Canon Fodder



Like the Joker, Sasuke got away. The supposed dark avenger was quick to escape when things weren’t going his way. Back in the manga I was pretty sure he came to our side, only to double cross at the end, causing a fight between he and Naruto. I let Naruto chase after him. He and his bromance could run off together and the true ending to Naruto could be reached.  

Things had wrapped up rather nicely. That was until 1 ninja started a fight with another. There wasn’t near the death and destruction on any of the sides as there had been in canon. I had been able to attack Akatsuki before they could bring back the dead kages. Saving lives and dozens of chapters as people long dead were prevented from doing most of the fighting. I had read once that Masashi Kishimoto, who wrote Naruto, wanted to end the war much sooner, but because Naruto was so popular the editors were desperate to keep it going. So he extended it out. 

Now that people’s parents and family members weren’t killed off, ninjas were full of energy. And when killers were full of energy, they tended to start fights. It wasn’t long until 1 person pissed off another. Another accused one of stealing, or hitting on a girlfriend, or brought up long dead people who this or that person killed during some war.

The Great Shinobi Alliance turned into the Great Shinobi I’m Not Talking To You. The 5 Kage’s pulled their people back and were on their way home. I was able to pull Mei into my Makuramoto. We spent a long time there, being with one another, making plans, and setting dates for when we would see one another again. 

I wasn’t able to talk to Temari, but there would be time for that later. I was serious about taking over the Naruto World. She would be key for me. My Sand Ninja wife if things went the way I wanted. But for now I had to work on my first one. 

“Are you sure?” I asked Hinata. She blushed, but nodded. Hand in hand we walked into the Hokage’s tent. 

“Out!” Tsunade barked from her large bed. The woman had demanded a break earlier that day, refusing all audiences as she relaxed from the worry of the last few years. 

“There is another threat to Konoha,” I said, forcing the woman to shoot up. 

“What now?!” She yelled, her nostrils flaring. 

“I’m just joking,” I said, putting my hand over Hinata’s shoulder. “We want you to marry us.”

“What?!” She said, getting off of the bed. 

“Hinata says she wants to get married. We have been engaged for a few years. I would like you to officiate,” I admitted.

“That can wait,” Tsunade groaned. 

“No,” Hinata said firmly. “I want it done now.” Uncharacteristic of her, she was no longer blushing. Standing up to the Hokage as she kept a firm look on her face. Her spiritual energy was all over the place, but her face was resolute. “My family has kept this over my head for years. I want this now or never. I am sick of the threats and back pedaling.” 

“Threats?” I asked, annoyed. She locked eyes with me, but nodded. “Who threatened you?” I asked, anger clear in my voice. 

“It does not matter. We will have this done, and they will no longer have a say in what I do,” Hinata said. 

I guessed this wasn’t as simple as I originally assumed. There might be some fighting when we got back, but I was confident in my skills if someone tried to start something. I let out my anger. Forcing myself to be calm I looked to Tsunade. “Please, lady-Hokage.” 

Tsunade frowned. “Are you sure?” She asked. “What I say goes in the village. If I say you’re married, then you’re married.”

“I am sure,” Hinata said.

“Me too,” I admitted. I worried that Hinata didn’t know what she was getting into with me. She was the one pushing for this, not like I was fighting her though. I wanted her by my side more than I had realized. 

“Fine, good for you, you’re married,” Tsunade said, putting her hands on our shoulders. “Now get the fuck out of my tent.”

“That’s it?” I asked. 

“That’s it,” Tsunade said, moving to the bed. “You can file for a license when we get back to the village and I’ll sign it. But this is good enough for what you need. Now, leave me the fuck alone. I am going to have the first bit of sleep I have had in weeks.”

I turned to Hinata, disappointed, but she was smiling broadly. “Hello husband,” she whispered. 

“Hello wife,” I said. We studied one another for a moment, then we were kissing. 

Hinata was a different person as we kissed. Like some switch had been flipped in her she was no longer the reserved girl I had made out with a few times. She was all hands as she practically tore off my clothes. 

“Out!” Tsunade roared. I laughed as I picked up Hinata in a princess carry. Hinata blushed deeply, but her face and eyes were all smiles for me as I carried her to my tent. I had set it apart from others. A good view of the area around us. It wasn’t much, but neither of us cared. Opening up the small 2 person tent we ignored everything else as we explored one another. 

It had been a long time since I felt this way. There was something special about a wedding night. My last was with Hancock, but that was a blur to me. Hancock and I had been having amazing sex since we met. The honeymoon had turned into one long sex session as days passed. Never leaving one another’s arms as we hungered for one another. 

This was different. Almost sweet. Hinata was an ideal bride. That kind of bride that your grandma pretended she was back in the day. Pure and innocent on her wedding night. Hinata was actually those things. A virgin in all meanings of the word, she had swore she would save it until her wedding, and it proved true. 

Kissing was still new to us, so we settled on that for a long time. My hands moving along her clothes. Our tongues in one another’s mouth. She moaned and shook in excitement as I took it slow. Touching her skin here or there to make a jolt of pleasure run through her. 

As the pleasure built up I explored her more. My hands moving inside of her shirt she gasped and shivered but never stopped me. Her pale gray eyes staring at me, scared but excited as I pushed her further with each movement. 

“You know…we are a little young for getting married,” I said. 

“My mom was married by this age,” Hinata whispered. “Also she was my dad’s distant cousin.” She let out a sigh. “I would much rather you than someone they threatened me with.” 

That news wasn’t all too surprising to me. Most families with bloodlines liked to keep it in the family. But the fact that she had been threatened annoyed me. I wondered if maybe the Hyuga head would have tried to pull something.

For so long this had been a threat against me as well. Not from my family, but that Hinata, or more accurately, her family could take it away. It was sad that we lived in a harsh world. One where war was rampant, and kids had to move quickly to replenish the population the battles killed

For now I pushed those worries away. As she writhed under me I began kissing her more fervently. She moaned as her body accepted the affection.

“I’ve never done anything,” she whispered. 

“I know,” I said. “I’ll show you.” She bit her lip but nodded. I grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted. Her back arched as she allowed me to remove it. Her hands going to her breasts to hide them I couldn’t help but be more turned on by how innocent she was. My blushing bride. 

I lifted my own shirt, revealing my chiseled muscles. She became more bold then. Reaching out she touched my chest. Running her fingers along my skin as I stared down at her. 

“You’re beautiful,” I said. She hesitated, but smiled wide as I moved back down to her. Her arms moving away she grabbed onto me as I pressed our bodies together. Her chest pressing against me all I wanted to do was marvel at her perfect skin. But that could happen later. For now, I had to have her. 

Fingertips running across smooth skin I moved up to her breasts. Pouring chakra into her she gasped. “What are you doing?” She moaned. 

“Using my element,” I whispered. The veins around her eyes bulged as she watched chakra leave her and move into her body. She shivered, her lower half lifting up. Then in a wave the orgasm hit her. Eyes closing, she gasped as her hands held onto the blanket underneath her. I had done this to her a couple of times, but I had never touched her directly. She received the full treatment as her voice whined from the power of it. 

As the pleasure peaked and disappeared she breathed in and out heavily as I continued to knead her breasts. “That was interesting to watch,” she mumbled.  

“Oh yeah? What did it look like?” I asked, intrigued. With her Byakugan she could see chakra. With my Chakra Sean’s sometimes I felt like I could see it. But I doubted it was as strong as her skill. 

“Like a part of you was entering me,” she whispered. 

“Then let’s make it true,” I said. My hands moving to her waistband. She shivered but nodded. Helping me slide her pants off she revealed her slight pubic hair. Her legs crossing to hide her pussy I bent down and kissed her navel. 

“You’re gorgeous,” I said. She bit her lip, unable to speak. I bent my body up. “You’ll have to do this part.” It took her a moment, but she smiled and sat up. Her hands moving to my belt she unbuckled it. Her hands shaking she was almost desperate to reveal my dick. At full mast it shot out causing her to gasp. 

“It’s bigger than I remember,” she said, fear in her voice. 

“Oh right, the Chunin Exam,” I said. “So you were watching?” 

“For a bit,” she mumbled as she looked up at me. 

“A bit? That sounds like a long time,” I laughed.

“It wasn’t that long,” she said shyly. 

“I don’t believe you,” I said. Leaning forward I kissed her as I pushed us down. She didn’t fight it as she opened her legs. I could feel the heat coming from her pussy as my dick lined up with her entrance. 

“Do you want protection?” I asked. She shook her head, kissing me. 

“I want the real thing,” she said. “We will figure it out later.” 

“Do you want…my mark?” I asked. 

“What’s that?” She whispered. 

“I can mark you with my chakra. And also Link to it. You would have a better idea where I am. And possibly emotions-” 

“Yes,” she said quickly. I nodded as I began to kiss her again. I wasn’t much for hiding stuff from my wives.

I lined my dick up with her as our lips locked to one another. Then slid in slowly. Hinata shuddered as I entered her. Her face scrunching up in pain. As I reached her maidenhead I began to channel Pleasure into her. A simple amount at first. I broke through her hymen and she gasped. Her hands moving to my body she pulled me in. Entering her tight cunt I groaned as I dove in slowly. 

Pleasure built up as I moved in and as soon as our crotches collided she came. “Weston!” She cried out as her legs extended out. Her eyes locking on mine as pleasure moved through her body in a large wave. 

As it finished I began humping her hard. My Pleasure chakra making the pain disappear I made every thrust cause nerves to fire out telling her that she wanted me to keep doing what I was doing. It built up until she came again. 

Her body latched onto mine as it did. Her lips on me she gasped for dear life as a stronger orgasm moved through her. As it ebbed I increased the chakra. Taking the Pleasure up a notch to Love, she grunted as her body only felt more. Now though her mind was added, telling her that she loved every thrust. She grabbed onto me, scratching me as her body reacted.

Every other thrust caused an orgasm in her. Minor tremors that made her shake but still have enough strength to move. They built up like a snowball rolling downhill until one large orgasm racked her entire body. Yelling out, her toes curled and back arched as my dick going in and out of her made her fall in love with the feeling.

As the big orgasm left I upped the chakra again. This time it was Mindless, and the orgasm just continued happening to her as I pounded into her. My 11 inch dick pulled all the way out and slammed back in. Her blood and juices coating me. The veiny member was never harder as I made my virgin bride lose her voice. Crying out with every thrust all she could do was watch it happen and try to catch her breath. 

Her eyes were like saucers as they watched me impale her. Unsure how I was doing what I was doing she took it all. Groaning as my glans pounded into her cervix. “Weston!” She got out. Her eyes locking on mine. I nodded, speeding up and with a deep thrust I bottomed out in her. Cumming with everything I had.

She moaned as the chakra coated cum filled her up. Her body shivering in aftershocks she held onto me with her strong hands and thighs. Taking each deposit of my semen in her with a happy shake of her body. 

As the Harem mark formed on her she didn’t notice. She already had chakra, so it wouldn’t awaken in her. But she did watch in amazement as the chakra in my cum moved to the heart. 

I sat up, pressing on the heart as I poured more chakra into her. The Link was formed, and I felt her in my mind. All I could feel from her was love. Reina, Shinju, and Hina were back there as well. But now Hinata was paramount as we studied one another. 

“This is…amazing,” she said. Tears in her eyes as she tried to wipe them away. 

“What’s wrong?” I asked, my hand caressing her cheek. 

“I can feel it. Your love for me,” she said, her hand on her heart.

“Of course,” I said, kissing her. “You’re my wife.” 

She smiled wider, kissing me back. “I am,” she said as her pussy tightened around me. “Now let’s do this again.”

I chuckled and rolled us over. She blushed as my hands explored her breasts, but the powerful ninja was soon rocking herself back and forth. Impaling herself on my dick as I filled her up again. 

The night was long. Hinata made it 4 rounds before she was too tired to continue. It was our honeymoon though. She stuck it out for 2 more rounds before she passed out in a blissful stupor.

As she cuddled up to me, content, I couldn’t help but feel the same. We were young, yes, but I planned to be with her through thick and thin. With Hinata by my side, I knew I could do anything. There were many things we hadn’t figured out yet. I needed to quit being a ninja somehow, and start recruiting for my school. Fighting could start at any point, but I would see it through. I still had a lot of worlds to see, and powers to get. My wish was drawing ever closer. 

I received a notification as I laid there. 

Naruto World Complete


Congratulations on finishing the world. Rewards increased for finishing

the story with less casualties than canon



Challenger Ability Slot x 1

Challenger Item Slot x 1

Challenger Pet Slot x 1


Due to the canon finishing, you will no longer be able

to earn challenger slots.


You may still be given quests to continue the story for the Naruto World.

“Finally,” I mumbled as I read through it. I guessed the Pet Slot was my bonus. Not exactly what I wanted since I didn’t know all of Nibi’s capabilities, but he could prove useful. 

I laid there thinking for a while. It had taken me 3 years to beat the canon. And now that it was done I felt content. But I wanted to live on in this world. I could receive more quests. Build my life with Reina, Hina, Shinju, Hinata, Mei, and Temuri. There was the Hokage too. I wasn’t sure Hinata’s exact feelings but I would know soon enough when she awoke. 

But there were bigger events on my mind for now. I had to keep going. I didn’t know when my next challenge would be, but I had completed my goal. “World Escape,” I said with a sigh. Forced out of the world and into the red room. 

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