Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Unusual Punishment (StarCraft II)

Unusual Punishment (StarCraft II)

A/N: Unusual Punishment was a commissioned one shot originally written back in February of 2020. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Nova Terra wakes up inside of a Zerg Structure with no memory of how she got there. Without the time to consider why she's not restrained or imprisoned, she finds what gear she can and tries her best to escape.

Themes: Alien Sex, Breeding, Mind Break


With a sharp flare of her nostrils and an intake of oxygen, November "Nova" Terra comes awake, sitting up and assessing her surroundings with the single-minded focus and intensity of a training professional. She was after all a Ghost, one of the Dominion's best Operatives. Unfortunately, it looked like she was also completely and utterly screwed.

She was inside of a Zerg structure, and while the moment that she saw her surroundings, Nova put herself under a psionic cloak, she couldn't help but feel like the damage was already done. Or maybe it wasn't? How had she gotten here? Where were the Zerg? Why wasn't she dead yet? The walls, the floor, the ceiling… all of it was made out of the Zerg's biomaterial 'creep'. There was not a single inch of actual ground or even metal around her, telling Nova that this probably wasn't some Terran Facility taken over by the Zerg… hell, it might not even be on planet.

And yet, as she keeps looking around, she does notice some Terran supplies. Equipment cases line the room she's awoken in, and Nova springs to her feet, hurrying over to them. The first one contains food, but even as her stomach growls hungrily, she doesn't dare eat it. It might be infected by the Zerg… in fact, it was almost certainly infected by the Zerg.

She didn't begin to know why she wasn't already infected herself, but she certainly wasn't going to risk it now, not when it looked like she might have a chance to actually get out of here. All she had to do was find some gear she could actually use, and it might be possible for her to bust out of this place, in the end.

It's on the fifth crate that Nova hits the jackpot. Pulling out a high-tech sniper rifle and enough ammo to take down a small army, the otherwise composed blonde allows herself a small smile. Only a small smile though, no exclamation, no quiet words of excitement. No, she couldn't afford to give her position away yet. Somehow the Zerg didn't seem to know she was here, or else she would have been restrained much more securely, rather than waking up in a storage room with all the equipment she could need.

The blonde psionic finds armor in the next crate, and after getting it on hastily and finding it to be only a size to small, she grimaces before deciding it's time to get out of here. Of course, if she wasn't on planet but was instead in one of the Zerg's living spaceships, she was thoroughly screwed. But she had to move forward with the belief that she was simply in one of their structures, and that she could get away from their field of influence and find a place of relative safety to hole up before looking for help.

This was not going to be the end of Nova Terra. She refused to allow that. Of course, by the time she's fully kitted out and properly geared up, the psionic's energy levels are dangerously low, forcing her to end her cloak for the time being. If she didn't recharge her psionic powers, then she would get caught out while scouting her situation, and that would definitely be the end of her.

However, the instant Nova ends the cloak is the instant she hears the telltale screeching and chittering of Zerglings. Eyes widening, the Ghost immediately primes her sniper rifle and moves into a darkened corner of the storage room, just in time to watch as several Zerglings enter the space. At their back follows a bigger Zergling then Nova has ever seen before, some new mutation she suspects, one that makes it much more dangerous, and from the looks of things, likely faster as well.

The problem is her psionic energy is still dangerously low. She could reactivate her cloak and hope they leave before she runs out of power, but then all she'll have to rely upon is her sniper rifle and her wits if they don't depart. Or… she could fight now and use the element of surprise while she still has it. Needless to say, Nova chooses the latter.

With a quick movement, the best Ghost the Dominion has ever produced sets her sniper rifle on the box in front of her, lines down the sights, and blows off the head of the first Zergling to enter the storage room. As soon as she does so, she activates her cloak, only for about three seconds as she sprints to a new spot from which to fire from.

This proves to be very smart, because in two seconds the Zerglings are swarming the spot she'd been previously, bounding over crates and sending stacks flying all over the place in the process as they claw and tear at where she'd been standing. Nova is already in a new position though, and at the end of that three second beat, she once again drops her cloak and fires into the Zerglings, taking out two this time with a truly amazing shot that goes right through both of their heads.

Needless to say, she can't stay in the storage room forever. In the end, she's forced to flee down the halls, fighting as she goes, using her psionic energy sparingly and her ammo more liberally as she plays a running game of chicken with the Zerglings on her tail. They seem almost endless, but Nova is a tenacious woman to be sure, and she refuses to give up, refuses to surrender. She's not going to become another Kerrigan… or rather, she's not going to let herself fall into Kerrigan's hands.

Because Nova knows what Kerrigan must feel towards her, right now. After all, it was Nova Terra who'd captured the man that Sarah Kerrigan loved, even as the Queen of Blades. It was she who'd brought Jim Raynor in, putting him in the custody of the Dominion and effectively breaking Kerrigan's morality chain at the same time, leading to the Queen of the Zerg going on a rampage of revenge.

Was that what this was all about? Was this Kerrigan's revenge? But then, why was she free to act? Why was she being allowed a chance to escape? If she'd been captured, why was she not held fast and being tortured or corrupted by the Zerg? Unfortunately, Nova, as brilliant as she was, didn't really have the ability to focus on these sorts of questions at the moment. She was a little busy trying to stay ahead of the Zerglings still hot on her tail.

And for a time, that's exactly what the Ghost is able to do. She leads the Zerg hunting her down on a merry chase through the structure, all while her psionic powers are stretched to their limits, and her supply of ammo is dwindling further and further. By the time she breaks out of a hallway and onto an empty hangar deck… she's already running on fumes.

Which is why the sight of empty, open space before her sends Nova crashing to her knees in despair. She's ran all the way here, only to find herself staring out at a vast opening that shows the fact she's definitely not in just any Zerg structure… she's on a Leviathan, and that Leviathan is currently traveling in space. The hangar she finds herself in still has oxygen, somehow. Something is keeping the vacuum of space from sucking her and any other living things out, despite it looking like an almost yawning chasm.

She's tempted to run forward and leap out into that chasm all the same, allowing herself to actually be sucked into space and giving herself the sweet embrace of death. She's very tempted, and even though Nova very much wants to live and is in no way suicidal, she begins to push herself up off of her knees, getting a foot under herself as she prepares to lunge forward and try to end it all.

But before she can, a Zergling, one of the much larger ones, crashes into her from behind, knocking her sniper rifle from her grasp and driving her into the spongey organic 'floor' of the Leviathan beneath her, drawing a cry of pain from the normally composed Ghost's lips as she's pinned face down. She doesn't know what to expect as the next moment seems to draw out for eternity. Capture, perhaps? Death? One of the two, certainly. This is either where she dies, or where she's dragged back kicking and screaming deeper into the belly of this Leviathan, for untold tortures to be done to her.

Instead, what Nova gets is the sudden sensation of being cut at, but not actually harmed, and also the sudden sensation of air flowing over her more sensitive, more intimate body parts. The Raptor Zergling on top of her has gone ahead and removed her armor with its claws without so much as harming a hair on her body beyond some light scratches. He's torn her bodysuit in very certain places as well, leaving Nova wide-eyed and struggling to look back behind her when she feels something extremely phallic but also extremely alien in shape sliding up along her undercarriage and grinding against her now naked pussy lips.

"W-What are you doing?! Don't-!"

She never gets to finish her sentence, however, because the next thing the blonde Ghost knows, she's being raped by a Zergling. It's cock is massive and ridged and also covered in small spikes that rake across her insides every time it pulls out. When it does pull out that first time, an involuntary cry of pain leaves Nova's lips, even as tears well up in her eyes. She holds it in a bit better after that, managing to clamp down on her voice and hold back the tears, but the pain is still there, as the massive Zergling begins to ravage her on the spot, and not in the way she was expecting. There's no ripping and tearing and shredding like so many of her brethren have experienced.

The worst fate a Ghost could experience was running out of cloak and being swarmed by Zerglings. Nova had watched it happen to so many of her kin in the past. Well, it was the worst fate one could experience before Kerrigan, she supposed. If only her fellow Ghost had simply been torn to shreds like the others, rather than taken and turned into the Queen of Blades they were dealing with today.

But never ever had Nova heard about Zerglings with… amorous intent. Never had she heard reports of Zerglings fucking captured women, raping them like she was being raped now. This… this was personal. This was Kerrigan, punishing her, wasn't it?

That thought lasts for only a little while longer before Nova isn't able to do much thinking at all, having to effectively retreat deep into her own subconscious to keep from utterly shattering as the first Zergling finishes inside of her, bloating her belly and spilling Zerg seed deep in her womb… only to in turn be replaced by another Zergling.

This one is smaller then the last, not being of the Raptor strain of Zergling Mutations, but it's still bigger than Nova herself, and it's alien cock is still just as painful as the one before it. Face down, ass up, arguably the greatest Ghost that the Dominion has ever trained is mercilessly and incessantly gang raped by Zergling after Zergling.

She's not entirely present for most of it, her eyes glassed over and her mind having retreated to a safe space to try and keep intact. But that doesn't stop the Zerglings from using her until her body gives out as well, her eyes eventually fully rolling back in her head and Nova passing out entirely from the pain and agony… and even some pleasure.

Not that she would ever admit it, but eventually the fluids do lube her up enough that the last few goes before her body just can't keep up anymore are… they actually feel good. Of course, by that time she's fully retreated into the back of her mind in order to protect herself, so one could argue that it's not Nova Terra cumming around Zergling cock, but merely her body actively orgasming as she's gang raped by Zerg after Zerg.

Either way, it ends with Nova passing out, unable to keep up, unable to hold on any longer. Her consciousness leaves her, both a sweet relief and a horror, given what might be done to her while she's gone from the world. The last thought that passes through her mind though is a bit of a consolation. What more CAN be done to her that could be worse than this?

Another thought passes through her head at this point, not entirely Nova's own. It's still a female's voice though, and it's slightly familiar, but Nova can't place it in her current state as all sense is finally leaving her. It's only three words anyways, in the end. Three chilling words, if Nova were in any state to be chilled by them.

What more indeed?


Nova awakens with a start, coming up off of her back immediately, even as a dawning sense of horror fills her at the realization, she's surrounded by Zerg creep. This is a Zerg Structure she's in right now, and if she doesn't get out of it as fast as she possibly can, she knows that death or worse awaits her. How she got here and why she's not restrained or held prisoner will just have to wait.

Hopping to her feet, the blonde Ghost quickly clocks the crates and boxes of Terran supplies filling the room. Hurrying over to them, she pops them open, one after the other. She lucks out on the third, her green eyes widening in pleasant surprise at the sight of a sniper rifle and more than enough ammo to hopefully get her out of here laid within.

Armor can be found in the next crate, and Nova hurries to equip herself, knowing for a fact that she can't have much time. It's only after she's done all this that she realizes she could have and should have cloaked herself from the very beginning to avoid detection for as long as possible. With that realization, the blonde Ghost freezes for a moment before actively applying her cloak.

She was slipping, had to be. Why else would she forget such a crucial thing? Regardless, as a result of Nova's negligence, her psionic cloak is still at full charge when she hears the chittering of Zerglings. So, knowing that she can't possibly beat them all, and having a different option available to her… wait, different? Shaking her head clear of the foggy feeling of déjà vu, Nova purses her lips together and narrows her eyes.

Focus up, Terra. You can't afford to be spacey here and now. Not that Nova Terra, arguably the greatest Ghost that the Dominion had ever produced, was ever in any way 'spacey'. Something was wrong, that much Nova was sure of, but she didn't have the time or space to properly assess the situation, not when she was dealing with a much more eminent threat right in front of her.

It's entirely nerve wracking and utterly heart stopping, sneaking past the Zerglings that have invaded the cargohold she woke up in, especially the massive Raptor Zergling leading the pack. But Nova manages it all the same, her psionic energy down to about half by the time she's able to escape the room undetected and put the pack of Zerglings behind her.

Creeping down the hall, sniper rifle in hands, the blonde Ghost grits her teeth, finally having a moment to think. She could only hope she was on an actual planet, possibly deep within a Zerg Hatchery. Not the best situation to be in, sure, but better than the alternative. The alternative being that this was a Leviathan, and said Leviathan was currently in space.

She had no way of telling, for the moment. It wasn't like a biological creature like a Zerg Leviathan was in any way the same as a Terran Spaceship. At the end of the day, the tell tale hum, the feeling of being in motion that came with being on a Battlecruiser or something similar… it wasn't really replicated within the belly of a Leviathan.

But that was the worst case scenario, and she needed to stop dwelling on it. What were the chances she would wake up unbound and unfettered in the belly of a Leviathan flying through space, after all? It just didn't make sense. She was going to be fine, she just had to make her way out of this structure before she ran out of psionic energy.

Unfortunately, that doesn't happen. Nova searches for an exit to no avail, and eventually her cloak begins to fail her as she starts running on fumes. Gritting her teeth and clutching her snipe rifle ever closer, the blonde Ghost tries to find a spot to hunker down… but as feared, the moment that her cloak finally comes to an end, there's the tell tale chittering of Zerglings coming her way, and Nova is forced to fight and flee at the same time.

Luckily, it's not the entirety of the pack that she'd seen back in the storage room. No, that would be certain death, especially with that Raptor Zergling leading them. Instead, it's a smaller group, only three of them, and while Nova has to engage in running combat to avoid being pinned down and eaten in a violent, messy manner, she manages to put three high velocity rounds through their skulls, killing each of them with one shot apiece.

Still, their death cries only cause more screeching to sound out elsewhere in the structure, forcing Nova to keep running and not giving her even a single instant to enjoy her small victory. In the end, with the Zerglings just around the corner and right on her tail, Nova is forced to take a detour, shooting through a doorway and hiding behind the wall there.

It works, surprisingly enough, all of the Zerglings zipping right past. Not a single one dares to enter the room she's currently in, not even for so much as a sniff to see if it can scent her. And given how she's completely out of psionic energy at this point and breathing heavily, sweating buckets, they certainly would have found her if they'd stopped to check.

As it stands, Nova finds out why they didn't a moment later, when a low 'kekeke' fills the room and causes her head to whip around from watching the Zerglings run past. What she finds causes her green eyes to widen in shock, even as her reflexes try to have her bringing up her sniper rifle in time. But the massive, hulking Hydralisk that she's inadvertently trapped herself with is already upon her, its claws slashing the sniper rifle right out of her hands.

Nova shouts, an involuntary exclamation that would have probably brought the Zerglings back, if they weren't too wary of the Hydralisk to intrude upon the superior Zerg's domain. As it stands, all the tapped Ghost can do is bring her arms up in front of her, crossing them over her head and flinching back as the Hydralisk's claws descend upon her.

She fully expects to be painting the wall of biomatter behind her red an instant later, likely feeding the Zerg Structure with her blood and viscera and everything else that the Hydralisk was about to rip out of her in the process of tearing her to shreds. She expects pain and hopes for a quick demise to follow… but what she gets is something else.

Her arms are batted away rather than simply torn asunder like they should be, by all rights. And then the Hydralisk brings his claws down on the front of her lightly armored stealth suit and rather than ripping her guts out… he simply tears the suit itself in twain, exposing her body without applying more than light cuts to her personage. Her perfectly perky breasts bounce free of their confines before settling, the round orbs as gorgeous as ever. Meanwhile, the rest of her front, from her abdomen to her navel to even her cunt, is equally exposed.

Nova opens her eyes to this particular revelation, blinking down stupidly at her current state of undress for a moment, not quite sure why she isn't just plain DEAD yet. It's because she's looking down at herself however, that she gets a nice, full-on view of the Hydralisk's massive phallus, slowly unsheathing and pointing directly up at her. The giant Zerg kekeke's some more, even as it looms over her, its intentions absurd… but at the same time obvious.

"N-No… NO! G-Get that thing away from me!"

Where the sudden weakness comes from, Nova couldn't say. All she knows is that she's terrified, disgusted, horrified… and maybe just a little aroused by the thought of this Hydralisk raping her. Unfortunately, the beleaguered Ghost reacts to this particular revelation too late. She goes to run, only for the Hydralisk's claws to scoop her up, still surprisingly gentle even as they grip her firmly, not slicing through her body, but certainly threatening to slice through her body.

The hulking Zerg lines its big fat alien dick up with Nova's cunt, her legs forced apart as the huge phallus slides between her thighs. She wiggles and squirms but is ever aware of the claws mere centimeters away from disemboweling her if she fights too hard, if she resists and struggles too much. And despite her current circumstances… Nova doesn't want to die.

A moment later, she almost wishes she did, because the Hydralisk is inside of her between that moment and the next, punching up into her cunt with a massive member that's too big and too alien for her human pussy to handle. And yet, handle it she does, no matter how much she wishes she wasn't. The Hydralisk uses his gentle but firm grip on her midsection to slide her up and down his length most aggressively, while at the same time thrusting up into her most violently.

His prick, ridged and spiked, is exceedingly painful on Nova's insides… but also feels strangely good, as well. In fact, all of the pain is beginning to feel pleasurable to the blonde Ghost, to her shock and dismay and self-disgust. She's never been masochistic before. The Ghost Program tended to train most of your sexual drive out of you. Especially kinks like submission or masochism that might make you a liability in their line of work.

And yet, it feels good getting fucked by a Hydralisk. And yet, she's stopped fighting back and is all but submitting to the creature, and along with the agony has come ecstasy. Even as tears stream down her face, her green eyes watery, Nova is crying out in a forced, reluctant, and entirely unwanted orgasm, her body shuddering in momentary bliss before the pain is fully back at the forefront.

This continues for quite some time, until eventually Nova blacks out. But before that happens, the Hydralisk cums inside of her three times. It fucks her through more orgasms than she can count. It uses her like some tissue for its own pleasure and doesn't stop until it's satisfied, not seeming to care one bit about her own feelings in the matter. Nova has never felt more humiliated, or degraded, or broken.

It's a relief, when she finally loses consciousness.


As Nova is raped into blacking out yet again, the Queen of Blades smiles. It's not a nice smile, not at all, even as Kerrigan's yellow eyes glow with purple psionic power, the Zerg Queen watching her precious child teach that blonde bitch her place yet again. After what Nova had done to her and Jim, no fate was too terrible for the blonde. No, Kerrigan was certain that she would never forgive her.

Already though, Nova was beginning to fray, that much was obvious. How many times had the Queen of Blades ran the blonde Ghost through this same scenario? Each time tended to end the same, though always with small differences at least, and sometimes with nice big differences, like a change in which type of Zerg ended up raping the blonde bitch into oblivion.

She'd heard that Nova Terra was the best of the best. Back when she'd been a Ghost, Sarah Kerrigan had certainly never been given any sort of accolade like that. Perhaps that's why she was left behind, in the end. Perhaps she just… wasn't good enough. But no matter. As the Queen of Blades, Kerrigan answered to no one and nothing, and she never would again. The Dominion would burn for what it'd done to her… and Nova would suffer for similar crimes.

The blonde would likely break permanently, if she knew just how many times, she'd awoken in that storage room. But truth be told… the suffering that Kerrigan was planning to inflict upon Nova was just getting started.

As that ominous thought flashes through her head, there's a light tug at her leg, and Kerrigan looks down, something of a kinder smile, a more tender smile spreading across her face as her attention is diverted down to the green-eyed Zergling-Human Hybrid currently attempting to use her in order to stand up. It looks up at her with those big green eyes and Kerrigan can't help but smile wider still.

A fond chuckle leaves the Queen of Blade's throat as she runs her claws through the head tendrils atop the hybrid's head.

Yes… she really was just getting started.


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