Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 192 192: Fooling A Tribe

Hearing Val's words, an Archer Of Obsidian immediately spat on the ground, "You like to dream big. But some things are simply impossible. You've killed our brethren and our chief. You'll never get our loyalty."

Val was being looked down upon by a bunch of monsters. Despite this, not a crack appeared in his expression.

Still smiling, he said, "Well, I have bad news for you. You only have two choices. Submit to me or die. As of this moment, anyone who resists or shows disobedience will be killed. Only those who kneel and accept me as their new master will be spared," Val declared authoritatively.

From the tense crowd, a defiant shout rang out, "Bastard, we will never submit to our enemy!"

It was a Sword Weilder of Eclipse.

"Yeah, we will never!" 

Several others chanted the same thing like a bunch of parrots, inciting a protest.

It was becoming harder for things to progress as he wanted. His smile, however, never faltered.

"Okay," he said casually, "then the six of you can die."

The few shadow variants who had dared to voice their rebellious thoughts didn't even have a chance to react before they were jumped by the undead. Almost instantly, dozens of undead attacked them, tearing them apart.

"Does anyone else share their sentiments?" Val posed the question with a calm and chilling demeanor.

A few brave souls, driven by anger more than reason, shouted back, "Bastard, I will kill you!", as they lunged at Val with weapons drawn and faces contorted in anger.

However, Val merely raised an eyebrow in bemusement.


And then, almost comically, as if an unseen force had intervened, they dropped dead mid-charge, collapsing to the ground like lifeless puppets.

The scene sent a chilling wave of terror through the onlookers. If there was any doubt about the depth of Val's power before, it was now thoroughly eradicated. They felt they were dealing with a force that was beyond their comprehension!

"To kill without even lifting a finger... is he a god?" a young variant whispered in horror, his eyes darting between the fallen bodies and Val's unfazed expression that was full of smiles.

Another, gripped by fear, murmured, "No, he is the devil. Only a devil would kill with a smile!"

Val chuckled sweetly, producing a sound that felt eerie amidst the tense atmosphere. 

"Your guesses are only half correct." he said, "I am neither a Devil nor a God. I am both. I am a Devil God... A Devil God of Evil!"

"D-D-D-Devil God?!"

"Aren't they supposed to reside inside the depths of the forest?"

"What is one of them doing here?"

In the midst of the commotion, one of the variants tried to take advantage of the chaos, attempting to slip away unnoticed.

It didn't know that it has already been caught.

"Master, there's one trying to escape on the east side," Voidslayer telepathically alerted Val.

"Then it can die."

With a swift motion, almost too fast for the eye to catch, Val flung Voidslayer in the escapee's direction. In the very next moment, the blade, gleaming with deadly intent, found its mark. It impaled the variant through the chest, pinning him to the ground. A shriek rang out before a dull thud was heard. 

The body of an Archer could be seen sprawled on the ground, its eyes lifeless.

"A desperate bid for freedom has ended, and with it, another life," Val laughed maniacally, the sound echoing throughout the cave. He paused, surveying the frightened crowd before him. "With this, I hope I have sent out a clear message."

His laughter, contrasted by the cold, emotionless depth of his eyes, sent shivers down the spines of the variants. When his piercing gaze landed on them, they felt a pressure bearing down on their very souls, causing them to tremble involuntarily.

The message he sent out was clear – any attempt to defy or escape him would lead to certain death.

"So, what is it going to be?" Val asked.

"We'll submit," they replied in unison.

Val smiled, a chilling smirk that seemed devoid of any genuine warmth. "It's good to know that you can be reasoned with. You haven't made a wrong choice. Becoming a follower of a devil god is a blessing many desire but seldom receive. Today, it has been handed to you on a silver platter. In the future, under my guidance, you shall rise and become the dominating force of the forest."

These were empty promises but they sounded genuine and were said for the sole purpose of letting their guard down so that they would open up to him.

A sword-wielder, recognized as one of the elders of the tribe, stepped forward and said, "You claim to be a devil god, yet legends speak of devil gods avoiding meddling with the affair of tribes unless they are deeply offended or driven mad with hunger. We have done nothing to slight you, and you don't appear to be acting out of hunger. So, why have you sought us out and troubled us so much?"

Val's eyes narrowed, 'After getting the answers to my questions, the first thing I will do is kill this bastard!'


'This is an unexpected development, but not necessarily unwelcome. If I can solidify the impression that I am indeed a devil god of the forest, it can offer me numerous advantages.'

With a thunderous tone, he spoke, "I had intended to slumber beneath this very cave for a millennium. Yet, your incessant mining of mana stones woke me centuries earlier than I anticipated. And then you tried to assassinate me. Are these not reason enough to feel aggrieved?"

"We are deeply sorry." The variants realized they were the ones at fault and immediately apologized. "How can we atone for our mistakes?"

"As you've already heard, I have been in slumber for many centuries. I am unfamiliar with the current state of the outside world. Educate me on its present conditions, its dangers, and its secrets. This will be your penance," Val replied.

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