Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Widow and the Spider (MCU)

The Widow and the Spider (MCU)

A/N: The Widow and the Spider was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written in 2019. Posting it here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Black Widow is under orders to keep an eye on a young Peter Parker, who not-so-secretly, is also Spider-Man.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Big Dick, Fucked Silly


"Have a good weekend, Ms. Rushman!"

Natasha smiles sweetly, even as inwardly she can't help but be more amused than anything else. She gets a LOT of attention from the male seniors in her class, quite a lot indeed. But then, she is a beautiful woman, something she's always been acutely aware of. Of course, if they knew the truth about her and what she was capable of… ah, who was she kidding, it'd probably only make the libido-stricken brats more enamored with her.

Sighing, Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow, leans back in her chair, staring out the nearby window as her classroom finishes emptying out for the day. She very specifically does not pay any special attention to the young man she's been tasked with watching, Peter Parker, and he avoids making eye contact as well, even though she knows he's just as enamored with her as all the rest.

She's been in this damn high school for months now as a long-term substitute, and to put it bluntly, she was getting more than a little fed up with it. So, as soon as she's sure everyone is gone, Natasha hops up and goes and locks the door to her classroom. Then, she closes the blinds before pulling out her comm device and slipping it into her ear.

It's a few moments before her handler can get back to her, and when he does, he sounds a little harried.

"Agent Romanoff, do you have anything to report."

Pressing her pouty lips together, Natasha resists the urge to scowl.

"No, Agent Sitwell, I do not. Which is exactly why I'm contacting you. Why the hell am I watching this guy while he's stuck at school in class, rather than tracking him while he's out there, fighting crime in the streets of New York City?"

"… It is not your place to question your orders, Agent. Especially not when your mission comes from the highest authority."

Natasha rolls her eyes at that, scowling fiercely as she stares at the white-board behind her desk, arms crossed under her substantial chest.

"Surely Fury didn't intend for his best agent to be sidelined for six months for a minor mistake! I fucked up on my last mission, I get that, but my talents are WASTED here and you and I both know it!"

Another beat of silence, in which Natasha wonders briefly if she got through to the man on the other end of the line. But then…

"The Director has not given me any new orders for you, Agent Romanoff. You are to continue with your current mission. Stay put, keep an eye on Peter Parker during school hours, and do NOT interfere with his operations as Spider-Man."

He doesn't bother with an 'is that understood?' or even waiting for a response. They both know he doesn't have to, if Natasha goes rogue, given her past, the order will be to shoot-on-sight. As the line goes dead, the crimson-haired femme fatale curses up a storm, dragging the comm device out of her ear and tossing it on her desk.

Well… fuck that. Fuck him. Fuck Fury too for that matter. Natasha won't betray SHIELD. She's not going to abandon the organization over a six-month benching that was partially her fault. But if Fury thought he could put her on the bench for six months and not have her stretch her legs a little in the meantime… he had another thing coming.

Licking her lips, Natasha thinks for a moment, and then grabs her things, comm device included, before heading right for the door. She had a night on the town to get ready for.


"D-Don't come any closer, Spider-M-GAH!"

"How's this? Too close? I bet it's too close!"

Natasha lifts an eyebrow as she watches Peter go to town on some would-be bank robbers, complete with quips and banter, to her amazement. Or perhaps she should be calling him 'Spider-Man' right now. He's all dressed up in his costume, and to be perfectly honest… Natasha is impressed. The guy knows how to hide it… what she'd come to view as the 'super-hero physique'. It's been around before enhanced even became a thing, of course, but… well, Spider-Man saw himself as a super-hero, so she figured it worked well enough here.

Regardless, Peter Parker did NOT cut an impressive figure while in school. And while she'd intellectually known from reading his file and the information they had on his exploits as Spider-Man that he was super-strong and super-fast, she'd thought it was some sort of 'hidden beneath the surface' kind of thing. But no, while Peter might not have looked like much, it was suddenly quite obvious to Natasha that he'd been hiding his ripped, muscular figure under loose, baggy clothing for all the time that she'd known him.

Just like she in turn used her beauty to her advantage in hiding just how dangerous she truly was away from her marks. Regardless, right now, here in the middle of the night… they were both being much more honest about themselves. Him as Spider-Man, wearing that tight-fitting costume that shows off just how cut he truly is, and her in her black jumpsuit, with the zipper pulled down enough to show plenty of cleavage, and her ass well-defined by the confining leather.

She was getting exactly what she needed out of this… or at least, she thought she was. Already, Natasha was beginning to feel like she needed… more. As Spider-Man cleans up the thugs down below, webbing them all up to the walls and the ground and then using one of their phones to call the cops on them, Natasha wonders just what she's going to do now… because she's pretty sure she's going to do something… stupid.

Watching Spider-Man climb up the wall and ascend to the roof opposite of where she's currently hidden, Natasha licks her lips… and then moves to follow him. Silent and unseen, the Black Widow creeps along, trailing after the Amazing Spider-Man. He might be stronger and faster than her, but where he has that, she has decades of experience in tracking and stalking her prey.

In the end, she confronts him on another rooftop, when he finally stops and crouches down on a corner like some living gargoyle. He seems almost… irritated that there's no other crime for him to stop. So perhaps she can give him something to take his mind off of things.

"Hello, Spider-Man."

He whirls around, and Natasha has to dodge out of the way as webbing flies through where her hands used to be. If she hadn't moved in time, she would have been stuck to the brick wall behind her. As it is, she's able to avoid his webbing, and when he actually sees her face, he's stops dead in his tracks.

"M-Ms. R-Rushman?!"

Natasha can't help but smile wickedly at that, even as he realizes his mistake a moment later.

"I-I mean, uh… who are you?!"

Lifting an eyebrow, Natasha shakes her head.

"Bit late for that, Peter. But good try."

His shoulders slump, and he groans as he puts his head in his hands. He doesn't remove the mask though. Smart of him not to expose himself, even if she did know his secret identity. People might still be watching who didn't.

"Though I suppose I should be using Spider-Man, right now. That was well done, back there, Spider-Man. You dealt with those thugs pretty handily, you know that?"

"U-Uh… thanks? What's it to you?"

Chuckling, Natasha steps forward, putting a bit of sway into her hips as she walks towards the webslinger. Spider-Man tenses up, but she notes the way that his eyes zero in on her sashaying lower half all the same.

"I know a lot about you, Spider-Man. Like the fact that you have a danger sense, for instance. Tell me, is it going off right now? With me?"

There's a brief pause, and then he manages to tear his gaze off of her hips and look her in the eye.

"Um… sort of?"

That surprises Natasha, she had no intentions of HARMING the Spider… but then he elaborates, and she begins to understand.

"Pretty sure you're not going to hurt me… but you're still dangerous, aren't you? I can tell."

Grinning at the compliment, Natasha continues to make her way forward. To his credit, Spider-Man doesn't stay on the corner of the roof and allow her to back him right up to the edge. He hops down, and approaches her right back, standing there, staring at her. Natasha only notices then that he's pretty tall for his age. Or maybe she's just short.

"You can call me Black Widow. I've been watching you for months now for my employers, but this? This little meeting is just for you and me. You've intrigued me, Spider-Man. I'm curious now…"

Trying to put on a brave front, Spider-Man just cocks his head to the side and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yeah? About what?"

Of course, crossing his arms did him no favors. It made it so he couldn't stop her when she lashed out, lightning fast, and grabbed his groin with her gloved hand.

"Like, for instance, whether the Spider is actually deserving of the -Man at the end of his name. And oh, isn't this lovely…"

Natasha's eyes slowly slide down the length of Spider-Man's costume towards his crotch, as she feels him out. She doesn't let her outright shock show on her face though. Holy SHIT is he well-hung. As far as she knew, spiders weren't known for having big dicks, or anything silly like that. Which meant this was all the human side of him, his cock big enough to be fit for a fucking horse. Okay, perhaps that was just an exaggeration, but still, he was big… REALLY big.

Having froze up with a yelp when she initially grabbed and began molesting him, Spider-Man slowly relaxes in the face of her continued fixation on his cock. And then the banter he'd exhibited in the alley comes out to play.

"Like what you grabbed there, Ms. Black Widow?"

Chuckling throatily, Natasha gives the costumed young man a salacious smile.

"Oh, I think I do… but I'd like it a LOT more if I could see it."

Dropping into a crouch, the crimson-haired femme fatale reaches out and tugs at Spider-Man's waistband, happy to find that his costume ISN'T an adult onesie like it appeared to be at first glance. No, it was two-piece, and that made it all the easier for her to draw his massive, growing erection out from its ever-tightening confines.

His meaty schlong slaps down on Natasha's face and for a moment, all she can do is breath it in as she goes cross-eyed just trying to look at it. Her nostrils flare, and she drinks of Spider-Man's musk.

"O-Oh… now this IS special."

"You just going to gawk at it? Or are you going to gobble me up, Black Widow?"

His teasing tone is as much a surprise as his massive size is. It seems that the young man is VERY adaptable to his circumstances, because he's lost his nervousness in record time. For a moment Natasha considers trying to choke his cock down to retake control of the situation. Despite what most believed, the woman could do a lot during a blowjob to twist the man around her finger.

But most of what Natasha knew… wouldn't exactly work if she was ruining her face choking on a cock as big as Spider-Man's. He'd make a fool of her, or more likely, she'd make a fool of herself like that. So instead, the gorgeous femme fatale pops up out of her crouch and gives Spider-Man a wicked little grin, pulling him along by the black-gloved hand she still has on his cock.

"I've got a better idea, Spider-Man. A much better idea."

Moving over to the brick wall next to roof access, Natasha slides the zipper of her jumpsuit ALL the way down. Then, she shucks it off her shoulders, trying to be slow and sensual, but probably moving a bit faster in anticipation of what is to come. Still, it's fine, because Peter's eyes fixate on her knockers, even as she exposes her navel, and then finally, her dripping wet slit. She's not wearing anything beneath the jumpsuit… she never does.

Grinning wickedly, the red head proceeds to show off just how… FLEXIBLE she can be, pulling one leg up until she's only standing on one foot, and her ankle is right next to her ear, her hand gripping tightly at her calf. With this, her cunt is nice and exposed, with Spider-Man's massive cockhead pointed right at it.

"Well? Are you going to make me wa-oh my fucking GOD!"

Spider-Man cuts her off, the impetuous little brat. He steps right up in the midst of her teasing and shoves his cock right into her. Natasha's eyes widen, and her exclamation leaves her lips before she can truly stop it, even as she has to grab at his shoulder for support immediately. But even once he's inside of her, he doesn't let up. Damn it, she knew his libido would likely be just as crazy as the rest of the young men in class, but this was a bit much.

She was supposed to be in control here. She was supposed to take charge. She was the one seducing him. Oh, fucking Christ that was amazing. Natasha's eyes go crossed again, and she moans wantonly through the small o her pouty lips have formed into as an orgasm is pulled out of her within just a few thrusts. He's deeper inside of her than any man Natasha has ever been with, his cock pushing up against the entrance to her womb almost immediately.

"So, Black Widow? Whatcha think? I earn my '-Man' yet?"

Growling, Natasha gives up on trying to hold her leg up, wrapping her arms around Spider-Man's neck instead. She quickly finds herself wrapping her legs around his waist as well as he rails her up against the wall.

"S-Shut up and keep fucking me, you bastard. Don't you dare stop."

Snickering at her, Spider-Man proceeds to do just that, ramming into Natasha again and again and again, even as the gorgeous femme fatale finds herself in over her head for the first time in her life. And with a brat at that… if this got out, she'd never live it down.


The next day at school, Peter isn't nearly as shy anymore. He gives her a bright sunny smile, which Natasha makes sure to return with a scowl, even as she moves gingerly in her chair… but if anything, that only makes him smile wider still, the little dick. Well, no, now she knew that wasn't very accurate at all. As she gets to her feet and prepares to begin the day's lessons while still very tender and sore down betwixt her thighs, Natasha reflects that Peter isn't very little at all… and she's definitely going to be assigning him detention, the first chance she fucking gets.


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