Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 37: Experiment (1)

Chapter 37: Experiment (1)

Although it was a bit fanciful, Chen Lin was extremely excited and couldn't wait to try it out.

If the experiment succeeded, he would gain an unknown trump card that no one else knew about.

Mainly, it was Yu Yuehai and Ye Jingyun who didn't know.

If he could create it successfully, and its power reached his expected level, it might become his hope for escaping from them at the right time.

The more he thought about it, the more excited and agitated he became, causing him to pace back and forth on the ground.

After a while, he finally calmed down.

He re-examined the feasibility of the experiment, and after determining that it was possible, he began to try making it.

Although his heart was burning with excitement, Chen Lin didn't rush into action. Instead, he took out the broken Weapon Refining treasure manual and reviewed its contents again.

To ensure that he understood it thoroughly, he didn't hesitate to waste an Enlightenment Pill, using its medicinal effects to review all the contents, including his own ideas, once again.

Only after he was certain that there were no problems did he begin to refine it.

First, he cast a Golden Armor on himself, then carefully engraved the spell patterns on each Thunderbolt Bead.

Just engraving one bead made him sweat profusely.

The Thunderbolt Bead was originally designed to be detonated using spiritual power, but he was trying to use spiritual power to engrave the spell patterns on it, which was extremely dangerous.

If he made even a small mistake, the Thunderbolt Bead would explode.

Fortunately, his technique was skilled enough, and he succeeded in one try.

He then engraved the second bead, which also succeeded in one try.

This smooth progress boosted Chen Lin's confidence, and he quickly prepared the auxiliary materials to begin.

The auxiliary material was a substance that resembled liquid silver but was slightly harder, with a dark color, known as "dark silver."

Dark silver had strong spiritual power conductivity and could condense into various shapes, making it a commonly used low-level material in refining spiritual treasures.

Although dark silver wasn't expensive, it was the most costly material in making Thunderbolt Beads.

Chen Lin spread the dark silver into a flat plane.

His idea was to wrap the two Thunderbolt Beads with engraved spell patterns in the dark silver, then engrave a connecting spell pattern on top, allowing the spell patterns on the two Thunderbolt Beads to overlap and merge into a single, larger bead, making it easier to use.

Moreover, according to his calculations, the effect of the overlap wouldn't be a simple addition, but a multiplication of power.

Of course, the actual situation would only be clear after refining it.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Lin carefully placed the two Thunderbolt Beads into the auxiliary material, then began to engrave the spell patterns using his spiritual power.

As the spell patterns were drawn out one by one, he soon reached the final, critical step.

He only needed to connect the spell patterns to form a complete array, and the refining process would be complete.

But this was also the most difficult part.

Previously, when refining individual Thunderbolt Beads, he would often fail at this step, as the energy released during the connection of the spell patterns would easily disrupt the internal balance of the material, causing it to explode.

Chen Lin's face turned grave, and he even cast another Golden Armor technique on himself.

This time, the material was two Thunderbolt Beads, and if he failed, it might release a massive amount of power, so he had to be prepared in advance.

He couldn't let his innovation of a spiritual treasure kill him.

Just as he was about to start, Chen Lin thought of another oversight.

His purpose in creating this combined Thunderbolt Bead was to use it against Yu Yuehai or Ye Jingyun at a critical moment, but he couldn't do it so openly.

The noise from refining it would be too great, and wouldn't it attract their attention?

When he refined individual Thunderbolt Beads before, the noise was similar to that of an alchemy failure, but now that the material had changed to Thunderbolt Beads, it was different.

The power of the two Thunderbolt Beads could be so great that they might even blow up the entire house.

After some thought, he went to one side of the room, removed the wooden planks on the floor, and revealed a three-foot-square hole, with a ladder inside.

This was a cellar, used to store food for the winter to prevent it from freezing, and not a secret passage.

Moreover, it wasn't even dug by him, but was already there when he rented the house.

At first, he had indeed planned to dig a secret passage leading outside, but he didn't have a storage bag at the time, and transporting the excavated soil was very inconvenient, and there were many people living in the courtyard.

Digging a secret passage was meant to be covert, but if everyone knew about it, it would lose its meaning, so he gave up on the idea.

However, he had still deepened and widened the cellar, even opening up a small room at the bottom.

His idea was that if a demonic beast were to attack, he could hide inside to avoid danger.

Now, it could be used as a place for Weapon Refining.

He took out a Night Illumination Stone, lit it up, and then covered it with a lid.

Next, he didn't climb down the ladder, but instead used the Royal Wind Technique to float down.

The cellar was over ten meters deep, and it got wider as you went down.

There wasn't much inside, just ordinary food storage and some daily necessities left by the previous owner, which he had thrown away.

There was even an old, unused broken table board, which Chen Lin picked up, wiped clean, and nodded in satisfaction.

Doing experiments here, even if an explosion were to occur, the noise outside wouldn't be too loud, and it would be similar to the commotion he usually caused.

As for whether it would collapse the cellar, it shouldn't have that much power.

Even if he got buried alive, he still had the Earth Escape Talisman to escape with.

After preparing, Chen Lin took out the half-finished product he had refined to a critical point and placed it on the wooden board, then cast a Golden Armor spell on himself.

Thinking it wasn't safe enough, he took out the Golden Armor Talisman he had bought before and activated it, forming a light shield, which made him feel slightly more at ease.

In fact, even with double-layered defense, Chen Lin wasn't very confident, and his greatest reliance was the Six Ding Profound Armor Talisman; otherwise, he wouldn't have dared to take such a risk.

He took out another Night Illumination Stone and placed it on the wall above his head, and the light was just right.

Then, Chen Lin stood in front of the wooden board, calmed himself, and carefully began to inscribe the final array pattern.


As soon as the array pattern was completed, a loud explosion sounded, and two balls of flame erupted.

A shockwave sent Chen Lin stumbling backward, but his face still showed a look of astonishment.

Failure was within his expectations, but the explosive power after failure was far beyond his expectations.

It was too weak.

Not to mention triggering the Six Ding Profound Armor Talisman, but even the shield created by the Golden Armor Talisman outside couldn't be broken, only making it tremble slightly.

Such power, even without any defensive measures, would only blow his clothes to shreds and might not even cause skin injuries.

"This isn't scientific!"

Chen Lin was somewhat puzzled.

He had secretly tested the power of the Thunderbolt Bead before, and one bead was already stronger than this, yet here, two beads exploding together had such little power.

Could it be that the Thunderbolt Beads had varying strengths, and these two just happened to be weak?

Chen Lin thought for a moment and felt it was impossible.

They were all made from the same materials and were products of innate abilities, so they definitely wouldn't have differences.

So, it must be due to other reasons.

He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

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