Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Paladin’s Lament (Original Fantasy)

The Paladin’s Lament (Original Fantasy)


Themes: Mind Break, Monster Sex, Master/Slave

Summary: In a world filled with Instant Loss mechanics, a Paladin of the Chaste Maiden doesn't stand a chance. But there are worse masters to end up with...


You knew you were fucked when every breath you took caused you pain. And that was precisely where Elissa was right now. Every inhale, every exhale… it all sent spikes of unfettered agony through her chest. But then, to be fair, her ribs WERE broken. At least half of them if she had to guess. The shards of bone were on the verge of puncturing her lungs, though the fact that she hadn’t drowned in her own blood in mere minutes meant they hadn’t done so already.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t much she could do for herself at the moment. Leaning back against the cave wall, legs splayed out in front of her, vision blurred from the pain, the blue-eyed and blonde Paladin is left entirely helpless. She doesn’t dare risk trying to move with this pain, not when her vision is practically nonexistent and any wrong motion might rip open her lungs. She also can’t even begin removing her armor, because doing so would likely cause her just as much pain and do her just as much damage as trying to stand would.
Meanwhile, her sword is… elsewhere. A crime in and of itself, and one Elissa would have to answer to under different circumstances. For a Paladin of the Chaste Maiden, one’s weapon was their life. Powered by the purity of her soul, her sword was a gleaming pillar of unparalleled light… in her hands anyways. When it wasn’t in her hands, it was just an ornate hilt. And with her vision as blurry as it was, finding THAT in this damnable cave was a pipe dream.
If she hadn’t exhausted herself before ever ending up in this place, she could have healed her wounds with her own two hands and been on her way. Unfortunately, the events of the past twenty-four hours had significantly conspired against her. It’d started with a demon invasion centered on the Convent, one that tore through their defenses because it came from within rather than without.
Elissa had been sent by her superior to give warning to the nearest town once it was obvious the battle was lost, but she’d been loath to just up and leave. In the end she’d stayed until the fighting truly did grow too furious, and by the time she stumbled away into the darkness, she’d already been down to the dregs of her soul’s power. For all that she was pure, virgin, and untouched… even a virgin soul had its limits. Elissa had found hers; it would seem.
She felt a little guilty for complaining though, even in the depths of her own mind. She might die here, in this case… but her fate would be much kinder and much cleaner than those she’d been forced to leave behind back at the Convent. Demons were corrupting, vile creatures. Elissa held no doubts to the fate of her sisters at this point. Those who still lived would have been defiled a hundred times over, their connection to the Chaste Maiden destroyed in the process. Their souls would be impure by now, and their minds likely filled with nothing but lust and demonic corruption as they swore fealty to their new masters.
Twas merely the way this world worked. Humans were the prey of plenty of creatures that wanted to make meals of them. And if not meals, then slaves. It was what it was. Elissa was lucky to be alive, but even more lucky to have her mind still intact and not under the control of a demon master. She was-
“You look to be in pain. Here, drink.”
The sudden voice startles the blonde from her thoughts, her head jerking back as something suddenly fills her blurred vision. Even that much movement causes another spike of agony to rush through her broken body, and it takes every fiber of her being to not cry out in pain. The small opening of a health potion is suddenly pressed against her lips though and without thinking, Elissa opens and lets it be slid down her throat.
She almost immediately chokes. The taste of the health potion is off. So is the viscosity. Its too… thick by far. It should be as clear and crisp as water, but instead it’s something almost like slime pouring down her throat. However, while the thickness is unpleasant and unexpected, the taste… the taste is entirely too nice. It feels good and almost immediately a warmth begins to spread through her that has NOTHING to do with the health potion’s healing effects.
Though that does happen to. A cry does finally split her lips after the vial is removed from them, as her ribs crack back into place and her bones heal. The other damage to her internal organs also heals, and Elissa breathes her first uninterrupted, painless breath in what feels like an eternity… but it was really only a few hours, wasn’t it?
She can’t enjoy it for too long though, because the other effect of the tampered health potion is becoming more and more pronounced.
“You… who are you? That wasn’t… that wasn’t just a health potion.”
A deep, rumbling chuckle fills the cave.
“No. It wasn’t.”
Her vision finally clears and Elissa is finally able to see the owner of the voice for who he is. Her blue eyes widen in horror as she beholds the monstrous visage of a hulking minotaur peering down at her. The Paladin scrambles to her feet using the cave wall behind her as fast as possible.
And yet, even as she shouts, her loins clench. Not painfully… but needily. Her breath comes out in pants, and not just because her chestplate has been caved in by the blow that broke her ribs in the first place, though it’s not helping. Her nostrils flare as she breathes in the Minotaur’s musk. It pervades the cave, far more effective now that they’re in an enclosed space… and now that she’s imbibed whatever he wanted her to imbibe.
“Well now, that’s not nice. I just saved your life.”
“You’re the one who injured me in the first place!”
It’s all coming back to her now. She’d fled from the Convent, escaping the demons, stumbling into the woods in the dead of night. When morning had come, she’d been lost… she couldn’t find the road. But she’d found him. A hulking beastly creature. They’d fought, of course. And Elissa… Elissa had lost badly. He’d laid her out with one punch to her chest, caving in her armor and breaking her ribs. Honestly, she was lucky she wasn’t dead.
Even still, she’d never known that minotaurs could speak. She didn’t know they were intelligent. All she knew… all she knew was that they were incredibly dangerous… especially to virgins like her.
“What… w-what did you dose me with… you… you…”
The Minotaur’s beady eyes glint as his mouth curls into an approximation of a wicked grin.
“Why? Do you want more?”
He pulls aside his loincloth then and reveals his massive cock. It drools with thick, white droplets of his seed, which he flicks at her. Elissa flinches as they land on her armor. So that was what else had been in the health potion. Minotaur Cum. A potent aphrodisiac, one she’d heard the rich nobles in the Capital liked to use. It was part of why there was a booming Minotaur Slave trade despite the danger the creatures represented out in the wilds.
Though, knowing that they could talk and were capable of intelligent though, Elissa suddenly wondered if the morals of the Minotaur Slave Trade were legitimate or not.
It wasn’t exactly relevant to her current situation however… save to note that she’d almost certainly imbibed a hundred times the recommended amount of the aphrodisiac. She wanted more. She-
Elissa’s eyes widen as the clatter of her damaged chestplate hitting the cave floor pulls her out of the trance she’d fallen into. She’s just removed her armor without even thinking about it, leaving her torso exposed. He could have easily killed her with another blow right then… but he doesn’t.
“There you go. That’s a good girl. This is what you want, is it not?”
He could have killed her at any time, and he hadn’t yet. Elissa’s eyes are fixated on the Minotaur’s cock as he shakes it back and forth. Her hands, meanwhile, have a mind of their own. As she licks her lips, more and more of the blonde Paladins’ armor falls to the cave floor.
“I… I shouldn’t. Where… where is my sword? I need… I have t-to fight.”
“You don’t need anything, little Paladin, save to submit. This cock is the only ‘sword’ you’ll require from now on. And I shall be your new God.”
Sacrilege. Blasphemy. The Order of the Chaste Maiden didn’t even follow a God, they followed a Goddess! A Maiden Goddess that bestowed the power of her own purity upon her followers, so long as they stayed true to her teachings! Willingly bedding a Minotaur definitely wasn’t part of those teachings, that was for sure.
And yet, Elissa finds herself sinking down to her knees before him and his glorious cock all the same, breathing in his scent, her chest now properly exposed with even her under-top and bandages removed to let her breasts fly free.
“I really, really shouldn’t. Demons… have to warn…”
At that, the Minotaur stops in his tracks.
“Demons? Explain.”
For a moment, Elissa just stares at his cock, slack jawed. But then the Minotaur grabs her by her blonde locks and yanks her head back, forcing her to look up at him as he slaps his cock against her cheek.
“Explain and I’ll give you everything you could ever want and more than you could imagine. Tell me about the demons.”
Haltingly, with a few abortive attempts by her tongue to go for his dick, Elissa explains about the attack on the Convent and the demonic invasion happening less than a few hours away. When she’s done, the Minotaur curses and looks to the side for a moment. Only when Elissa keeps trying to go for his cock in the lull that follows does he finally shake his head and snarl.
“Prefer to do this slower, usually. Prefer to let you come to me. But we don’t have the time if what you say is true.”
Before Elissa can even wrap her lips around the magnificent member in front of her, the Minotaur has suddenly yanked her up off her knees. She lets out a disappointed whine that abruptly turns into a squeal as he lifts her into the air and slams her against the cave wall behind her. One of his hands comes down between them and tears the last of her undergarments off her body, removing the final barrier to ‘entry’ as it were.
Elissa ever so slightly comes back to herself as she feels the Minotaur press his bulbous cockhead against her lower lips. It was trained into them from an early age that their virginity was the most important thing to their Goddess. To remain a Paladin of the Chaste Maiden, one had to embody all of her virtues. One had to be not just a warrior for justice and a savior of the weak, one had to be a Chaste Maiden in their own right.
“W-Wait, no! You can’t-hrk!”
But it’s too late. Her protests, which sound weak to even her if she’s being honest, fall entirely on deaf ears. The Minotaur slams her down onto his cock and in a single moment, Elissa’s connection to her Goddess is shattered alongside her virginity. With her purity gone, with her body defiled, she is no longer worthy of being considered a Paladin of the Chaste Maiden. Her entire life… destroyed in a single instant by events outside of her control.
Choking on her own spit, Elissa shudders as the Minotaur watches her curiously for a moment before chuckling darkly.
“You don’t look as upset as you should be, little Paladin.”
Elissa’s face twists with anger at that, only to contort into reluctant pleasure a moment later when he slides her up and down his cock. Her body shudders and she lets out a wanton moan of arousal, despite doing her level best to hold it in. But it’s impossible. She already has a belly full of Minotaur Cum. His scent fills the air and pervades her senses. And now his cock is inside of her.
A whimper leaves Elissa’s lips as she’s pounded up and down on his cock. She isn’t a Paladin anymore. She’s just a woman now. Powerless. Helpless. Turned into little more than a toy by this monstrous beast and his amazing… spectacular… cock. Shuddering, Elissa’s blue eyes roll up in her head as she cries out, cumming for the first time upon the Minotaur’s dick.
She groans and tries not to succumb, but with the absence of the Goddess… it’s impossible. The floodgates have opened up, and once she starts cumming, she can’t seem to stop. And then HE’S cumming. One would think that would herald the end of it, but he doesn’t stop there either. His cock continues to piston in and out of her stretching cunt even as he fills her womb with his seed. He just keeps going, even as even more warmth spreads throughout her body. Having a belly full of Minotaur Cum SHOULD have horrified Elissa like nothing else. And to be fair, it did… a little bit.
But the horror was greatly overshadowed by just how GOOD it all felt. She’d never been this aroused in her entire life. She’d never felt this much pleasure or ecstasy before. Her eyes rolling back in her skull, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, some small distant part of Elissa knows she probably looks ridiculous. But the much greater whole of the ex-Paladin… doesn’t care.
“There we go. You’re finally learning your new place.”
The Minotaur… her God, he’d called himself. Sure. Why not? Elissa wasn’t sure there was anything else worth worshipping in the entirety of the cosmos, truth be told. Gurgling, she clings to him as he wraps her in his big, strong arms and pulls her back from the cave wall. She moans as he bounces her on his cock with every step.
“Time to get going. Gotta stay ahead of the demons.”
Some small part of Elissa still remains, because even as she clings to her new God with all her might, she whimpers out a protest into his chest hair.
“W-Wait… the nearby village… h-have to… warn them.”
Snorting derisively, the Minotaur bounces her on his dick again and sends another explosive orgasm rocking through her body as he shakes his head.
“Nah. Not our problem, pet. You humans have kingdoms and knights and shit for a reason, right? Let them deal with it.”
That… that made sense, actually. He was just one Minotaur, for all that he was her entire reason for existing now. And she… she wasn’t a Paladin anymore. She wasn’t anything but a collection of holes for her God to fuck at his leisure. Smiling somewhat dopily, Elissa the Ex-Paladin clings to her new master as he lopes out of the cave and begins running in the direction opposite of the Convent she’d come from.
Others could deal with the demon incursion. Hopefully.


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