Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Lazy Imp (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)

The Lazy Imp (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)


Themes: Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Breeding

Summary: In which Zant doesn't just curse Midna into her impish form, but also takes steps to get rid of her entirely. Midna finds herself in a version of our world with no way home.


“Damn you Zant! You won’t get away with this!”
Even as she punches ineffectually at the invisible walls of her magical prison, Midna scowls furiously. The Twili Princess is much diminished from her usual regal state, cursed into a small, diminutive form by Zant the great betrayer. Looking this way and that, she tries to find a way out of her current circumstances. Unfortunately, it’s not looking good.
“Oh, I think you’ll find that I will very much get away with this, Princess. You know, all of this could have been avoided if the Twili had simply accepted me as their ruler from the start. You should never have ascended to the throne. The right to rule the Twilight Realm was MINE!”
Midna snarls at that, crossing her shrunken arms over her shrunken chest as she floats in the center of her prison.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Zant! The Twili rejected you because your ambition was too great! Your desire for conquest will only result in our people being led to ruin!”
Zant just chuckles, shaking his head.
“Our people this, our people that. Perhaps, Princess, you should be more concerned for yourself. I have taken the power of the Twili from you. I have confined you to this… diminished form. If I wanted to, I could kill you right now, Princess.”
Midna bristles, forced to admit everything he has just said is true. Indeed, when he cursed her with the form of an imp, he’d deprived her of most of her magic. All of the magic that was tied up in being the ruler of the Twili People was now in Zant’s hands. All Midna had left was some of her own personal magic… not enough to break the curse or even to free herself from this magical prison.
She was very much in a poor situation now, and Zant was right that he could kill her any time he wished. She’d tried to escape his clutches after he cursed her, realizing she needed to get to ground as fast as possible, but he’d captured her with ease, not content with humiliating her and stealing her power, he’d also decided to keep her as a damn trophy apparently.
It galled her immensely that she was so weak he would deem her unworthy of killing. Lifting her head high, Midna scowls even more mightily than before.
“Then do it already, Zant! Complete your treachery! End it!”
She refused to be his plaything! She refused-!
Midna gawks at him, even as Zant begins to work a spell of shadow and twilight right before her eyes. Despite just refusing to kill her, it certainly looks like he’s intending to cast magic at her. Magic she will be helpless to fight against, trapped as she is in this diminished state.
“I briefly considered keeping you around for a bit. Seeing if you came to the right conclusion and accepted my rule. It would go a long way to solidifying my control over the Twili if you submitted properly to me, Princess. But now I see that that’s not possible. I see, from this conversation, that you will never stop fighting me.”
Midna lifts her head high and sticks out her chin at that.
“You’re right! So then… you’re going to kill me after all, huh?”
“No, I said what I said. It is the right of the powerful to decide who lives and dies. It is the privilege of those with enough power to not have to end the lives of their enemies. You will not die by my hands, Princess. Instead… I’m sending you away. So far away that you will never trouble me or my cause ever again.”
Midna’s eyes widen at that, before narrowing. She opens her mouth to respond, but before she can say anything, a dark portal opens up right beneath her floating form. In an instant, the imp form of the cursed Twili Princess is sucked downwards as she lets out an outraged shriek.
“Goodbye, Princess.”
When Midna comes to, the first thing she notices… is the smell. Her nose wrinkles and she groans as she pushes herself up off of strangely flat stone to see that she’s been transported somewhere… immensely strange. Her eyes slowly take in the sights around her. Large buildings, clearly created by skilled craftsmen, surround her on all sides.
The street she finds herself on is like nothing she’s ever seen, wide and filled with strange beasts made of metal. All of them are currently asleep at the moment, and Midna is careful to move slowly so she does not wake any of them.
Where has Zant sent her? Not that it matters. In that moment, Midna swears to herself and to her people that she will get back home. Wherever Zant has brought her, she’s going to figure out a way back to her people, to save them from his tyranny.
Of course, she can’t help but grin a little bit as she reaches up to touch the Fused Shadow still upon her brow. The fool hadn’t even realized what he was sending her off with, had he? If he’d known, he would have never let her leave with it. Not that it mattered. Sure, Midna was keeping one Fused Shadow out of Zant’s reach, but there were three others for him to eventually seek once he learned of them. More than that, he would do irreparable damage to their people even without them.
She had to get home. She had to-
Midna freezes as one of the metal beasts suddenly comes down the road, eyes like bright lights that sweep back and forth. She should run, but the creature is just so unnatural that she’s frozen in place. Part of her hopes that it can only see through movement or something. It doesn’t have normal eyes after all, only those glowing lights on its front.
However, the beast does not continue past her. It rolls to a stop next to her, thankfully NOT letting out any sort of cry to the others to wake them up. Midna is just considering whether it IS time to run or not… when a section of the beast suddenly opens up.
“Holy shit. Are you like a demon from another world or something?”
Midna slowly blinks as she takes in the man safely ensconced within the metal beast’s interior. She gapes at him, truth be told. How is he inside of the beast without being consumed? How is any of this possible? Though…
“I am no demon! I am Princess Midna of the Twili!”
Floating up off the ground, Midna can’t help but cross her arms over her chest even as she holds her head high. Only a moment later she second guesses whether she should have actually given away her identity like that… but clearly she was still feeling rather charged from her last interaction with Zant. His parting words to her, about those with power having the luxury of letting their enemies live… it stuck in her craw something fierce. How dare he underestimate her?! She’d show him! He should have killed her when he had the chance!
Regardless, her proclamation makes the man in the metal beast blink.
“Huh. That’s, uh… interesting?”
His eyes roam up and down her figure for a moment before he shrugs casually.
“Well Princess, you got a place to stay?”
Midna puffs out her cheeks and for a moment contemplates a rather acerbic reply. But then she almost physically deflates as she realizes her situation and how dire it truly is.
“… No, I do not.”
With a grunt, the man reaches over and much to Midna’s shock and amazement, pops open the entire side of the metal beast he’s sitting in. The interior actually looks quite spacious and in that moment Midna feels a flash of shame as she finally realizes… the beast wasn’t a beast at all. It was a VEHICLE.
“Well, hop in. You can stay with me for a while, Princess.”
Carefully, the cursed imp floats into the vehicle, taking the empty seat next to the man.
“… Thank you. Your assistance will not be forgotten.”
“No problem. Just doin’ what any Good Samaritan would.”
Midna did not know what this ‘Samaritan’ was… but she figured she had time to learn, while also seeking a way back home. This world was strange, but she suspected she would come to understand it as she looked for a way to return to her people and save them from Zant’s madness.
Stepping into the apartment after a long fucking day of work, John groans when the first thing he sees is the mess. Now, if it was all his own, he knew he wouldn’t have room to complain. The young man was self-aware enough to recognize his own flaws and deficits. On top of that, he simply didn’t have the time he wanted to get all the things done he needed every day. So yes, a bit of mess was to be expected.
… This was a bit more than a bit of mess.
“In the living room!”
Running a hand down his face, John groans as he makes his way towards the living room, careful not to trip and fall on anything obstructing his path. You know, when he’d first taken in the Twili Princess, John had felt pretty good about himself. He’d also felt like he was living a fantasy of sorts. Midna wasn’t a human being. She was literal proof of alien life. Of course, she came from another dimension instead of another planet, making her more of a magical alien than a space alien… but it was still fucking cool. Especially the magic bit.
Finding out she was a displaced Princess that had been dethroned by a traitor and trapped in her current body before being tossed into his dimension only made the whole thing seem even cooler. It was the start of every fantasy novel ever, wasn’t it? He was just your Average Joe (his name was literally JOHN for fuck’s sake) until something extraordinary happened. He’d been so excited to see what came next.
… Unfortunately, nothing came next. They’d been smart about things, of course. Midna couldn’t be seen, or the government would be all over their asses faster than either of them could blink. Luckily she’d been fairly understanding about that, at least once he’d introduced her to television and the internet.
She didn’t need to leave his apartment to continue her search, not when she had the world wide web at her fingertips. Likewise, the television was an excellent source of daily news in case there were any further sightings of her people or magic cropping up anywhere on Earth.
The problem was, none of that had happened. They’d stayed off the radar of the government, John had kept going to work to keep a roof over their heads… and nothing at all of interest had actually happened. No one had come looking for Midna. Midna herself had rapidly discovered a sad, unfortunate truth about Earth. It had no magic.
Not just hidden magic, like John had hoped, nor dying out magic or anything like that. Earth just didn’t have magic. His dimension was fairly imaginative when it came to fictional stories, but that was about it. They didn’t have any true magic of their own. And that meant not only was John not going to be able to learn magic and become a super cool fantasy hero like every story protagonist ever, but also Midna wasn’t going home.
It'd been months since he’d picked her up on the side of the road, and in all of her searching, nothing had come up. There was no way for her to return to her home dimension with the small amount of personal magic she had left to her, nor for her to travel to any other dimension, really. She truly was trapped.
That had definitely sucked, and John had even done his best to comfort Midna on a few sleepless nights where she sobbed her heart out over what she’d lost. It was tough, to say the least. But eventually, the tears had stopped flowing… and things had entered their new status quo.
Dropping into something of a funk, Midna had given up on going home. She’d given up on life in general. John didn’t think she meant for it to happen, necessarily. The Twili Princess he’d originally taken in to keep her out of evil hands had been a strong, independent alien woman who was fiery and eager to get back at the man who put her in the state she was in.
But failure can change a person, and Midna… Midna had definitely changed. Rounding the corner into his living room, John sighs as he sees the imp lounging on the couch, watching television and eating popcorn.
He’d been sympathetic initially, he really had. But after months of Midna mooching off of him, his sympathy has all but run out. Back at the start, it had at least been entertaining while she was still acclimating to Earth. Learning what everything did, learning how far their technology had come in the absence of magic. The problem was, Midna was a very quick learner and it hadn’t been long at all before she’d fully adjusted to this new lifestyle of hers.
“Midna, we need to talk.”
Flicking a lazy look his way, Midna groans.
“Ugh. That phrase never means anything good!”
John shakes his head.
“You’re right, it doesn’t. Look, I don’t mind you staying here… but you need to start pulling your weight!”
That was somewhat of a lie. John actually DID mind her staying with him… if she didn’t start pulling her weight. But he’s still trying to be nice about it, something that clearly doesn’t work as Midna looks at him a little longer before scoffing and rolling her eyes.
“I don’t know what you expect from me, John. It’s not as though I can go out and get a job. If I tried, your government would kidnap and dissect me within the day. I’ve seen all of the programs. I know what sort of monsters lurk within your world.”
John winces. He was just glad she hadn’t gone FULL conspiracy theorist. But then to be fair, the worst conspiracy theories these days were all political, weren’t they? And it wasn’t like Midna was human or could vote, nor did she much care for politics. Ultimately, she could take in those conspiracies with an outsider’s interest. However, the conspiracies that might have seemed more harmless to your average human, like the idea of the government experimenting on aliens at Area Fifty-One… those were of a lot greater interest when you actually WERE an alien like Midna was.
This was all to say, Midna was right. She wouldn’t get away with being a cashier at some retail store. Just imagining her floating behind a counter, using her hair to ring items up, has him half-snorting in derisive amusement. But at the same time, she definitely COULD do more.
“You could at least help out around the apartment. Look at this place. It’s a pigsty. I can’t be expected to work eight hour shifts and then come home and clean up after you, Midna.”
Looking around, the imp shrugs.
“Then don’t clean up after me. I don’t mind it.”
Gritting his teeth, John growls.
“That’s not the point. I DO mind it. Would it kill you to clean up even a little bit?!”
Midna pauses and actually considers that for a long moment, even tapping at her chin before finally shaking her head.
“I’d rather not.”
Then, as though that’s the end of the conversation, the displaced alien princess turns her attention back to the TV, returning to eating popcorn as she lays on her back, completely sprawled out and lazing like… like the mooch she is.
John stares at the sight for a moment before snapping. Midna has the remote, so he doesn’t go for that. Instead, he goes for the TV itself, manually turning it off and standing in front of it as he glares at Midna. In response, the diminutive Princess squawks indignantly and glares right back.
“Hey, I was watching that!”
“Yes you were. On MY television. Laying on MY couch. Eating MY popcorn. I think… if you’re not willing to contribute at ALL, then this is where my generosity ends, Midna.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“It means I’m kicking you out!”
If you’d told John a year ago that he would meet an honest to god alien princess and then within six months be making the decision to kick her out of his apartment, he would have laughed in your face. If you’d told him even five months ago, one month into Midna’s stay, that he would rapidly grow tired of her despite her unique situation and decide to kick her out, he would have shaken his head and said ‘no shot’.
But here they were all the same. And while Midna looks incredulous for a moment, he can tell she quickly realizes he’s telling the truth. He would actually do it.
“… Fine. What do you want me to do?”
Then, before he can say he just wants her to clean up a bit, Midna’s eyes dart down to his crotch and she crosses her arms over her chest, sneering a bit.
“Maybe you want me to pleasure you or something. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you enjoying this body for the past six months, John.”
His open mouth clicks shut and for a moment the humiliation is strong enough that he almost kicks her out on the spot. But he manages to hold his tongue until he calms down. It’s only so humiliating because it’s true. From the very first day John picked her up, he’s found Midna’s form to be… visually appealing. Sure she’s half his size, but she’s got an hourglass figure and a woman’s body even on that incredibly short frame. She’s the definition of a short stack, really.
But he’s always been a perfect gentleman about it, never once trying to take advantage of her, not even when she’d been sobbing herself to sleep every night over her lost people. That had been when she’d been most vulnerable after all, and even then he’d held off. Knowing she was trapped in this form and thus hated it, he truly hadn’t felt like it was right to try and initiate any sort of intimacy between the two of them.
… Well, that had just gone out the window. Aggrieved by Midna’s words and annoyed beyond belief by her mooching, John thrusts out his chin and scowls.
“Sure. Let’s start with that. It’s high time you started paying rent, Midna. And since you can’t pay with money, you’ll have to pay with your body.”
Midna freezes up at that, eyes wide as she stares at him in disbelief.
“W-What?! Fuck no!”
It’s obvious she’d meant her offer as a joke, but John stands firm and shakes his head.
“Then you can leave.”
For a moment, the Twili Princess visibly struggles… until finally, her small shoulders slump.
“Damn it… f-fine. Just… get over here.”
Hardly able to believe its happening, but too damn excited to pass up the opportunity now, John moves over to the couch and sits down. He almost says something when Midna turns the TV back on with the remote, but before the words can leave his lips, her hair in the shape of a hand has reached out to his crotch and began deftly unbuttoning and unzipping his pants.
His cock is out and in her ‘grip’ a moment later, and without even looking at him, Midna sighs as she returns to watching her show. At the same time however, her hair, formed into a giant hand, begins to jerk him off in a lackluster, unamused manner. She’s barely paying him any attention at all by all accounts… but he knows for a fact that her hair DOESN’T have a mind of its own. She’s definitely having to do this manually, and truth be told, that’s more than enough for him.
Well, that, her strong grip, and the silky feel of her orange hair. Despite her altogether lackadaisical approach to the hair-handjob, John can’t help but groan, throwing his head back in enjoyment. How long has it been since he’s been with anyone but HIS hand, really? … About as long as he’s had Midna in his life, now that he thinks about it. Can’t exactly bring a girl over when you have an alien princess shacked up in your apartment. Nor did he have the money to take anyone on any dates when Midna was mooching off of him and siphoning from his funds.
John blames that on why he cums within minutes, letting out a grunt as his seed paints her fisted hair-hand without warning, dirtying her hair and even landing across her cheek as she flinches and finally looks at him.
“What the fuck?! Ugh, you could have said something. You got it everywhere…”
John can’t help but scowl. Rather than be embarrassed, he’s only annoyed at Midna’s inherent brattiness. Seriously, she’s STILL running her mouth?”
“At least it’s over and done with I guess. Really, you’re such a jerk…”
He’s a jerk? He’s a jerk?! No, what he is… is tired of Midna’s mouth. What he is… is still hard. With a growl, John reaches over and grabs Midna by the helmet attached to the top of her head. He’s well aware that it’s pretty much a part of her, or at least it never comes off and seems incapable of doing so.
Grabbing it by its strangely carved horns, John pulls the lightweight of an imp over to his crotch. As Midna squawks in indignation, he takes advantage of her open mouth to force her down onto his cock, groaning as his dick drives down the back of her throat right off the bat.
“Shut up you lazy bitch. Just fucking take it.”
John’s breathless tone doesn’t do much to convince Midna, who continues to struggle against him, even beating her tiny fists against his thighs fruitlessly as he drives her up and down his dick, fucking her face and throat on his cock.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
The thing is, even through the pleasure he’s getting from all of this, John’s mind notes that Midna COULD easily fuck him up if she wanted to. Probably? Truth be told, he doesn’t know for sure. She’s got some magic of her own, but apparently not enough to protect her from the government if he threw her out on the streets. Nor enough to get her back home, or she would have already been long gone.
So there is a big ole question mark on whether she even COULD fight him off. She’s certainly not managing to do so now, as he rails her throat for all he’s worth, using her mouth like his own personal fleshlight. But then, John can’t help but notice that she DOESN’T use her hair to try and push him away at all. Indeed, it’s only her weak little fists that are striking him at the moment to no avail.
The whole experience is such a thrill that John finds himself throwing his head back and cumming down Midna’s throat in no time at all, despite already cumming in her hair once before. It just goes to show how backed up he is after over half a year without really getting any. He’d masturbated here and there, but that too was also something that he hadn’t had much opportunity for. Not when he was living with a girl who liked to monopolize all of his electronics all the damn time.
The result is rather spectacular, as his seed doesn’t just explode down Midna’s throat… it also explodes out the sides of her mouth and her nostrils as well. Midna struggles for a moment, twisting and turning, before John finally takes mercy on her and lets her go.
As she finally manages to push herself off his softening cock, it comes with plenty of hacking and coughing from the cum that was forced down her throat. Glaring up at him with glowing yellow eyes, Midna pushes away from the couch entirely, landing on her feet on the floor of her living room as she scowls mightily and plants her hands on her hips.
“How dare you take such liberties with a Twili Princess! I can’t believe your audacity!”
John just sits there and stares, feeling a little ashamed due to post-nut clarity, but mostly just really pleased with himself. Turning away, Midna looks like she’s heading for the bathroom.
“I’m going to take a shower. I can’t believe how filthy you left my hair! Ugh!”
But while John does sympathize a little bit with the streaks of cum even now visible in her hair… his eyes are fixated on her fat ass jiggling back and forth as she stomps off, wiggling her wide hips and thicc thighs. He doesn’t know why she doesn’t just float to the bathroom, but one thing is for sure… he’s rapidly getting hard again.
Before Midna can even turn around, he’s already up on his feet and upon her.
“Wha-? Hey!”
Lifting her into the air by her slim waist, John grins wickedly.
“You’re not done paying your rent yet, Princess. You’ve got six months of it to pay after all…”
But once again, she seems to be entirely incapable of fighting him off. Her protests ultimately fall on deaf ears as he slides his cock up between her fat ass cheeks, which fully encompass his member and clap along his length as he hot dogs her right there on the spot. Her legs kick back and forth but to not avail, even as his dick slides up between her big fat bubble butt, the end of her hair tickling his cockhead.
John groans as Midna moans in protest, shaking her head back and forth and saying something about how much of an asshole he was. Truth be told, he’s not really listening to her at the moment… though when she calls him an asshole, he knows there’s only one thing he can possibly do from this moment on. He’ll just have to take her unintended suggestion.
Pulling his cock from the crack of her ass, John lines himself and the short stack imp in his hands up properly… and then slowly begins to push into her asshole, plunging all the way into the depths of her anus.
“W-Wha… you d-dare?! Nnngh, f-fuck! Fuck you, John! F-Fuck you, you fucking freak!”
Midna’s complaints continue to fall on deaf ears, however. He’s enjoying himself too much to care what the Twili Princess thinks of him at this point, truth be told. Even as he bottoms out in her rectum, she’s still whining. However, once he starts to thrust, her complaining starts to be interrupted with moans.
“F-Fuck, nnngh!”
“Slow d-down already, I can’t… I can’t…!”
John just chuckles, amused by her inability to string a single coherent sentence together anymore. Midna whines, her legs no longer kicking but just dangling as he pounds her ass right there in the entrance of the hallway. The bathroom is just down the hall, but it might as well be millions of miles away from the messy Twili Princess, especially with how she’s got his cock buried in her poor ass.
Still, once again John doesn’t last long. Or maybe he does, he honestly can’t tell you how long it’s been when he finally cums again. All he knows for sure… is that it doesn’t feel like long enough when he finally unloads for the third time, this time painting Midna’s bowels white. It feels really, really good, but after months of being there for the Twili Princess, he still doesn’t feel like he’s truly been compensated for his efforts.
Unfortunately, while the spirit might be willing, it seems like the flesh is finally giving up the ghost. John falls back on his ass as he comes down from this third pleasure high, panting as he pulls Midna down with him. She squeaks as his softening prick bottoms out in her ass one last time, but then lifts herself up off of his cock, stumbling to her feet again as she whips around to glare at him.
However, rather than berate him some more, Midna’s eyes flicker down to his softening cock and she reaches out, grabbing it with one of her actual hands. Stroking it up and down a bit, she looks like she’s testing something, a look of focus on her face as she frowns heavily. After a beat of him not getting hard under her ministrations, Midna sighs in relief.
“Good. You’ve finally worn yourself out, haven’t you?”

The smug, single-fanged grin that the imp gives him makes John wish it weren’t so, but given his heart is still pounding in his chest and he’s covered in sweat… yes, he’s properly worn himself out at this point. There was just no way he’d be able to get it up again for a fourth time and-!
“With how you were spraying your seed everywhere, next you would have blown your load inside of my pussy, and I’m really not interested in finding out if I can get pregnant in this form.”
John’s mind goes blank for a moment, and when he comes back to himself, his cock is rapidly hardening in Midna’s hand at the thought of knocking the impish little brat up and putting a baby in her. Midna’s grin freezes as she looks down at his growing erection, and then back at him as John finds his fourth wind and leers down at her.
Before she can even consider trying to escape, John leaps up, though not all the way to his feet. He all but tackles Midna to the ground, shoving the diminutive short stack onto her back and thrusting his rock hard cock right into her pussy on the spot. As the Princess squeals, John finds himself noting for the first time that her vulva actually glows the same color as the other markings on her body.
Holding her by her ankles, John growls as he begins fucking her in a mating press, plunging ball’s deep into the Twili imp’s pussy as Midna howls and wiggles beneath him for a second… before finally slumping.
“D-Damn you! Ugh! Just… do whatever you want, I guess!”
She gives up, just like she gave up looking for a way home. For a moment, John is almost disappointed… but then he sees the way she’s moaning up a storm and realizes that giving up in this case means Midna is finally letting herself enjoy what they’re doing. In fact, as he fucks her into the carpet of his apartment’s living room, John realizes… Midna was enjoying all of it. She was just refusing to let herself accept that before. Now, finally, she’s having a good time.
Now that she’s no longer fighting against herself OR him, she’s having the time of her life in fact. As her pussy walls flex and clench down around his cock, John finds he’s having the time of his life as well. That said… he knows deep down inside he can’t actually cum inside of her. If he did somehow knock her up, then they’d have three mouths to feed instead of just two. He wasn’t ready to be a father…
With that remarkably mature decision made in the heat of the moment while ball’s deep inside of magical alien princess pussy, John prepares to pull out as he begins to reach climax. However, much to his shock, Midna’s lidded eyes snap open as he starts to draw back, and the feel of a large hand made up of her hair pushes him back inside of her, slamming into the small of his back.
With a grunt followed by a throaty groan, John proceeds to flood Midna’s womb and ovaries with his seed against his will. He cums and cums inside of her, filling her fertile womb with so much jizz that it leaves the short stack a little bloated.
Only after he’s finished does Midna retract her hair-hand and let him pull out of her. Staring down at her, brow furrowed, John shakes his head.
“Why did you do that, Midna? I thought you didn’t want a kid?”
Looking up at him, pleased as punch and looking like the cat that caught the canary, Midna gives him her smuggest, fangiest grin yet.
“I came up with the best plan, John! You can’t kick me out if I’m pregnant with your kid! Hah!”
… John can’t help it. He snorts in amusement at first, and then after a moment he breaks and laughs at her reasoning, chuckling and shaking his head as Midna rises from the floor, looking down at herself and checking herself over.
“… Midna, I was never going to kick you out in the first place.”
The imp freezes at that and her grin contorts into a fierce snarl as she begins to hover up into the air, staying face-to-face with him as John climbs to his feet.
“What the hell John?! How dare you mislead me like that! You-mmph!”
Smirking as she pokes him harshly in the chest, John doesn’t hesitate. Not anymore. Never again. He grabs the floating imp’s juicy ass and pulls her against him, eliciting a muffled yelp of surprise as he covers her mouth with his own, making out with her struggling form until slowly, her resistance abates and she accepts the kiss.
Only when they pull apart does John look Midna in the eye very seriously.
“If you do end up pregnant, I promise I’ll take responsibility, Midna.”
The Twili Princess looks uniquely vulnerable for a moment before nodding sharply and floating down to the ground. John lets her go, watching as she turns and begins finally heading off down the hallway to go get cleaned up. Her hips sway as she walks and her ass jiggles with every step. Just as she reaches the door of the bathroom however, she looks back over her shoulder at him and forms her hair into a giant hand once more.
As she beckons him over with it, John jolts in surprise, his eyebrows rising at her.
“… C’mon, you could use some cleaning up as well. You stink, John.”
Without waiting for his response, Midna pushes into the bathroom, clearly expecting to follow. John stands there for a moment before shaking his head and chuckling as he meanders down the hall after her. Yeah, he was sure they’d be getting a lot of ‘cleaning up’ done together, heh…


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