Canon Fodder



My conversation with Mei and Hinata moved long into the night. By the end Hinata was lost but more herself as she asked us questions. Mei had to get back to her room eventually. She was disappointed there was no sex, but Hinata still wasn’t ready for a step like that. I had completed my quest so I accepted my Bonus Reward. 

Naruto Quest 12: Complete

Help the Kage's agree to an alliance.



Smooth Tongue


Tsunade wanted to leave early the next day, only to find that Sakura could not be located. Annoyed by her, it was easy enough for me to find her. Kakashi and I ran off together to get our scatter brained teammate. Kakashi didn’t question how I knew where to find her. A quick lie about jutsus was good enough for most people. 

We ran through the woods, Sakura straight ahead. I didn't think there was anything odd about the situation until we came upon the scene of Sasuke and Sakura staring at one another. 

Kakashi didn’t hesitate. Running out he moved into the clearing stopping away from the bridge-crossed lovers. I didn’t think they were worthy of being called star-crossed and they were currently on a bridge, so it fit. I moved to near Kakashi, annoyed by this new drama. 

“What’s going on?” Kakashi asked, his voice tense. 

“Sakura was just telling me how much she wanted to go with me,” Sasuke said. A bored look on his face. “Even willing to go against the Leaf for it.” I could feel the pain from Sakura as he said the words. My anger took over. 

“Goddammit,” I said, my anger flaring. “What the fuck is your problem?!” I yelled at Sasuke. My voice echoing in the ravine we were overtop, I ignored the stare from the others and stepped up. 

“What are you trying to do?! Trick her to hate you? Like your brother did?!” I roared. “Sasuke you’re a fucking joke. I heard about your fight with Itachi. What’s sad. He went easy on you. He wanted you to win. And you have the nerve to act all high and mighty? Fuck this and fuck you.”

I channeled chakra, haki, nen, heat, and my Tremor fruit into my fist. My fist glowing red I leapt forward. He dodged just barely but the force made his face ripple. The vibration from my Tremor pushed into his cheek, making his teeth chatter. My next blow didn’t miss. I hit him squarely in the stomach. 

Spitting up blood he was thrown back into the wall of the ravine. His body cratering into the rock I didn’t hesitate to keep it going. Hitting him again, this time he burst into smoke as I connected with a clone. I didn’t miss him in his escape though. Grabbing onto his leg as he tried to dodge in the smoke I crushed his ankle with a jerk of my hand. 

“I fucking said-“ I said through gritted teeth, my anger only growing. “I’d kick your ass!” I threw him back into the rock wall. His body hit it hard. His mind dazed, I still didn’t look into his eyes. 

Hitting him again, this time with just Nen and Haki, it still did a lot of damage. His bones straining under the force I was finally getting a chance to say my peace. 

“You Uchiha and your stupid fucking eyes. They aren’t shit!” I said, hitting him again. This time in the nuts. I felt sorry for the man who hadn’t been trained hard enough to instinctively cover them. An oversight on his part as he groaned. 

“If your eyes were worth anything, you would have seen the destruction of your clan coming. But no you’re all dead. And when you and Obito die, I’ll tear them out of your head and destroy them. Ending them for all time. Your people will be known as 2nd best compared to the Byakugan, because the Hyuga will far outlive you.”

Sasuke roared then. Kicking out I dodged his feet and kicked down. Sasuke brought his hands to his lips and a huge wave of flame shot out of his mouth. I cooled it instantly. Moving the heat to behind me as the flames sputtered out. 

“You done?” I asked when he stopped blowing smoke. I punched down into his thigh, breaking the bone with a crunch. He yelled out in pain. “You stupid puppet! Have you ever thought to think for yourself? Think Sasuke! Think!” I said pointing at my temples like Omniman. 

“You kill your brother! Some ancestor of yours shows up and manipulates you into becoming his new lackey. For what?! To get everyone under his control?! And you’re fine with it? What the fuck did you call yourself? An avenger? You’re a goddamn poser. Angry at your brother for killing your family? Then angry at the village for what? Making your brother make the hard decision? I had Danzo killed! Me! I took that vengeance from you. All to prevent you from making this stupid decision. Well you made it. And now you’re going to pay for it.”

Sasuke tried to jump away again. A clone forming I grabbed his other leg. This time his leg turned into snakes and he got away. I chased after him. Limping as he jumped he did some hand seals. 

Jumping back the summoning portal appeared under him and smoke billowed out. I jumped back further. Pushing a huge amount of chakra out as I did my own summoning jutsu we were soon facing one another on our beasts. Sasuke was on a giant snake, I was on a much taller sea turtle. 

“Kaminari!” I yelled. “Kill that snake!”

“I fucking hate snakes!” The sea turtle yelled as an impossibly huge amount of chakra formed in front of him. The snake and Sasuke were arguing but the snake ducked down as a stream of water shot out. 

Narrowly missing him the snake slithered over to us. I gathered my Tremor power into my fist and did something I had only practiced. Hitting the air in front of me it cracked. A spiderweb fracture starting where my fist struck the air, it forced everything in my view to vibrate. A huge tremor wave shot out and shook everything in its path including the snake and Sasuke. 

Caught off guard for a full second it was enough time. Kaminari sent a powerful jet of water out. Slicing the snack in half. It hissed as blood poured out. Then chakra escaped the body in the form of smoke as the summon was ended. 

“Thanks Kaminari!” I yelled as I jumped off. He nodded and disappeared. 

I found Sasuke in the wreckage of a downed tree. I had hoped he would die, but he was still breathing. Some fight left in him I wasn’t sure how to restrain him. Genjutsu wouldn’t hold him for good. My best bet was to keep him close and keep my Haki up. 

“Weston,” Kakashi said as I bent down. 

“I’m not going to kill him,” I said. “But he can’t be out to cause more craziness.” I locked eyes with the man. He frowned…at least I assumed. His mask was annoying.

“Going to come willingly?” I asked. 

“I don’t think so,” Obito said as he appeared behind Sasuke. I didn’t hesitate. Sending a huge wave of heat at him the man reacted more quickly than I expected. Grabbing Sasuke’s shoulder they disappeared once more. 

“Fuck,” I said as Obito and Sasuke appeared further away. “Fuck you Obito! You coward! Let’s end this!”

“I don’t think so,” Obito said. “I’ve set the stage. This goes how I want it to.”

“You’re a pawn, Obito! How do you not see that?!” I yelled. “Do you really think Madara happened upon you?! That guy probably made the boulder fall on you. Manipulated events to kill Rin! You know it deep down!”

“You…” Obito said. “Speak of things you know nothing about!” He said then disappeared into his eye. 

Actually no it was his anus. It was a stretch to call it that but I was sick of the guy and his power. At least I confirmed that heat worked on him. I’d have to beat him with my quirk, but it could be done.

“Why did you do that Weston?” Sakura asked as she walked up. There were tears in her eyes as she looked around us. 

“Because he pissed me off,” I said simply. “Spouting that holier than thou bull crap. Thinks he’s freaking stronger than everyone.” I had over 2 years of training on the guy and a bunch of powers he knew nothing about. I was mainly upset I hadn’t got a quest to fight him. 

“What were you doing here, Sakura?” Kakashi asked. 

“I chased after him. I was hoping to talk sense into him,” she said. 

“And the thing about leaving the village to come join him?” I asked. She didn’t have an answer for that. I was pretty sure this had happened in the story. She had hoped to get close to him to kill him then herself. “Glad you’re okay,” I said, patting her head. 

Letting out a calming breath I knew I’d gotten lucky. Sasuke had a lot of powers he hadn’t used. That weird Susano armor, his Chidori. But when I didn’t let them charge chakra up and talk my ear off it was easy to keep them on the ropes. This wouldn’t be the last time we fought. I’d have to make sure to be ready next time. 

We were soon walking back in an awkward silence as we headed to the caravan. I had a lock on Sasuke and Obito. They were heading south. I’d know for sure where they were going soon enough. Then all of this annoying drama would end. 

I had big plans for Naruto World in the future. But for now I needed to finish my Challenges. Taking over the world could wait. Until I was strong enough to take on every ninja, I couldn’t get too cocky. Beating Sasuke was just 1 step in proving my strength. The real test would be soon enough. 

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