Canon Fodder



I studied my new quest that had appeared that morning. 

Naruto Quest 13:

End Akatsuki

Prevent the Awakening of the 10 tailed beast

End the threat of the Rabbit Goddess.



Calculated upon completion


3 main tasks to finish the canon of Naruto. All 3 tasks had been completed by Naruto in the main story. Over 100 manga chapters it took to complete these things. I hoped to finish that in a day. No matter what it took. Get my Challenger slots, and prepare for the next challenge. I brought up my status screen. 


Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:


World 1:



World 1 Quest:

End Akatsuki


World 2:

One Piece


World 2 Quest:


World 3:

My Hero Academia*


World 3 Quest:


World 4:



World 4 Quest:


World 5:

One Punch Man


World 5 Quest:

Get to S-Class


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


5 Challenger Slots

World Escape






World Store



Give and Take Quirk


Conqueror's Haki


Cross World Summoning


Chakra Sense


Berserker Mode


Search Quirk




Tremor Devil Fruit



Increased Intellect


4 Challenger Slots

Hardened Skin


Increased Vision


Drug Resistance


Minor Psychic Resistance


Venom Resistance


Identity Theft Resistance


Smooth Tongue



Chikyugi Necklace


2 Challenger Slots

Seastone Jitte



Chakra Absorption Scroll



Arm and Leg Weights

Stored (3)


Hero Costume


Reject Dial

Stored (2)


Gantz Armor

Stored (50)


Gantz Sword



Baria Reef Map



Stored (402)


Anti-Hero Costume



Chakre Paper

Stored (5000)


Bonus Upgrade






1 Challenger Slot
















It was coming together. I had a spare challenger slot in my Abilities and Bonuses, but that could be picked later. I hadn’t used my Bonus Slot Upgrade just yet, something I forgot about back when I used my Weakness Eliminator on my body. I wasn’t too sure what I wanted to use it on, so I kept it on the back burner for now. 

I put the screen away as I felt the chakra move close to me. Releasing a pulse of power in that direction, the large chameleon moved toward me. I could feel the Spiritual Energy of the giant sized lizard clear as day. But as it got closer I still wasn’t sure how much I trusted it. 

“Weston,” one of the Pain bodies whispered. I released some of the chakra obscuring me. Allowing him to see me. “Where are they?” 

“Below us,” I whispered. “There’s a lot.” 

“Yes, I feel it now,” the invisible man said. “What is the plan?”

“I break, you crush,” I said. “You ready?” 

“Yes,” he whispered. “I will start building up power now.”

I waited as he started. Chakra was condensed all around the invisible man. Hidden by the chameleon I felt 2 other Pain avatars with him. Ready to strike at a moment’s notice. Pain had been busy while we had the summit. He already replaced the 6 avatars he used. Digging up some dead bodies he linked them to himself and brought them back to life. They now acted like puppets to the main body far behind us. 

When I felt he had enough time to gather chakra, I brought up my Tremor Fruit. That part of my mind that was able to make the world shake around me. I could cause tremors in the land, sea, air, and people. For now my goal was the Earth. 

Gathering the power in my fists I clamped my fists together, interlocking my fingers. Raising them up over my head I hit down with all the power of the tremor. A great rift formed from me and split the land a half mile away. I raised up and hit again. The rift became deeper. I needed to make this quick. Roaring I moved back and put my weight into the blow as I hit. The rock below me shattered into a million pieces and the rift turned into a rend in the ground revealing the gooey center inside. 

Thousands upon thousands of white Zetsus stared up at us. The sexless naked bodies were as pale as vampires as they looked up to the sun for the first time. Pain didn’t hesitate. Dropping the camouflage he raised his hands and chakra poured out of him in a wide plane. Like a field made of chakra it covered everything. He raised his hands slightly then pushed down. The 2 sides of the rift in the ground collapsed instantly. Crushing the bodies below. 

I jumped back as the ground caved in, destroying the cavern and hopefully the majority of bodies that had been made over the past decades for this very day. Dust billowed out of the ground and the Earth collapsed further. Pain and I continued to jump back, the plan going much better than we had thought it would. 

When the ground stopped falling underneath us, there was no sign of white whatsoever. Every white Zetsu was hidden from view. Crushed under tons of rock. 

We were in the Land of Frost. Just West of the Land of Lightning, it was a little centralized for the ninjas to meet. A rocky wasteland all around us, it was the perfect place to have a huge battle. 

I fired off the flare, signaling the joint Shinobi Army to move forward. But I began to run around the bowl shaped crater in the ground. Pain didn’t hesitate to follow. 3 more of his bodies joining us it was me, 6 Pains in my ass, and a large chameleon lumbering up behind us as we ran to the real fight. 

Getting around the bowl there was some movement down below, but I ignored it. Others would be there to finish off any bodies that had survived the cave in. Pain and I moved toward the cavern entrance that I felt Obito in. A simple darkening in the rock it had been missed during my first pass-through of the area. Now I knew what it was. The entrance to the temple where they had taken my friends. 

We ran inside. The hole too big for Pain’s summoned chameleon, he sent it away and we descended down into the darkness below. I found plenty of traps on my way. Charged with chakra, they were easy to sense as I threw kunai at where the chakra was centered. Explosion tags going off as well as other large traps, Pain and I ignored it as we kept going down. 

Then the path opened up into another impossibly large cavern. A half mile across, at the far end sat the statue of the 10 tails. A monstrous stone statue sitting cross legged, it had 9 eyes in its head. 5 of the eyes were open, symbolizing what tailed beasts had been absorbed by it. 2 more were slightly open, but only about half. 

Floating in front of the statue were 2 bodies. 1 was the red haired Gaara. The other was the blonde Jinchuriki I had saved, Yugito. She had the 2 tailed beast. Naruto and Killer B hadn’t been found yet, which was good. Things had been moving too quickly to confirm, but it had been 3 days since Gaara was taken. It was good to see that the tailed beast wasn’t hardly half-out of him. There could be a chance to save him. 

Standing around the 2 floating Jinchurikis were 8 people. More than I expected had joined up with the dying group. There was Obito, still with his mask. Kabuto was standing there as well. His limbs hidden by the Akatsuki robes I was sure the medical ninja had regrown his body somehow. Black/white Zetsu stood next to him. And the blue sharkman stood beside him. On the other side was Sasuke, and his 3 lackeys. Past experiments by Orochimaru, Sasuke had apparently made his own Team 7. 

The 8 members of Akatsuki ignored us as we stared at them. The Jinchuriki’s in a large bubble of red chakra, they yelled out voicelessly as their tailed beast’s chakra was ripped from them.

“Time to go,” I said, but was stopped as I appeared in front of me. Then Pain and his bodies stepped out from behind a rock as well. The clones of us stared, tempting us to step forward. 

I knew this move of course. The Zetsu had made perfect clones of Pain and I somehow. He had used this same technique in canon to halt Naruto and his team from saving Gaara originally. As I stared at my version of me, it was a perfect copy. The chakra was at least. Zetsu couldn’t replicate my other powers. 

Jumping forward my clone met my open palm with his fist. I pulled heat energy from his hand instantly, causing it to freeze up and break away under the force of my blow. As the clone tried to understand what was going on I pushed the heat into one of Pain’s clones, forcing his clothes to burst into flame. 

“Ruin their jutsu!” I yelled to Pain. 2 of his bodies met the clones but the body that could summon huge beasts moved passed. Summoning a large 3 headed dog he rode on top of it. The beast gathered chakra and spit a huge bout of fire at the gathered Akatsuki members. 

I killed the 2 clones I was fighting with a Nen and Haki powered punch to their throat and face. Looking to Pain there was a barrier blocking his attacks, surrounding Akatsuki. Gritting my teeth I brought out my Tremor Fruit. They made a bad choice making their evil lair underground. I punched the air. My fist met the air and a fracture appeared. The air vibrated in front of me, striking the invisible barrier Akatsuki was behind. 

I hit the air again and again. This time straight up from them. The tremor fruit sent shockwaves into the cavern roof. Rubble began to break away, but I sent blow after blow into it. A huge rift appeared and like dominoes the roof began to crumble. A large boulder struck the statue they were praying to and caused a large piece of it to break off. The chakra barrier around them flickered as the roof continued to cave in. 

I sent more tremors up, but it wasn’t long until everything was collapsing. Pain became covered in rocks as the other Akatsuki members were. The red chakra around the Jinchuriki’s disappeared and my vision went black as a huge rock covered me. 

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