Canon Fodder



“After what you told me, we talked to the Princess,” Jimbei admitted. “She backed up your claim and we sent people to arrest Hody Jones. We didn’t capture him until a few months ago. Then a few days ago human pirates were being thrown into the palace. They took it over. Freed Hody, then threatened Shirahoshi to marry Vander Decken.” 

It was pissing me off that he kept calling the guy Hody. Had I remembered the name wrong? Or was it another bad translation from the manga I read? Jimbei hadn’t corrected me before, so I assumed I had been right. I left it alone for now.  

It was the day after our fight with Hordy/Hody Jones and the other fishman. We were at the Royal palace having a feast with the thankful king and his sons. Luffy wasn’t listening of course. Simply chowing down as they continued to fill his plate with large sea kings grilled up for him. 

“And they kicked your ass, Jimbei? I thought Hody was some punk?” I asked. 

“He was using a dangerous drug, and they caught me off guard,” the fishman admitted. “I didn’t expect any of this to happen. That damn Vander Decken threw those human pirates at Shirahoshi. Then the pirates allowed Hody’s henchmen inside the palace.”

“We do thank you again,” King Neptune said. He was a jolly man with a big red beard. I liked the pushover king. 

“Where is Princess Shirahoshi anyway?” Sanji asked. “She was as beautiful as I had heard.”

“Still quite shaken up about the whole ordeal, I’m afraid,” the king admitted. 

“Why was that Hody Jones guy doing all this anyway?” Robin asked. 

“It started some time ago,” Jimbei said. “There was a famous fishman by the name Fisher Tiger…” he started explaining the whole backstory. I rolled my eyes, having read it all before. This was one of the few backstories I bothered reading and I regretted it. 

Fisher Tiger was a famous fishman that had been captured by the Tenryuubito. Made into a slave he started a revolt freeing hundreds of human and fishman slaves, my wife included. So I had major props for the guy. I just didn’t want to hear his life story again. 

Fisher Tiger then made a pirate crew. Jimbei had quit his day job as a royal guard to join up. They then traveled around the world freeing slaves, fighting marines, and even befriending a human. Then Fisher Tiger was betrayed by humans and killed. 

All the while the queen of the fishmen, Otohime, was trying to collect signatures from fishmen to try to join the world government, so their island wouldn’t be so lawless. She got most of the signatures but they were burned and she was killed by Hody Jones, while he blamed it on a gullible human. Shirahoshi knew because she watched it happen, or a shark did, I couldn’t remember. Either way she kept it a secret, instilling more hate for humans. 

Now I hoped that things were better. Luffy and Jimbei didn’t get to share blood or whatever, but us humans saved the day at least. That should have been good enough.  

I eyed Robin and Nami. Both were engrossed in the story. Moving under the table I made a shadow clone and forced him to sit through the tale while I draped myself in chakra and ran off. 

Sticking to the corridors filled with air I wandered around the castle a little as I tried to find my way to Shirahoshi. Since I’d met her my quirk told me just where to look. It took time but I eventually found the crying princess in her tower.   

The brick stonework was still littered with weapons embedded in them. Some of many Vander Decken had thrown at her over the years. The huge axes had words like ‘Marry me’ ‘why are you ignoring me’ and other such things written on them. I was glad he’d lost his arm and was hopefully trapped for good in the dungeon. 

“Why are you in here?” I asked the princess as I walked in. The giant mermaid turned to face me. Tears streaming down her face as she tried to wipe them away. 

“It’s you,” she said. “You promised to come see me.” I cursed inwardly. I’d forgotten that my clone started chatting her up while he sat on her lap and watched me fight my way through the crowd of fishmen. My clones were too much like me. Having hit on the beautiful girl he had made more than a few promises. 

“I did,” I said slowly. “Why did you want to see me?”

“I’ve heard that you’re a ninja,” Shirahoshi said. “I-I want to go somewhere. Somewhere I’ve always wanted. Can your powers help me?”

I remembered where she wanted to go then. “Why not just go? Vander Decken is captured.”

“I’m still a princess,” she said hesitantly. “I want to go without all the guards.”

I let out a sigh. “Fine, is now okay?” She wiped her eyes again, sitting up straighter as she nodded. She really was beautiful. Long pink hair, a large rack, easily the biggest I’ve seen…but also a fishtail for a lower half. 

I wanted her for myself, but all I could picture was the conundrum from Futurama. When Fry tried to lay with a mermaid it hadn’t gone how he wanted and he had to give up on the dream. There were no sex organs that matched up. The fact that she was a giant didn’t bother me. I could figure that out in the future. It was the fact that she was part fish. 

Disappointed that this probably wouldn’t lead anywhere I still wanted to be nice to the girl. She had a hard life all because of a stalker. I’d do what I could for her. Making a hand seal I poured a huge amount of chakra into her. Smoke billowed out and her body changed drastically. 

“What did you do?” She asked as she moved to a mirror. Staring back at her was the face of King Neptune. 

“I made you look like your dad. It’s just temporary though,” I reminded. 

“It’s so real,” she said, feeling her face. “Are you magic?”

“…basically,” I said. “My secret ninja arts. As him, you should be able to travel a little more freely.”

“Do you think it will work?” She giggled, in a much better mood. 

“No giggling. Make your voice deeper,” I reminded. 

“Like this?” She asked in a lower tone. 

“Better. Now give orders like him,” I said. 

“Get out of my way! I’m the king!” She yelled. 

“I doubt he’s ever said that. But it’s worth a shot. Let’s go,” I said. She started giggling again as we snuck out. With me leading I used Haki to sense ahead. Making sure no one was coming our way I moved us through the halls. The small me and the giant figure of the king trying to hide behind me as we moved. It was rather comical and fun. 

When people got too close I draped us in darkness chakra. She risked confronting 2 cooks as the king. Giggling as she gave them orders. Then they were running off to do what he/she asked. We eventually got to the exit only to be found out by Robin and Nami. 

“What the hell are you doing?” The girls asked as they studied me. 

“How’d you know it wasn’t me?” I asked. 

“This Link of yours,” Robin reminded, pointing to my crotch. I cursed inwardly. I was going to have to remember that for the future. “Who did you make up as the king?”

“The princess. We are making a break for it,” I said. 

“Don’t tell anyone,” the Princess pleaded as the king. “I want to go to my mother’s grave.”

Robin and Nami shared a look but decided to help out. Robin got us a ship and Nami was soon driving it as we left the palace. Dressing me and the girls up like guards no one questioned us as we went to the lower Fishman Island. 

Shirahoshi directed us where to go as I released the transformation on her. “Thanks for this,” she whispered. “I’ve been so lonely since my friend Megalo disappeared.” 

I knew that was her shark pet or something. I thought the Straw Hats were supposed to save him, although I couldn’t remember how. I hoped I didn’t cause the thing to be killed accidentally. 

“No problem. You’ve had a hard life, Shirahoshi,” I said as I leaned back in the large seat next to her. “What will you do now?” 

“What do you mean? I just want to see my mother’s grave for the first time.”

“After this I mean. You aren’t at risk for being attacked. Are you going to do what your mother did? Try to get your people to join the rest of the world?” 

“I don’t know, what should I do?” She asked seriously. 

“Whatever you want,” I said. “It’s a big world out there. Maybe start your own pirate crew and-“

“Don’t do that,” Robin cut in. “You’re still 16. Do what your dad tells you. And don’t listen to this idiot.”

“Idiot?!” I yelled. “You’re sleeping with this idiot, you know.”

“Oh I know,” Robin said with a slight smile. “So don’t think we don’t know why you’re sneaking off with a princess during a dinner party.” 

“What?” I asked unashamedly. “I am a perfect gentleman. How dare you accuse me of being anything but.”

“Whatever, you damn pervy sweet talker,” Nami said as she leisurely drove the boat. “Don’t trust this guy, Princess. He’s worse than any other ladies man.”

“Worse? Why?”

“Because you succeed,” she laughed. “But we are onto you. Don’t think you’ll be sweet talking anyone else while we are around.”

“You 2 sure liked it when I brought someone else along,” I grumbled. “I guess you don’t want this ring I got you.”

“What?!” Nami yelled as she turned to face me. The boat veering off course as she did. 

I pulled the huge ring from behind my back. It was the one Vander Decken was going to give Shirahoshi. “It’s gigantic. But I thought it was the perfect size for your greedy head.” I stuck my tongue out as I tossed it to her. 

“That’s my ring,” Shirahoshi mumbled. 

“You weren’t going to marry the guy anyway,” Nami said, eyeing the large diamond that made her eyes sparkle. She looped her arm into the band humming happily as she corrected course and continued on. Her hand idly moving along the giant diamond as she drove. 

“Where’s my ring?” Robin asked, almost offended. 

I realized my mistake, this could have been easily misconstrued as an engagement ring. Hancock had been very adamant that only she would be my wife and have my kids. I was starting to worry about these 2 again. Then again she told me to be a pirate. It was on her if I was a greedy pirate. 

“You can grow so many hands my dear, I wasn’t sure how many to get you,” I said. 

“1 is fine…for now,” Robin assured. I laughed, nodding as Nami landed the boat. We got out to find we were at the far edge of Fishman Island near a forest. At one edge was a very obvious poneglyph that drew Robin's gaze and she was soon running off to it. 

What surprised me was there was a fishwoman next to it. One I recognized. She was a black and white orca fishwoman. The very person that said she would never set foot on the island again. 

“Angiea! What the hell are you doing here?!” I asked as I ran up to her. Shirahoshi was already moving off into the forest close by. Nami followed me. 

“Weston, I hear you and yours are to thank for saving my home,” the older woman said. 

“We helped a little,” I said, grabbing her thick ink-black arms. “What are you doing? You said you wouldn’t come.”

“Some sea kings told me bad stuff was going on here. Guess I couldn’t ignore it,” she said. “Besides, I wanted to see if you’d make it.”

“I did. Just barely in time too,” I admitted. “Jimbei’s here. I could introduce you.” I raised and lowered my eyebrows suggestively. She blushed…I thought, it was hard to tell with her face. 

“Shut it,” she growled. “No, I’m gonna head back home now.”

“But you just got here. What about your sister? There’s gotta be more people you want to see,” I said. 

“Not for me,” she said. “But I’m glad I saw you.”

“You can’t leave like that, a fight then, like old times,” I said. 

“It’s been 6 weeks,” she said. But I could see she was smiling. 

“Perfect,” I said. “Oh right, Nami, this is the lady that kicked my ass for 2 years. Angiea, this is my girlfriend Nami. There’s Robin too…but she is in her own little world.” The dark haired beauty was focused on the poneglyph sitting out in the open.  

“So good to meet you,” Nami said, shaking her hand. “Did you make him cry a lot?”

“Yep,” Angiea growled. “And piss blood.”

“Don’t remind me,” I said, my hand moving to my groin. I had thought Evey was ruthless. Angiea was a hell of a lot worse. 

“You’re my hero,” Nami said. 

“That’s the last time I make you cry tears of joy,” I hissed. 

“I-I was joking,” Nami said innocently. 

“Yeah, yeah, let’s do this,” I said, stepping away. For 2 years I doubted I ever really beat Angiea in a fight. I had spent weeks in One Punch Man, but more importantly HxH. Hisoka had taught me how to fight on instinct. It was time to show Angiea I wasn’t all strong moves. I actually knew what I was doing. 

We separated and faced one another. Then we were attacking. The air crackled with energy as we punched one another. She got me in the face while I got her in her arm. Growling I absorbed the blow and kicked her knees out from under her. 

Only using physical strength I showed that I hadn’t been slacking on my style. I could feel my hardened skin do wonders as I absorbed another hit only to kick her across the face. 

Blood was spit out and I accepted the short victory as she coated her arm in Haki and chopped me hard in the neck. I almost passed out but gritted my teeth. My hand glowing red with heat she dodged back as we danced to our song. 

It was nostalgic to attack and be hit by her. For so many months it had been she and I. The hateful fishwoman and the lovable human. She never asked about my life outside and I never asked about her past. We were there to fight it out. Having our own weird conversation of physical blows as we spent day and night trying to beat the other up. 

Granted she succeeded a hell of a lot more than I did. But I gave as good as I got…now and then. I planned to make this time one of those. Punching, slashing, hitting, and grunting as we went on, the fight continued for an hour as the ground around us was torn up. 

Midway through Angiea gave me a smile. Pleased with my progress it was all I needed to know I was doing better than last time. Bringing my all to the fight she dodged bullets, and ground breaking Nen hits, letting only the weaker blows meet her thick rubbery hide. 

We eventually took a break, breathing heavily as we stared at one another when we noticed a few people watching us. Shirahoshi had joined back up with us, but also a merfolk that I didn’t know. She had long black hair and the tail of a shark. 

“Shyarly,” Angiea said, annoyance in her voice. 

“I saw that you would be here, but I didn’t believe it,” the woman said. I realized that it was Angiea’s estranged sister. She was some kind of seer. “Sorry to interrupt your bout.”

“Don’t be, kid proved himself,” Angiea said. I felt my chest swell with pride. “What do you want?”

“I want to talk to you,” Shyarly said. “The princess has a special power we need your help to awaken.”

“Power?” Shirahoshi asked nervously. 

“Yes, we should discuss elsewhere,” Shyarly said, eyeing Nami, Robin, and I. Angiea frowned but then walked over to them. 

“Power? What’s up?” Nami asked. 

“Remember how I said she could talk to sea kings. Angiea can kind of do that too. I’m sure it’s concerning that,” I said. 

“Ah, I read in the poneglyph about a weapon called Poseidon. Do you think it’s related?” Robin asked. 

“Could be,” I said as my legs became wobbly and I sat down. 

“You 2 really went all out,” Nami said. “You did that for 2 years?” 

“Mostly. It was more 1 sided at the start…and the middle…and kind of the end,” I admitted. 

“Jeez, maybe I had it a little easy,” she admitted. I chuckled but pulled up my quest. 

One Piece Quest 10: Complete

Defeat Hordy Jones and Vander Decken

Save the Fishman Royal Family


60,000,000 Berries

Bonus Upgrade

I felt better having fought Angiea again. Like maybe I stood a chance in One Piece now. Before I wasn’t so sure. But whatever I had learned in HxH had helped me. I now felt ready to take it a step further. After upgrading my Psychic Resistance to Minor Psychic Resistance I brought up my shop. 

Reviewing all the Devil fruits one more time I clicked the button for the Tremor Devil Fruit. My stores of Berries dropped from 207 million to 7 million berries as the fruit appeared in my lap. It was pear shaped, blue with swirls around it. I had never seen a devil fruit in person, each was supposed to be unique. But I knew they all had the swirls around them. 

“Where the hell did you get that?” Nami asked as her eyes bulged. 

“Been saving it up,” I said, picking up the fruit. 

“Are you going to eat it?” Robin asked, she too was very surprised. 

“I’m thinking about it,” I said. 

“Is that…a devil fruit?” Nami asked, reaching out. I handed it to her. 

“It is…I found it floating out in the ocean.”

“We should sell it,” Nami said. “They’re worth a lot.”

“This one’s special,” I said. “It is the same fruit that Whitebeard ate.”

“What?!” Robin asked. “The Tremor Devil Fruit?” I nodded. “He was known as the strongest man in the world because of it.”

“Exactly,” I said. “So let me ask you, Nami, my love.” She looked up from the fruit to me. “Do you want to be the strongest woman in the world? Or want to date the strongest man in the world?”

“What? Why are you asking me?”

“Because I want to know if you want to eat it,” I offered. “If you don’t. I plan to.”

She hesitated for a moment. Licking her lips as she studied it. Then slowly passed it back to me. “I like to be able to swim.”

I chuckled. “Me too. But I think I can still manage despite a fruit,” I said, taking it back from her. 

“You and your cheat powers,” she mumbled. “Can’t believe you’re going to eat a real devil fruit.”

“Me either to be honest,” I said as my heart pounded in my chest. “Hope this works.” I eyed the girls. Neither moved to stop me. I took a bite and munched on the fruit. Honestly it tasted like crap. Very unappetizing as I took bite after bite. When I finished it I didn’t feel any changes. 

My status screen didn’t have the devil fruit on the skills list, so I needed a quest to get it there to use in the other Manga Rooms. I brought up my Weakness Eliminator and used it on my body. 

Please choose which (1) weakness to eliminate.


Empathic Psychic Link (3)

Bodily Impurities

Devil Fruit Lock

Hydrostatic Weakness

Chakra Impurities

Energy Transference Weakness

Haki Impurities


“Holy shit,” I mumbled. 

“What?” Nami asked. “Feel any different?” 

“I think,” I lied. “Just give me a second.” I read the list over. I had a hell of a lot more weaknesses than I thought. I knew about the Empathic Psychic Link from Berserker Mode. I hadn’t felt the draw as much when I was in different versions of me, only when I was in the Junction Hallway. 

Bodily Impurities sounded like some cultivation trope, but I guessed it was real. Devil Fruit Lock was probably what made it so you could only have 1 devil fruit power. If I could get rid of that I could potentially have more. Hydrostatic Weakness must have been the weakness to water. The others were less confusing. 

Chakra Impurities sounded important to get rid of, the same for Haki Impurities. I also wanted to get rid of the Energy Transference Weakness. That had to be related to my Give and Take Quirk. That would really help me out if I didn’t have to stop the energy in my body, or wasn’t weak to it. 

But for now I needed to be able to swim. I touched Hydrostatic Weakness and pulled out my Seastone Jitte. Touching the cool blue stone I didn’t feel anything.

“Perfect,” I said. 

“Seriously, you’re fine?” Robin asked, annoyed. “How?” 

“A skill. Let me practice it and maybe I can teach you someday,” I lied. I wanted a hell of a lot more Weakness Eliminators. She tsked but nodded. “Let’s not tell anyone I ate that fruit for now. I would like to figure it out.” 

“Fine with me,” Nami said. “You’re a freak with your skills anyway.” 

“Thank you my dear, your words warm my heart,” I said, kissing her cheek. I turned to the 3 fishwomen talking in whispered tones. “Sex?” I asked the 2 of them. 

“Here?” Robin asked, biting her lip. 

“We could,” I said, leaning closer to her. “Out in the open, for the whole ocean to see.”

“You know what gets me wet,” Robin said, causing me to bark a laugh and the merwomen to look our way. 

“Ugh, I hate you 2,” Nami said. 

“You’re just as horny,” I said. 

“Yeah, but I at least know we should do that sort of thing inside,” Nami mumbled. 

“We can go inside your mind,” I offered taking out my necklace. Robin and Nami shared a look then shrugged. We were soon in my Makuramoto exploring one another. I couldn’t help but wonder how my new devil fruit worked. Tremor sounded quite interesting, could I use it in the bedroom somehow? 

Robin and Nami had their clothes off and were jumping me then. I pushed that thought away for now as we kissed and they began to cum. 

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