Canon Fodder



“You know quite a bit,” Obito said as he stared at me. Then his eyes were drawn to Kakashi. “Hello Kakashi.”

“I don’t believe it,” Kakashi said. “I saw you die.” 

“You did,” Obito said. “But nothing lasts forever, not even death.” Putting his mask back on he looked to the other Kage’s gathered around. “It is so good to meet all of you at least. For so many years I had hoped this day would come to fruition. And now we are all gathered together.” 

“I’m already sick of this! Give B back!” The Raikage roared. Moving through the table as if it wasn’t there he pushed through and attacked Obito. His fist went right through Obito as if he wasn’t there. 

The room went into pandemonium after that. Sasuke pulled out his lightning coated sword. Kakashi jumped forward, blocking him. Then Mei Terumi caught my eye. She had rage filling her vision as she focused on me. The Mizukage moved to attack, but not the enemies, she moved for me. 

“Fuck!” I spat pulling the Chikyugi Necklace out of thin air. As soon as it cleared the status screen she made the mistake of looking at the heart. She was in my Makuramoto instantly. Time moved at about 1 second in the outside world to almost a day inside my Genjutsu. I doubted I had long until one of her comrades forced chakra into her, releasing her from it. 

“This isn’t the time, Mei!” I yelled as I appeared in the pillow room. 

She sneered at me. “You bastard! How dare you!” She yelled as she dived at me. I dodged her easily, the place was in my mind, but as I thought on it, I decided to let her expend her rage. I let her hit me. I was thrown into the wall, hitting it with an oompf. She hesitated but moved toward me again. Hitting me over and over in the gut I wasn’t taking any real damage but I pretended to. 

She kicked and hit me for all she had. I followed her movements, making the appropriate noises, hoping that she would tire herself out mentally, but she didn’t stop. After a good 10 minutes I had had enough. Chains snaked out of the ground, latching onto her wrists and ankles. I pulled them taut and the fiery woman screamed at me. Her rage filled eyes were still focused on me. 

“I’m sorry!” I yelled, trying to break her out of it. “I didn’t want to leave you. But I had a mission.” 

“You fucking lied to me!” She said, spitting at me. I made the spit disappear with a thought. “I worried over you for months. And I come to find out you were playing house back in Konoha!” 

“Playing house?!” I yelled. “I have been working my ass off since I left you! Do you have any idea what I’ve been doing?! Growing stronger. All to kill Akatsuki. The very people trying to take over the world. Right outside there is a much bigger fight going on!”

“Fuck the world,” she spat. “You used me for some sick game? Then leave me a note? A fucking note?!” 

“I wasn’t even supposed to do that!” I said, growing exasperated. “I was supposed to fake my fucking death. Leave you to thinking I died back there!” 

“Why the hell did you leave the note then?!” 

“Because I fucking love you!” I said. “Goddammit Mei. I like you. Do you really think I faked all that between you and I? I can act, but I’m not that good of an actor. Do you seriously believe I jumped in front of a poisoned blade that nearly killed me because I was ordered to? Fuck no. I didn’t want to see you get hurt. Mei, I am sorry for the world we live in. But I did what I did for my village. But I also did what I did for you.”

She had calmed down slightly as I spoke. Her nostrils still flaring I struggled to come up with what to say next. 

“So you’re a ninja?” She asked through gritted teeth. “Why the absolute hell were you sent to me?” 

“Akatsuki,” I lied. “We heard that they originated in your land. We had to find out.” 

“And what have you been doing for the last year?” She asked. Her throat constricting as if she was struggling not to yell at me. 

“Digging into Akatsuki and training,” I said. The chains disappeared from her arms and legs. She didn’t make a move for me, but I knew she could at any moment. “Akatsuki is trying to take over the world. And they have a plan that could actually work. I have been-” 

“I could give a flying piss about this Red Cloud,” she said, stepping forward to push her chest into me. In more of a threatening way than a sexual, I struggled not to step back. “You played with me. You said you would contact me in a year. Well that has gone and passed. And when my own people tell me you showed up in Konoha. You were seen all over other women.” 

“Oh,” I said slowly as I took a step back. “I um have a history with them.” She stepped forward, I took another step back. “I swear there is more to the story there.” I continued moving back until she had me against the wall. “Don’t y-”

“We almost had a daughter,” she said, cutting me off. My mind slowly understood her words. 

“Almost?” I asked, numb as the words processed through my mind. I didn’t have condoms back then and I was pretty sure we had been relying on the pull-out method and teas. 

“I didn’t know about her. I was attacked once more, and nearly died. When I came to she had…passed.” There were tears in her eyes as she spoke. Holding back the anger and grief as it leaked from her Spiritual Energy.  

I was at a loss for words. Back in the day I had thought I was immune to such events. After Hancock I thought I was in the clear, but Mei and I had been hot and heavy for a while there. 

“Before you I had thought that I needed a child,” she said. “I have dealt with that pain. That loss. All on my own, and have decided I am done. I no longer need a man in my life. So send me out of here.” 

“No,” I said, firmly. 

“Do it, or I will kill you when Ao breaks me out,” she said, her eyes cold. 

“No. Fuck that. You’re mine Mei, no one else’s. You think I don’t know you weren’t faking either,” I said. Grabbing her shoulders she tried to pry herself away, but I held onto her. “You and I have something, Mei. And I for one was looking forward to showing you the real me.” Her clothes disappeared, revealing her perfect breasts. She didn’t react outwardly. 

“1 miscarriage and you’re done?” I asked, taking a step forward. She allowed me to lead, her eyes staring at me almost bored. “That’s fucking life. A shit show where one bad thing after another happens. That’s when you pick up the pieces, and keep going. Do you really want this to be over with?” I pushed her lightly making her fall to a large pillow. Caught off guard for a moment she sat back up and stared daggers at me. 

My first wife had a miscarriage once. It was when we were older, and had been an accident child. She cried just as much for the child she never met than she would have for any of them. It took time for her to recover. But we got through it. Since I wasn’t the best at words, there was only 1 option I knew of to help Mei forget. 

I was upon her. My clothes still on as I stopped my face an inch from hers. “If you really want to be done, I will send you out of her. I won’t force you, Mei. I know how much you don’t like that. But I am far stronger than you know. I will kill Ao if he makes a move for me. Then we will have this conversation in the real world. Over and over until you listen to me. You became mine a long time ago, Mei. Don’t fight it now. I will quit being a ninja after this fight with Akatsuki is over. I will mourn with you what was lost, and we will continue on. If you want kids, thats fine with me. We will go again and again. I’ll be there to protect you myself to make sure nothing happens to you. So quit with the games. Admit that you still want me as much as I want you.” 

She sneered and grabbed my head, pulling me into her. We were soon kissing deeply as her naked body wrapped around me. I released some chakra into her, making her pant and grow more heated. The sneer turning into an O-face as she remembered what I could do to her. 

Back in the day I was only able to give her a little of my Lust. In fear she would suspect something was up. As I explored her she gasped as she came. Her voice scratching in my ear as she held onto me for dear life. 

When she finished she pushed me away. “I fucking love you too,” she rasped. 

“I know,” I said as my clothes disappeared. My large dick slid into her and it was home. Mei had been one of my favorite lovers. Always up for anything, she was an animal in bed. My own personal cougar that was one of the strongest people in the world. Now I was able to show her my true power as I pounded into her. 

She came with every thrust. Unsure what was going on she accepted it as liquid poured out of her pussy and my large dick forced it’s way into her tight cunt. 

“I missed you so much!” She cried out. 

I buried myself in her, making my dick pulse as she moaned. “I missed you. I’m sorry that I worried you.”

“Talk later,” she ordered as she tightened herself. I laughed but nodded as I started up again. A life or death struggle going on outside we ignored it all as we made love. 

“Cum in me!” She ordered. I sped up. Kissing her deeply as I did so. My fake chakra coated cum forcing her to cry out she scratched my chest as I filled her up. But she wasn’t done. Rolling us over she got on top, controlling the movement. I sucked on her now larger breasts. Thankful no milk was coming out. 

I had forgotten she had a larger clit in my time away. Playing with it made her cry out and squirt on me. My chakra coated dick and hands sending her off the deep end as she convulsed. Cumming harder than ever she still continued on. Desperate to feel me as we became a grunting mess in the pillow room. 

It took hours for her to calm down. We had done every position we could think of as she went far past her body's limits in my mental room. It wasn’t until even her imaginary pussy was too sore to continue that she finally laid down. My rock hard dick inside of her she sighed while laying on my chest. Happy to smell in the scent of me. 

“I am sorry,” Mei said.

“For what?” 

“I understand that we do what we must for our villages. Me becoming angry at you for something I would have done for my village is childish,” she said. My hand moved to begin stroking her hair.

“I am the one that is sorry. You shouldn’t have had to feel like nothing was safe. I didn’t tell anyone any of your personal secrets if that helps.” 

She scoffed. “Not really. What did you get from me?” 

“Not much. You didn’t let me handle documents at the start, which was a good call. Just some ciphers you had laying around, and maybe a few names of spies of your own,” I said. 

She let out a sigh. “I hate this world. I wish this game of the Kages was over and done with. This stupid fighting is useless.”

“I agree,” I said. “It is dumb. But that’s the very reason for Akatsuki.” 

“Akatsuki-Akatsuki-Akatsuki,” she said annoyed. “I am so sick of hearing about them. “

“You’re right,” I said. “Tell me about what you’ve been up to.” 

I could feel her smile on my chest. “I looked for you of course. Not believing the letter. But I trusted you would be back.” She let out a shuddering breath. “The nobles who tried to kill me before almost succeeded. I didn’t know I was pregnant…it happened 8 months ago”

“I’m sorry.” 

“Me too,” she said sadly. 

“What would you have named her?” I asked.

“I didn-”

“You did. It’s fine,” I said. All women did. 

“Mai,” she admitted, some sadness back in her voice. 

“Cute name. I’m sure she would have been beautiful,” I said. I was doing my best to let my anger go. “Should we try again?” She looked up at me. “Having a kid?” 

“I…don’t know,” she admitted. “It was so hard to move past. I had wanted it for so long and…” 

“It’s fine,” I said. “We will figure it out.” She quieted as I continued to run my hand through her hair. 

“Tell me your story,” she said eventually. “The truth.” So I talked. Starting at the beginning it took time. She didn’t believe me about the Lust Element. Mei had thought that I was simply making her feel that way because we were in a Genjutsu. I promised to show her the real thing later. We moved on and I told her everything. I felt it was only fair since I knew so much about her and I had spied on her. 

“So you have Reina, Hina, and Shinju. Then you are also engaged to the Hyuga heir,” she said, her face still hidden by the top of her head. 

“She isn’t the heir any longer. But she has a strong Byakugan. My family wanted to know if my Chikyugi and the Byakugan could mix in some way,” I said. 

“It’s doubtful. That sort of thing has been tried in the past,” she said, but dropped it. “And that blonde in the meeting?” 

“Ah, Temuri, the Kazekage’s sister, she and I have a history. I met her back during the Chunin Exam,” I said. 

“You’re shameless,” Mei grumbled. “How many is enough for you?” 

“I have no idea,” I said. “I’d prefer to get you all in a room and find out.” 

“You know I could kill you, right?” She asked. 

“You could kill the Weston from 1 year ago,” I said. “I have been training, Mei. I am not the same as I used to be.” She looked up at me with that. Her eyes sparkling she bit her lip as she stared down at me. Leaning forward she kissed my lips. 

“Why must I love you?” 

“No idea, but I promise it’s worth it,” I said.

Mei let out another giggle. Like a young school girl, she was a different person than had entered the Makuramoto with me. 

“Then what is your plan?” She asked. 


“For the future?” She asked. “You have supposedly been tracking down this Akatsuki group for years. What happens after that?”

I considered what to tell her. The truth was doing well for me so far, so I decided to stick with it. “A friend of mine wants to become Hokage. It’s his dream to be acknowledged by the village. My father wants me to take over the family business,” I said. “Me? I think those aspirations are too little. I plan to take over the world.” 

“What?” She asked as she sat up. My eyes drawn to her tits she lifted my chin to look at her. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, that this stupid village system is broken. Not the villages themselves. But choosing your leader because they’re the strongest? That only breeds more fighting. You become the strongest because you are willing to fight. When that’s the only thing you’ve known, how are you supposed to come up with diplomatic solutions?” 

“How would you do it?” She asked, intrigued. 

“I would start with a joint force,” I said. “Like this summit here. A group of people from each village that are trained to handle large risks like Akatsuki. Perhaps those entrusted as Jinchurikis. Then I would start a university. One where all knowledge is shared. A center for higher learning where all villages are welcome. Then as time went on, and potentially less wars would happen, there would be more scholars than ninjas. In an ideal world there would be no need for them, but we don’t live in an ideal world so I am sure it would take time. But while those were set up we would work on treaties. Perhaps hold tournaments between ninjas, fostering more trust between the villages. I’d call it the Olympics. That would allow people to show of their strength and skills. From there? With less money spent on the ninja budget. I would help foster the growth of the joint army. Eventually creating the United Lands. Kages could govern their own land. But above them would be someone that would handle a joint army that could be used against outside forces, or as a threat to those in the villages if they tried to attack one another.” 

“That’s a mighty big goal. And you want to be this head person?” She asked. 

“Perhaps me, perhaps you,” I said. “I don’t really care. But we have crazy people trying to end the fighting. Willing to literally make everyone sleep the rest of their lives away until we all die of old age and there is no more fighting because there is no one left.” 

“What?!” She asked. 

“That’s the goal of Akatsuki,” I said. “Something I was planning on presenting, but someone decided attacking me was more important.” Mei blushed, but not too much. She appeared happy with the outcome. 

We made love again, this time slow and methodical, but Ao was getting closer to her on the outside. Eventually I had to put it to an end. “Time to go, my love,” I said as we finished. 

Mei frowned but nodded. “Fine, but we are not done talking,” she said. I nodded and pulled us away. 

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