Canon Fodder



“Fuck,” I mumbled as I read it again. 

Hunter x Hunter Quest 2:

Become a Floor Master in Heaven's Arena





I had forgotten I needed a quest to add an ability to my Status Screen. Then yet another Challenger Skill Slot to be able to use it permanently. It had been 2 weeks of hard word to be able to call upon my Nen and focus it wherever I wanted.  

Qiress had pushed her own Nen into my body, forcing my life force nodes open. This created a shroud around my body that was my lifeforce escaping. This shroud was called an aura. I then had to focus it to keep my life force from leaking out continuously. That had been a very nerve racking hour. In the manga, Gon and Killua had done it easily. Me? I had too much going on. 

Chakra was centered on my body and traveled throughout via Pathways. My Haki was the reservoir that held that chakra. Who the hell knew where my quirks were located? It took me time to realize that my Nen was actually in every part of my body all at once. My life force was the collective life force of my bones, organs, teeth, cells, and mitochondria…the powerhouse of the cells. All of it added up, and when my pores were opened, all of them were leaking the power out. 

It took me time to focus and force it to an aura around my body. After that I was expected to pull it in completely, basically turning it off. Then I had to be able to call it out again without leakage. It was a tough process but I managed. After that I was directed to force it into different parts of my body, specifically my hands and eyes. 

Channeling Nen into a glass of water it took time but it was proven that I had Enhancement, like Qiress guessed. The water increased in volume with my Nen during the Water Divination Test. I was a little annoyed that Qiress was correct, but then I thought about it more. If my Nen could increase the amount of water from a divination test, what could it do with the water made by my chakra? Could I create a little bit of water-chakra, then use Nen to create a huge amount. It was worth looking into later. 

My new teacher had me continue to channel Nen into water over and over. After a week she tested me and I was able to make a huge amount, much like Gon had. By that point she declared I understood Nen well enough to pass my final Hunter Exam test. I was a full-fledged Hunter and she would let the Association know. 

By that point Kiri and I were on the same step of the process. She was of the Manipulation persuasion. Able to control animate and inanimate objects she had a lot of potential. Jill was able to use Nen well enough to take the initial test and turned out to have Conjuration. Able to create objects from her aura. Qiress was actually excited to train them. Both were more likely to become Specialists than I was, and were the exact type that she preferred to train. 

After passing the Nen test the new quest had appeared. I was currently at 5 wins on the 200th floor. I had been ready to jump worlds, but now I needed to become a Floor Master. That sounded a little permanent. I wasn’t sure if that was what I wanted. I knew there was a Heaven’s Arena made for TV movie for HxH, but I had never watched it. 

So I started taking challenges again. More earnest with them I was soon fighting one person every few days between practicing my Nen. Able to shroud myself in Nen now, I wasn’t affected by the fear the Nen users were able to expel. I was also able to focus the Nen in my eyes to use Gyo, which allowed me to see what my challengers were doing. 

My 6th fight I almost lost. It was against a Conjurer. He made multiple blades and was able to attack quite skillfully from afar. Controlling them like puppet strings he was able to keep me at bay at all times. That was the point I started to be able to sense Nen with my Haki. The people themselves were still blind to me because they used Zetsu to eliminate life force from leaking out of them. But weapons and other items controlled by Nen were becoming visible to me. I guessed it was either practice or having learned Gyo, but it was truly needed. 

While using Gyo and ObservationHaki I was able to get close to the challenger and win the fight. Knocking him out of the ring with a blow that caused him to spit up blood. I still hadn’t mastered using Nen in my fist to strengthen it further, but I was getting there. 

Daily I practiced all of my skills. Trying to combine them to make the ultimate punch as All-For-One had. Utilizing Armament Haki, chakra in my limbs, pushing heat energy through my knuckles, using Nen, and trying to keep my anger boiling to the top for my Berserker Mode, was taxing to say the least. Despite the hundreds of hours I had trained, I still wasn’t a master of it all. 

But I continued on. The next 3 fights weren’t as bad. One was an Enhancer and we duked it out with our fists. Another was an Emitter. Able to emit his aura in a huge wave it was a lot like Chi from DBZ. The last was a Manipulator that summoned puppets like Kankuro from Naruto. Real battle experience was helping me toward the ultimate punch and I was getting better at it everyday.

That’s when Hisoka showed up. The face painted magician found me in the halls of the Arena. His constant smile on his face I immediately forced my Nen out. Shrouding myself to keep the immense fear he was able to cause in me to subside. 

“Finally,” Hisoka said. “You are worth fighting seriously.” That was all it took, and he became my 10th and final match before the Floor Master. 

“What a day folks,” the female announcer said over the microphone. “We have been able to watch the meteoric rise of the up and comer. Weston. In probably the shortest amount of time it has taken anyone to gain 9 wins in the history of the Tower, we also get to see him go up against Hisoka. Hisoka has quite the record of victory as well. With a current win/lose ratio of 8 to 3. The only 3 matches he has lost were ones he didn’t show up for. This may very well be a battle of 2 men that cannot lose.” 

People cheered loudly from the stands. It was jam-packed with bystanders. It was rare for fighters to gain 10 wins. I had heard that there was quite the crowd arriving in the last few days and I had been bumped up to a much larger suite. Not that I stayed there much since Qiress’ rooms were so large. 

“The fight will be the first to 10 points or death,” the referee announced from the sidelines. “Clean hits award 1 point, strong blows award 2. Fighters ready?” Hisoka and I nodded. “Begin.” 

I started by creating 3 shadow clones. The area around us turned into smoke causing Hisoka to hesitate. Plenty of cards in his hand he couldn’t sense me with my Zetsu up, but he could sense the clones. They were pure chakra, no life force in them. His cards thrown he stabbed through 2. The spare and myself were unhurt as we ran forward. 

I hadn’t used shadow clones once since coming there, but I wanted to win this. Hisoka threw 2 more cards as he jumped back, but again he missed. Using Gyo I watched his Nen to make sure he didn’t attach any Bungee Gum to me. When I was close I created a small amount of water-chakra then poured Nen into it. Making it increase in volume in a huge amount. 

I was a step away when I blasted Hisoka with the wave of water like a cannon. He tried to jump but was thrown back. The water went for the stands but then I raised it up, making the hand seals to form it into a dragon as Yamato had taught me. The water arced upward, pushing Hisoka into the concrete ceiling. 

The water began to rain down as the powerful dragon continued to push into him. When it finished, Hisoka dropped down from the ceiling but caught himself. Drenched from head to toe he finally frowned. 

“Can you believe it?!” The announcer yelled. “Weston created some type of water deity. Something we haven’t seen ever before. Hisoka doesn’t look too happy about it. Let’s see how he counterattacks.” 

“2-0,” the referee announced. I guessed my blow counted as a strong one. 

I jumped back as Hisoka jumped back up to the arena floor. “You have gotten stronger,” Hisoka said. “I am glad I let you live now.” His smile back on I prepared for my next hit. Hisoka jumped for me and I met him half way. Pulling the water of his body to me he and I met blow for blow. Nen on my fists I was finally able to match him in strength. My skull rattling with every hit we went through a free-for-all punching frenzy. 

I had seen arms get blown off from punches in HxH. I made sure to charge each area I was hit with Armament Haki. Not used to Nen, it was my only defense, but worked almost as well. I moved back into the zone as we fought once more. A continuation of our fights during the Hunter Exam, I knew his moves as well as he knew mine. 

Punching and kicking in a flurry I could feel the air whipping around us as we continued to move faster. More and more power with each. I had to drop my Gyo as we fought. So close, it didn’t matter if he used Bungee Gum. His fingernails scratched my chest, my fist bruised his gut, my kick caused a cut to form on his face, his pointy shoe stabbed into my thigh.

All pain was forgotten as we continued to fight. Acting and reacting as my body moved on instinct. I pulled a huge amount of heat from my left hand, causing his side to freeze up and turn black, then the other hand seared his clothes, causing it to catch on fire. He finally jumped back trying to put out the fire as I sent another wave of water at him. Extinguishing the flame it also threw him to the side. I leapt forward, kicking him in the gut and causing him to fly out of the arena once more. 

“8-5, Weston in the lead,” the referee announced. The crowd roared, the announcer announced, I breathed in and out heavily. Dizzy from the fight I was struggling to keep it all going. However, this was what I needed. True battle experience. With my life on the line. Bleeding from a dozen cuts the referee counted to 5 before Hisoka jumped back in. 

“This is…so exciting,” Hisoka hissed. Wiping some blood running down his cheeks. “You Weston, are worthy of my attention. Let’s see what you can do next?” With that he raised his hands and I moved Nen into my eyes, activating Gyo. That’s when I noticed all the Bungee Gum threads on me.

There were over a dozen, 2 on each limb and multiple on my chest, I had underestimated him. As my foe’s hands raised, so did I. Lifted upward by the invisible strings I pulled at him with my water chakra, but his feet dug into the concrete, affixing him to the ground. 

“Let’s see what you can do now!” Hisoka laughed and I was thrown to the ground. I forced Haki into my legs, barely bringing it up in time. I landed with the weight of what felt like a few tons on my back. My arms dislocated as they were pulled down by the puppet strings. I groaned but gritted my teeth. The fight was now 8-7 as I was raised up once more. Hisoka had been pushed into a corner which was good, but I needed something to get out of this situation. 

My mind raced as I was raised up and up. Higher in the air this time Hisoka had a wide grin. I didn’t think this would kill me, but I wanted to win. Multiple scenarios played through my mind. The only thing I could think of was going to hurt. 

As Hisoka forced me down I was able to move my hands enough to grab my Reject Dials. Tossing them to the ground I moved my feet to land on them both. Immediately my momentum was absorbed. I bounced on both, and the strength of 10 times the force was reflected back onto me. My body was thrown up and the Nen Bungee Gum of Hisoka’s was broken. He had stiffened it to force me down. The Nen breaking I was propelled up to the ceiling. Moving my body to land on my feet I jumped down with all I had. 

Moving right for Hisoka the man didn’t have time to react as my arm drew back and I connected with his face. His head twisted and body was thrown to the ground. Busting the concrete as his body bounced up. I fell to the ground in immense pain. My arm broken and dislocated I had been lucky it moved at all. 

Laying next to Hisoka, the magician didn’t get up as the referee announced, “10-9, Weston wins!” The crowd roared as medics were brought out. They were nice enough to pull me away from Hisoka so he didn’t go on a rampage or something when he came to. It was only a few minutes before he got up. 

My arm splinted and shoulders popped back into place he had his creepy smile back on his face. “That was…fun,” he said. “I look forward to the next time.” With that the man walked away as a shiver went up my spine. Hisoka would come back stronger next time. I had to be ready for him. 

“You’re a fucking idiot,” Qiress grumbled as she rode on top of me. “2 weeks since your fight with Hisoka, and you challenge a floor boss. You know your arm had barely healed, right?” My arm had healed a little after 9 days. A clean break, I had been lucky. Taking on the Floor Master had been less scary than Hisoka.

The Master was the one for the 231st Floor. A short man that looked more like a bug than a person, he had used Conjuration and Transmutation to make fire somehow. He was able to burn everything in the ring. Except me of course. I had actually done some research on the Floor Masters. Though his fire had been strong, my cooling and water ability were stronger. Assuring me of victory. 

“I don’t like idle time,” I said as she started to cum again. Her perfect body pressing against mine she took a break as I moved her hips into me over and over. Nails raking across my back, she moaned in delight as every other thrust sent a huge amount of pleasure throughout her body. 

I sped up again and was soon cumming deep inside her. The woman roared in my ear as our chakras reacted. Her body convulsing and cunt squeezing me, I released large spurts of cum into her. When I finished we breathed in and out heavily as her body shivered again. 

“This is cheating,” she decided on. “Your powers are too good.” 

“You’re cheating yourself if you don’t cheat,” I said, kissing her thick lips. She rolled her eyes and reciprocated the kiss, but was then moving off. 

“Somebody else take him. I need to practice.” The older woman threw a robe on over her shoulders and walked to the balcony. I looked over to Jill and Kiri.

Our situation had been awkward at first. When Qiress met Jill and Kiri it was right to Nen training. We had stayed in our suite the first few nights, until Qiress stopped fighting it. Making a pass at me it wasn’t long until we were fucking again. Both Jill and Kiri had been unsure what to do. Qiress was still stronger than all of us, but the older woman simply wanted a good romp now and then. 

That now and then had quickly turned into daily, and after a heated foursome where we stayed the night and defiled the room, the Floor Master told us to just stay there. Teaching the 3 of us Nen daily, she had treated it like a business transaction. When she got in the mood she would push me down and I would fuck her until I unloaded in her. Kiri and Jill had been hesitant, but were soon back to taking their own turns. My Lust Aura helping them become horny, they would get back in the mood and we were soon continuing our relationship with me in the middle. 

Our outings had turned into Nen practice, but Jill was more than happy to train for hours on end. Becoming stronger daily she was almost to the 200th Floor. Kiri was already there and had almost won her first match, but the guy pulled a trick and knocked her out. Much to her disappointment. Either way we were all becoming stronger. 

Now that I was a Floor Master I had completed my quest. Nen was now part of my Status Screen and I could use it in other worlds. I was still far away from my ultimate punch, but I was getting stronger, day by day. Practice was the only thing I could do. 

HxH still had plenty of foes to face. People that could be impossibly strong. But I had finished my objective. Unsure if or when I would come back, I decided that I had to give the girls some proper attention. Chakra pouring out of me I fucked Jill hard as I made out with Kiri. My much smaller girl was as fine as always with more women around. Kiri was getting better about not being so embarrassed, and Qiress was strong enough to not really care. 

Cumming into her hard my first friend in the world accepted everything with a smile. Kiri was then taking her turn. Humping her from the back I pushed her into the deep cushions of the sofa pits. Making them dirty once more as liquids gushed out of her. The butler wasn’t my biggest fan, but I didn’t much care. Now that I was a Floor Master I would be getting my own butler and residence soon enough. 

When both girls were good and exhausted we laid there, staring up at the ceiling. Content as could be, I knew my time was up. “World Escape.” 

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