Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Inuzuka’s Future (Naruto)

The Inuzuka’s Future (Naruto)

A/N: The Inuzuka's Future was a commissioned one shot originally written back in June of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Tsume Inuzuka has heard reports of a chewed-up chunin found dead on the edge of the Forest of the Death. She's also heard rumors of wolves the size of her clan's ninken.

Themes: Furry Sex, Breeding, Dom/Sub


It starts with a chunin found dead and half-eaten near Training Ground Forty-Four. That alone would not have been enough to get Tsume Inuzuka's attention under normal circumstances. After all, the chunin in question wasn't one of her clan, nor from one of her clan's allies. They were some no-name who clearly got too far in over their head and got eaten by something big and nasty.

But then the rumors start up. Rumors about wolves the size of full-grown Inuzuka Ninken roaming the Training Ground. This in and of itself wasn't unusual either… except when it was. While there were big bad wolves all over the Elemental Nations, large and in charge and quite dangerous at that, the Inuzuka Clan worked VERY hard to keep the Land of Fire free of such creatures, in order to maintain their reputation and keep the civilians of Konoha and the surrounding territories from fearing them and their ninken too much.

The way the rumors were spreading, people talking about these wild, untamed wolves in a way that directly compared them to Inuzuka Ninken, only showed how important it was to their clan's reputation to keep doing so.

And so, even though she was clan head and probably could have delegated the task to just about any other active-duty Inuzuka Nin, Tsume had decided she would handle this herself. The fierce, wild kunoichi and her companion Kuromaru had this made their way out to Training Ground Forty-Four, fully intending on eliminating whatever creature or creatures were responsible for the chunin death.

If they were incredibly lucky, they might also find a litter of pups that could be brought back to be raised by the clan, bolstering their ninken numbers considerably. But that was a passing fantasy at most. In truth, Tsume was more concerned about getting a handle on these rumors as fast as possible, before the Inuzuka went the way of the Uchiha, ostracized and split off from the Greater Pack that was Konoha, and then massacred in a single night.

Nose twitching, Tsume's eyes flicker this way and that as they forge ever deeper into the trees. Kuromaru keeps his head on a swivel as well, her one-eyed ninken companion looking this way and that, his wolf ears flicking back and forth.

The first warning they get that they're getting close is the smell of blood in the air. As they move further in, it doesn't take long to find the source… or rather, sources. There are multiple corpses of other wildlife, some of them eaten, some spots where they were dragged away… but many just left there. A warning? A representation of an over-abundance of food?

Regardless, Tsume and Kuromaru continue forward. The scents are growing thicker, and the Inuzuka Clan Head can tell they're on the right path. There's no doubt in her mind that the source of all of this mayhem and bloodshed is close at hand at this point. Especially when she and Kuromaru stop after a moment, both sensing the same thing at the same time.

"… I feel it too, Kuromaru."

After a beat, they continue onward. They don't really have a choice, if what Tsume is sensing is true. It would seem those rumors about ninken-sized wolves were not… entirely inaccurate. There's a full-on pack following them, hunting them, tracking them. While the ninja-ninken pair COULD have stopped and held their ground where they were, it wasn't the best place for it. No, better for them to find either the Pack's den and then beat a hasty retreat or find a better spot to fight multiple opponents at once.

She was confident in her and her companion's skills. A pack of untamed, wild wolves would never be able to beat her and Kuromaru in a straight up fight. And yet… there was something about this entire encounter that didn't sit well with Tsume. She didn't want to provoke them, for some reason. Which was odd, because Tsume Inuzuka had been provoking enemies all her life. She was hot-headed, fierce, and sometimes prone to making rash decisions on the fly.

For her instincts to be pushing back on her right now, for her desires to be curbed by a gut feeling… it spoke to just how dangerous this situation truly was.

Finally, they come to a clearing and the mouth of a cave… a wolf den, obviously. As Tsume and Kuromaru step out into the open, gazing at the black mouth of the den, the pack of massive wolves following them finally show themselves. In an instant, they're surrounded by a bunch of growling, black-furred, massive beasts, all of them glaring balefully at Tsume and her ninken companion, all of them snarling and baring their fangs.

Tsume bares her own teeth right back in a grinning snarl, and Kuromaru plants his paws, hair raising on end as he also returns the challenges with a snarl of his own. The both of them are ready for a fight if there's to be one… but before things can escalate any further, a rumbling growl comes from the cave. Much louder and MUCH deeper than anything any of them were managing.

Tsume's spine goes ramrod straight, Kuromaru's ears lay flat on his skull, and even the rest of the feral wolf pack takes an involuntary step back, a few of them even letting out whining yelps of fear. For a moment, there's a beat of silence… and then HE steps out of the cave mouth. At first, he's on all fours as he stalks forward, having to be in order to move out of the mouth of the wolf den.

He looks odd as a result, like he's a wolf with limbs too long and ungainly, albeit an utterly massive one. And then, to Tsume's shock and stupefaction, he… stands up. Not a wolf at all, the Clan Head instantly realizes. Or rather… not JUST a wolf, not by a long shot.

As he rises to his full, towering height, Tsume instinctively clocks him as probably ten feet tall, at least. He stands there before her on hind legs that are distinctly wolf-like, but with a broad chest that would be entirely man-like if it weren't covered in pitch black fur. Likewise, his arms are very much the arms of a human… if one ignores not just the fur, but also the wicked looking claws coming off of each of his hands.

His shoulders and neck are also entirely humanoid in nature, but his head… his head is that of a massive, snarling, black-furred wolf. His eyes are a glowing red, and his muzzle is long as he shows off rows and rows of sharp fangs.

Another rumbling growl emits from his throat, this one not diminished by any sort of distance, or the walls of the cave. All of the wild wolves abruptly press themselves low to the forest floor in submission, their heads down and their tails tucked between their legs. Kuromaru, this time around, is the one who lets out a whining yelp and backs up a step, leaving Tsume's side for the first time in… well, in ever, really.

And yet, the Inuzuka Clan Head doesn't blame him. Her wobbly legs are threatening to give out on her, and she feels like she might collapse to her knees any moment. Eyes wide, mouth dry, lips feeling chapped, Tsume stares at the… absolutely magnificent specimen standing right in front of her. He's beautiful, utterly gorgeous even, and her eyes are roaming over every bit of him.

Her instincts are screaming at her to drop to her knees and submit. Only her status as Clan Head and the ego that comes with it stop her from doing so. And yet… and yet…

The massive man-wolf strides forward, right up to her. There's aggression in his every movement, and yet, he doesn't seem like he's preparing to attack. Tsume's legs are locked in place anyways to keep herself from collapsing to her knees against her will, while Kuromaru… Kuromaru backs up in time with the monstrous humanoid wolf's steps, continuing to whine low in his throat.

Not that Tsume blames her companion for not managing to stay at her side. Neither of them have faced anything like this before. And truth be told this… this Alpha, for there was no other word Tsume could properly use to describe him… was more than just an incredibly dangerous threat.

As he comes to a stop in front of her, she recognizes intelligence in his glowing red eyes. Looming over her, he stares down at her speculatively. For the first time, Tsume realizes something… none of the wolves laying down around them are awash in his scent. There are males and females, and a couple of the females are even pregnant, but they aren't pregnant with the Alpha's pups.

This would be strange under normal circumstances. What kind of wolf pack would possibly submit to an Alpha that couldn't even prove his virility? But these weren't normal circumstances. The Alpha in front of her was no ordinary wolf. He was something more… and he needed something more as a proper mate. Something… or someone.

Another low growl emits from the Man-Wolf's throat, and this time around, Tsume can't stop herself. She finally collapses to her knees, mouth opening and closing wordlessly as he slowly circles around her. When one of his feet come up and kick her forward onto her face, she doesn't try to fight it. Instead, the Inuzuka Clan Head ends up face down, ass up, presenting in a heartbeat despite trying to stay strong for the past several minutes.

She was supposed to be Alpha too, after all. And when two Alphas of neighboring packs met, it was normal for them to fight and establish dominance, right? And yet, Tsume hadn't even tried to fight. Maybe it was because she was a woman. Or maybe… maybe because she saw the future of her clan in him.

Tsume Inuzuka has been Clan Head for almost two decades now. She'd deposed the last Alpha of the Inuzuka Pack shortly after Hana was born. He'd been Tsume's mate, but he'd proven weak when he grew upset over her giving him a daughter instead of a son.

His pigheaded, misogynistic viewpoint had prompted Tsume to show him that women could be just as strong as men once and for all. More specifically, she'd shown him that SHE was personally much stronger than HE was… especially when it came to protecting her daughter from him.

She'd sent him running with his tail tucked between his legs, exiling him from the Pack. Kiba's father had been another man entirely, an Inuzuka Nin of course, but one who Tsume could easily control. He had not been dominant in their relationship. No man had been dominant in a relationship with the Inuzuka Matriarch for the past eighteen years.

And now here she was, bent over and submitting to this… this gorgeous specimen. Half-man, half-wolf… he represented a possible path forward for the Inuzuka Clan. A path that Tsume had quickly realized she would do anything to secure.

A yelp still tears from her throat as he rips her clothing off of her body with his claws, exposing her shapely, toned ass and her thicc, muscular thighs. Kneeling down behind her, the Man Wolf growls approvingly, leaning forward and planting a hand in the back of her wild, spiky, untamed hair and pushing her face further into the grass beneath her.

Tsume gasps, as she feels a tapered, large, canine cock pressing against her slit. Despite what some in Konoha might have thought, the Inuzuka Clan did not commonly lay with their ninken companions. Some of them might have, and Tsume turned a blind eye to the few she knew for a fact did. But the vast majority of ninja and ninken relationships were platonic in nature. Her relationship with Kuromaru had certainly never been sexual.

As such, it was the first time she was feeling the touch of a canine shaft, pressing into her sex. It was also the biggest cock as a whole that Tsume had ever felt pressing into her from behind. A shudder runs through her body, and the Inuzuka Clan Head moans as the Man Wolf slowly pushes into her. And then, he seems to hit some point of no return, or maybe realizes just how sopping wet she is, because the next thing Tsume knows, he's fucking her hard and fast.

Slamming the rest of the way into her needy, horny cunt, the monstrous Alpha begins to rail her, right then and there. Tsume quivers under him and HOWLS out the side of her mouth, her hands clawing at the earth beneath her as her feet kick up in the air. Her pussy walls clench and flex around his inhuman, massive member, and she finds herself cumming for him in no time at all.

Then, a short time later, she feels the knot. The knot that all dogs have, the knot at the base of the cock. She knows, of course, what that's for. How he's liable to lock it inside of her twat, once he's done cumming in her. It's to make sure that not an ounce of his seed escapes her, that she ends up good and bred on his massive canine cock.

… Can he even get her pregnant? That's the question, isn't it? He can't be the future of her clan, if they can't find a way to pass on his amazing form. A future where the Inuzuka are all like him flashes through Tsume's mind. She's not stupid, she's aware that that might seem them ostracized from Konoha the same as these rumors she was here to investigate in the first place would have.

And yet… if they could all become like this hulking Alpha, if they could all transform like him… it might be worth it. The Inuzuka might leave Konoha behind entirely, if it proved necessary.

For now, Tsume's eyes are rolling back in her head. Her tongue is lolling out of her mouth as she pants like… well, like a bitch in heat. Her cunt flexes and clenches down again and again around the huge doggy dick pistoning in and out of her cunt. And finally, it happens. The Alpha Man Wolf thrusts forward and fills her with his seed as well as his knot, locking them together.

At the same time… he leans forward and bites her shoulder hard, his fangs sinking into her flesh. Tsume cries out from the pain, but also in pleasure, knowing in that moment that she is his, that he is her Alpha… and that there's no going back to the way things were before.

She's not sure how long they lay there, with him knotted inside of her. She does know that he doesn't hold her down for long, before removing his teeth from her shoulder and flipping them both over. He shows his intelligence once more by laying her back against his furred chest as he leans back against the trunk of a tree, his claws playing with her tits, fiddling with her nipples as she pants and moans.

The wolves, both the ferals and her companion, all watch on in silence as this happens. Tsume doesn't begrudge Kuromaru not stepping in to try and save her. Quite frankly, she didn't WANT to be saved. Still, her lazy smile only lasts as long as his knot inside of her. Once he's deflated enough for her to get up, Tsume does so, standing on shaky legs and turning around to stare down at him in amazement… but also consternation.

"I wonder… I don't think I can sneak you into Konoha, even if I swear the whole Clan to secrecy. But you and this pack can't stay here. And yet, if anyone catches wind of you… I don't know what they'll do. Do you have any ideas?"

The Man-Wolf blinks up at her lazily, seeming to be relaxing after he dominated and fucked her silly. Seeing as his cum is now leaking out of her cunt, Tsume doesn't begrudge him his rest. He'd done his job, so to speak.

However, she's quite shocked with what happens next. One moment, she's staring down at a half-man, half-wolf hybrid creature. The future of her Clan, to be sure, even if it means leaving Konoha behind.

The next… she's staring down at just a man. Big and burly, sure, but entirely human-looking now, as he rises to his feet and stretches with a yawn. He looks less like a shinobi, and more like a samurai in body type. Chiseled, broad-chested, and muscular beyond belief.

"This better?"

Tsume gapes at him for a moment, before surging forward and seizing him by his chest hair. She's clutching at him as much as she's clawing at him, and no matter how much weight or force she puts behind her lunge, he doesn't move an inch towards the tree she's trying to pin him against. In the end, he's so much stronger than her, even in this form. She finds herself squirming against him rather pathetically, as he looks down at her in amusement. Her voice, when it finally comes out, is not as demanding as she'd intended, but instead weak and whimpering.

"E-Explain… please…"

He smirks at her… and then proceeds to do exactly that. What he tells her… it changes everything.


Hana Inuzuka was just a chunin, but not because of lack of ability. She was well on her way to reaching the rank of Special Jonin, specifically with a specialization in medical ninjutsu. The reason she wasn't already there was because Konoha didn't fully recognize veterinary medical ninjutsu as a legitimate specialization, in spite of one of its Ninja Clans being so deeply tied to ninken, and several other of its active duty ninja using a variety of different animal summons as well.

It was fine though. Hana was confident in her own capabilities, and sure that one day she would be recognized for her accomplishments by all of Konoha. For the time being, she was happy to say she was already recognized by the entirety of the Inuzuka Clan for what she'd achieved and the excellent level of service and care she provided to their ninken companions.

More than that, she was the eldest daughter of the current Clan Head, Tsume Inuzuka. And while Hana didn't expect that she would just be GIVEN the position of Clan Head any time soon, she thought that maybe one day in the future, her brand of leadership might replace her mother's for future generations of Inuzuka.

This was all to say, when her mother returned from her mission to Training Ground Forty-Four with a man of all things, Hana was concerned. Thankfully, almost immediately, Hana found herself summoned before her mother, so answers should have been forthcoming. However, the young Inuzuka woman couldn't help her reaction, when she entered their home, to find her mother all but draped over the bare-chested, hairy, burly man she'd brought back with her.

"M-Mother?! Who is this?!"

Giving her a lazy grin, Tsume doesn't answer immediately. She just gestures casually to the cushion across from them.


There's a tone that brooks no argument and so Hana does as she's told, the veterinary medical-nin going and kneeling down on the cushion. She'd had to leave the Haimaru Brothers, her canine companions and a trio of ninken triplets, outside with Kuromaru. She hadn't thought anything of it at the time, but now, suddenly, in the presence of this strange man, she was feeling… self-conscious.


Smirking idly, Tsume nuzzles into the stranger's shoulder for a moment longer, before finally answering her question.

"This is Abraham. He's a creature from another world called a werewolf… and he represents our future. He is my new mate… and your new Alpha."

Hana jerks back, as if physically struck by her mother's words. If the first half of Tsume's statement wasn't completely insane, the second half has Hana reeling. The pretty young Inuzuka's mouth opens and closes wordlessly as she just looks between this 'Abraham' person and her mother in confusion and disbelief.

"A-Alpha… mother, are you saying…?"

Chuckling, Tsume gives a haphazard half-shrug.

"He didn't even have to. I knew better than to resist. He bent me over and fucked me, Hana. Then, he gave me his mark."

Here, Tsume pulls aside the loose shirt she's wearing, with Hana just now realizing her mother is dressed in casual clothing, rather than the armored uniform of a Konoha Kunoichi that she'd originally left on her mission in. But the younger Inuzuka doesn't get long to process that, because Tsume has just revealed a massive bite wound on her shoulder, one that's red and pulsing with what looks like infection.

Hana yelps and immediately lurches forward.

"Mother, you're hurt!"


Tsume's voice still holds some serious command behind it, and Hana goes still as her mother glares at her.

"I'm fine. Stronger than ever, really. I'm becoming like Abraham here. He passed on his gift to me."

Looking between the massive bite and the man beside her mother, noting the serious discrepancy in the size of Tsume's wound and the size of his jaw.

"Gift…? Mother, what exactly is a wear-wolf?"

Tsume's grin is toothy and wide as she straightens up, pushing off of her new mate.

"Show her… please."

That alone causes even more alarm bells to ring in Hana's head. Her mother never said please, not to anyone. Not in Hana's entire living memory.

But she doesn't get a chance to react to her mother's uncharacteristic behavior, because with a grunt, Abraham does as Tsume asks. The man stands up… and right before Hana's eyes, transforms. The veterinarian kunoichi's eyes go as wide as saucers, her jaw dropping open in disbelief as Abraham turns from a hulking, burly man to… to a wear-wolf.

There's no doubt in Hana's mind that this is what her mother meant. This is what a 'wear-wolf' is. Gone is the man. In his place is a humanoid wolf standing on two legs, with human-like arms ending in giant claws. More than that, his head is that of a wolf, complete with a slathering muscle… and a jaw full of teeth the exact size needed to have caused the bite wound on her mother's shoulder.

"You see, Hana? Abraham says that the next Full Moon, I'll transform like this as well. Then, once I've done it under the Full Moon, I'll be able to control it from that point on, transforming whenever I like. This, Hana… this is the future of our clan. It's time for you to join us."

Tsume's words all but wash over Hana, as she stares at the hulking monstrosity in front of her. Unlike her mother, she's never actually been with anyone before. Never been mated, never dominated or been dominated in turn. Perhaps that's why she doesn't have the same reaction Tsume apparently did. Unlike her mother, Hana dreams of more than just submitting to the strongest Alpha to come along. She dreams of more than just Pack Hierarchy and Pack Politics.

And she knows, in that moment, what Abraham is going to do to her if she sticks around. In an instant, the younger Inuzuka whips around, scrambling to her feet and trying to make for the door as she pumps chakra into her legs.

Alas, even though she has the right instinct, to try and flee instead of staying and fighting a losing battle… she's not fast enough. No one is, in comparison to her mother's new mate. He's on her in a heartbeat, and Hana doesn't even make it a few feet before she's pinned to the ground, crying out and scrambling helplessly beneath him.

"N-No! Please!"

Her mother lets out a sigh, from where she's kneeling and watching.

"Hana… I thought I raised you better than this. You don't have to call him daddy… but you WILL show your new Alpha the respect he deserves. Clearly, I've been much too lax with you all these years if you can't even do that much."

Her mother is mad! 'The respect he deserves'?! She wants her to submit so he can fuck a litter of p-puppies into her! Hana whimpers… and cries out.

"Help! Please, help!"

She expects the door to burst open, and her ninken companions to rush in. The triplets and her together might be able to fight the 'wear-wolf' off long enough to flee. But… that doesn't happen. The door to their home remains closed. The Haimaru Brothers don't rush in to save her, despite their near-two decade long bond.

Instead, she hears whimpers and yips from outside. Noises of submission from her beloved boys, who can apparently smell Abrahams, and know just how severely outmatched they are. They aren't even willing to try.

"See, Hana? The boys know who the Alpha is. Time for you to learn as well."

Abraham's claws come down and dig into Hana's clothing. Her garments, rated for heavy duty missions and ninja work, armored to deflect kunai and other blades weapons, are torn to shreds with ease under his incredibly powerful claws. As her flesh is bared, she half-expects him to rend her limb from limb… but no. That was never his intention.

Pinned to the floor, prone under his immense weight, Hana can only claw helplessly at the wood beneath her body as she feels a large, throbbing cock, canine in nature, press into her from behind. She tries to hold her legs and thighs together tightly, but it's just not good enough. He shoves his way past all the same and pushes against her virgin slit.

A moment later, and he's inside of her, humping her and fucking her unceremoniously as he takes her virginity and begins to plow her into the ground. Hana sobs, tears streaking down her cheeks at her lost innocence. It wasn't that she was saving herself for someone or anything like that. And sure, maybe it was odd that she'd gone a full eighteen years without taking a mate. Most of the time, Inuzuka experimented with fucking way earlier than that.

But Hana… Hana had had aspirations beyond just the Clan, beyond the Pack. She had… she'd wanted them to grow beyond their traditions and the ways they'd been so very set in for so damn long.

Coming around to the front of them, Tsume crouches down as Abraham fucks Hana into the floor.

"Do you feel that, Hana?"

Looking up at her mother through bleary eyes, Hana doesn't understand at first. His cock? Yes, she feels it. She hates how much her body likes it too. But obviously she feels it. Why would her mother even ask? No… no, she doesn't just mean the cock. Hana's eyes widen, as she understands what Tsume is talking about. Tsume grins, when she sees the light of realization in her daughter's eyes.


Reaching out, Tsume grabs Hana by her ponytail, yanking the brunette Inuzuka's head back.

"That's his knot, Hana. That's your Alpha's knot. And when he cums inside of you, he's going to push that knot up into you as well, to make sure the seed has plenty of time to take."

She feels it, Abraham's knot slapping against her clit with every thrust. A whimpering cry leaves Hana's lips, as she cums for him against her will. Her Alpha… is so deep inside of her. He's so big. This was… this was sex… and as an Inuzuka, she was practically MADE to be taken in this way. All of her instincts were screaming that this was right. More than right, this was righteous.

Tears still streaking down her face, Hana's eyes nevertheless begin to roll back in her head from the pleasure. Her mouth opens wide, and a wanton moan escapes her lips. Tsume grins at the sight and chuckles.

"Now you're starting to see, daughter of mine. Now you're getting it."

And the worst part is, Hana is starting to get it. She really is. The harder Abraham fucks her, the more Hana sees stars, her eyes rolling back in her head, her body shuddering and shaking beneath him. Until finally, it happens just as her mother said it would. He slams forward one last time and pops his knot inside of her, even as he fills her womb with his seed.

It's not as bad as she'd thought it would be. In fact, it's distinctly pleasurable. Gurgling on her own spit, Hana makes a very silly expression indeed, what with her mother holding her head up by the hair. Meanwhile, Tsume just grins and gives her new Alpha a nod. Without missing a beat, Abraham leans down and bites into Hana Inuzuka's shoulder, passing on his curse… or as Tsume had termed it, his 'gift' to the second person since entering this world.

The werewolf growls in satisfaction, as he marks his second mate. The daughter shudders beneath him just like the mother did, and when he flips them over and rests back, Hana wiggles back into his fur as well, mewling needily as her cunt continues to clench around his cock and the knot sealing them tightly together.

Abraham might not fully understand this world of shinobi and kunoichi he found himself in… but one thing is for sure, he's got something good going with these dog ninjas. And he's not about to let that pass, not for anything in the world.

Leaning past her daughter, Tsume gives her Alpha's muzzle a smooch before beaming at him happily. Her hand goes to her own womb, resting upon her abdomen as she looks down at where Abraham and Hana are joined together, her daughter's belly slightly distended from being stuffed to the brim.

Despite Hana's reluctance, she'd come around in the end, as Tsume knew she would. And so would the rest of the Inuzuka Clan. Soon, they would all be werewolves, just like their new Alpha and Clan Head. And with his gift coursing through their veins and backing up their clan techniques and their ninken bonds… they would become the most powerful ninja in all the Elemental Nations…


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