Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Orc Breeder (Original Fantasy)

The Orc Breeder (Original Fantasy)

Poll Winner (Parts 1-2)

Theme: Mind Break, Cheating, Breeding

Summary: Long ago, Orc Genetics were magically altered. Instead of always producing orcs, they were made to only produce the species they lay with.


Part 1:


For thousands of years, orcs were the menace of many a countryside, ransacking elven, human, and even dwarven kingdoms all across the planet. Some even theorized that the orcs kept the advancement of the more civilized races at a complete standstill with their raucous, rapacious actions. Of course, a lot of that science was decried in the modern era as racist and prejudiced, and orcs were often put up on a pedestal as an example of human hubris.
This was because, about three hundred years ago, a cabal of human archmages had decided to take matters into their own hands and cast a spell that had world-wide ramifications. The spell was a simple one, and technically harmed no one at all… not even the species that it was targeting. Considered the most ‘humane’ way of handling the orc menace at the time, the spell did one thing and one thing only.
It altered orc genetics and switched around a key component of what made orcs so menacing and monstrous. Instead of always producing more orcs whenever they laid with another race… they would ONLY produce more of that race. So, an orc and an elf would always make another elf, an orc and a human would always make another human, and so on and so forth.
Considering orcs were a one-gender species, this was effectively committing genocide and three hundred years later, in the modern era, it was commonly reframed as such. While the cabal of humans might have been called heroes and praised in their time, these days there was half a dozen movements based around explaining how their actions had been an atrocity of the highest order.
Those movements, however… were not led by orcs. Over the last three hundred years, the orc population had dwindled dramatically. Interestingly enough, orcs were functionally immortal when it came to aging. Their bodies did not age like a normal human or dwarf might, but also weren’t frozen in a strange form of biological stasis as elves were. Instead, their cells were always reproducing fresh cells, and so far, they hadn’t discovered an end to that reproduction of cells, like had been observed in humans and dwarves.
Even still, the oldest orc was only a handful of centuries old, and back before the spell had been cast on their entire species, their average lifespans could still be measured as closer to human lifespans than dwarven ones. Not because they got old or grew sick and died easily, but in spite of that fact, all because the vast majority of the species was incredibly war-like.
After three hundred years, those orcs that were left behind were either the most skilled or the most docile of the bunch… or some mixture of both. It was rare to see a battlefield somewhere on the planet without at least one grizzled orc merc these days, but even rarer still to find a battlefield with more than one. Meanwhile, some orcs had gone into another line of work.
All of this was relevant to the Elven Princess Riniya because of that latter line of work. As Princess of the aging Elven Empire of Flalalelf, Riniya was expected to do one thing and one thing only… give birth to a child for her husband, the Prince Eldrin. Now, technically there should have been no rush. Elves were just as immortal as orcs, in their own way.
But in the ever-increasingly modernized world they lived in, the Royal Family of Flalalelf had become something of a set of window dressing. While the rest of the world had moved beyond Kings and Queens, the Royal Family that Riniya had married into had made deals with certain individuals, giving up much of their direct power in exchange for a stipend and for their titles to continue to pass down from generation to generation.
Of course, that deal had been made two hundred years ago, and the generation thing had yet to come up. Riniya, meanwhile, had been married to Eldrin for a hundred years now and had yet to give him an heir. This wasn’t her fault, or at least she liked to believe it wasn’t. Full of figure and lush of form, Riniya was a beautiful elven woman with large breasts, wide hips, and a voluptuous body.
She was, as far as all the elven physicians could tell, in perfect health and fully fertile. But of course, she’d married into the Royal Family… and Prince Eldrin refused to submit to any virility tests of his own. It wasn’t EASY for elves to have children anyways, so it shouldn’t have been that big of a deal… but with the Royal Family consigned to being nothing more than another group of celebrities within the Empire, there was a certain public pressure to… perform so to speak.
It hadn’t helped that Eldrin had been telling their friends in private for years that it was her fault she couldn’t conceive. But it’d gotten worse when he’d started insinuating as much in public interviews as well. In the end, with no real choice in the matter, Riniya had taken the offer when it’d arrived… an offer to make SURE she got pregnant.
There was a way, after all. She just… had to cheat on her husband. Given he literally had a harem of concubines and mistresses (none of which had managed to produce him a child either) Riniya hadn’t been too bothered by that part. She was more concerned about just who she had to cheat on her husband WITH.
Stepping into the room where HE was waiting, the Elven Princess bites her lower lip as she comes face to face with a hulking, chiseled, green-skinned orc. Pureblood Orcs were hard to come by these days… but the organization that had contacted her with this offer apparently had one on staff as a ‘breeder’. After all, if you needed to get pregnant with a child who would take only after you and be completely your race fast… an orc was your best bet.
As soon as she steps in, the hulking orc rises from his seat, making her take an involuntary step back in fright at his sheer size, only to find the door has already closed behind her.
“You the client? You take the meds?”
His voice is gravelly and deep, but something in his tone… it stirs something within her. Blushing prettily, the elven princess forces herself to take a step forward, and then another, even though her instincts scream at her to try and flee (and then fail and get taken by the massive monstrous greenskin anyways)
“… Y-Yes…”

The meds he’s speaking of actually aren’t fertility drugs or anything like that. Such things are categorically unnecessary when an orc is concerned. One could be barren, and an orc’s virility was said to be so powerful that it would plant the seeds of life inside of the womb all the same. Of course, Riniya didn’t know anything about THAT, but she’d been assured that with her fertility, the chance of impregnation was one hundred percent.
The drugs… were to keep her from losing her mind and becoming a slave to orc cock in the process. And even now, she can feel it. The aura of this greenskin, the feel of his presence. Part of her wants to flee, part of her wants to kneel and submit. Only the drugs and her own strength of will keep her from doing either.
“Great, let’s get started.”
As he lumbers forward, Riniya moves to meet him only to stop as he KEEPS coming. She’s about to say something when he reaches out and rips her dress clean down the front of her body, prompting a squeak and a covering of her suddenly exposed assets as her tits jiggle free and her snatch is revealed to open air and his beady black eyes.
“H-How uncouth!”
The orc just snorts and then reaches down and frees his own genitals from their confines, pulling out a huge bulbous member that looks to be of a size one could use to clobber someone over the head with.
“Ain’t here to be couth, Princess. Here to get the job done. Still, on account of your royalness, I’ll let you pick the position and all, yer majesty.”
Back stiff, eyes trying but failing to look anywhere but at his cock, Riniya considers her options for a moment… before carefully moving over to the bed, shedding the tattered remnants of her dress as she goes.
“Quite… m-magnanimous of you, orc. To ensure fertilization, you will take me on my back, so that I may lift my legs to my chest when we are done and keep as much of your seed in me as possible.”
She’s not sure what she’s expecting, him to grunt and nod along or something perhaps. She’s not expecting him to laugh at her though as she gets up on the bed and on her back, spreading her legs wide for him. Blushing under his snickering, she scowls prettily.
“You don’t gotta worry about my seed staying in you… some of it will probably get out because of the volume, but most will stick. And you might wanna rethink the position… harder to keep your head on straight if you’re looking at me while we do it.”
“T-That’s what the meds are for…”
The orc grunts and shrugs as he climbs onto the bed, making it creak under his weight while he shuffles forward, up between her legs. His mammoth-sized member looks horrific as it gets closer to her dripping wet quim, and Riniya can’t imagine how it will ever fit inside of her.
“Suit yerself, yer highness.”
His cock comes down and slides along her slippery lower lips for a second, even as Riniya finds herself gazing at his grizzled, scarred face. This was not one of the docile orcs… this was one of the ones who was skilled enough to live a long time despite having clearly seen many a battle. This was- Riniya’s attempt to distract herself by cataloging every line in the orc’s face is abruptly derailed when he punches forward, thrusting up into her cunt without so much as a ‘by your leave’.
The Elven Princess’ eyes bug out of her head and her mouth forms into a large O as she silently screams, not a single sound coming out of her spread lips for a good several seconds… until he begins to thrust, then a keening wail starts to be heard, becoming a loud, wanton moan at the end. Riniya’s eyes roll up in her head and the orc, snorting in amusement, just keeps on fucking her.
Immediately, she finds herself agreeing with him. This was the WRONG position for this. While the drugs are keeping her from breaking on his cock, she can understand now why so many of her ancestors had done so, why so many elven women had been turned into orc broodmares for the rest of their days, back during the bad times.
His dick is just too fucking amazing… just too good. It drills deeper inside of her then Eldrin had ever gotten, making her husband, a fine example of elven looks and prowess, seem like a limp dicked weasel in comparison. For the first time in her life, Riniya is left to consider whether her husband might just BE a limp dicked weasel and she never knew it, all this time. Now that she’s getting fucked by a REAL male… she’s got someone to compare him to and in every way, Prince Eldrin comes up wanting.
As the orc drills into her, Riniya clings to him for dear life. Her legs come up and caress the sides of his huge green body. She can’t quite squeeze down on his strong waist, and she can’t wrap her legs fully around his immense bulk either. All she can do is stick them up in the air as her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth, tears of joy and ecstasy rolling down her cheeks and her eyes rolling up in her head.
Her arms, too, reach up to wrap around the orc’s thick muscular neck, but when she tries to pull him down to kiss her, he doesn’t let her. Implacable and immovable, he just keeps on fucking her, even as he snorts most derisively.
“Told you so, bitch.”
She shudders, cumming at the crass language. Such an insulting word would have never been used to describe her by anyone else, and if anyone HAD called her that to her face, she would have visited painful retribution on them. But when HE says it… the Elven Princess finds herself turned into a squealing slut, climaxing all over his cock. Her pussy walls tightening and clenching down hard, Princess Riniya can do nothing but take it until finally… until finally, he cums.
He fills her with his seed like it’s nothing, like it’s just another day in his life. Which to be fair, that’s exactly what it is. For Riniya, it’s an epiphany and an awakening all wrapped up in one. For the orc, it’s just his job. He pumps her full of his seed and once again proves his words from earlier right, his orcish jizz exploding out of the sides of her stuffed cunt but at the same time, more than enough of his load left behind to bloat her and leave her looking like she’s already pregnant.
There’s no doubt in Riniya’s mind that she’s already been impregnated, that that’s the moment when she’s finally been bred. She’s going to give birth to a son or daughter purely of her genes, a little Prince or Princess who won’t have a single ounce of the Royal Family’s DNA in them. Scandalous to say the least.
And yet… as he pulls away, the Princess tries to stop him.
“W-Wait… surely we’re not done. We should go again… t-to be sure!”
Looking at her condescendingly, the grizzled orc chortles and pulls out of her grasp all the same.
“One and done, that was what YOU demanded. You’re knocked up now, Princess. Time to go.”
No… no, it couldn’t already be over. He was right, she had demanded only one act of copulation, but that was back then. That was before she’d had her eyes opened to the true glory of sex with orcs.
“What about… what about more kids in the future? I could… you could knock me up again, once I give birth to this one… we could have a dozen elven children by this time next decade!”
The orc breeder just raises an eyebrow, but Riniya is desperate.
“Please! I’ll give you and your organization anything you want! I need it! I need your big fat cock!”
With a grunt, the orc shrugs and gives her a big, toothy grin.
“Sure. We can work something out.”


Part 2:


“Princess Riniya, so lovely to see you again.”
“Princess Meriel… cut the crap.”
Her words, timed perfectly to hit right as Meriel is preparing to settle down into her chair, strike the other female Elf like a sledgehammer. She jolts and jerks her head up, eyes widening and nostrils flaring at Riniya’s… impertinence.
After all, while Riniya technically outranked Meriel within the Elven Empire of Flalalelf NOW, it had not always been that way. Riniya had married into the Royal Family. Meriel, on the other hand, was her husband’s younger sister, and had been BORN an Imperial Princess. Not that that meant much in a world that had moved beyond the need for royalty and monarchies, but it did mean she had lived a life of status and prestige for longer than Riniya and had always thought herself better than the other elf.
Recovering after a few short moments, the Imperial Princess finally takes her seat, composing herself and gracing Riniya with a cool smile.
“Is that any way to talk to your sister-in-law, Riniya? Really, and I thought we were so close.”
Smiling just as coolly right back, the Elven Princess shakes her head, even as she pointedly places a hand atop her abdomen, where she’s just started to develop a baby bump. Meriel’s eyes dropping down are everything Riniya could have hoped for, as any attempt at a good mood the Imperial Princess was trying to feign drops in favor of a blatant scowl.
“We were never close, dear. And not for lack of trying on my part either. Still, I always figured that was because you hated me for my heritage. Never in a million years had I thought you would conspire against your own brother.”
Meriel stiffens and then immediately shakes her head, denying it. She has to, of course.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Of course not. Unfortunately for you, your little pet sung like a canary. The girl got too big of a head, you see, and decided to inform me that as soon as she was pregnant, I would be set aside by my husband. After a little more alcohol, she went even further and explained YOUR part in all of it… as well as the latter half of the plan, to remove Eldrin via ‘accident’.”
As Meriel sits there, having gotten progressively paler and paler the more Riniya spoke, Princess Riniya in turn bobs her head and smiles all the more wickedly.
“You should have kept your little pawn in the loop. The news of my pregnancy isn’t public yet, so she obviously didn’t know I was with child when she decided to open her big fat mouth. She was just so confident that she was going to beat me to the finish line. You should have told her that she was doomed from the start, given she was working with faulty equipment. Your brother is infertile, after all.”
One bombshell after the other, the Imperial Princess left looking visibly struck by every single word, dripping with poison, that falls from Riniya’s mouth. For a moment, Riniya just sits back and basks in the ensuing silence, as the younger female Elf struggles to regain her bearings. Meriel might have been born into this life, but Riniya had had to spend the last hundred years learning it. She’d started from behind to be sure, but with this, she felt like she’d finally gotten the upper hand.
“… H-How? If Eldrin truly is infertile… then how did you do it?”
Riniya opens her mouth to respond, only for a knock at the door to sound, as of right on cue. Grinning wickedly, Riniya chuckles.
“Ah, there he is now. Please, do come in!”
With that last sentence in a raised voice so as to carry, Riniya watches as the door opens up and admits her guest. Meriel turns, just in time to see the hulking, green-skinned, Pureblooded Orc Breeder that’s walked right on in.
“By the Light of Flalalelf!”
Incredibly intelligent eyes slide between both elven women, and the orc breeder’s nostrils flare.
“This the client? She taken her meds?”
Riniya is all smiles as Meriel quivers in her seat.
“Ah, not quite yet. I was just explaining things to her. Meriel, you’re going to want to drink your tea now, my dear. Otherwise, the orc will leave you in quite the state by the time he’s done with you.”
Rather than do as she’s told, the Imperial Princess jumps from her chair, backing away from them both and looking between them wildly.
“W-What… what is this?!”
Riniya sighs and rolls her eyes as the orc breeder stands there, silent.
“Its simple, dear. You were so desperate to supplant me and your brother, but you weren’t willing to face the consequences or deal with the hardships. As such, this orc here is going to fuck you and knock you up. If you do not agree to this, I will hand over your pet to my husband, expose your scheme, and see you disinherited from the Royal Family. So, you see… you have no choice in the matter.”
Riniya can’t help but be a little smug. It was a fitting punishment, in her eyes. No less than the brat of an Imperial Princess deserved, really. She would get to see Meriel broken on orc cock, and also enjoy it a bit herself, and that would be that. She would be satisfied. Everything would-
The answer she gets is surprising, not least of which because it doesn’t come from Meriel… it comes from the ORC. Her head swiveling around, Riniya is, for the first time since she sat down, shocked.
“No? What do you mean no?!”
Her voice is a little shrill, but the orc breeder just crosses his arms over his chest and shakes his head.
“I don’t do that shit. Did you think I would just because I’m an orc? Thought I’d be all aboard for forcing this girl down onto my cock while she wailed and screamed and cried for mercy?”
… Well, yes. Riniya blinks at the breeder. When he put it like that… b-but wasn’t that what his kind DID?!
“Not gonna force anyone to do anything they don’t want to. You want to play your little political games, go fucking ahead. But I’m not here to knock up a bitch that doesn’t want to be pregnant.”
Riniya’s mouth opens and closes a few times in stupefaction. She… hadn’t expected this. Not at all. What… what was she supposed to do now?
“You… are you truly offering this to me?”
For the second time in as many minutes, Riniya’s head swivels around, as Meriel finally finds her voice. The bratty Imperial Princess she’s had to put up with for a hundred years is nowhere to be seen. Instead, Meriel looks small, and shy… and yet, also interested?! Wait, what the fuck was happening here?!
“I have… I was told I could not have children. That I was infertile.”
Riniya jolts as that particular secret, clearly kept from her because she wasn’t a TRUE part of the Royal Family, is dropped in her lap. Looking between her and the orc breeder, Meriel licks her lips nervously.
“B-But… that wouldn’t matter with a Pureblood Orc, w-would it? You could knock me up even if there was the slimmest of chances I could get pregnant, r-right?”
Crossing his arms over his chest, the hulking orc inclines his head in agreement. Whipping around to look to Riniya, the Imperial Princess actually looks… excited.
“T-Then I accept!”
Fast walking over to the table, she grabs the tea, filled with the meds to keep her mind mostly intact, and downs it right then and there as Riniya watches on, gobsmacked. This was supposed to be Meriel’s PUNISHMENT! Not… not a gift!
And yet, as the Imperial Princess gulps it down, Riniya can’t help but feel a pang of… of empathy for the bratty elf girl. For a hundred years, Meriel has been nothing but a bitch to her. That said, knowing that she shared in the same affliction as her brother, even if it wasn’t confirmed that Prince Eldrin was sterile… it explained an awful lot. Meriel had always been bitter at Riniya’s inclusion in the Royal Family, and as the years had gone by, that bitterness had evolved into a cruel satisfaction as Riniya failed to produce even a single heir.
Finishing her cup of tea, Meriel sets the empty cup down and turns to the orc breeder, suddenly unsure and uncharacteristically shy again.
“Um, h-how… how do we do this?”
Glancing over at Riniya with a raised brow for all of a moment, the hulking greenskin just shrugs and uncrosses his arms, striding forward.
“I fuck you. You get pregnant.”
While the Imperial Princess tenses up as he closes in on her, she stands her grown, to her credit. Though, she does let out an outraged squawk when he does the same thing to her that he did to Riniya, tearing her dress clean from her body. However, unlike with Riniya, he doesn’t offer Meriel her choice of position. Instead, almost like he’s taunting the still-seated Elven Princess, the orc spins Meriel around and bends her over right then and there.
In her strappy, glimmering high heels, the gorgeous, long-legged Imperial Princess is just tall enough for his cock to spear into her from behind, filling her elven pussy to the brim with thick, fat orcish member. Because of how she’s positioned, Riniya has to watch as Meriel’s face contorts in ecstasy right then and there, her cheeks a rosy red, her jaw dropping open, and her eyes crossing from the pleasure.
A heat ignites down betwixt Riniya’s thighs, and the pregnant Princess blushes as she squirms in her chair. In truth, that heat down between her legs… it was always there, even before the breeder entered the room. Just knowing that she would get to see the Pureblooded Orc that had knocked her up again had left her simmering the past few days.
Now, watching Meriel get the cock that she so desperately wanted, even if she’d meant for her to get it in the first place… a torrent of jealousy was rushing through Riniya’s chest. With a growl, the Elven Princess suddenly surges from her seat and stomps over to Meriel as the bent over Imperial Princess gets fucked hard from behind. The orc is holding her by her arms, pulling them back behind her body as he fucks her. All the while, Meriel is moaning up a storm, her melodic cries filling the room.
Reaching out, Riniya grabs Meriel by the jaw forcibly, yanking the Imperial Princess’ head up so she can spit into her open mouth, onto her lolling tongue.
“I should have known. I should have known you’d be just another slut for that orc cock.”
Whimpering, Meriel tries to deny it.
“N-No… the baby… I just w-want a child!”
But they both know it’s already proving to be a lie. She might have just wanted a child to start with, but Riniya knows EXACTLY what’s going through Meriel’s head right now. That orc cock… it has a way of hollowing out your previous loyalties, of making you rethink everything. She knows what Meriel is thinking, because she went through the exact same thing.
Leaning forward, feeling a strange sense of camaraderie with this brat of an elf who has been a pain in her ass for over a hundred years, Riniya smiles an actual sympathetic smile and shakes her head as she whispers to Meriel, divulging a secret of her own.
“That’s what I thought at first too, Meriel. But it’s not true. What we truly want… is to be loved.”
Meriel’s eyes widen at that, and then widen even further when Riniya lunges in and captures her sister-in-law’s lips with her own a moment later. Kissing Meriel as the orc breeder pounds into the slightly younger elf from behind is… its an experience, to be sure. She’d come here today with every intention of making Meriel submit to the breeder’s cock, of forcing her through blackmail and coercion to get fucked and bred in the same way she was.
Only now, as the three of them are losing themselves in the throes of passion, does Riniya realize how close to the edge she got. She was naught but one step away from blackening her heart and becoming just like the rest of them… just like Meriel herself in fact. Funny that it was the breeder of all things, a Pureblooded Orc, who had to stay her hand. Funnier even still, that Meriel turned out to WANT this. What she’d deemed a bit of poetic justice, a proper punishment for her sister-in-law, had turned out to actually be the greatest gift that she could ever give her.
Suddenly, Meriel is yanked from her grasp. The orc breeder grunts as he lifts the Imperial Princess into the air and folds her like a fucking pretzel. His thick, bulging arms go up under her legs, pinning them back against her body. Meanwhile, his hands go behind her head, fingers lacing together as he drops her back onto his cock with barely a second for Meriel to process what’s happening.
This time, the female elf’s eyes firmly roll back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as Riniya watches, her own mouth agape. Watching the orc breeder bounce Meriel’s folded form up and down on his cock, watching as he sets his stance and drills up into her from below again and again… it’s the hottest fucking thing Riniya has ever seen. She HAS to try it out herself, as soon as he’s done with Meriel. And judging by the look the breeder is giving her over the top of Meriel’s head, he knows what she’s going to ask for.
Stepping forward, reaching out and groping one of her sister-in-law’s tits, Riniya licks her lips.
“Meriel… dearest sister… enjoy that big fat cock. Enjoy it, because soon it will be my turn. And when all is said and done, and we are both satiated… know this. We still have MUCH to discuss. About both your family… and the Empire of Flalalelf’s future.”
Meriel just moans, likely unable to understand what Riniya is saying at the moment. But that’s okay. That can wait for later. For now, both she and her sister-in-law have a date with this oddly honorable orc and his big fat bitch breaking cock.


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