Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Schnee’s Command (RWBY)

The Schnee’s Command (RWBY)

A/N: The Schnee's Command was a commission originally written February of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: A young Private finds himself assigned to the Command of Specialist Winter Schnee. A prime posting to be sure, and a great honor. So why does it feel like he's been assigned to Hell?

Themes: Rough Sex, Slutty Sex, Seduction


Private Cole was in Hell. And sure, maybe that was a bit dramatic, but he wouldn't call it OVERLY dramatic. It felt like it was the exact right amount of dramatic, in his books. And yes, he knew that tons and tons of people in Atlas would give an arm and a leg to be in his situation! That didn't make it any better! That didn't change how he felt about it all!

He was an Atlesian Soldier, recently graduated from boot camp. His scores had been high enough that he was given the opportunity to join up with an elite, all-volunteer group of soldiers who all served under an Atlesian Specialist, of all things. That in and of itself would have been the greatest honor of his life, but when Cole had heard that the Atlesian Specialist in question was THE legendary Winter Schnee, he'd signed up as fast as he possibly could. The posting even came with insane perks, like his own quarters despite his low rank.

Winter Schnee was a woman who, born with a silver spoon in her mouth, had chosen to spit it out and dedicate her life to service to Atlas. She could have had it all, could have taken some high ranking position at the SDC and relied on nepotism to give her the good life. That she'd chosen otherwise, in direct defiance of her father's wishes… well, it definitely made them all look up to her. It made Cole look up to her.

That was before he'd actually arrived on base and met the woman, before he'd started having to interact with her on a daily basis. At first, the level of extra attention that Winter was paying him didn't seem like that big of a deal. She was just as intense as Cole had thought she would be, and it made sense, at least at the time, that she would go hard on the new guy for a while. That the new guy was him, was just the way the cookie crumbled this time.

But he'd been wrong. She hadn't let up… more than that, her intentions had been made clear the first time she got him alone and made a blatant pass at him. Cole had been shocked but stood his ground and pushed her away. It had to be another test, after all. There was just no way that THE Winter Schnee was… was a sexual predator.

She was trying to test him. Maybe trying to wash him out. If he was so willing to engage in intimacy with his superior officer, he wouldn't be worthy of her command or… or something. That was all Cole could think of, when he'd rolled it over in his head later, trying to figure out the meaning behind the interaction. Fully believing he had done so, Cole had slept like a baby, that night.

The next time Winter had caught him alone and blatantly tried to seduce him, Cole had firmly turned her down, rejecting her and making it clear that he knew such a thing would be highly inappropriate. He'd expected her to break character and, if not be pleased with him, at least give him some curt nod or something to show he'd gotten it right.

… Instead, she'd walked away only to try again later that very same day! Again and again, Winter Schnee had come onto him whenever she possibly could. Again and again, the Private had been left… struggling with his own bodily reactions, especially as the Specialist got more and more involved and physical. It wasn't fair. What sort of test was this? How the fuck was he supposed to pass when she was this relentless?

He didn't know what to do, but at least she'd left him alone today. It was the first day in weeks that she'd done so, and yet, some part of Cole wasn't relieved. It was like he was developing a Sixth Sense for these sorts of things… like he could tell the other shoe was about to drop.

Maybe that's why it isn't so surprising, when he steps into his quarters and lays eyes on an intruder. There, sat on the edge of the bed, is his commander, Specialist Winter Schnee. Gone is her usual attire, with all of the sleek lines and bells and whistles. Her normal outfit was quite concealing, though it also hugged her curves in a manner that made Cole's difficulties all the harder on him, these past several weeks.

She's not wearing her officer's uniform now though. Instead, Winter is clad in what can only be described as a leotard with the middle scooped out. Or maybe a one-piece bathing suit, once again with the middle scooped out. Despite being all one garment, from the collar of it wrapped around her neck, connected all the way down to the crotch hiding her mound and slit from view, Winter was showing off a LOT of skin.

Her sizable bust, for instance, was barely held within the outfit, showing off hints of her nipple along with pretty much all the cleavage one might ever want. Likewise, her taut belly and chiseled abs were on display as well, showing off her toned yet feminine body in all of the best, or rather, worst ways.

Even as he freezes up at the sight of her, Cole can feel his body reacting to her appearance, his cock beginning to grow hard in its confines. Winter, meanwhile, gives him a wanton smile as she raises a hand to her lips, sucking on her index finger for a moment seductively before sliding it down her body, inch by inch across her smooth, creamy expanse of mostly exposed flesh.

"Like what you see, Private?"

It's in that moment that Cole finds his limit, the point of no return. It comes in the same moment that he realizes she's not going to stop until he breaks and does something, and that's partially why he snaps in the first place. Knowing that this Hell is going to be his life for the foreseeable future unless he gives in, Cole finds himself striding forward, and for the first time in his life, raising his hands against a superior officer.

As he walks towards her, he reaches down and frees his cock from its confines. That's all he does, before he's upon her. There's a flash of satisfaction in Winter's eyes, before she's squeaking as he grabs her and throws her back, pushing her down onto the bed and climbing on after her. The toss has the unintended, but nevertheless serendipitous effect of causing her tits to jostle enough in their skimpy confines to bounce free of her very open leotard.

Seeing her breasts fully out in the open like that gives Cole pause, and he diverts from his original intention of just… sticking it in, instead sidling up his commanding officer's body.

When he slaps his throbbing, rock hard erection down upon Winter's tits, letting his pulsating shaft sink into her cleavage, she lets out a soft 'oh!' and then coos as she brings her hands up and wraps her breasts around his member, smiling happily as she gives him an expert titjob right then and there.

Cole, who had half-expected other soldiers to rush in by this point and take him into custody for rape, feels the last remnants of his resistance crumbling away in the face of Winter's eagerness, as he finally accepts the plain and simple truth… she wants this. She wants him to do this to her.

"… You're just a fucking slut, aren't you? You're just a fucking needy cunt, who gets off on the thought of getting fucked by your subordinate."

Beaming up at him, Winter doesn't try to deny it. In fact, it's the exact opposite, as she gazes at him with abject lust in her eyes.

"Go on, Private. You've suffered long enough, don't you think?"

With a growl, Cole grabs Winter by her ponytail and yanks her forward onto his cock, forcing her to take the first couple of inches into her mouth rather roughly as he thrusts in and out of the warm, soft tunnel created by her bust and hands.

"Shut up… if you're just going to yap, put that mouth to better use."

To his mild disbelief, Winter does as she's told… and Cole gets more and more into it. Fucking her tits and her mouth at the same time as THE Winter Schnee slobbers all over his knob is an experience that Cole doesn't think he'll ever forget. And given how she's been teasing him for WEEKS… he's not going to last long under such an onslaught either.

For a second, he considers warning her… before deciding that a slut like Winter deserves no warning. The only sign she gets is his low, rumbling growl, before suddenly he's cumming. Her eyes widen, and she comes off of his cock with a gap. His seed ends up covering her face and tits as a result, though from the euphoric look on Winter's face, she doesn't mind one bit.

Cole just glares at her, but also can't deny how hot the entire fucking situation is. Fuck it, he's in too deep to back out now.

Moving back down Winter's body, the Private grabs his superior by her wide hips and yanks her up into the air, before spinning her over onto her belly. Then, he pulls her to her knees, forcing her to get her hands under her as well as her head hangs low, her panting moans filling the space. His cock, still rock hard, flicks up between her thighs and slaps against her covered crotch, before he yanks that aside and exposes her pussy lips.

As he slams home inside of Winter Schnee without another word, Cole is none too gentle. He's going to give her the hard fucking that a slut like her deserves, if it's the last thing he does. To that end, his hands only stay on her hips long enough to make sure he's properly anchored in place. Once he's pistoning in and out of her sopping, gushing wet cunny at break neck speeds, Cole moves them elsewhere.

He grabs her tits first, giving them a good grope and squeeze, but finds he doesn't care to lean forward for all that long… it slows down his thrusting speed by quite a lot, turning it more into an animalistic rut then a man plowing a slut of a woman silly from behind.

So instead, he transitions his hands to Winter's wrists and PULLS. Yanking her arms back behind her, he straightens up and fucks her even harder, pounding into his superior officer as she squeals and cries out, her entire body bucking wildly and shaking and shuddering under the onslaught.

But Cole has no mercy for her. He has no hesitation left in him. This is what Winter fucking wants, so he'll fucking give it to her. Plowing the gorgeous white-haired Schnee woman relentlessly from behind, forcing her cunt to conform to the size of his cock perfectly, Cole doesn't let up for even a second… and when the time comes, when he feels himself approaching release, he doesn't hesitate there either.

A woman like Winter has to be on birth control after all, right? Fuck it. Cole cums inside of her, filling her to the brim. And then, because he's not fucking done yet, he pulls out only to reposition her on her side. With one hand gripping her ponytail, Cole grabs Winter by her jaw with the other, and stares into her eyes as he fucks her on her side, her tits bouncing and jiggling all over the place as a result.

"Hope you're not getting tired, Specialist Schnee. Because we're just getting started. And let me tell you… I can do this all night long."

Despite being flushed as all hell, despite her face being covered in cum, Winter's eyes twinkle as she smiles lustfully at him.

"Show me."

And so Private Cole shows her. And shows her and shows her. And at some point, he passes out… but by that time it's been hours, and he's feeling pretty good about himself all the same.


Waking up bright and early with the rising of the sun was something every Atlesian Soldier had trained into him. But considering the night Private Cole had had, Winter wasn't going to hold it against him. Getting up and leaving the young man to sleep in a little bit, the gorgeous white-haired woman cleans herself up and then gets properly dressed in the uniform she left in Private Cole's closet the day before.

Once she's done, she makes her way out of the Private's Quarters with a smile on her face and a bit more pep in her step. Of course, she barely makes it a step outside of the door, before she's confronted by most of her soldiers. It's a small outpost, but that still means there's dozens of men crowding the corridor, as Winter's eyes twinkle and she puts a finger to her lips to show they should be quiet as she closes Cole's door properly behind her.

Once that's done, Winter lets a broad, wide grin spread across her cheeks as she spreads her arms wide.

"Mission Success, Gentlemen!"

The Atlesian Soldiers all cheer, while some in the back begin to pay out the bets they had going based on how long the new guy could resist her seduction attempts, and just how badly he would snap when he no longer could. Winter, meanwhile, chats with those closest to her, even as they crowd around her body, wandering hands beginning to heavily grope her, even through her official uniform.

Winter doesn't stop them, of course. It's been weeks since any of them got to have any fun with her after all. It's a rule, under her command. Whenever a new recruit showed up, they were barred from touching her until that new recruit had been… brought in on the base's biggest secret. Namely, that its commanding officer was a huge fucking slut who loved being treated like a piece of meat by her subordinates.

As the soldiers all make it very clear through both word and deed how much they missed her, Winter just smiles and lets them do as they will, even as she contemplates how happy she is that Private Cole has proved… compatible with her command. Oh yes, given how hard and how long he fucked her last night, he'll fit in just fine with her and her men.

She might even visit him in the night again soon for another one on one session… once she was done satisfying the pent-up urges of the rest of the soldiers on base, of course.

After all… he was the first man, despite the lusts of her troops, to not so much as hesitate to fill her womb with his seed. A man like that… Winter found she liked VERY much indeed.


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