Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 41: Severing the Red Thread

Chapter 41: Severing the Red Thread

The illusory shadow in the sky made Chen Lin's heart tremble with fear, worried that something unexpected would happen.

However, when he looked at Yu Yuehai, he discovered that the other's face was as calm as usual, as if he had anticipated this situation.

Only then did Chen Lin's heart settle down.

It seemed that Yu Yuehai had also planned to take action tonight, and it was all part of his calculations.

Yu Yuehai remained still, gazing at the sky, without any reaction.

Ye Jingyun was the same.

The Xia sisters, on the other hand, looked anxious, especially Zhao Zhengyuan, who seemed to be seeing this scene for the first time, and his legs were trembling.

But since Yu Yuehai didn't move, they couldn't do anything either. Chen Lin continued to gaze at the shadow in the sky.

After a while, the shadow seemed to become clearer, and its shape could be vaguely discerned. It looked like a giant insect.

"The strange shape is not fixed, what you see may not be real. Prepare yourselves, it's about to begin!"

Yu Yuehai's voice rang out, and the others quickly turned their attention to him.

Just then, Chen Lin felt the ground beneath his feet suddenly tremble, almost causing him to fall over. The houses in the courtyard also developed cracks.

Before he could observe what was happening, five beams of light shot up from different directions!

These five beams of light were thick and large, with different colors, just like the five spirit stones on the array plate in front of them.

However, the array plate hadn't been activated, and it was clear that Yu Yuehai wasn't responsible for this.

These beams of light carried a terrifying energy fluctuation, weaving together in the air to form a gigantic, exaggerated sword!

As the sword formed, the hazy shadow in the sky began to squirm.

As it squirmed, the countless red threads in the sky suddenly brightened, turning the entire sky blood-red!

Chen Lin instantly felt a substance in his body rapidly flowing out, and his skin was decaying at a visible rate. In an instant, he seemed to have aged several years.

It wasn't just him; the others, including Yu Yuehai, were also affected, although Yu Yuehai was slightly less affected.

The strange, illusory shadow, on the other hand, became even more solid.

This change made Chen Lin jump in fright.

If they didn't sever the red thread and escape, they would be drained to death.

At the same time, he also understood that those companions who were said to have died of being possessed by the evil spirit probably died because they stepped out of the scope of this monsters control and were devoured by it at an accelerated pace.

"Don't panic, you won't die!"

Yu Yuehai noticed the panic in the others and immediately shouted.

At the same time, the gigantic sword in the sky let out a loud roar and slashed towards the strange shadow.


Yu Yuehai gave a stern shout, and a black, fist-sized orb suddenly appeared in his hand. His entire body turned blood-red, and his eyes turned crimson.

He forcefully smashed the black orb into a hole in the center of the array plate, and the patterns on the plate instantly emitted a dazzling light. The five large spirit stones also lit up simultaneously.

Upon hearing Yu Yuehai's instructions, Chen Lin and others quickly pressed their hands on the groove, ready to transfer energy at any time.

In the sky…

The gigantic sword slashed at the shadow, creating ripples.

However, the shadow seemed to be unaffected, and the red threads in the sky only grew brighter.

Chen Lin didn't know how the others felt, but he felt like his energy was being drained away like a flood, leaving him extremely weak and dizzy. His skin was also dry and cracked, like a parched, barren land.

At this rate, he estimated that he would be drained to death in just over a dozen breaths.

Chen Lin looked at Yu Yuehai with some anxiety, thinking that if he died like this, it would be too ridiculous.

Yu Yuehai's face finally revealed a serious expression, but he still stared fixedly at the sky, without any movement.

Seeing this, Chen Lin could only grit his teeth and force himself to hold on.

The red thread does not absorb Qi, and Qi Restoring Pills were useless against it.

Moreover, Zhao Zhengyuan and the Xia sisters were also in a state of panic, their faces tense with anxiety, clearly feeling the approach of death.

Just as they were in a state of panic, the ground shook again, even more violently than before.

The rooms in the courtyard collapsed, and the surrounding buildings also began to topple, with countless cultivators screaming and crying out in terror.

These cultivators couldn't see the red thread in the sky, but they could see the five giant beams of light and the massive sword that had formed, and they thought it was some powerful cultivator engaging in a fierce battle.

As the earthquake intensified, the five beams of light grew even stronger, forming an enormous, exaggerated sword that mercilessly struck the strange, ghostly shadow once again!


At the same time, Yu Yuehai's face turned pale, and he let out a loud shout, spitting out a mouthful of blood that transformed into a blood arrow, which shot towards the center of the array.

The orb exploded, and the array emitted a buzzing sound, causing the five large spirit stones around it to shatter.

"Quick, transmit your spiritual energy!"

Yu Yuehai's voice was urging them on.

No one needed his urging, as they all knew what to do when they saw the spirit stones shatter, and they all frantically transmitted their spiritual energy.

However, Yu Yuehai didn't replace the spirit stones, but instead spat out another mouthful of blood.

This mouthful of blood was all poured onto the array, and the light on the array's surface became even more intense, and in Chen Lin's shocked gaze, the talisman on the array suddenly broke free from its restraints, floating in mid-air, and then transformed into a sword of light!

This sword of light was identical to the one in the sky, only smaller, but the fluctuations it emitted were still extremely terrifying, far surpassing Yu Yuehai's own strength.


Yu Yuehai let out a loud shout, and the sword of light surged forward, rotating above everyone's heads before disappearing into nothingness.

Chen Lin, who had already reached the brink of exhaustion, witnessed the red thread above his head being silently severed, and then he seemed to have been relieved of a huge burden, and his body became lighter.

Except for Yu Yuehai and Ye Jingyun, the other four people all sat down on the ground, but they all revealed joyful expressions, having narrowly escaped death.

The red thread was severed, and they could finally break free from the strange creature's control and leave this place.

"Take a pill to restore your body quickly!"

Yu Yuehai himself was also extremely exhausted, but as a Foundation Establishment cultivator, he hadn't completely depleted his energy, and he took out a small bottle from his storage bag, opening it to give each of the four people a pill.

The pill was unknown in composition, but after taking it, they all felt their vitality restored.

At this time, Yu Yuehai had already shrunk the array and put it away, and with a single gesture, he said, "Let's go!"

The few of them hastily followed.

"The strange creature hasn't been eliminated, and we can't use flight techniques, lest we expose ourselves and become targets, and don't fight with anyone!"

Ye Jingyun, who was walking at the back, reminded them.

Chen Lin and the others hastily nodded in agreement.

The six of them, led by Yu Yuehai, rushed towards the city gate.

At this moment, the city was in a state of chaos due to the earthquake and the appearance of the sword of light, and almost everyone had come out to observe the situation.

Chen Lin looked at these people, his face turning pale with shock and terror.

He saw that regardless of whether they were standing by the roadside or floating in mid-air, every single cultivator, regardless of age or gender, had become emaciated, their skin covered in wrinkles.

Some of the weaker, older cultivators had even been drained of their life force, their eyes wide open in a dazed expression, completely unaware of their impending doom.

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