Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Legendary Chalice (Cuphead)

The Legendary Chalice (Cuphead)

A/N: The Legendary Chalice was a commissioned one shot originally written in September of 2022. Posting it here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Ms. Chalice hasn't given up on finding a way to return to life. Far from it, she's uncovered rumors of a wizard said to have that power! Is she ready to pay the price though?

Themes: Inhuman Sex, Fucked Silly, Rough Sex


She had told the boys she wasn't going to give up. And true to her word, she hadn't. the Legendary Chalice, aka Ms. Chalice, just might have found a new way of escaping the Astral Plane and returning to life. Sweet, sweet life. There was nothing better, and even though Chef Saltbaker had turned out to be a liar and a cheat, the small moments of living she got from his cookies had left her all too eager for more!

Alas, the Wondertart had turned out to be a complete bust. It would have worked, technically. But the catch was simple… it required a literal soul as its secret ingredient. And worst of all, Saltbaker had never had any intention of letting Ms. Chalice eat the Wondertart in the first place! Not that she would have condoned the creation of such a horrific confectionery if she'd known the truth!

They'd defeated the despicable Chef in the end, putting him in his place and saving not only the Astral Plane from his rule, but also one of their own from having their soul, their very spiritual essence, baked into the Wondertart.

That left Ms. Chalice right back where she'd started, however. But… she'd caught onto a new rumor now. Something that might just be the key to escaping the Astral Plane once and for all and returning to life! She'd heard rumors of a powerful wizard who apparently had solved the problem of resurrection!

Following said rumors had brought her here, to what was obviously a wizard's tower. She just had to decide how exactly she was going to confront him. As a literal spirit, she couldn't exactly knock on the door, now could she? So… opening a portal from the Astral Plane right inside of his tower was really her only option!

Going through the familiar motions, Ms. Chalice pops out inside of the top floor of the Wizard's Tower… only to blink as she finds herself immediately surrounded by a cage of energy! Her portal disappears, and the Legendary Chalice squawks as she tries to escape, only to find herself trapped! Oh no! Was it all a trap?! Was she once again the prisoner of a dastardly foe?! Curses, she couldn't help getting caught wherever she went, it felt like!

Crossing her arms with a huff, the Legendary Chalice floats there in the cage of magical energy, waiting for her captor to come for her. Luckily, it doesn't take long before the door to the room she entered through opens and a man who can only be the Wizard steps through. He blinks at the sight of her, looking a little surprised.

"Oh? What's this? An uninvited visitor?"

Ms. Chalice perks up at that. Wait a second! It sounded like maybe she'd run afoul of an automatic security system! Could it be… this was all just one big misunderstanding?!

"H-Hello there! I'm the Legendary Chalice! Are you by chance the Wizard capable of bringing the dead back to life?"

Blinking some more, the Wizard steps closer, peering at her through the energy 'bars' of her cage.

"… Well, yes. That is one of the topics of my research. I presume you're asking because you yourself want to come back to life?"

Beaming now, Ms. Chalice nods her chalice-shaped head enthusiastically, her halo bobbing up and down with her as she plants her fists on her hips, her lower body a ghostly trail that floats off into space behind her while she hovers there.

"That's exactly right! I've been stuck in the Astral Plane for quite some time now, you see! It's not very fun… in fact, it's pretty boring! My ability to interact with the real world is quite limited, so I was hoping that you might be able to give me a proper body again with your magic!"

The Wizard hums, considering her and her request for a long moment. Just long enough that Ms. Chalice's enthusiasm and energy starts to falter. What if he can't help her? What if he WON'T help her? What if he decides to keep her as his prisoner and experiment on her? She's not sure the boys, Cuphead and Mugman, will make their way here and rescue her like they did from all those Mausoleums…

"… That would be within my power, yes. But we would have to make a deal, obviously. Magic is based in equivalent exchange. You can't just have something for nothing."

Oh! That made lots of sense to Ms. Chalice! Beaming, the golden cup gal nods her chalice-shaped head some more.

"Alright! What sort of deal?"

"Simple, really. If I'm going to give you a body… then I'll require a body in return."

It's Ms. Chalice's turn to blink as she looks at him, her enthusiasm dimming immediately. After a moment, she grimaces.

"… I'm afraid I'm not looking to make that sort of sacrifice, friend! I'm not a killer… and I don't want to come back to life if it's at someone else's expense…"

Sure, she'd originally tricked the boys into trying the cookie that let her swap places with them. But… she'd never intended for it to be permanent. Really! She wasn't a bad person. She wasn't a murderer. She just… wanted to live again? Why did anyone else have to suffer, just for her to be happy? It wasn't right! It wasn't-

"Oh, that's not what I meant. Not to worry, nobody needs to be sacrificed for you. No one else will suffer for you to live again."

It's almost like he read her mind! Still, now she's confused. What could he possibly mean if not that?

"What do you say? A body for a body. No one else gets hurt. Not a bad deal, right?"

It wasn't… and Ms. Chalice was more than desperate enough to stop asking questions at this point. So long as no one else was suffering for her sake, she didn't CARE what the Wizard meant. She just wanted to live again!

"Alright, deal!"

The Wizard grins a wide, wicked grin and nods.

"Excellent. Let's get started."


"Welcome back to the land of the living, Ms. Chalice."

It'd worked! It'd actually, honestly worked! Standing on her own two feet once more, Ms. Chalice does a twirl, squealing with glee as her skirt whips up alongside her. She bounces with joy, her bust bouncing with her under her top as she throws her hands back into the air.

"I'm alive! I'm aliiiiive!"

The Wizard simply chuckles, a warm smile on his face. They'd gotten to know each other better over the past week as he'd gotten everything together in order to give her back her body. Ms. Chalice had been incredibly impressed by his professionalism… and also quite liked how funny and personable he was! He had let her design her new body… which was basically her old body. Light yellow skin, a golden lip and handles to her chalice-shaped head, and a golden-and-white striped straw sticking out the top.

She was perfect. She was back!

"There is the matter of payment now, of course."

Ah… and she was in debt. Stopping her dancing and celebrating, Ms. Chalice turns to the Wizard and gives a slight bow, clasping her hands in front of her as she does so.

"O-Of course! You brought me back to life! Whatever you want!"

She still didn't know what 'a body for a body' meant… but hey, she supposed she'd find out now!

"Well, as I said before, the deal is a body for a body… in exchange for bringing you back to life, I want you to give me your body… for a time. Specifically, I want you to have sex with me."

The Wizard sounds a little sheepish and a lot defensive as he explains. Almost like he expects her to balk at the idea and reject him out of hand. To be fair, Ms. Chalice is quite taken aback… but ultimately, as she looks at the man who just brought her back to life… well, it's a small price to pay, isn't it? A small price to pay, for a whole new body!

Giving him a broad smile, Ms. Chalice does a little twist and twirl, her skirt moving with her.

"Sure! I'm at your disposal!"

He looks at her, clearly surprised by her easy acceptance for a moment… before a hungry expression spreads across his face. As he steps towards her, Ms. Chalice's brand new heart thuds rapidly in her chest. After all, it's been a long time for her. She was a spirit on the Astral Plane for what felt like forever, and there weren't many opportunities for nookie out there!

Sure, more recently she'd had a couple of instances where she was alive, but it wasn't like she had a chance to sneak off and get some. And the boys were just boys, so she couldn't really-


Ms. Chalice's thought processes abruptly derail as the Wizard pulls his cock out of his robes and slaps it down on her face, right across her small golden nose and just between her round eyes. She goes cross-eyed just looking at the big, throbbing thing, even as he slides it down the length of her face to her lips.

W-Well… there was certainly nothing boyish about the Wizard, now was there? Ms. Chalice opens her mouth to say so, but before she can, he thrusts forward, his hands reaching out to grab at the ornate golden handles on either side of her head and hold her steady as he pushes his cock right into her brand-spanking-new mouth without so much as a 'by your leave'.


But then, to be fair… this was the deal, wasn't it? A body for a body. She was his to use as he liked until he said otherwise. It was a more than fair trade, and so Ms. Chalice doesn't fight it as her savior lets out a heartfelt groan, beginning to thrust in and out of her mouth, fucking her face with reckless abandon.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

"Oh fuck yesss…"

His sounds of enjoyment are honestly quite fulfilling. Even as her face colors slightly and she becomes flushed and flustered, Ms. Chalice rests her gloved hands on his legs and considers how she might… enhance the experience even further. In the end, she decides upon using her tongue, working it along the underside of his shaft and swirling it over his cockhead whenever his dick is pulled back far enough for her to do so.

The experience is… intense. The Wizard is very forceful with her, but hey, at least they're putting her new body through its paces! Still, something tells Ms. Chalice that her savior is every bit as backed up as she is. Especially when his movements grow more and more frenzies as he makes use of her mouth.

Finally, with a lustful growl, he pulls out of her maw and moves his hands down to her hips. Ms. Chalice squeaks as she's lifted up into the air and set down on a nearby stool. The stool is low enough to the ground that when he yanks up her shirt a moment later, her light yellow tits bouncing free of their confines, his cock is able to slide right between them.

Ms. Chalice moans as his throbbing meat runs up and down her soft, sensitive breasts. Her new body feels ALIVE with sensations in fact, and she gasps as his dick tip pushes out from the top of her cleavage over and over again. Until suddenly, without any warning besides a loud groan from the Wizard, he begins to cum.

His seed sprays up into the air, fountaining up out from between her breasts like… like a geyser of some sorts! When it comes back down, the vast majority of his load really only has one place to land… on Ms. Chalice. Or rather, thanks to her distinct physiology, IN Ms. Chalice. The top of her head is very much open after all, the essence of her soul filling her chalice-shaped skull.

The Wizard's thick, creamy seed lands inside of her chalice, mixing with the essence of her soul right on the spot. Ms. Chalice sees stars, her eyes widening and then rolling back in her head as she experiences an explosive orgasm right then and there.

Before she knows it, the Wizard has pulled her down off of the stool and to the floor with him. Laid on his back, he's got her perched atop his cock… which is still rock hard and now rubbing against her soaked panties beneath her skirt. After a moment of grinding his dick into her crotch, he pulls her up and hurriedly yanks her panties down her legs, until they're dangling off of one ankle as he repositions her.

This time, with no barrier in the way… he promptly impales her on his prick. Ms. Chalice sees stars again as he fills her with his meat, her sloppy, slippery, wet cunt absolutely accepting her savior's dick to the maximum extent that it can… and then some. Her tight, petite body is definitely no match for the fullness of his shaft, but that doesn't stop the Wizard, no sir.

His hands on her hips, he begins to bounce her on his cock, driving her up and down his length again and again in rapid-fire succession. All the while, his first load continues to mix in with her soul. It's a rather glaring biological weakness, one might suppose. Having one's soul located in the open air of their cup-like heads.

Certainly, one might think such creatures were practically ASKING for something like this to happen. Ms. Chalice hadn't been, not consciously… but she wasn't minding it now. The Wizard's dick felt sooo good inside of her cunt… while his seed felt just as good in her head. Her eyes roll back in her chalice-shaped skull again, and her red tongue lolls out of her mouth as she gurgles happily, cumming again and again upon the Wizard's cock.

She's getting overheated. It's all becoming a bit too much. The more he fucks her, the more she loses track of just about everything except for the sensation of his cock inside of her twat. With her tits still out and bouncing up and down alongside the rest of her body, Ms. Chalice… lets go. The primordial soup of her soul and the Wizard's cum in her head begins to bubble like crazy, foaming over the top of the golden lip of her chalice-shaped head and spilling out of the top of her gold-and-white straw.

Heart-shaped pupils appear in Ms. Chalice's eyes, as she's pounded silly, forced to ride the Wizard's cock to orgasm after amazing, mind-blowing, explosive orgasm. Not that she minds it one bit. No, it's quite the opposite.

"M-More! Yesssssh~ Mooooore!"

Slurring her words as her lolling tongue hangs out of her mouth, the beautiful Ms. Chalice begs for more… and more she receives. The Wizard doesn't stop fucking her, even as her soul flows over the rim of her head, a mixture of cum and her very being dribbling down her face. She's covered in sweat as well, as some bits of her are lost… but some bits remain and are in fact enhanced by the jizz filling her head.

It's beyond anything Ms. Chalice has ever felt before. She's not sure she'll be able to live without it when it's over. But one thing is absolutely certain… she's having the time of her life, bouncing up and down on the Wizard's cock. And ultimately, she feels nothing but mind-numbing disappointment and a sense of emptiness when it finally comes to an end.

First though, she does feel complete ecstasy, as the Wizard dumps a huge creampie inside of her pussy. He grunts and reaches up to grab and squeeze her tits, pinching her nipples between his fingers and making her cum one last time upon his cock as he does so too. His load fills her womb, and Ms. Chalice squeals in abject glee and ecstasy.

But then it's over and done with. He pulls her off of his cock after a moment of recovery and, panting, stands up, patting himself down and clearing his throat. Ms. Chalice, for her part, isn't even sure how she's standing… she's swaying from side to side, the hearts still in her eyes, some of her soul dribbling down her face along with her sweat as his jizz replaces it in her chalice-shaped head.

"W-Well. That was… certainly something. Ahem. I will not take up more of your time than that, my dear. You've earned your freedom. A body for a body… consider my services paid in- Ah… what are you doing?"

Teetering back and forth, Ms. Chalice has walked her way over to the Wizard… and bent over enough to bring her face to his crotch, where she's hugged him around the waist and started nuzzling his messy dick. As his seed and her pussy juices smear all over her face, Ms. Chalice looks up at him from around his cock, which is already starting to harden again.

"The deal didn't say a body for one fuck, did it? I belong to you now, Mr. Wizard. This body is yours to use whenever you want~"

Now, let it be said… the Wizard did not consider himself a bad man, necessarily. But he also didn't consider himself a good man. He was, however, a very INTELLIGENT man. In that moment, looking down at Ms. Chalice's heart-shaped pupils and the mixture of his cum and her soul foaming up to the lip of her open head, the Wizard recognizes at least some of what's happened here.

He SHOULD probably put a stop to this and see about fixing Ms. Chalice's soul… but she's giggling drunkenly and nuzzling his dick so eagerly… he can't help himself.

"… Ah… R-Round Two, then?"

Giggling some more, Ms. Chalice nods her head enthusiastically in delight. She's so fucking horny right now. She WANTS him to fuck her silly, and pound her soul right out of her.

And so… that's exactly what he does.


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