Canon Fodder



Over the last few months not a lot had been happening with the League of Villains. Shigaraki was ranting and raving after AFO was imprisoned. We had jumped between one abandoned building to another until he calmed down. He tended to destroy things when he was angry, so we didn’t stay in one place too long. 

When Shigaraki became slightly more sane he sent us out to start recruiting. Most of us weren’t too invested in this part. Me especially. My clone would typically just hang out or train trying to lessen the time it took me to move into Kame Mode. 

Toga was still on the run, my and Dabi’s faces were plastered all over as well. As the League of Villains we were the next big bad that the heroes used to direct hate toward. Plenty of other villains under the radar we took the brunt of the credit because we hadn’t done much. Not really a threat, we simply existed. 

But I knew we would be a threat someday. The Hero Safety Commission would have saved the world a lot of trouble if they were actually good at their job. Letting a group of likeminded villains loose was a mistake they would come to regret. 

Shigaraki had us training all the time. Though he acted like a child, he was quite strong. Either some weird alterations AFO had done to his body, or his own physical strength, I wasn’t sure. Even my clone had trouble keeping up with him. Able to run insanely fast, and physically strong, I wasn’t completely confident I could win in a fight. I knew I could stay away from his hands and thus quirk, but physical strength was something he was winning at currently. So we recruited and trained. Mostly fighting one another as we let the days pass by.  

After I awoke chakra in Toga she was far less stabby to my Roronoa clone. She became desperate to learn chakra. Her stores of chakra building up over days, Roronoa had hinted at a lot that could be done with it, but was hesitant to teach her too much. I would decide on what to do with her soon enough. 

Taking the guise of Roronoa my real body headed off to where the Villain’s were hiding. Toru wasn’t happy she would have to put up with no sex for a little while, but when my clone was far more agreeable to carry her she jumped on his back and was off. 

The recent location of the Villains hideout was a small abandoned building on the outskirts of town. I walked inside but none were too surprised to see me there. 

“Any luck?” Toga asked excitedly. 

“No, nothing but shit for quirks out there,” I said in my Roronoa impression. “Why are we even bothering with recruitment?” 

“Because we are building power,” Shigaraki said with a sigh. “We have big plans to complete. You really think we can take over the world with 7 people?” 

Dabi scoffed from the corner. The burn victim had been killing most people he deemed unworthy. Twice, a man that could make clones of anything sat in the corner talking to himself. Mr. Compress was shuffling cards on the other side of the small building. Toga was sitting on a table, kicking her legs back and forth happily. Spinner, the giant lizard man sharpened his many knives. Shigaraki sat on a chair in the middle of the room, only one of his spare hands mounted on his face. 

“I did have a look at the Yakuza hideout,” I added. “There were a few heroes still there, but not many.”

“Oh yeah?” Shigaraki asked, sitting up. “Any idea why the heroes were so interested in it?” 

“Something about the Villain Slayer,” I said. The room became colder with the name. 

“That fucking guy,” Shigaraki growled. The Villain Slayer had beaten AFO, so he was next on handjob’s list to kill. “Check it out more. Take Toga with you.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked, eyeing her. 

“Yes, she might be needed to turn into a hero to get you through a checkpoint or whatever,” Shigaraki said as he scratched his neck.

“Fine with me,” Toga giggled as she jumped off the table. She walked over and began dragging me with her out the door. 

“Shouldn’t we wait until dark?” 

“Now’s fine,” Toga said. We were soon outside and she jumped on me. 

“I know it’s you,” she whispered, her legs wrapping around me. “I can smell you.” 

“Fuck,” I said. “Come on.” I pushed her away and she reluctantly dropped to the ground. But she latched onto my arm as we walked away from the building. Still wearing her school girl outfit and light brown sweater I wasn’t sure when the hell she washed it. Most everywhere we went didn’t have running water. Her hair tied back in 4 buns like Temuri, her wide smile was off putting with the extra long canine teeth she had. 

“How’d you know it was me?” I asked. 

“You smell more powerful than Roronoa,” she said. “How did you change your face? Can you do what I do?”

“No,” I said. When we were far enough away I dropped the transformation jutsu. I could feel all the League of Villain members with the Search quirk so I knew they were still behind us. 

“Oh my god! How’d you do that?” She asked excitedly. The crazy showing in her eyes. 

“Chakra,” I said. “The gift I gave you. It can be used to do lots of different things. Change your face, create some illusions…make you stronger.”

“Stronger?” She asked. “How?” 

“I am…hesitant to tell you,” I admitted. 

“What? Why!?” She asked, anger flaring inside of her. She stopped walking to stare me in the eyes. 

“Because I don’t know you, Toga,” I said. “You awoke this power by accident. I don’t even know how the hell you did it. I’ve bled a lot in my life, but you’re the first that’s purposefully drank it. So I don’t know if it was related to that or your quirk. This is uncharted territory for me.” 

“Are there other people with chakra?” She asked, calming down a little. 

“There are…2 others.”

“How did you give it to them?” She asked. 

“Through sex,” I said. Jealousy spiked in her Haki. I didn’t hesitate to grab her throat and lift her up. “You stop that, now,” I ordered. My eyes filled with rage. “I have a girlfriend. Someone I love. Someone you very well could have attacked back over the summer. And if you had hurt her, I would have killed you without a second thought.” She fought for air, but from her Haki I could feel that she was a little scared, but mostly turned on by the show of strength. 

“Fuck,” I grumbled, releasing her. She fought for breath for a moment but it didn’t take long to stand up straight and give me her deranged smile. 

“I want you,” she said, moving closer. “I knew it as soon as I tasted your blood. There is power in it.” She licked her lips as she stared at my neck. 

“No more blood for you,” I said, pushing her away. “I want to understand you a little better Toga. Let that be incentive for you.”

“Whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you. I don’t care,” she said quickly as we continued to walk. We left the industrial park and moved to a residential area. Doing a transformation jutsu I turned back into Roronoa. I thought about what I wanted as we walked. 

“Tell me about yourself,” I said. “Parents, siblings, early life, when you awoke your quirk, what happened to make you end up here?” 

“That’s boring,” she said, whining. I gave her a stern look. “Fine. Parents, they’re alive last I checked. I got my power at about 4 years old, but I’d always been a little…far from the norm my parents thought I should be.”

“How so?” I asked. 

“I don’t know,” she said, calming down a little as she kicked a rock. Her hands hidden in her sleeves she began to make fists, squeezing the end of her sleeves nervously. “First thing I ever remember is finding this bird. It was a sparrow or something. It had flown into the glass window at home. Just thunk and it was dead. I ran outside to find that the neighborhood stray had gotten ahold of the body. I chased her off but this bird was covered in blood. It was so red. You ever watch a black and white movie?” I nodded. “That’s kind of how the world looked to me before. Dull. Nothing outstanding. I saw this blood dripping out of the bird, and it was like I could see color for the first time. Such a deep red.” She shook with pleasure as she reminisced about it. 

“I became obsessed. Holding the bird I thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. I had to show someone. I ran to my mom and dad. But when they saw it their faces were anything but excited. I tried to tell them about it. They didn’t hear me. My dad grabbed the bird and threw it away and my mom threw me in the bath to scrub me down. They had me at a specialist after that.” 

“A specialist after one incident?” I asked, doubtful. 

“I might have wondered if I had blood in me too, and if it was as pretty. I kind of stabbed my arm and watched the blood trickle away until they found me,” she admitted. 

“Okay, so you like blood. Love blood probably. I’m sure it’s related to your quirk. Kind of like your body telling you how to activate it. Making you crave it,” I said. 

“That’s what the specialist said,” Toga grumbled. “Called it some kind of activation mechanism for your quirk. Your body wants to use it’s quirk, so it leads you to what to do. My parents calmed down a little, but it wasn’t the same between us. I’d have my bag checked constantly. I couldn’t be trusted to be alone with people. I couldn’t do anything.” 

“And you started…killing people when?” I asked slowly. 

“I didn’t mean to,” she said quickly. “The first was a boy. I’d fought against my draw for blood for so long. I wanted to be normal like what my parents wanted. But it built up…before I knew it I was drinking his blood and…” 

“I don’t care about normal,” I said, trying but failing miserably at finding a way to let her live. If a guy had told me this and was killing girls I would have broken his neck without a thought. It was harder to kill a girl. “I care about…restraint. How many people have you killed? Is it just going to keep building up until you do it again?” 

“No, I haven’t had an outburst like that since. There were a few guys that approached me that had a thing for school girls. I got my fill from them, but since I met you I haven’t felt that kind of need,” she said, her eyes manic again. “Please, Weston, I need you.”

“That’s…cool and all, but Toga. Fuck,” I said with a sigh. She was proving too much of a hassle to deal with. I had read stories about guys thinking they could deal with crazy, but it was impossible. There was a reason those stories were labeled as fiction. They thought they were a type of psychologist or some such idiotic notion. Punishing the girl or withholding what they wanted until the girl acted good. That didn’t work in the real world. Crazy was crazy for a reason. There was no rhyme or reason for it. 

I had to stop thinking of ways to rehabilitate her. I had to think of how I could use her. Looking her up and down, sex was an option. I had experienced sex with a crazy girlfriend. It was like a drug, and hard to quit. I had to push that out of my mind. But I was thinking of pros to keep her alive. That was added to the list. Then also to the con list, canceling it out. 

Future use was a much higher draw. I had future plans for all of my worlds. Continuing on past the canon. What would happen when I ended AFO and Shigaraki? A vacuum would form for villains. Could Roronoa and Toga become the king and queen of the future villains? Perhaps treat them like a Dexter duo. Killing those that stepped out of line. I put that on the pro list. 

Crazy was a big con though. She could turn on me. Hurt Toru. That would be unforgivable. You can’t control crazy, but can you limit it? No, I was fooling myself. You couldn’t control…but I had to try something.

“I have no idea what you see in blood. No idea what you go through with your quirk. Or any idea what goes through your mind at all, Toga,” I said. “But I have plans. They may not line up with your own. So, you joined the League in hopes to reach the Hero Killer’s ideals. What exactly do you mean by that?” 

“I was on the run when he showed up,” she said, nervous now. “I watched his video, about how the system was broken. It struck a chord with me. My parents, teachers, therapists, everyone was trying to fix me. He blamed the system, not the individual. It’s this fucked up world we live in.”

“You realize that if he was alive, he would have killed you, right?” I asked. 

“I don’t care,” she said. “That’s why I’m working with the League. Shigaraki wants to take the system down.” 

“But what does he want to put in it’s place?!” I asked angrily. “Shigarki’s quirk is to break everything down. Decay it all. But with his plan, there is nothing left to make something new. He is so upset at the world that ignored him, he wants to kill them all. And fuck, let’s be honest. He is just a puppet of that All-For-One bastard. All-For-One wants Shigaraki to destroy everything so that he can build the world back-up in his own image with him at the top. He will be the new god of this world. You think it’s normal that kids have their quirks cataloged when you’re a kid? The guy is over a century old, that was probably pushed by him decades ago. So that when he did take power he could pick and choose which quirks he wanted!”

Toga’s eyes were as big as saucers as I became more heated. Breathing heavily I stared at her. Her left eye began to leak tears. “What…would you do?” She asked, thinking for the first time. 

“Do when?” 

“If you took over?” She asked. “Shigaraki destroys everything. You could take power.” 

“Toga, do you have any idea how many people would die with Shigaraki’s plan? Every hero to start. Thousands of people. Dead, useless, thousands more mourning their death as some totalitarian rule took place. What needs to happen is to change the people in charge, not these heroes that follow orders. That’s like being angry at a soldier in a war. They just do what they’re told. But if I could sway the people. End the current rulers. We could actually make a change with very little death.”

“So what does this world look like? This one you want to make?” She asked, her tears drying. 

“My true goal?” I asked. “The final step of the plan?” I studied her. It was the moment of truth for her. Whether I would kill or keep her by my side. “Quirk acceptance,” I said. “No more of this ‘only letting heroes use their quirks’ bullshit. If it’s a part of you, then you should be able to use it. But that is not a license to kill, Toga. In the world I want to make, you would have been arrested for killing someone. How would you like it if some boy became obsessed with blood and killed you for it? Huh? A part of you has to know it’s not okay to kill.” 

“I know,” she said, her mouth quivering as she fought more tears. “You think I don’t know that? It was an accident!” 

“An accident is stubbing your toe. Not draining someone’s blood so much that they die from it!” 

“I-I don’t know what happened,” she said. “It just happened! I’ve been able to control it since.”

“Let’s say I believe you? Answer my question. How would you have liked it if some boy had your quirk and sucked you dry? Huh? Do you want kids some day? Are you going to love them so much you drink all their blood too?”

“No!” She yelled, crying more. Her hands crossed over her chest as she began to sob. “I swear I didn’t mean to. It just happened. I won’t do it again, I promise. Please I-I- love you.” She said the words in between sobs. I watched her as she repeated the words, rocking back and forth. And to my surprise I could feel the truth in her words through her Haki. She actually was sorry, something I didn’t think she had the capacity for. 

As she continued crying I moved closer to her. Rubbing her back as she sobbed. Eventually she moved closer to me. Crying more as she tore at my shirt. Her wet tears soaking me as she continued on. When I felt she had done enough I bent down and picked her up in a princess carry. She hid her face in my shoulder as I continued us walking down the street. 

We made it to a busier area and found a taxi. All the while she cuddled up to me. I wasn’t 100% positive that I could trust her, but it was much higher than before. She heard my explanation and didn’t run away or threaten to tell Shigaraki. I was willing to risk it. If she betrayed me I’d simply lose my Roronoa persona, and I’d have my answer on how trustworthy she was.

Daylight still out I found us a hotel close by. Toga was still out of it but the place I picked was used to seeing a boy and girl getting a room together. Laying her on the bed I went into the shower to try to calm down a little. I had to remind myself that she was still young. I sure as shit didn’t have it all figured out at whatever age she was. Then again I hadn’t killed either. By that age at least. Now, I was a killer. 

Ever since coming to the rooms the line for my old morals kept moving. Originally it took a nose dive because I thought the world was fake. Here I’d killed a lot of people lately. Accepting the Anti-Hero role. But at one point did the needle tip and suddenly I was a Villain? I had to start watching it. Cool it a little on the Villain Slayer vigilantism. Save killing for the really bad ones. I shouldn’t help propagate an image that was ruthless and any crime was worth death. 

When I calmed down I stepped out of the shower. Going into the main room I found Toga sitting on the bed naked. 

“I’m sorry I’m not normal,” she said, sniffling as she stared at me. 

“Fuck, I’m sorry I’m not normal,” I said moving to her. Grabbing her shoulders I made her face me. “I’m sorry I’m not some normal school kid that just wants to go to the movies and hold your hand. I have big dreams Toga. I would love for you to join me, but if I can’t trust you, there is no point.”

“You can trust me,” she said weakly. “I don’t want a normal person. I want someone like me. Who doesn’t mind…getting their hands dirty. If you don’t want me to kill, I promise I won’t anymore.” 

“I don’t want you to not kill,” I said with a sigh. “I just want you to make sure they deserve it. Someone tries to kill you, great, end that fuckers life. But when a person is just standing in your way? Killing isn’t the only solution.”

“Like what?” She asked innocently. 

“Like…” I pulled out a chakra paper. “Channel some chakra into this. Like Roronoa showed you.” 

She took the small paper skeptically. I watched as she moved some chakra to her fingertips. As she did the paper turned pink then blood red. “What does that mean?” She asked, wide eyed. 

I let out a sigh. Annoyed that I’d found yet another chakra element I had no idea about. “Blood element, I’m guessing. You can control blood with your chakra.”

“What?” She asked, excitedly. “How?” 

“I’ll…teach you, over time,” I said. “If I feel I can trust you.” She could really become a pain in the ass with that kind of power. I could control water with chakra, could she potentially suck out someone's blood with her power?  

“I swear, you can trust me,” she said quickly. She surprised me by leaning forward and kissing me. I let her do what she wanted, but instead of giving up from my lackluster response, she got more into the kiss. Her lips moving across mine I slowly did the same. Our tongues meeting she moaned in my mouth as she moved forward. Her hand moving to my dick it slowly began to stiffen. 

“Toga…” I said slowly. 

“I want you, Weston, please,” she moaned while kissing me. She continued on beginning to jerk me up and down. No real technique as she tried to pleasure me. I did a mental flip flop as I went back and forth, but in the end I lost. Pushing her to the bed I hovered over her naked body as the kiss became more heated. 

She continued to run her hands along my dick, her grip tightening as I showed her how to really kiss. Toga moaned as I began to pour chakra into her. Then without hesitation she lined my dick up with her pussy and latched her legs around me. Pulling herself closer she pierced her hymen with my dick. She cried out as she forced me in more. 

I wanted to pull away but she came hard. Crying out she latched onto me with all she had. Liquid gushing out of her she yelled my name. “Fucking crazy,” I groaned staring at her. She locked eyes with me and gave me her wild grin. “Fuck it.” 

I began to hump into her. Using all my chakra to make her cum harder as I pulled and pushed her hips away. Mid-orgasm she bit into my neck, drawing blood. She screamed in my ear as I began to angry fuck her. Pounding into her harder I hated how good it felt to no longer care if she was fine or not. Losing myself, it had been so long since I had been in this situation. No longer sure who was in control she licked my blood dripping from the bite marks and I fucked her harder. 

The bed creaked loudly from the force of it. “Fuck me!” She yelled, locking eyes. I could feel her pussy writhe around as she yelled. I couldn’t believe how good she felt. Throwing caution to the wind I grabbed her legs and lifted them over her head. Humping her harder her eyes rolled to the back of her head as a stronger orgasm moved through her body. 

“Fuck-Fuck-Fuck!” She cried out. “So fucking good. Cum in me,” she pleaded. I sped up more, groaning as I felt it build up. But I moved to one hand holding her legs up and pulled out. Jerking off onto her. Huge spurts of my cum splashed across her chest and face. Her tongue sticking out none made it there but she was soon scooping it up and licking it off her fingers. 

“Oh my god,” she moaned. “It’s almost as good as your blood.” Her eyes fluttering she had a more heated look now. “I want all of it in my stomach.” I hated to admit how much the words turned me on. 

“Fucking fuck,” I groaned as I released her legs. My hands going to my head I knew she had trapped me, or I had let myself be trapped, I didn’t know. Either way…crazy pussy was addictive for a reason. I knew the warning signs, but I was starting to fool myself that maybe it would be different this time. Only time would tell. 

One step forward. 2 steps back. I had made the right choice with Madix…I didn’t think I was so lucky this time. 

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