Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Hitchhiker (Metroid)

The Hitchhiker (Metroid)

A/N: The Hitchhiker was a commissioned one shot originally written back in June of this year. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: The legendary Bounty Hunter answers a distress call, hoping it's a trap she can spring and cash in on. But it's not the kind of trap she's anticipating...

Themes: Mind Break, Dom/Sub, Breeding


Widely known as one of the most successful Bounty Hunters in all of the Galactic Federation, one might wonder why Samus Aran of all people would respond to a random distress signal she picked up while cruising through space. There was, in fact, a very good reason for that.

One, she wasn't completely heartless. But two, and more importantly in her eyes, most distress signals in this part of space were in fact pirate ambushes. Traps laid for good Samaritans, traps that Samus could in turn spring in order to scavenge for a few bounties and get an easy payday. All in all, answering distress signals was almost always a net positive for the blonde Bounty Hunter.

Arriving at the distress signal's source this time however reveals little more than the wrecked ruins of what seems to be a one-man operated mining vessel. Still bigger than her ship, the vessel was nevertheless made to be mostly automated, and thus only needed a one person crew to keep it running. It had definitely seen better days, and while a ship of its size COULD have held a pirate crew waiting in ambush, Samus' advanced sensors pick up that this is not the case.

The mining vessel is venting atmosphere from most places on it, and there's only one lifeform currently on board, in the cockpit where it's supposed to be. However, the engines are completely shot… the ship is dead in space and not going anywhere without the extensive-sort of repairs that only a full-blown shipyard could possibly supply.

Frowning, Samus runs a system-wide scan, still holding out hope that this is in some way a set-up or ambush. Unfortunately, her ship, which is top of the line and comes equipped with all the best goodies, picks up nothing. Whatever happened here to wreck this mining vessel, the perpetrators are long gone. How… disappointing.

Letting out a sigh, Samus guides her ship forward, soon docking with the one intact part of the other ship. As the airlock cycles, she stands from her cockpit and goes to meet the sole survivor, one hand on her holstered pistol. She's currently clad in just her Zero Suit, but even with just that and her pistol, Samus is a honed weapon. No silly miner is going to get the drop on her.

At least, that's what's going through the Bounty Hunter's mind until the airlock finishes cycling, and the inner door opens to reveal just who she rescued. Her eyes widen involuntarily as she's forced to crane her head back to get a proper look at the miner. He's not human, but then, Samus isn't xenophobic or anything like that. She doesn't discriminate.

Still, this is one big alien. Massive, towering over her and easily twice her size in broadness as well, he's scaly and gator-like, with rows of sharp teeth. He stands upright, with a large belly covered in a set of coveralls. His hands are more like claws though, and those claws look very wicked indeed.

Taking a step back, Samus doesn't pull her pistol, but she gets ready to all the same as she calls out to the creature.

"Stay where you are! I need your name and what business you had out here."

Chuckling and bringing his claws up in the universal sign of surrender, the massive gator alien shakes his huge head.

"Mighty fine welcome, little lady. I'm Rex… and if it wasn't obvious, I'm a miner. I was mining asteroids in the system when a pack of pirates came through and decided I would make for excellent target practice. They disabled my ship, took my haul, and left me to die. I greatly appreciate you stopping to help me out."

There's a minute shiver down Samus' back at his gravelly voice, and internally she scoffs at herself. Sheesh, she knew it'd been a while, but seriously? Down girl, the alien was twice her size! Still, there's definitely something about his gravelly voice that reverberates through her.

"My home planet is only a few weeks away, you know. I'd be mighty grateful if you could get me there."

Stiffening, Samus sniffs haughtily, eyes flashing.

"I'm not a free delivery service, I'm afraid. There's a Federation planet I can drop you off on the next system over, only an hour's flight from here. That's the best I can offer."

She's confident that will shut down the gator-alien, but the broad, large creature shakes his head.

"Now, hold on there! I might not look like much, but my mining operation has been plenty successful… until now. Get me home, and I can pay you! And I'll even throw in my cooking skills for the trip as a bonus! I'm a mighty fine chef, I'll have you know."

His uniquely gravelly and deep voice continues to reverberate through the ship… and through her. All of Samus' instincts scream at her to pass on his generous offer. She's a loner, the kind of woman who hates having company on board her ship. Not to mention, her ship isn't built for two anyways. It's built for her and her alone. Sharing it with Rex for a few weeks would likely be torturous.

But… there's something about him. Or maybe it's just the offer of money. Or even the offer of good food. Samus isn't a cook herself, and she hasn't had a home-cooked meal in… who knew how long. If Rex could actually cook…

"Fine. What are the coordinates?"

He quickly rattles them off, and Samus turns away from him, making for the cockpit. As she does so, she calls back over her shoulder.

"I'll get us underway. You get to work on that first meal. If it's not worth my time, I'll be dropping you off on the next Federation Planet along the way. So… impress me."

Trying to be cool as a cucumber by turning away from him and nonchalantly calling back over her shoulder, Samus misses two things in that moment. One, the wicked smirk on the massive gator-alien's face as she says 'impress her'. And two… the very slight, unconscious sway of her hips as she makes her way to the cockpit down the hall.


Two weeks later… and suffice to say, Rex has unduly impressed her. She hadn't had high expectations going into that first meal, truth be told. She'd hoped for a decent enough experience and had been fully prepared for 'good enough' all the way to his home planet. After all, 'good enough' home-cooking was still better than rations and vitamin packs like she had been eating while in space.

Instead, Rex's cooking had, quite frankly, knocked Samus' socks off. He was a good cook, full stop. His food was delicious, some of the best that she'd ever had. In fact, his food was so good that it had completely off-set the awkwardness of having to live in the cramped space of her ship with another being for the past two weeks.

Hungrily scarfing down the latest dinner, Samus reflects that she's almost going to miss the big lug. Rex wasn't a genius by any stretch of the imagination, but he'd proven to be a decent enough conversation partner. The more she talked to him, the more she got to know the massive gator-like alien, the more Samus found herself enjoying his company.

Alas, it couldn't last forever. One more week until they arrived at his planet, and he paid her for her help. One more week of amazing home-cooking, before she was back to rations and vitamin packs. It was almost enough to make a girl cry, frankly.

"You enjoying the sauce, Samus? You're positively scarfing it down."

Eyes fluttering as that gravelly voice once again reverberates through her body, Samus glances up from her meal, not stopping long enough to speak. Instead, she just nods her enjoyment, continuing to eat the delicious food he's cooked for her, including the glaze-like sauce that he's put on every single meal he's made.

Frankly, she's not sure where he found it, or how he made it out of the ingredients she had in her kitchen. She's wondered a few times why he was a miner, because he honestly could cook like no one else she'd ever met. The sauce though… the sauce was the best part, by a country mile. She couldn't get enough of it, and as she slurps down the last of her bowl, she even goes for a single embarrassing lick to collect as much as she could on her tongue.

"Heh, do you want some more?"

Bringing her empty bowl down, Samus blinks.

"Of the sauce, I mean."

Just the sauce? Without the food? Samus cocks her head to the side as she considers the strange offer. It seems a little weird… but at the same time…

"Yes. Please."

She loved that sauce. Taking another serving of it alone would be fine, just this once, right? Except, to her surprise, when Rex stands up, he doesn't reach for a container in the small kitchen, or anything like that. He just stands up at their sharing dining space, reaches down, and opens a crotch hatch on the front of his coverall.

It's so unexpected and so unanticipated that Samus' jaw hangs open as Rex's massive, ridged, alien cock unfurls from his groin, standing up straight, or rather, curved after a moment, the tip pointing unerringly at her face.

"Well? You wanted more of my special sauce, right girlie? Here it is… straight from the source."

For a moment, Samus is uncomprehending. Or maybe it's more accurate to say she doesn't WANT to comprehend. The blonde Bounty Hunter would rather continue living in a world where her good deed went unpunished, and she hadn't just spent the last two weeks consuming Rex's cum in every meal he made for her.

However, her eyes are unconsciously drawn down to his giant alien phallus, and the moment Samus sees a glistening bead of precum pushing out of his tip, she knows she can no longer deny the truth.

With a shudder, the blonde bounty hunter comes up, shouting in anger.

"You bastard!"

A moment later, she has him against the ship wall, pinning him in place as she snarls at him. He might be twice her size, but Samus Aran is a tough as nails bitch who doesn't take shit from anyone, not man NOR alien. Drawing her pistol from her holster in one fluid moment, she plants it under Rex's chin.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't blow your brains out here and now, scum!"

Despite being held at gunpoint, Rex looks supremely unconcerned as he gazes down at her with one of his lizard-like eyes.

"If you do… you'll never get to taste my seed ever again."

Samus stiffens at that, at the insinuation that that would be a BAD thing. The assault on her person… she would… she…

She would miss it. If she killed him, she would miss his 'special sauce'. What… what was going on with her? A tremble goes through the gorgeous femme fatale's entire body, as she gasps and takes a quick step back. Her eyes dart down to his cock, and her nostrils flare as she takes in his scent.

Unbeknownst to Samus, Rex's species were one-gender. Meaning, they had to reproduce via other species, who they turned into incubators, stuffing their wombs full of eggs. As part of this process, the gator-like alien race had evolved with some… interesting tools to allow them to turn their chosen 'mates' passive, and slowly convert them into 'willing' incubators.

Everything about Rex, from his voice to his seed to his smell, was designed to turn an unsuspecting female into a proper broodmare for reproduction. And Samus Aran, as great a Bounty Hunter as she was, as much of a Legend as she was… was still just a woman, at the end of the day. A woman who had spent the last two weeks slurping down Rex's cum unknowingly, listening to his deep, gravelly voice reverberate through her body, and soaking in his scent, positively stewing in the smell of his musk.

"I… I…"

"Give me the gun, Samus."

Part of her is dismayed, when she hands it over without any more of a fuss. But part of her, the larger part of her, knows it must be done… if she is to get any more of a taste of his seed.

"Good girl. Get on your knees."

Sinking to her knees in front of the massive gator-alien, Samus can't help herself. She immediately reaches up and grabs hold of his ridged, alien phallus, grasping it with both hands as she kneels there before him and begins to stroke it up and down. With his tip right in front of her face, it's not long before her good sense is entirely overcome, and she leans forward to begin kissing and making out with his glans.

His precum slides down her throat, but it honestly doesn't feel nearly as good as his sauce did. She needs the real thing. She needs a full, sticky load of his semen deposited right in her ravenous belly. Despite just consuming a bowl of food coated judiciously in his cum, Samus needs more… she wants it so, so bad.

"There you go. Heh, the great Samus Aran, reduced to this state. You know, they said you'd be hard to manage. But I guess not."

Samus' eyes flicker up at that, to Rex's face. They? Who was they? She almost pulls back to ask, but before she can, he reaches down and grabs her by the base of her ponytail, pulling her further. Her lips end up stretching wide around the head of his huge, tapered, alien cock, and she gurgles as he forces her to suck on his fat dick.

"I suppose I should be honest with you now. It was a set-up, just as you likely suspected it to be. But you didn't quite understand what sort of set-up it was. You've been a pain in the ass for the galactic criminal underbelly for the last time. That was why I was called in… to domesticate you."

A small part of Samus flares up in self-righteous and indignant anger at that. Domesticate HER?! No! Never! Except… that small part isn't in control anymore. Perhaps if she'd been a bit more cautious from the start, perhaps if she'd worn her Power Armor and avoided any direct contact with the alien or his food, she would have been fine. But no, she'd let her guard down… and now, now she couldn't fathom living without his seed.

Suddenly, he yanks her up by her ponytail, his cock leaving her lips as he pulls her to her feet. Samus gasps, and then whines in a truly pitiful manner.


"Oh, stop your whining you little bitch. I'm just making you more, heh… presentable. No reason for those cow udders of yours to not put in some work too, after all."

With that said, he reaches out with his free hand and strikes at her Zero Suit with his claws. Digging in, he pulls and with a tyrannical display of strength, tears the Zero Suit clean off her body. Samus' bountiful breasts bounce free of their confines as a result, even as she's unceremoniously dropped back to her knees and the floor.

"Go on. Get back to work."

Moaning throatily, feeling like she's ever so close to getting her reward, Samus does indeed return to work. The blonde femme fatale not only suctions her lips back down on his massive alien member's tip in an incredibly lewd manner, but she also lifts her tits up and wraps them around the rest of his ridged shaft, stroking it up and down with her soft, sensitive mammaries as she looks up at him with big, blue, hopeful eyes.

"Like I was saying, it was a set-up all along. Had a whole bunch of help from some pirates who were sick and tired of your shit. They set me up in that mining vessel a day before you were due to come through the area, and I went ahead and drew you in with the distress signal. You probably thought you'd covered all your bases… but you never could have prepared for me."

Here, Rex grins a very wide, toothy grin as he looks down at Samus, still sucking dutifully at the tip of his cock, still stroking her tits up and down his length. She can't help herself. Even hearing the entire scheme straight from the mastermind's mouth, she's too damn enamored with his cock and the expectation that he'll soon cum down her throat. She wants it… no, she NEEDS it.

"Gonna cum soon, bitch."


"By my estimates, this last load will tip you over the edge. The last remnants of your resistance will die, and you'll be my cunt from now on… an incubator for my eggs, and a fuck toy for me to use on these long trips through space. Doesn't that sound lovely?"

Samus' eyes widen at that bit of knowledge, and for just a moment, some of the Bounty Hunter's old gumption flares up. The knowledge that she's not completely gone yet, gives her the drive to try and fight back against the pleasurable haze that's fallen over her thoughts.

Too bad it comes a second too late for her to actually do anything with it, because the next thing Samus knows, Rex is blasting his load straight down her throat. She gags mightily, and while some of it does explode out of her nostrils, the vast majority of his cum ends up right where it belongs… filling her stomach to the brim as she gurgles noisily.

Eyes rolling back in her head, Samus shudders and shakes as she gulps down mouthful after mouthful of Rex's hot, sticky cum. The last vestiges of resistance and independence flee the gorgeous, legendary Bounty Hunter's mind, as she tips over the edge, just like Rex had said.

By the time she's come back to herself, Samus is a different woman… one who looks up at Rex with utter devotion and adoration in her eyes, recognizing him as her Master… and herself as his loyal incubator.

"Stand up."

She does so without hesitation, his perfect, obedient incubator now. Her eyes remain on his face, even as she feels his massive cock pressing against her belly button. Her eyes only leave his face, when she feels the SECOND cock. Samus blinks and looks down as his second member unfurls from his groin. The gator-like alien's dual shafts both brush against her abs, and she gasps in excitement and arousal at the sight of them.

Reaching down, Rex, her Master, grabs her by her waist and lifts her into the air. Samus doesn't offer up any resistance, cooing in excitement even as he places her right atop both of his tapered alien prick-tips. His fat fucking cocks push against her lower orifices, both her cunt and even her anus beginning to spread open for him.

For just a second, time itself almost seems to slow down… but in reality, it's just Rex taking his time and taking the moment to tease his new toy. Before Samus can do much more than whine, before she can beg him to fuck her, the gator-like alien proceeds to SLAM her down onto his cocks, stuffing both her cunt and her unprepared ass to the brim.

Samus squeals in a thoroughly undignified manner, and cums immediately from the double-penetration. His twin dicks fill her to the bursting, as her eyes roll back in her head, and she shudders upon his shafts. Her pussy clenches and squeezes and gushes juices down the length of his ridged member, while her anus spasms and tries in vain to push his second cock out of it.

Her asshole cannot get rid of the intruder however, and frankly, Samus doesn't want it to. She's in love. She's right where she belongs. She is… beholden to her Master, and so very eager to be his egg-bed for him.

For a time, Rex doesn't speak. He just fucks her long and hard on his twin cocks, pounding her up and down his shaft like she's not even a person, but simply a toy. His large clawed hand wrapped around her itty bitty waist lets him literally bounce her on his dick as if she were an inflatable sex doll, rather than one of the most famous Bounty Hunters in the known galaxy.

But then, this isn't Samus Aran, legendary Bounty Hunter anymore. This is Samus Aran, fuck toy and incubator to her Master. Gurgling happily, the beautiful blonde femme fatale quivers and shivers as she cums again and again on Rex's cocks. Her pussy is sopping and her juices drool down his upper shaft, while her ass is stretched and reshaped to the precise size of his lower shaft.

She's not going to walk straight for a week after this, more than likely, but that doesn't matter to Samus, not anymore. All that matters is giving her Master pleasure. All that matters is serving her Master in all the way she possibly can, so she might earn more of his seed, of his scent, of his voice.

As if he's reading his thoughts, a rumbling growl of approval and enjoyment reverberates up through Rex's throat, sending shivers down Samus' spine as she gasps in ecstatic delight.

"You're doing well, pet. Tell me… do you understand now who you belong to? Do you understand that you are MINE?"

The old Samus Aran would have howled at the injustice and indignity of it all. She would have screamed from the mountaintops that she would NEVER be his and fought him with every fiber of her being.

The new Samus Aran does none of those things. Gasping and moaning wantonly, still bouncing up and down on his cocks at a breakneck pace, Samus nods as best as she's able to, eyes rolling around in her head.

"U-Uh-huh… yessss… yes, Master! I'm yours! I belong to you, Master!"

Grinning a wide, toothy grin just like before, Rex's eyes gleam with malice and avarice.

"Good girl. You'll be my broodmare then, won't you? Carry my eggs till they hatch. Be my good little incubator for the rest of your days."

For the briefest of moments, Samus Aran's life flashes before her eyes. Everything she'd ever done. Everything she'd fought her way through, everything she'd SURVIVED. All of that… for it to end like this? It seemed almost unfair. It seemed entirely unjust. But the new Samus doesn't care about any of that. She's too far gone at this point.

"Yessss… I'll be your broodmare. Mate me, Master! Knock me up! Fill me with your eggs and I'll carry as many of your children as you ask of me, I promise!"

With a lustful growl, Rex responds by… tearing her straight off his cocks? For a moment, Samus doesn't understand. But she doesn't need to understand her Master, she only needs to obey. Luckily, understanding comes as par for the course a moment later anyways. Rex spins her around so she's facing away from him and re-impales her right there on the spot. As it turns out, it's his lower shaft that's capable of laying eggs inside of her womb and turning her into an incubator. The upper shaft produces his 'special sauce' to make her his bitch.

As he fucks her ass and her cunt again, this time with Samus dangling from his hand with all four of her limbs hanging beneath her, the blonde femme fatale squeals and shrieks and cums again and again. With a grunt, Rex reaches out with his free hand and fish-hooks her mouth, sticking two claws into her open maw and quieting her down as he finger-fucks her mouth.

In the same moment, he proceeds to begin to cum… a basting of seed in her ass, but an egging for her womb. His alien eggs pump into her womb right then and there, one after the other, each making the addicted, submissive, mind broken Samus Aran cum harder then the last. As they fill her to the brim, bloating out her chiseled abs and truly turning her into his incubator, Samus' eyes roll back in her head one final time, and if not for his fingers, her tongue would be lolling out in a truly fucked silly expression.

Shuddering in orgasmic bliss, the blonde Bounty Hunter passes out. It's the beginning of the rest of her life… as her Master Rex's fuck toy.

As she passes out, Rex drops her off of his cock and chuckles down at her. Face first on the floor, ass high in the air and already starting to fountain his cum, she looks positively ridiculous… and absolutely gorgeous by his species' standards. After all, she's now filled to the brim with his eggs…


A few weeks later, and it's Rex that sits in the cockpit of the ship that formerly belonged to one Samus Aran, legendary Bounty Hunter. He's had to do a bit of a remodel so that the place was properly sized to him instead of Samus' smaller form, but now that that's done, and on the Bounty Hunter's dime at that, he's sitting comfortably in his new chair at the resized controls.

A ping comes in and Rex's lizard-like eyes light up as he looks over the job offer, he's just gotten. After checking over the details, he accepts the job with a nod, before looking down to his crotch. There, a heavily pregnant, love-drunk, submissive Samus Aran is bouncing her fat ass back into his cock, riding one of his dicks as she plants her hands palm down on the floor in front of her. Her Zero Suit is completely gone, but he's let her keep the high heels that came with it… and also gifted her a collar denoting her as his property and incubator.

"Got myself a new job, pet. Looks like we'll be traveling again soon."

Samus smiles dopily at that, and just moans happily, no trace of the dangerous femme fatale she once was remaining. At the same time, the blonde incubator shivers as she feels the eggs, the first of her Master's brood, just starting to hatch inside of her.

She was so much happier now… and couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life as Rex's broodmare and incubator.


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