Canon Fodder



Connie and I kissed deeply as her Dopple moved up and down my shaft. I didn’t think her small mouth could fit my cock. She struggled but managed. Humming happily as she moved off and began to suck my balls. 

Hancock got off the bed, drawing my attention to make out. The main Connie moved down to help her Doppel. Both on one of my balls they looked up at me hungrily, begging me for more as Hancock and I kissed. 

When one moved up to my dickhead she got it in a few inches and began bobbing her head. Hancock pulled away, moving to the other side of a Connie. Sucking a ball the triple blowjob made me curse and jerk forward. The one on my dick tired and Hancock took her place. Relaxing her throat she got over half way down. 

I nodded and began to cum. The 3 girls licked and sucked every inch of me as a huge amount of cum escaped me. When Hancock’s mouth was full she pulled another Connie to take her place. The small girl took the last shot as Hancock began to kiss the other. Sharing my cum between each other they moaned happily. 

I had ended up awakening chakra in Connie after her jealousy was down far enough. Having spent the last 2 days in the hotel room we had hardly left. If we weren’t sleeping we were having sex. It was good to know that the stereotypes about rabbitkin were true. They really did do it all the time. 

I fucked all 2 or 4 again, releasing my load into them only to enter the other. When we were all a gasping and sweating mess I noticed the time and had to carry the girls to the shower. Connie was especially tired so I had to carry her outside the hotel as well. 

“This was needed,” Hancock said. Her Haki radiating bliss. 

“I had fun,” I admitted. The Hancock Doppel made appearances, but even Hancock became tired. Since her stats were split between the 2 of them she had to reabsorb the Doppel to keep up. The Doppel was an indefinite effect, and only ended when Connie ended them. 

“I don’t remember much,” Connie said. “When did it became daylight?”

“Uh…we’ve been there for 2 days,” I said.

“What?!” She asked, jerking up. She winced as the pain hit her nethers. “What about-” 

“We signed up for the Plainswalker stuff already,” Hancock assured. 

“When? I don’t…how long were we…?” 

“A while,” Hancock said, patting her shoulder. “You did good. But you slept for almost 12 hours yesterday.” 

“I don’t remember eating…” 

“You survived on Weston’s cum,” Hancock said. “You drank a lot. But it is really good.”

“You’re going to make me horny again,” I warned. 

She laughed. “Even now you are still insatiable. This is why I need help. Who is this other girl we are meeting?” 

“Aleska Brookhaven,” I said. “That makes us 4. We still need to find another 2 to finalize the team.” 

“We could take my brother,” Hancock offered. 

“That guy hates me. I’ve seen him for 2 minutes and I could feel the rage coming off of him.” 

“He is very jealous,” Hancock said. “It was hard to keep him away for so long. I will need to head home tonight or he will call the police.” I could feel that she liked the attention though. She rarely had brothers in the worlds so far, so it was a new feeling for her. The only ones she had before were in the Elemental World, and they were all older.  

“Are we um…still going to look for my friend?” Connie asked as the conversation lulled. 

“Of course,” I said.

“Yes, I looked into the elf a little. When I signed us up I noticed he would be at the testing today.”

“What’s his name again?” 

“Orillin Deepmorrow,” Connie whispered. 

“Oof, the Deepmorrow’s?” I asked. “They own half the city.”

“That going to be a problem?” She asked nervously. 

“No, Hancock and I can handle it,” I assured. We got on the bus and headed across town. 

Eleska was waiting for us at the entrance to the conference center. She waved excitedly to me, but as she noticed Hancock and Connie, and our lack of armor, her face became crestfallen. She was wearing an expensive steel armor breastplate, chainmail skirt, with a few leathers covering her arms and legs. Her light gray hair tied back in a ponytail she appeared to be wearing more makeup than at the club. 

“Aleska, glad you could make it,” I said. “This is Hancock, our…what kind of attacks do you have?” 

“Crowd control,” she said after some thought. “I hit hard too.”

“True. And this is Connie, our scout. Everyone, this is Aleska the healer.”

“Hello,” Hancock said. Both girls were in simple dresses. Connie’s was the one we had met her in, a gray dress top with a short red skirt. Hancock’s was longer that showed off her bust. I was in jeans and a shirt. 

“You’re um, wearing this to the testing?” She asked, studying me then the girls. “I thought this was to show off to prospective sponsors.” 

“Don’t worry about it. This will be easy,” I assured. Walking past her the girls followed.

“I love your hair,” Hancock said. “I really wanted to be a paladin too but I…” The trio made small talk. We were signed up easily enough. Another 30 teams coming along for the testing the place became a madhouse soon enough. 

The 12 foot tall Red Lamia slithered over to us. 4 goblins flanking it on either side I jumped forward. My hands in my pockets I kicked the pinched together face of the lamia causing it to be crushed. Hancock moved to 2 of the goblins. Her high heeled shoes charged with her Armament Haki, simple kicks knocked them back, causing them to disintegrate. 

Aleska ran to the other side. Her large shield taking the brunt of them Connie moved in, stabbing the monsters. Her 2 bodies on either side of the paladin, striking easily into them. By the time they finished with theirs, Hancock and I had killed the others. Moving to the next trap I practically skipped, bored by the challenge. 

Of course I had brought some gear for Connie and Hancock. My inventory had some gear I had bought in Solo Leveling world. Giving Aleska a sword and shield she felt better about our chances as we moved through the trials. 

The first step was signing up, then a quick written test challenging us about general knowledge in Plains. Like what roots had to be mixed with a ground up mana crystal to make a health or mana potion. The potions were typically very weak, but it didn’t matter. Even a few health points were needed in the Plains. 

I had originally planned to not go through the practical test since it was unnecessary to make a group, but we were trying to impress the elf that had supposedly kidnapped Connie’s friend. The monsters weren’t real of course. The convention center this was held at, employed an illusion mage to make general level 1 monsters. Because they were the weakest of monsters they were simple for Hancock and I, but the other 2 struggled to keep up. 

As I kicked a monster goblin it’s nose was obliterated by the Tremor from my foot. Another throwing a knife at me I didn’t bother to catch it. Timing my kick, I hit the hilt, causing it to twist up in the air. When it became level with me again I kicked the dagger. It flew through the air, embedding in the throat of the goblin. Even I was surprised it had worked. 

Yet another fight won we moved to the 10th and final hall. A level 5 Imp King meeting us the red skinned demon cast a large fireball. Charging my chest with Armament Haki I took it easily. Fire splashing across my chest, the other girls ran at it. When the imp took flight Hancock jumped up, hitting it in the leg. Breaking the bone with the simple hit I punched outward. The air cracking as my fist struck it, a focused tremor shot caused the imp to fall back down. 

It was short work from there. It’s body disintegrating, we reached the end goal, beating the current record for the day by 8 minutes. 

“Very well done,” the judge at the end said. He was a big man, clapping far too loudly; he had been just as enthusiastic for every team. 

The Connie twins and Aleska were breathing heavily. Hancock and I waited for them. When they were slightly recovered we headed to the stands that looked down the maze of the test. Other teams littering the stands, the box seats were held by our targets, the elves. More than a few pointing and whispering down at us I felt we were a shoe in. 

“How did you both make it look so easy?” Aleska asked, still catching her breath. 

“Because it was,” Hancock said. “Weston and I have been training for years for this.” 

I nodded, taking the shield from her. Making it disappear in my inventory neither girl appeared to notice or care. 

“What kind of stats do you have?” Aleska asked. 

“Enough,” I said. “You did good. And you didn’t have to heal anyone.”

“Stupid that we don’t get experience though,” Hancock admitted. “When can we go to an actual Plain?” 

“There’s one in town. We should get our registration and licenses in less than a week.”

“What about a sponsor?” Aleska asked. “There seems to be some interest.”

“Again, we don’t need it,” I said.

“Then why did we bother?” She asked.

“We could use the practice,” I said. I didn’t see any reason to tell her we were planning to follow an elf back to his place so we could see if he had kidnapped a kangaroo. Aleska hesitated but nodded. SItting down, her armor clinked loudly. 

“What now?” Connie asked.

“The sponsors will want to watch everyone,” Hancock said. “We wait around, see if any bite. But I doubt-” 

“Mr. Woon,” a woman’s voice said. The 4 of us turned to see an older human woman looking at me. “Do you have a moment?”

I looked at the others. Hancock flashed me a smile, Connie crossed her fingers, and Aleska didn’t know what was going on. I nodded and headed to the woman. She wore a black business suit. Dressed like a butler I doubted this was the contact we were hoping to make. But if the Deepmorrow elf didn’t bite I would simply follow him home. I already had 4 shadow clones stationed outside to follow him. 

“My mistress was rather impressed by your display,” the female butler said. 

“And your mistress is?”

“Geonna Klaymore,” she said. I didn’t recognize the name, but it sounded stupid enough to be an elf’s. 

I was escorted to a small back room. It resembled an interrogation room rather than a meeting place. A small table in the middle, there were 4 chairs around it. A luscious blonde elf sat opposite the door. Staring at me her light blue eyes were like sapphires as they sparkled in the dim light of the room. She wore a very modest leather cuirass. Intricate leaf designs etched in the armor, her arms were covered by forest green lace sleeves. Her hair tied back in a braid she had tall pointy ears. 

“Hello, Mr. Woon,” she said as I stepped in. The butler bowed and stepped out. Closing the door. I used Journeyman Eye on the elf, but all it read were question marks. 

“How can I help you?” I asked. 

“I think it is I who can help you,” she admitted. Opening a folder the first page was a picture of me. “You received your job 2 days ago, yet already have the start of a good team.” She flipped through more pages. “Parents live in town. Your dad works in a factory, your mom doesn’t work after an injury to her leg.” 

“Yep,” I said. “Got my dick size in there as well?”

“It does not, should I fill it in somewhere in my report?” She asked. 

“Sure, but you’ll have to measure it yourself,” I said. Grabbing a chair I sat across from her. She smiled at me as I did. Her Spiritual Energy wasn’t as strong as I expected, but she was stronger than the average person. “Sorry, you don’t feel like an ancient and wise elf.”

“I am not,” she said. “Geonna.” Sticking her hand out I shook it. 

“Weston. Foreplay done?” 

“I think so,” she said, closing the file. “You have found yourself in the middle of quite the fight, Weston.” I frowned, unsure what she was talking about. “You are a Candidate.”

“Ah,” I said with a nod. “Should have known.” 

“What do you know of being a Candidate?” She asked, her arms crossing in front of her.

“Nothing,” I said. “Fought 1 the other day.”

“I heard about that,” she admitted. “Normally I try to stay out of the whole candidacy battle, but you have piqued my interest. You appear far stronger than you have a right to be.” I shrugged. Studying me for a moment it was some time before she spoke again. 

“The Gods gifted us mere mortals with the Job Assignment Orbs millenia ago. With the agreement that they would limit their own…influence in our world, they decided that creating Candidates was the only way to solve squabbles between them in this plane of existence.”

I slowly nodded, understanding, but never having heard this information before. 

“There are levels to candidacy. First you are a god’s Candidate. When you have proven yourself you become a Contender, then Finalist, and eventually an Avatar of that god. The mortal representation of that god.”

“Cool, any good perks?” I asked. 

“Long life for one,” she said. “Elf worthy.” I whistled. They lived for thousands of years. “Every few centuries a new batch of candidates is spit out. Hundreds of them. Most gods have dozens in line. That Ares Candidate you beat is one of 6 I know of. But Eros…” she tsked. “I haven’t heard of an Eros candidate in a long time.”

“Why’s that?” I asked. 

“No idea. Eros has become rather reclusive the last few go-arounds,” she admitted. “At least that’s what my family says.” 

“Ah, right. Because you are young,” I said. “Let me guess, only 100 years old?” 

She cackled a laugh. “Actually I am only 40.”

“Well you don’t look a day over 20,” I said.

“Yes, I know. I am an elf. We never do,” she said. We locked eyes for a time. Me studying her face, her studying mine.

“So which Candidate are you?” I asked. 

“That…is a secret,” she said. Moving her hand to her chest she pulled out 2 necklaces. Both had simple silver circular discs hanging from them. “I merely wanted to meet you and introduce myself to you. These are a gift for you and the other Candidate in your party. They will prevent people from identifying your Job…up to a certain level.” I nodded, taking them gladly. 

“And what do you get by being so generous?” I asked. 

“Oh, simple meet and greet nature of our business,” Geonna said. “Nothing is happening yet, but if more candidates appear, events will unfold where it might become necessary for us to come together and make alliances.” 

“Well consider me intrigued,” I said. Standing up I gave her a nod and walked out. 

I wanted answers of course, but we were being monitored. I wanted to pretend to be indifferent to the power struggle that was going on. This world was turning out to be more and more interesting, but unfortunately there were no Challenger slots to be had. Not so much smut as an actual story. I had to remind myself that this place wasn’t the place to strive for real strength. I needed to finish my quest and get out of there. 

I came out to find Hancock and Aleska talking. “Where’s Connie?” I asked.

“She was poached as well,” Hancock said. “Apparently her Job is very interesting.”

“She’s not the only one,” I said, giving her a signal that we needed to talk in private. But that was when one of my clones ended himself. Having seen Connie taken away from the convention center she was in the clutches of the guy we were after. 

As I processed the information I received a new quest. 

You have received a quest:

A candidate for another god has taken your lover.



Hypnos Candidate



7,500 XP

“What the hell?” Hancock asked as she read the invisible screen. 

“Who is my lover?” Aleska asked. Confused, she looked up at us. I was surprised as well, I guessed my party received the same quest as I did. 

“I’ll explain on the way,” I said. Turning around we headed out to go fight an immortal elf. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.