Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 8: Making Talisman

Chapter 8: Making Talisman

Chen Lin was also shocked by Lu Li's methods.

One wrong move and he would kill someone; the family descendants indeed didn't put these rouge cultivators in their eyes.

However, Chen Lin naturally wouldn't dare to do anything reckless, so he also shrank back into his chair and remained silent.

Seeing the effect of his intimidation, Lu Li coldly laughed again, "My things aren't something you can just take casually. You think you can get a talisman-making method and a Soul-Restraining Secret Technique for free? "

He glanced around the room.

Seeing no one speaking, he coldly laughed again, "Now I'll give you two choices: either take the materials and find a room to make the talisman yourself, or pay 50 middle-grade spirit stones to buy the talisman-making method. If you want to leave forcefully, you'll have to ask if my flying sword agrees!"

As he spoke, he waved the small, exquisite black sword in his hand.

Just a moment ago, this sword had instantly killed that old, withered man.

With a loud noise, the red-faced man pushed his chair back, took a few strides forward, grabbed a set of materials, and went upstairs without looking back.

It seemed that he was the most hot-tempered, but also the first to surrender.

The talisman makers were all scattered, rootless cultivators who usually relied on their skills to make a living. 50 middle-grade spirit stones were an amount that none of them could afford.

That was equivalent to 5,000 lower-grade spirit stones!

Moreover, even if they could afford it, who knew if Lu Li would keep his word?

Someone took the lead, and the others immediately followed, each taking a set of materials and going upstairs to find a room to make the talisman.

Chen Lin also blended in with the crowd and received a set of materials.

When he received the materials, Lu Li glanced at him but didn't recognize him.

Silently, Chen Lin went upstairs, chose an empty room, hung a sign on the door to indicate that someone was inside, and closed the door.

Only then did he let out a gentle sigh.

It seemed that his decision to come here was still a bit reckless. He underestimated the chaos of this world.

No matter what, he couldn't have imagined that Lu Li would so casually take someone's life!

After a while, Chen Lin finally calmed down, then went to the table, opened the material package, and began to prepare.

He no longer had high hopes for the reward; as long as he could leave safely, that would be enough.

However, with so many talisman makers, the other party couldn't possibly silence them all. That would be too big of an impact, even for a family descendants.

Killing that old man was just to intimidate them, to prevent them from being reluctant to use their souls to create a Soul-Restraining Talisman.

After thinking it through, Chen Lin felt that the possibility of being silenced was low, so he began to recall the method of drawing the Soul-Restraining Talisman.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, took out a talisman paper, and spread it out.

The materials provided were very complete, including talisman paper, talisman pen, talisman ink, a calming incense stick, and a spirit-replenishing pill.

It seemed that they had indeed put in effort.

This further proved that the other party's main intention was to obtain the Soul-Restraining Talisman, and they truly didn’t want their lives.

With his heart at ease, Chen Lin prepared to make the talisman.

Suddenly, Lu Li's voice came from the corridor outside, "Everyone, I must obtain the Soul-Restraining Talisman. To avoid distracting you, I didn't send anyone to supervise, but don't think you can slack off. After the talisman is complete, I have a way to detect whether you used the Soul-Splitting Secret Technique. If I detect it, hehe!"

Chen Lin took a deep breath, ignoring the other party's threatening words, and picked up the talisman ink bottle to examine it.

According to the jade slip's contents, this talisman ink was a mixture of three substances, and he only knew one of them, the black leaf grass, a rare and expensive spirit grass. The other two were completely unknown to him.

It only took Lu Li half a day to get the jade slips, but he managed to gather so many pieces of information, which showed both his identity and financial resources.

He lit the calming incense stick, and his thoughts immediately calmed down.

Chen Lin picked up the talisman pen, dipped it in the talisman ink, and began to draw lines on the talisman paper, slowly and carefully.


As soon as he drew two talisman patterns, the talisman paper suddenly trembled, and then a black light appeared and turned into ashes.

This was normal.

After all, it was his first time attempting this kind of talisman, and it would be strange if he succeeded at once.

He cleaned up the ashes, took out another talisman paper, and began to draw again.

He failed again.

He repeated this process several times, wasting several high-quality talisman papers, and even ate a spirit-replenishing pill in the middle. Only then did he manage to push the entire talisman pattern to half completion.

Chen Lin didn't know how the other talisman makers were doing, but he felt that he had done his best.

With his level of skill, if he didn't use his soul as a guide, it was impossible to complete all the talisman patterns, let alone create a talisman.

He shook his head and continued drawing the talisman.

Very soon, it was the tenth attempt, and the familiar scene finally appeared.

Just as the talisman pattern was half completed, the entire talisman began to tremble and was about to be destroyed. An invisible mysterious force suddenly appeared, wrapped around the talisman paper, and forcefully pulled it together. A complete talisman with subtle energy fluctuations appeared on the table!

Every time Chen Lin saw this scene, he was extremely shocked, but he didn't have time to study it now.

He gathered the remaining materials, put them in his pocket, and decided that if he couldn't get spirit stones, these items would be his reward.

Then, he walked to the door, pressed his ear against it, and listened for any movement.

He decided to wait until everyone else had gone downstairs before he went down. If someone else had successfully created the Soul-Restraining Talisman, he wouldn't take out his. But if everyone else had failed, he would take his out, otherwise, he felt that Lu Li, under the stimulation of great disappointment, might kill them all in a fit of rage.

Time passed slowly, and finally, footsteps appeared in the corridor, gradually heading downstairs.

He counted the number of people in his heart, and when the last footsteps had gone downstairs, he finally walked out of the room, pretending to be stunned and disoriented, and staggered down the stairs.

There were about twenty talisman makers, each with their heads hung low and their spirits exhausted.

Just looking at this scene, it was clear that no one had succeeded in creating the talisman.

"What's the result?"

Lu Li's face was as calm as water as he looked at the crowd, his eyes already guessing the outcome.

The red-faced man was the first to speak up, "I'm truly sorry, my skills are not refined, I've used up all the materials, and I've used the Soul-Splitting Secret Technique twice, but I still didn't succeed!"

After finishing, he cupped his hands together and revealed a carefree attitude.

Without his usual cold, sarcastic smile, this person was actually quite humble.

Lu Li slowly stood up from his seat, took out a brown, egg-sized bead, and pointed at it with his hand. The bead automatically floated up and hovered above the red-faced man's eyebrows.

Then, the bead emitted a faint, grayish light and flashed slowly.

"Alright, you can leave."

Lu Li put away the bead and waved his hand.

The red-faced man cupped his hands together again and retreated to the back of the crowd.

Chen Lin glanced at this person, who had unexpectedly used the secret technique twice. Even in such a situation, there's internal strife. What are you going to do about the others?

Indeed, the other talisman makers looked at this person with some resentment in their eyes.

But they could only curse him in their hearts and didn't dare to speak out.

Next, an old man in a blue robe stood up, recounted his talisman-making process, and then accepted the inspection.

The brown bead floated again and stuck to the person's eyebrows.

This time, the light was slightly brighter, and the flashing frequency was slower.

"You only used the secret technique once, huh?"

Lu Li snorted.

Normally, using the secret technique once would be enough, but after the previous person's performance, it seemed insufficient.

The old man hastily explained, "Reporting to Young master Lu, I don't dare to conceal the truth. This talisman is too difficult to make, and with my many years of experience in talisman-making, I can say that even if I used the secret technique five or ten times, I still wouldn't be able to succeed. And at my old age, using the secret technique once is already my limit. If I use it again, I'm afraid I'll die on the spot!"

Lu Li waved his hand expressionlessly, but didn't say anything else.

The old man quickly retreated to the back of the crowd and then glared fiercely at the red-faced man.

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