this time around, she’ll do better.
Of course, there’s still the matter of who the father will be. But as she watches Renault the Spellsword clean his cock off on her daughter’s skirt in an almost contemptuous manner… Bethany already knows who she wants to knock her up. The very same man who raped and bred her daughter on her orders~


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