Canon Fodder



“They took your sister,” the older man said. We had just walked inside to Shigure’s house. There was a gorgeous older version of Shigure sitting on the couch with 2 younger versions beside her. They appeared to be twins. The old man had run up to us as soon as we stepped into the door. He was openly crying as he stared expectantly at Shigure.

“Calm down,” I ordered. “What happened?” 

“Who are you?” The old man asked, fear in his voice. 

“This is Weston. He gave me the money,” Shigure said. “He-he wants to help.” She looked up at me expectantly, hoping that I did. I had a quest so I didn’t see why not. 

“Walk me through it, from the start,” I said. Grabbing her hand I moved us to the empty couch. The old man paced back and forth as he began to speak. 

“It happened 6 months ago. I lost my job, then got sick, and we just needed a little extra to get us through. That turned into a lot extra,” he said. “I knew a guy who knew a guy, who put me in touch with the loan shark. I had to borrow 15 million originally. I got a job. We made the payments, then he upped the required amount. We were barely holding our heads above water. He demanded more but we couldn’t do it. That’s when he…forced me to sign some papers.”

“What kind of papers?” I asked, understanding full well where this was going. 

“He wanted us to sign over Hisame. As a Pleasure Girl,” he said. I shut my eyes in annoyance as I shook my head. 

“So you basically made your daughter a prostitute?” I asked. 

“I didn’t make her anything,” the man said desperately. “I didn’t sign. I picked up more hours. Made the payments, then Shigure came with the amount I needed to pay it all.” 

“So you went there and what?” 

“I got there. Paid it, but then he showed me documents that the debt was double what he told me it was. They literally put a gun to my head, forcing me to sign over Hisame,” he cried. 

I frowned. Annoyed by the classic anime plot. “Fine, let’s go take care of it,” I said standing. 

“How?” The man asked. His lip quivering as he stared at me. 

“I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse,” I said confidently. 

20 minutes later the Shigure’s father was dropping me off at the loan shark’s business. It looked like a legitimate business out front. But I wasn’t fooled. “Stay here,” I ordered getting out. 

“Weston, wait,” Shigure said following. “You don’t know what she looks like.” 

“Does she look a lot like you?” I asked. She hesitated. “Thought so. Don’t worry about it. But you can come if you want.”

“Really?” She asked. 

“Sure, it’s not going to be too bad in there,” I said, cracking my knuckles. Normal people weren’t a threat to me. 

“My dad said they have a gun,” she mumbled. 

“Doesn’t matter,” I assured. Walking into the store she soon followed. 

“How can I help you?” A woman asked with a smile from behind the counter. 

“Looking for Kazu,” I said. 

“Do you have an appointment?” The woman asked. 

“Nope, but he will see us,” I assured. She called up but frowned. 

“I’m sorry, he is currently-What are you doing?!” I kicked through the door behind her. Walking in a few people in the back yelled but I kept walking. My Haki all around me I kicked in more doors to find a couple going at it. The girl didn’t look like Shigure so I left them. Walking through I found some stairs and headed up. 

At the top of the stairs 2 men tried to push me down. I kicked one in the nuts, making him howl in pain. The other I slapped hard. His face bounced off the wall as he was knocked out. Shigure gasped, but stuck close. More men appeared, but they didn’t last long. A simple hit here and there and they were knocked out, or dead, I didn’t really care which. 

I came to the end of the hall to kick it in to find a man getting a blowjob. Worried that her sister was already hard at work I rushed in and kicked the desk. It pushed into the man causing him to open his eyes. The woman sat up revealing a dark haired girl. 

“What the fuck!” The man roared. 

“You Kazu?” I asked. 

“Who wants to know?” He asked. 

“Wrong answer,” I said, pulling out my Chikyugi Necklace. It wasn’t long until he spilled all of his secrets. As I pulled him out of the Genjutsu he broke down crying, his spirit broken. I moved over to the safe built into the ground. Ripping off the false panel I tore off the metal door as well. Digging out a huge stack of yen I made it disappear into my Status Screen. Finding a stack of documents I found the folder with all the Pleasure Girls he had been able to coax into working for him. 

“Let’s go,” I said as I walked out. 

“What about my sister?” Shigure asked. 

“Not here,” I said. “She’s somewhere else. Somewhere worse.” We got outside and I gave Shigure’s dad most of the money I had pulled out of the safe. I had my own money back and then some. 

“Out of the car, Kazu won’t be bothering you anymore,” I said. 


“Out of the car, I’m taking it to find Hisame,” I said. He got out but Shigure jumped in with me. “You sure you want to go?” I asked. She nodded quickly. I could feel the fear coming off of her spiritual energy, but headed off anyway. 

“What did you do to those guys?” She asked. 

“I have a lot more strength than you know about,” I said.

“Are you like a superhero?” 

“Basically,” I said.

“I believe it. I think you killed one of those guys back there,” she said wide eyed. 

“Probably. But they deserved it. That guy was into far shadier stuff than kidnapping.” 

“Like what?” 

“Let’s just say that you’re lucky you became a Pleasure Girl. There are a lot worse fates out there.” 

“I believe it. I’m really enjoying this whole thing,” she said happily. Leaning into me as I drove us to our next stop. 

The warehouse was where Kazu said it would be. On the outskirts of town it didn’t look like anything special. But there was an armed guard at one side. “Classic,” I said. It was my first underworld boss take down. I had seen plenty of movies on them, but hadn’t gotten the chance yet. 

“What’s in there?” Shigure asked nervously. 

“You know that Hypersensitivity Disorder women are susceptible to? These guys can force it to happen,” I said. “They gather girls up. Force this drug on them. Then they become willing prostitutes.” 

“Prostitutes? Why is that even a thing? Most girls give it away for free,” she said. 

“Not to every guy,” I assured. “And as I understand it, you’ll know when the change happens. Apparently the real Hypersensitive Disorder takes years to take over. This makes it happen with one shot. We need to hurry. Your sister is in there and she could be dosed at any time.” Shigure nodded and got out with me. I rushed forward and kicked the guard away with a powerful blow. He flew back 40 feet and was out. Kicking the door in I found more waiting. 

It wasn’t long until gunfire went off. I was honestly tempted to try to catch a bullet. That was my threshold for knowing I had a chance against Raditz in DBZ World. But they still freaked me out. Using Observation Haki I dodged the bullet before it was even fired. Knocking down goon after goon as I made it through the warehouse. 

We eventually got to an area sectioned off with plastic. Inside, a pink haired girl was being administered a shot. I knocked the doctor and his nurse out only to save her in the nick of time. 

“Hisame!” Shigure yelled as she ran in. The sister was a few years older, but had the same pink hair. Straight instead of curly she had been crying. 

“Shigure, what’s going on?!” She asked, desperate. 

“We came to save you,” Shigure said. “My new boyfriend and I.” 

“Boyfriend now?” I asked. She winked and gave a curtsy. 

“Get me out of here. Do you have any idea what they were going to do to me?” 

“Make you a sex slave,” Shigure said. “But we made it in the nick of time.” 

“Not for the others,” Hisame said. 

“Others?” I asked. 

“Yes, they’re in the next room. It’s not good,” she said. I could hear the moaning then. Walking over to where the noise was coming from I found a locked door. Kicking it in I had feared that they were already being raped. But apparently the girls were taking pleasure from one another. A giant carpet munching orgy was going on inside. I walked back to the doctor. 

Waking him up with some good slaps it didn’t take long to find the dosage that reversed the effect. We were luckily within the 24 hour period where it could be reversed. I ventured into the den of women only to be attacked. It took time and my dick being sucked multiple times before I had dosed all of them. I could have put them in a Genjutsu, but what was the fun in that? 

“What now?” Shigure asked. 

“Now the big boss,” I said. We called the police and headed out. Getting to a high rise I did the process all over again. Killing or maiming gangsters until I got to the final boss. He didn’t last long to my Genjutsu. I robbed him then killed him. The man was too sick for rehabilitation. I then had to kill a few of the psychos under his employ. Shigure and Hisame were back home for that part. But I felt a whole lot better when it was done. 

“Last one,” I mumbled as I stopped in front of the house. I melted the window with a blast of heat and walked right in. I found the man in the basement, having his way with one of the Pleasure Girls from the school. 

“Hello principal,” I said. He turned to me and was then strapped to the wall in my Genjutsu. 

“What’s going on! Who are you?! What is this?!” He asked frantically. I put tape over his mouth and started the torture. No questions asked. I let him guess what this was all about as I flayed his skin from his bones or let rabid dogs eat his entrails as they spilled out of him. 

When I did talk, it was long past when he had any strength to respond. “You have been working with some very sick people, principal,” I said slowly. His eyes hardly had any life left in them as he stared at me. “Picking girls to fail courses. Praying on those with financial issues. Supplying names to local yakuza. You disgust me.” 

I stood up. The man flinched back. “Here is what is going to happen…” 

“In other news a principal and 4 teachers underneath him resigned in disgrace after the principal admitted to falsifying grades. The teachers had been grading female student’s exams more harshly in hopes to get them to become Pleasure Girls. Related to this, a local politician was found to have been taking bribes to help pass such rules into law. The police have begun investigations into all of them,” the newscaster said in the background.

“You did all that?” Shigure asked as she rode atop me. In my room now the girl had barely left my side for 2 days. Going again and again it was a good way to continue my vacation. 

I had been in the world for 2 days. Most everything had wrapped up, and classes were canceled as no one knew if Pleasure Girls were actually supposed to be. I doubted that any of them would have to do the job any longer. 

“I did,” I said humping hard into her. “Gonna stop being my Pleasure Girl now?” I asked. 

“Fuck no,” she said speeding up. Her body collapsed on me as another orgasm moved through her. I continued to hump up into her until I released my load in her deepest parts. She came harder and was soon breathing heavily as she recovered. “I’m all yours.” 

“Good,” I said, pinching her rear. “Your family good?” 

“Who cares,” she said with a sigh. “They’re all happy, but I prefer this.” She breathed in loudly through her nose. “You smell so good.” 

“Careful or you’ll get that sensory disorder,” I teased. 

“Yes please,” she mumbled. Yawning loudly. Cuddling up to me it wasn’t long until she was asleep. As she did I brought up my quest. 

Mind Break World Quest Complete

Help Shigure



Pet Evolution

Item Augmentor

Mental Resistance

The rewards had evolved as the quest continued on. The Pet Evolution was obvious. I used it and received a notification. 

Pet ‘Nibi’ Evolving




Next I used the Item Augmentor. 

Do you wish to use the Item Augmentor?



Your Arm and Leg Weights can now be adjusted from 1 lb

to 500 lbs


I still wore them, but that could be helpful if I used a Challenger Slot on them for other worlds. Mental Resistance was a Bonus now. I had hoped that Psychic Resistance would have covered it, but since I got most resistances by theme, I guessed it would help against Mind Break. Perhaps against the Aphrodisiac Madix had done on me. 

Letting out a sigh I was bored once more. I had 2 days left on my vacation. I wanted to see what else there was out there. 

“World Escape.” 

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