Chaos Evolution: Only I Was Granted 3 Wishes

Chapter 242: [BONUS] Palkus’ Journey! 33

"Hmm?" Not understanding what Azeroth meant by saying, 'I can fix that?', the bartendress looked at the devilishly handsome man whose aura seemed out of this world with slight hope.

"You can?" She asked.

From what she was talking about till now, it seemed that life wasn't as easy as it seemed in the Vampire Continent. It was true that there were no money problems or anything close to that. But there were, of course, other problems.

What any business suffered from was pressure. Pressure from those higher than them.

You see, vampires had a strict hierarchy.

It was all a matter of bloodline. A vampire could be an Ex-rank, heck, even an Origin Emperor, yet still suffer under the hands of an EX-rank who had a higher bloodline than them.

The problem there was the constant abuse of power those high in the hierarchy caused.

For the common vampires, such as the bartendress, life was hard. They had to suffer from the constant demands of the higher powers and they couldn't even complain.

This was something any and all vampires suffered from, and even those higher bloodline vampires themselves suffered abuse and constant demands from the royals.

It was a constant circle that, in the end, paused at the hands of the progenitor of vampires.

There were countless vampire slaves, those with the F-rank bloodline. Then the slightly privileged, like the bartendress, those with the E-rank bloodline, commoner vampires.

After that were the nobles. The baron vampires, viscounts, earls, counts, and dukes.

After them came the royals, the SS-ranks; above them were the imperials, then the sovereign vampires.

Above the sovereign vampires, which are the EX-ranks, comes one single being. The progenitor of all vampires.

The undisputed supreme being who had been ruling over all vampires for millions of years.

Not once had he changed. His name was… Alucard R. Dracula.

People did not know whether to love him, fear him, or straight away despise him.

Through the long millions of years of rule, he only appeared a couple times for the general public, the commoners, to see.

Most of the time, only the nobles get the chance to meet him more occasionally. But even the viscounts struggle to meet him every couple thousand years.

Those who have a more solid relationship with him are the descendants and the rulers. The dukes, kings, the emperor, and sovereigns. Then the direct descendants, who were on the same level as sovereigns.

Alucard had complete control over vampires, and the same way he could make any vampire a sovereign, he could make a sovereign a slave.

This was a slight dump of information over general vampire knowledge.

But this was all necessary to know the problems the bartendress suffered from.

"How can you do that?" She asked.

"It's simple. You tell me who it is that is causing you problems and I will take care of it." Azeroth confidently stated.

"Oh? Oh brave of you." She smiled seductively.

"This is repayment for the fine wine." Azeroth winked at her.

"My~ That's so sweet."

"Alright. It's actually this group of bastards. They always come at the worst time of the week, they create havoc, take our wine, and go out of the door while laughing, ruining everything." The bartendress complained.

"The problem is, their leader is somewhat related to the countess, so we can't do anything." She said.

"Oh, is he her son?"

"More like her sidepiece." She said.

"Haha, I see." Azeroth nodded.

"It should be done by tomorrow." He said.

"Really? Oh my, how can I ever repay you?" The bartendress was getting overwhelmed by Azeroth. Although she wasn't sure if he could keep his word, his confidence made her feel as if nothing was impossible for him.

"Wine will do the trick." Azeroth said.

"Then you can take as much as you like." And the magic word was spoken.

"In fact, you could even take me." The lady put the cup she was cleaning aggressively close to the one Azeroth was drinking from. Her words resounded out, making Azeroth, who was already happy to have gained what he was here for, happier.

"Hahaha, nothing makes me more joyful than hearing these words."

"Tonight, we feast!" He shouted.

And the rest of the night was phenomenal.

Who would have thought vampires liked dancing so much? Azeroth certainly didn't know.

Palkus, however, who spent the entire night on his little seat drinking water, knew of this. But he couldn't care less.

At some point in time, Azeroth, who let himself loose, took the bartendress's hand and the both of them played some calm, fancy music and danced like a pair of aristocrats.

When the sunrise was close, the vampires slowly started to leave, and this… prompted the lady to stop her dancing and start tidying up the bar so she could leave.

While Palkus had enough and teleported back out of laziness… Azeroth's day was just starting.

"Were you waiting for me?" After she was done cleaning up, the bartendress sat next to Azeroth, who was enjoying a bottle alone.

"Well, of course. I wouldn't sleep soundly if I let such an opportunity to enjoy some time alone with a beauty such as you slip away." Azeroth teased.

"Oh my, stop it~" The lady, liking the words she was hearing, put her hands on the fallen angel's shoulders.

The vampire ladies were easy going, unlike the other races. And while one had to make an effort to get a chance at a coffee with a human, witch, or elf, even if they were handsome. In the case of a vampire, they had to make an effort to not be kidnapped away.

It was a daily occurrence for men to just disappear in the middle of the night and only appear weeks, months, or years later, completely different from how they once looked.

But, Azeroth did not care about all of this. Tomorrow, he and Palkus had a mission, so today, he would indulge.


PS bonus.

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