Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Unimaginable (Sucker for Love)

Unimaginable (Sucker for Love)


Themes: Monster Girls, Threesome, Fat Bastard

Summary: In which Ln'eta and her aunt Nyanlathotep are summoned at the same time by a fat, disgusting slob of a man.


Mere mortal words failed to describe just how powerful Ln’eta and Nyanlathotep were. Even the word ‘gods’ failed to properly encapsulate their majesty. They were Old Ones after all, beings who made entire universes from their dreams. They were living paradoxes, ideas made flesh.
Ln’eta was a destroyer of dimensions. She wiped them out as easily as she woke up. While her body slept, she could exist in her own dreams when summoned by the humans who persisted in her fleeting universes. Despite this, she was also something of an Almighty Idiot. A bit ditzy, and a bit of a bimbo… but still powerful enough to erase entire universes without a single thought.
Meanwhile, Nyanlathotep was made as a living mockery of life’s attempt to understand their existence and the true nature of their universe. She was even more powerful and ancient than her niece Ln’eta and lived to mock sentient life’s struggle to understand just how insignificant they truly were.
Needless to say, when the two Old Ones found themselves summoned at the same time to the same location, it was a little surprising and a little amusing. The fact that either of them was summoned was not all that shocking. Foolish humans tried to call upon them all the time, which almost always ended with the universe in question being wiped out due to their power. The very sight of them was enough to drive puny mortals to madness.
What WAS surprising was that they’d been summoned together, to the same spot. For a human to be THIS foolish was passingly rare… not that it mattered much in the end. All it meant was that it was even more likely this would end the way almost all summoning ended… with the universe in question hosting the summon utterly destroyed.
The two tall, monstrous, and decidedly female old ones turn their head to find that their summoning has been the work of a single human man. An overweight fatso with a big, shit-eating grin on his face that makes his multitude of double chins even more pronounced as he stares at them with (not-literal) stars in his eyes.
The ancient abominations look down on the puny human as Ln’eta leads, her aunt taking the backseat quite willingly in this interaction.
The fatso doesn’t hesitate. His grin only grows wider. He looks at her like Christmas has come early, rather than the End of Time.
“I want to smooch you!”
“… What?”
The two Old Ones are obviously stunned by the simple yet unforeseen request. In their infinite lifespans, there weren’t many ‘firsts’ left to be had. This though? This was one.
Now, it should be explained what Ln’eta and Nyanlathotep both look like in this moment. They tower over the human man of course, both much taller than him. Ln’eta in particular is a curvaceous, female Cthulhu. Her light green skin matches well enough with her pastel pink hair and eyes. She has a pair of large black bat-like wings behind her and wears a black dress that shows off her ample bosom and incredibly wide hips.
On top of that, her mouth is instead a whole bunch of tentacles dangling from her lower face. That alone would probably be enough to offset most men from appreciating the rest of her figure… but as well, she was an Old One. Just the sight of her should have driven most mortals insane.
Nyanlathotep, meanwhile, was an equally curvaceous black void, with cat ears flicking atop her head. Her completely black face is blank save for the exception of a single stylized yellow eye. Her teal hair and teal ears go well with her outfit, which consists of a long white dress alongside accessories such as a large golden necklace, golden heels, and various other pieces of gold jewelry all over her body.
She also has a teal and gold tail with a red bow and golden bell attached to it, but of course, most mortal eyes do not perceive this. In fact, most mortals who have dared to gaze upon her have ripped out their own eyeballs rather than gaze upon her any longer.
This was all to say… both Ln’eta and Nyanlathotep were actually quite sexy in appearance. However, it was not commonly known, simply because whenever they were summoned, they destroyed the universes they were summoned to in short order.
In the face of their disbelief and incredulity, the fat bastard standing before them just beams even harder, looking like the incredibly large cat who caught the canary in its sizable jowls.
“I want to kiss you both!”
He’s staring right at them as he declares this. Nyanlathotep stares back, waiting for him to be driven mad just by looking at them… but instead, she realizes he’s blatantly checking out their chests, their hourglass figures, and their faces as though they’re everything he could have hoped for.
“Tch… why haven’t you gouged your eyes out yet, mortal?! Why have you not gone insane with the knowledge of your own insignificance?!”
Looking at her for a long moment blankly, the fatso finally just sticks a finger in his ear and wiggles it around for a moment before shrugging.
“I dunno! Don’t care either! I just want to kiss the two of you really, really badly! Especially Ln’eta!”
At that, the fat tub of lard smiles at Ln’eta in particular, giving her an exaggerated wink and trying to flirt.
“I knew you were hot from the drawing in the book, but wowzah! You do something new with your tentacles, baby? Because you look great! Especially your tits! Some REAL mountains of madness, am I right?!”
Ln’eta cringes back, shivering for the first time in her eternal existence as she winces at his terrible attempt at seduction.
“Send me back. Please, unsummon me!”
Unfortunately, as creeped out by the weirdo in front of her as she is, the Old One’s begging falls on deaf ears. Neither of them can leave until she’s fulfilled the request. Normally, this wasn’t a problem because the summoner was meant to go crazy at the sight of them, making it easy to manipulate said summoner… if they didn’t expire and thus break the connection right off the bat instead. But instead, their summoner is blatantly staring at their large tits, wide hips, and altogether inhuman faces… and he’s perfectly fine.
Realizing that this wasn’t going to end easily, Nyanlathotep lets out a growl through nonexistent lips.
“Who even are you, mortal?! Who are you to stand before us and not keel over dead?!”
Grinning like a buffoon, the fat ass just waggles his brows.
“That ain’t important. You two… you can call me Darling~”
Of course, being Beings of Ultimate Unfathomable power, they could have easily learned his name… but honestly, neither of them care enough to find out any more about him then they have to. Whining piteously, Ln’eta looks to her aunt.
“Auntie! Make him send me back!”
Nyanlathotep just sighs, crossing her arms under her large breasts and shaking her head.
“This doesn’t have to be a big deal, Ln’eta. The human’s a freak sure, but just kiss him and the request will be fulfilled. Then, we can kill him and this reality and leave.”
“W-What?! But I don’t wanna!”
“Go on, Ln’eta! I don’t like it any more than you do!”
Finally, despite her whining, Ln’eta hangs her head and shuffles forward. Their summoner, Darling, perks up at her approach. The towering green-skinned Cthulhu monster bends down, placing her hands on the human’s shoulders and with the biggest cringe that Nyanlathotep has ever seen on her niece, leans in and presses her squid-like face against his mouth.
The two of them kiss, with Nyanlathotep’s eyes widening as she realizes its Ln’eta’s first kiss… ever. And it’s not exactly chaste either. The pair end up making out, even as Darling’s hands reach up and grope and squeeze the Old One’s large breasts and ass.
Staring at this sight, Nyanlathotep begins to feel… strange. She, like Ln’eta, is a virgin in all things sexual. Neither really had any experience with kisses, romance, or sexual intercourse. Why WOULD they? Sex was a human concept, and they were far above such things, obviously.
However, watching the pair of them kiss… it was making Nyanlathotep feel rather strange. She’d never been hot and bothered before, so she couldn’t put that particular name to this sensation, but in truth, that was exactly what it was.
Meanwhile, Ln’eta had absolutely no idea how to kiss. Instead, she was sort of just stroking Darling’s face with her tentacles, even as his tongue licked the inside of her mouth. It should have been a horrifying experience for the fat tub of lard, but instead he was having the time of his life. And to her shock and stupefaction, so was Ln’eta. She felt… amazing.
Clinging to the man more than she thought she would, the gorgeous eldritch horror lets out her first ever moan right into his lips. Finally, after far longer than would be deemed appropriate even if it was a normal man and woman, the two break apart, the kiss coming to an end.
Darling’s face is covered in saliva as he gives her a wide, wicked grin.
“I’ve loved you ever since I first heard of you, baby. I love being the man of your dreams~”
Blinking her pink eyes rapidly, the Ancient Old One stares down at him, befuddled both by his words AND her own emotions.
“Ah… um… M-Man of my dreams?”
Grinning like he knows something she doesn’t (maybe he does…) Darling bobs his head up and down and chuckles darkly.
“Sure! I mean, our entire reality is just your dream, right? So I’m LITERALLY the man of your dreams.”
For a long moment, Ln’eta has to think about this. Not just because the kiss made her feel things she’s never felt before… but also because she’s sort of a ditzy bimbo to begin with. And yet, in the end though it takes her time to get there, she eventually comes to the same conclusion he did… and realizes he’s right.
Before she even knows what’s happening, she’s leaning in to kiss him again, moaning as she happily makes out with him. For a moment, Darling is surprised by her passion, but then he eagerly kisses her back. Wrapping her arms around his fat body, Ln’eta pulls Darling up off the ground in order to keep kissing him while standing at her full height.
That’s when she feels it. Something hard prodding against her body down below his impressively large gut.
As she’s holding him to her chest, Darling reaches down and unbuckles his belt, unzipping and unbuttoning his pants as well for good measure. Suddenly, that hard poking is no longer confined to his clothing, but out and pushing against her black dress.
Gasping into his lips, Ln’eta lets him down again… and finally gets her first look at her summoner’s dick. It’s massive, and fat, and unwashed. In that moment, something inexplicable and impossible takes place. For the first time and possibly the last time in all of eternity, a mortal man breaks a Great Old One, rather than it being the other way around.
In that instant, Ln’eta goes mad with lust and love at the sight of Darling’s dick. Nyanlathotep nearly does the same, but barely manages to control herself from where she’s watching off to the side, wordless.
As her aunt just stares at the sight, practically catatonic, Ln’eta is quick to pull at her clothes, tearing them off of her body and throwing them away. Revealing her beautiful, green body in all its glory, she poses happily for her Darling as he drools at the sight of her.
“Darling~ Is this what you want… all of me? I’m yours, Darling~”
Nyanlathotep can barely believe what she’s seeing. She was stunned as she watched the two of them kiss, and stunned when the hard, throbbing cock was revealed as well. Now she’s stunned as Ln’eta gently lowers Darling to the ground and without hesitation, drops herself upon his big fat cock. As she begins riding the fat bastard, not even pausing to notice she’s just given up her virginity on the spot, Darling groans and happily fucks her right back.
The two fuck wildly as Nyanlathotep just watches for a few minutes. To her shock and horror, she can feel her pussy quivering and growing wet at the sight, even as Ln’eta squeals her way through orgasm after orgasm, before tossing her head back, her mouth tentacles all raised up and splayed out as she screams.
The cat-like Old One realizes in that moment she’s witnessing the birth of something more horrifying than either she or her niece could ever be. Something absolutely terrible. For the first time in her entire eons of existence, Nyanlathotep feels… fear.
Scared, she wipes out the entire universe in the blink of her single eye to stop the depravity in front of her. She leaves Ln’eta and herself alone in a void of nothingness, the whole of the reality they’d been summoned to destroyed in an instant.
… Save for Darling. The man is still there, fucking up into Ln’eta all the while. The two haven’t even seemed to notice what Nyanlathotep did as they continue fucking. And with literally nothing else to focus on than the loud, wet sex they’re having in front of her, the cat-like Old One can only whimper in sheer disbelief.
“I love you, Darling!”
“And I love you, Ln’eta! You’re so fucking sexy! Fuck yeah!”
Ln’eta lowers her face again, her tentacles stroking his face and body as her massive tits squish against his chest, bouncing with each thrust.
Nyanlathotep is confused for a moment, alongside aroused and scared. Finally though, she realizes what must have happened. Her niece was protecting the human, keeping her from destroying him alongside the rest of reality. That was the only explanation for why the mortal still existed.
To her continually building horror and arousal… her ‘hor-rousal’, one might say, Darling soon cums inside of Ln’eta, prompting one last explosive orgasm from the no longer virgin Old One. As she flops off of the fatso’s dick, there’s an expression of pure bliss on the ditzy bimbo’s face, and literal hearts in her pink eyes. She’s left trembling and happy, even as Darling turns his gaze towards Nyanlathotep and her hor-rousal builds even more.
“My request wasn’t just to have Ln’eta kiss me, you know! You still need to kiss me too!”
Nyanlathotep’s yellow eye narrows balefully at this, even as her body yearns for what he’s demanding. But it’s impossible.
“You can’t kiss me, you idiot! My face is a void of infinite darkness! You-!”
But before she can finish speaking, copies of Ln’eta suddenly grab her from behind, pushing her to her knees and holding her in place as the green-skinned female Cthulhu happily betrays her aunt for her new Darling.
“Pucker up, Auntie Nyan Nyan!”
The fat slob walks forward then, placing his hands on Nyanlathotep’s cheeks without somehow losing them to her void. Then, he leans in and kisses the dark void that is her face… with zero ill-effects.
Her single eye quite literally rolls back into her head as she breaks, finding the messy, sloppy, incredibly one-sided kiss both intoxicating and perfect. Black tentacles slither out of her void to stroke his face, and a black tongue licks against his in response. In that moment, Darling is kissing infinity. Entire worlds go mad with lust from his actions. Wild orgies consume entire nearby universe as the two make out for what might have been an eternity or might have been a minute.
Finally, Darling breaks the kiss, a contemplative look on his face as he shrugs.
“Huh. Ln’eta is definitely the better kisser.”
Nyanlathotep can only kneel there, staring as he returns to Ln’eta. The Old One happily embraces her Darling, kissing him even as a copy of her appears and drops to her hands and knees in order to suck his dick down below, stroking it with her tentacles.
Meanwhile, the cat-eared, cat-tailed Ole One finds herself desperate for his touch.
“W-Wait… p-please… Darling, please give me a-another chance!”
She quickly uses her godlike power to read his mind and find out what he might like in a woman like her. Then, she instantly redefines her entire existence to match his thoughts, not hesitating for even a second. She learns that he likes older women who insult and humiliate themselves for his satisfaction. She learns that he enjoys sexy monster mommies who drive themselves mad by the mere sight of his cock and are overcome with a need to kiss and worship him.
And so… Nyanlathotep begins earning her place at his side, tearing her white dress off of her void-like body and falling back onto her fat ass as she spreads her legs wide.
“Please, Darling! This old, slutty hag needs you! I’m older than the universe, but I’m still nothing but a pathetic virgin! I’m so pathetic and so horny, and I’m begging you, please fuck my cunt and use me like a cum rag!”
Her words have the intended effect. He can’t resist her siren’s call. Pulling out of Ln’eta’s hands, Darling walks over and drops to his knees between Nyanlathotep’s pitch-black legs. A moment later and he’s inside of her. He’s fucking her hard and fast with every inch of his fat bastard’s cock.
Ln’eta watches this not with jealousy, but happiness and a strange sense of pride. She watches as her beloved aunt, the living mockery of the universe’s self-loathing and hatred for all life, is fucked by a small, incredibly fat human in a void of nothingness. He pounds at Nyanlathotep’s cunt for a long while, causing the void-like Old One to climax again and again on his dick. Then, he pulls back and looks to Ln’eta with a big shit-eating grin.
“I want you two to kiss now. Lay on top of her!”
Ln’eta hurries to obey her darling, of course. They moan into one another as their large, chesty forms all but meld together. Their mouth tendrils wrestle like tongues as they mewls and squeal. Meanwhile, Darling fucks both of them as they makeout with one another.
Over the next length of eternity, he fucks both of their pussies and fills them each with his semen as they moan and mewl for their Darling. The two Old Ones have been entirely broken, and now happily adore their Master. Eventually, they create a literal swarm of their own clones, dozens and maybe even hundreds of them all begging for his cock, all horny for him.

They rush him like a mad zombie horde, only to skid to a halt inches from him and drop to their knees, prostrating themselves and submitting themselves to the only human to ever conquer the eldritch itself.
Somewhere between a week and an infinity later, Darling finds himself ruling an entire multiverse of women. Not boring human women of course, but trillions and trillions of clones of both Nyanlathotep and Ln’eta.
In the moment, he’s currently making out with the original Ln’eta, who’s decidedly pregnant… with more clones of herself that she will happily give birth to so that he can fuck them and they can repeat the process into infinity.
Nyanlathotep is in a similar position, the original bobbing her head up and down on her Darling’s big fat cock as several of her copies put on a show.
“Nya-Nya! I’m the slutty cougar cat girl, Auntie Nyan Nyan! Please Master, won’t you give this old whore some of your cum? I’ll happily be your exclusive slut!”
That declaration comes from one posing in a catgirl outfit. Meanwhile…
“I’m slutty MILF Nyan Nyan! I love young, human cocks! C’mere stud and give me another pounding! Show this old hag how young studs fuck!”
Another cries out while wearing a schoolgirl outfit far too small for her.
And those are just two of a multitude of clones, all happily humiliating themselves in unique and exciting ways for their Darling. As the slutty copies all go on and on, Darling lets out a loud groan and finally cums in Nyanlathotep’s mouth, cumming into the infinite void that is her body and filling it with infinite semen. She rises up and shares a kiss with Ln’eta, letting some of the infinite seem fill her niece’s eagerly waiting mouth while Darling sits back and thinks.
“Hm… you know, I remember another sexy mommy I read about. Do either of you happen to know a Rhok’zan?”
Pulling apart, the two Old Ones exchange a glance before Nyanlathotep slowly nods.
“Darling… do you mean Rhok’zan the Black Goat, the All-Mother, Mother of a Thousand?”
Ln’eta, meanwhile, transmits an image of what this third Old One looks like right into his head. She’s a four-eyed woman with a goat-like appearance… but also the same big tits and curvaceous sexy body that she and her aunt are sporting. Another sexy monster MILF to be subjugated and driven mad with lust and love for his dick.
Grinning wickedly, the fat tub of lard that Nyanlathotep and Ln’eta will do anything for at this point just nods his head.
“That’s her! Heh, looks like I’ll be adding another slut to my harem soon enough…”
Hearing this, Ln’eta and Nyanlathotep both cum where they stand… and that orgasm rings out through a multitude of dimensions as trillions of lesser sexy monster sluts also climax in that moment. They were, all of them, creatures of madness and insanity… but their Darling was a Man of Lust.
Needless to say, they never stood a chance.


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