Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 57 Cat Dad’s Infiltration

Chapter 57 – Cat Dad’s Infiltration


The death waves hit the cave the same way that they hit the Wood Ant Nest. The seawater reached the ceiling!

The seawater washed away the dust and debris of the cave. It burst into a new area above the ceiling, but the force was not enough to fill the next area with water.

In the next second, the water level subsided.

The eyes of Xiaomao were bloodshot. His head hit the hard black rock in the underground cave by an accident, and his HP dropped by a third. His sword plunged into the ceiling and got stuck there while Xiaomao’s tentacles coiled around the sword handle.

He gambled and won as the ceiling in the previous room collapsed after the bombardment.

Xiaomao got lucky. Had the lower area under this cave was not a part of the Gnoll Dungeon, the crossbow wouldn’t have worked. Fortunately, he was close enough and was saved by the lady’s luck.

Looking down, the seawater followed Xiaomao to the other room, but it was not strong enough to fill the higher room and reach him.

Realizing that he was safe, Xiaomao drank some potions to refill his HP and MP. After pulling the flying sword from the rock, he rode it and descended.

The ceiling and the underground rocks leaked seawater from the surface while a man-made waterway tunnel poured brown liquid here.

As Xiaomao looked at the manmade waterway, pieces of skeletons and rotten meat was washed down and flowed along with seawater from the mysterious place.

It confirmed that Xiaomao was close to the destination.

He picked a human skull nearby. Then, he scooped the dirty water with it and stored them in his inventory.

‘This is the garbage dump of Warg Lord. He always tosses his leftover food here.’.

Although Gnoll Dungeon was far from civilization, Warg Lord, aka the dungeon boss, had his ways of obtaining food. It related to the dungeon core of this place, which continuously provided Warg Lord with supplies and resources as long as he continued to guard this place.

As the pipe was large enough to wash away humanoid skeletons and random rotten meat in here, Xiaomao’s small body could access the hole.

Xiaomao gazed at the pipeline. Seeing that the path was clear, he rode the flying sword and headed closer deep into the Gnoll Dungeon.

Getting closer, the stench of rotten meat and dead bodies got stronger. As a half-cat, Xiaomao had to cover his nose.

Brown and yellowish dirty water kept flowing here. They splashed onto his fur, and he was covered in blood and trash water.

Xiaomao couldn’t help it. He retched and puked.

Minutes later, Xiaomao reached the end of the waterway. He got into a massive container.

Mountains of wet skeletons, worms, flies, maggots, and rotten flesh of dead bodies were in front of Xiaomao. All of them were the leftover food of the Warg Lord.

Here, no useful items were inside this garbage container unless someone looked for a good fertilizer.

Xiaomao quietly ascended, controlling his flying sword higher. After flying up 100 meters, he found a rusty ventilation tunnel.

Although it looked like a vent tunnel, traces of bones and trash got stuck on the edge of the hole. This was where the garbage came from.

Xiaomao navigated through the garbage tunnel. At the exit, he peeked out to see the surroundings.

A massive grand hall with Roman Pillars was before Xiaomao. A 5-meter tall silhouette of a fat werewolf with a large cane sat in the center of the hall, chewing on something in front of him.

Galm, the Warg Lord, Level 55

That was the boss of this dungeon!

Patrolling in the grand hall was a thousand level 50 gnoll soldiers. Twenty level 50 gnoll shamans and two gnoll generals formed a formation behind their lord.

This army was the troops inside the Warg Lord’s room! Had Xiaomao opened the gate and entered the room with his new slave, this army and the Warg Lord would have slaughtered them on sight!

Xiaomao stored the sword and activated the chameleon skill right away. He scooped the dirty water and smeared it on his fur.

The camouflaged catopus crept on the wall, moving like a snail. But after crawling 10 meters, Xiaomao stopped all his movements.

A group of gnoll soldiers carried a bundle of bones and leftover meat toward the trash vent. They dumped everything in the tunnel and licked their hands before they walked away.

Nobody noticed Xiaomao’s presence.

Xiaomao looked ahead. 200 meters away was a sci-fi-like gate with a keycard reader.

The cat’s eyes shone as he finally found his destination. He crept closer to the gate.

That was the gate to the treasure room! As long as Xiaomao could use the keycard that he had purchased from the Nymph there, he could lift his slave’s curse and weaken Warg Lord at the same time.


As Xiaomao got closer to the door, he noticed that the patrol around here was tighter than before. Five units of 10 gnoll soldiers marched around in a robotic manner, but their eyes shifted left and right.

Several of them glanced toward Xiaomao’s direction and spotted the strange blob. They twitched their noses several times before they looked away.

Xiaomao’s heart almost stopped beating when they stared at him. He held his breath and stopped moving.

When nobody was looking at him, Xiaomao brought out the skull with the dirty water. Then, he poured some of them on his head, disguising his smell.

After he put the skull back into his inventory, the patrol units in front of the door suddenly stopped moving. All of them turned around and stared at Xiaomao.

A group of ten gnolls walked toward him. They lowered their heads, sniffing at the camouflaged cat.


Xiaomao was frozen solid. He neither moved nor breathed.

The plan backfired!

The gnolls snorted. One of them licked Xiaomao to taste the dirty water!

Xiaomao got goosebumps. He prayed that the gnoll wouldn’t eat him.


The gnoll retched and spat in disgust while his friends laughed. The unit then walked away, resuming their patrol.

Xiaomao was relieved. He stayed there, monitoring the patrol template and their movements.

Several minutes passed.


An alarm warned Xiaomao that the rental weapon would return to Nymph in 10 minutes.

Xiaomao clicked his tongue. The patrolling units in front of Warg Lord’s treasure room had no opening. Unless something happened, he had no chance of infiltrating this place.

Suddenly, Xiaomao came up with an idea.

Since the door’s size was 36 x 80 inches, a five-meter tall fatty boss couldn’t possibly follow Xiaomao into the room.

Thus, Xiaomao stopped hiding. He jumped up and climbed the wall.

Several gnolls sensed his movements. They turned around and twitched their noses.

But it was too late. Xiaomao fired a bolt toward the group of patrolling gnolls. Then, that bolt multiplied into 1,000!

One Man Thousand Arrows!


The gnoll soldiers didn’t even realize what hit them. They were burnt to ashes and left behind piles of items that Xiaomao couldn’t store.

Xiaomao ignored the commotion and rushed down. He pulled out the keycard and swiped it in front of the card reader.

Warg Lord’s Lost Keycard

This keycard belongs to Warg Lord, the chieftain of the Gnolls. He lost it during his stroll, and he has been looking for it for years.

Item Type: Key Item

NOTE: You cannot keep this item in your premium backpack, warehouse, or store inventory. This item is guaranteed to drop from your body if you died.

[???????? Instinct]: You have two choices. First, hand the keycard over to the Warg Lord and befriend him. Or second, find out where you can use this keycard, and you might find something nice.


The steel door opened by itself.

Xiaomao held his breath and rushed inside. Then, he turned around and pressed the buttons on a console inside the room!


Because of the explosion and the commotion, Warg Lord screamed in anger. He stomped toward the commotion.

As soon as he noticed that someone had murdered his men, he bellowed.


The deafening roar of the Warg Lord caused Xiaomao’s ear to bleed. His HP dropped by 2,000, leaving him with only less than 200 HP!


<You have been inflicted with an abnormal status, [Fear]. You cannot use attack commands, skills, and spells for one minute.>

<You have been inflicted with an abnormal status, [Deaf]. You cannot hear anything for one minute.>

As expected, Warg Lord was deadly. Just by his AOE skill alone, it was enough to wipe out a team of low-HP players.


The Warg Lord’s eyes and Xiaomao’s eyes met before the metal door was automatically closed.


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