Canon Fodder



I came out of the last Smut door in a terrible mood. Summoning Hancock immediately she looked around and hugged me. 

“That…was not what I expected,” she said.

“Yeah, took us what? 8 days to clear these worlds,” I said. “Feels like a freakin lifetime for some reason.”

“I have so many memories…” Hancock noted, rubbing her head.

“Yeah, they kind of fade. I’ve noticed that the memories of the world I go to become forefront when I’m there, then kind of get pushed back in new worlds,” I admitted. Watching her she had her back to me. Her Haki was all over the place. Confusion, fear, and regret were at the forefront. 

“Are you alright?” I asked. 

“Are you?” She asked with a forced laugh as she turned to face me. Tears in her eyes I felt the same way. “I thought this would be a sex fueled adventure. But now I regret it.”

“Which part?” I asked. 

“Taking on so many lives,” she said. “Now that we have their memories, the us from these worlds don’t exist. If we were to die, they would disappear. Are we…killing past us in these worlds?” 

“I…hope not,” I said. But I knew the answer. We were. “Sorry, I try not to think about it,” I said.

“I understand. We need to go to these worlds to know what they offer. It’s just…a little much. I feel the memories fading, but a part of me aches for… Toru,” she said. I used Love Gauge on her. Hancock was still as high as possible on the gauge, so she still loved me. It was different to have to fear her other lovers in other worlds. I guessed it was the same way she felt. I had all these women I loved in other worlds. She was simply trying to keep up. 

“You see my predicament,” I said. “When I was in One Piece world. I loved you, Nami, and Robin. Which is why I used my Companion and Summon on you. The me of that world loved you most of all. But there are other women I love. All women I only started loving after I got to the world. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten memories where I’m in love with someone already. People that aren’t family anyway.”

“Yes,” Hancock said. “I actually did have a few people I thought I loved. But when I came to the worlds, I knew it wasn’t true love. What I have with you…” she walked closer. Kissing me on the lips as we locked eyes. “I am yours, fully.”

“Good, because we need to plan,” I said.

“Ugh,” Hancock said, sneering. “I knew you would make us work. What first, husband?” 

“First, you were right. We got rewards for opening all 5 doors.” I brought up my notification. 

Congratulations for opening all doors in the Manhwa Smut Hall



World Choice


“Cool. World Choice. You get one?” I asked.

“I did not,” she said. “I got another Bonus Choice. It gives me 3 new options but I don’t know which is best.”

“Nice,” I said. “What are your choices…actually. I should be able to…” I looked through her notifications. 

Hancock Byuen Bonus Slot Choice




Fertility Increase

I used Journeyman Eye on all 3. 



New partners are more likely to want to try new things in the bedroom.




People jealous of you have clouded judgment. And will make mistakes.


Fertility Increase


You are 5% more likely to conceive.

“Awesome,” I said. Then explained the choices to her. Without hesitation she picked one. “Which-”

“Instigator,” she said without shame. 

“Too bad I’m not a new partner,” I said. 

“Who cares about you?” She teased. “Most women are not ready for a threesome. How else can I talk them into it without a skill?” 

“Oh, so you’re mind controlling them now?” I asked. My breath hot against her face as I got more turned on by her. 

“No, simply…helping them understand how much better it would be if they touched me and I touched them.” 

“You’re perfect, you know that, right?” I asked. 

“Before you, I was able to be sated. Work came first, then play. But around you…I don’t know. I want it all the time.” Hancock’s wide eyes studied me. My hand moved to her, but I stopped myself. 

“Plan first, fun later,” I said. Her hand went to my dick. Rubbing it over my pants. “I said plan.” 

“Plan away,” she said. “I find clarity in holding your cock.”

“Fine,” I said. “I originally wanted to leave Manhwa. But with Easton out there. I think we should take it slow. Enjoy it.” I looked around, our agreement had been to meet back up in the room if he couldn’t go to another Hall. He was not there, which meant our plan succeeded. L wasn’t lying. 

“I still cannot believe you did not let us have sex,” Hancock pouted. 

“I…didn’t feel too comfortable with it,” I admitted. “You are my Companion. Let him go find his own Hancock.” 

“Fine,” she said. “I hope he is okay.” 

“Me too,” I said, letting out a sigh. “I think we should stick to Manhwa. We have World Lasting Physique here. Let’s clear some worlds, get challenger slots, then venture out.”

“And this World Choice will allow you to see all the possible worlds?” She asked. I nodded. “I will agree to this plan, if you let me pick the next World Choice then.” 

“Which World would you want?”

“Harry Potter,” she said without hesitation. 

“Seriously?” I asked. “I might not have picked-” 

“Doesn’t matter. At least 2 of my past selves loved the books. They always wanted to go, and I would like to make it a reality for them.”

I let out a sigh. “We have more time now, so fine. We can go there. With luck I picked it in the Book Hall, but I doubt it.”

“Perfect,” she said, in a good mood. “Which world first?” We walked out and headed to the Manhwa main hall. 

“We have opened Second Life Ranker, Tutorial is Too Hard, Solo Leveling,” I said. “I think we should spend a little more time in each.”

“Really? I thought you would go to Solo Leveling and …power level through it like you said,” she noted, quoting me. 

“I felt so rushed before,” I said with a shrug. “But now…it’s like there is this crushing weight leaving my shoulders. We have 10 years between Easton and I to figure out how to get the World Lasting Physique. That’s huge. It took us over 6 years to clear 3 worlds, but with luck we can clear a hell of a lot more. We actually have a chance here.” 

“Great,” Hancock said. “Where first?” 

“Second Life Ranker. Let’s get through the tutorial there and see,” I said. Taking her hand we walked through the world together. 

I walked out of the Manhwa Smut Room. Ready to split from Weston and Hancock. “This is…,” I said slowly. “Fucking awesome.” I loved Hancock dearly, but I couldn’t help but feel like she was cramping my style. I hoped that L was telling the truth about going to different halls. Our conversation playing through my mind it was crazy to think I had been affected from some sort of debuff. I would have to keep an eye out for them in the future. It was time to let loose again. I brought up my screen as I headed to the Junction. 


Weston Woon


Current Quest:


World 1:


World 1 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


Dead Man Walking





World Lasting Physique








Nibi - Level 4


1 Challenger Slot


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


3 Challenger Slots

World Escape


Berserker Mode







Medium Psychic Resistance


2 Challenger Slots

Minor Identity Theft Resistance


Minor Dark Magic Resistance


Minor Lightning Resistance



Gantz Armor

Stored (25)

1 Challenger Slots

Bonus Choice




I had Nibi which was nice. I had been ignoring the tailed beast, so it was time to bring her out and use her more. A part of me would miss Hancock, but a growing part was excited to start back up on my Harem. 

“What the hell?” I asked in surprise. I hadn’t been so desperate for others before. Without my Chikyugi there was no reason I should have been so horny, but I was. 

“Shit,” I said. “Am I Weston’s horny side? Or was his horniness from the Chikyugi split between us?” I wasn’t sure. Grinding my teeth I decided to ignore it.

In the Junction I looked around. I had kind of wanted to go to Books, but Comics was too tempting. I could get super powers with some luck, and maybe clear worlds that were easy in the Hall. I walked up to the South door in the Junction that read Comics. Grabbing the handle the pop-ups appeared. 



Please pick the Challenger Slots you would like to keep for this new Hall.


Note: All Status screens are locked to the Hallway. Skills, Abilities, Items,

and Bonuses will not be shared between halls unless picked as a challenger



Do you want to Pick Challenger Slots Now?




Warning: Those skills, abilities, bonus, and items picked will be locked

as challenger slot items, and not be able to be changed.

I hadn’t thought I had any Challenger Slots but I did have the spare Ability Challenger Slot from when we lost our Give and Take Quirk. I could use the Bonus Choice I had, but it was useless without a Bonus Challenger Slot so I picked Yes, and assigned the Inventory as my spare Ability Challenger Slot. My body shrunk in muscle, as well as my dick in size as I lost the World Lasting Physique. 


Weston Woon


Current Quest:


World 1:


World 1 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


Dead Man Walking











Nibi - Level 4


1 Challenger Slot


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


3 Challenger Slots

World Escape


Berserker Mode







Medium Psychic Resistance


2 Challenger Slots

Minor Identity Theft Resistance



Gantz Armor

Stored (25)

1 Challenger Slots




Plenty to work with, it was sad to not have chakra anymore, but I had barely tapped the surface of Nen. It was time to master the ultimate move. With the goal of being stronger than the other Weston, I walked into the hall. 

Originally I had felt the need to go right to the Hall…but the smut hall was calling to me. I knew I had just left one, but for some reason I was really horny. Perhaps because I had held back from Hancock, or because I was always a horndog, I didn’t know. Walking into the first door on my left I decided I might as well get to know some of these worlds. I could practice my Nen. Take my time and do it right this time. I walked into the left door without hesitation. Ready to have some fun in the X-rated worlds. 

So I think you can all see where the story is going. I plan to follow Easton for a while. I am having to rethink manhwa a little just because they are so linear. I would prefer to change the story a lot for those worlds instead of follow chapter by chapter with the source material. I’m busy at work next week so no update then. Just combined the 2 weeks of updates for today.  

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.