Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 239 236: Spider Princess

Chapter 239  236: Spider Princess

When the spiders saw Val slash open a path through their web bombardment, they quickly hatched a plan for an ambush.

The moment he stepped out of the web-covered area, he was met with a synchronized elemental attack from all 28 spiders. They unleashed a volley of webs. Each web was crackling with electricity as they flew towards him, aiming to stun and entangle him.

Val didn't sit still. He activated a bloodline skill that could save him.

Blood Manipulation: Igloo

Val concentrated and a surge of blood flowed from him, swirling in the air as it expanded into a dome shape around him. The blood solidified rapidly, forming a shield of vivid crimson color, which looked like an igloo that had no openings. The igloo was sturdy and provided him protection from all sodes.

The electrified webs descending upon him met the igloo-shaped shield instead. They exploded upon contact with the shield. The shield was rattled as if struck by thunder, cracks appeared all over it and it was covered in sticky webs that crackled with electricity, but it didn't break down.

'Seems like my calculation was on point,' Val thought.

The shield had successfully blocked the incoming attacks, giving him a brief but valuable moment to catch his breath, gather his thoughts and prepare a counterattack.

The spiders looked at the shield with wary eyes.

But nothing happened for a while.

Perhaps taking this as a sign of weakness, they mustered up the courage to attack again, daring to let out menacing screeches before jumping onto the shield. Once their, they stabbed it with their steel-like legs, chipping it away bit by bit.

The shield was breaking down rapidly under their assault. It didn't seem like it would last for long. Val sensed the shield's impending breakdown but kept his cool.

"Now it's my turn to go on the offensive."

A glint flashed in Val's eyes and he manipulated the shield to explode.


With a resounding reverberation that echoed throughout the cave, the igloo-shaped shield exploded into pieces, shards of the shield bursting outward.

He controlled them using wizardry. His soul power spread out and guided them to stab the vital parts of the 28 spiders that were sent spiraling into the air due to the force of the explosion, causing them to screech in pain.

Val observed the aftermath of his counterattack, noticing that while some spiders succumbed to their injuries, others were tough enough to survive.

Although they survived, they were too heavily injured, unfi for combat. They were also too afraid to attack him again.

Noticing their hesitation, Val smiled, thinking they were pussies that only dared to bully the weak and feared the strong.

'So far, everything has gone according to my plan.'

'It should be enough, right?'

He wondered if the chaos he'd caused was loud enough to draw out the spider princess.

The thing is, he had been purposefully holding back up to this point for a strategic reason. Val wanted to give Valerigia, the Spider Princess, a false sense of security. His aim was to entice her into coming out on her own terms to confront him. While he could use his Heavenly Eye skill to locate her, capturing her would be a different story altogether if she was afraid to confront him and decided to avoid him. Thus, he could only rely on this method.

After all, Val knew that the Spider Princess would be intimately familiar with the layout of this cave. Spiders also have keen senses and are highly sensitive to their environment. If she sensed his true power and chose to maintain distance, she could easily elude him by navigating through the caverns that she knew so well.

Thus, Val chose to put on a bit of a show, presenting himself as weaker than he truly was. He was acting like a pig to eat the tiger. The plan was a bit pain in the ass, but if it lured out the Spider Princess, it would be well worth it.


A bestial scream echoed from the depths of the cave.

Soon after, a huge black spider with four pairs of red eyes and an equal number of black and sturdy blade-like legs appeared.

It was tall, five times taller than Val, and also possessed incredible width.

This creature was colossal and strong. It was no doubt the last boss of this dungeon!

The appearance of this giant spider, evidently the Spider Princess Valerigia, emboldened the remaining yellow spiders.

They seemed to believe that with their princess by their side, defeating a mere mortal would be a walk in the park.

Though they were grievously injured, they readied themselves for another round of combat, not wanting to disappoint their princess.

Val felt he couldn't be bothered with putting them in his eyes. Whatever they were planning didn't matter to him; after all, from the very start, they were just fish on the chopping board.

They had survived so far because they were crucial to his plan, but now that the big fish had taken the bait and showed itself, they were no longer needed.

And what happens to things when Val the Unfeeling doesn't need them?

They die!

"Descend," Val commanded in a voice devoid of emotion.

Suddenly, dozens of spatial distortions appeared in the cave, and from each emerged multiple level-2 undead warrior.

"Attack them!" Val pointed at the yellow spiders and ordered, and the undead warriors didn't hesitate and immediately engaged the yellow spiders in a life-or-death battle.


Just then, the Spider Princess let out a deafening screech. He dared to attack her underlings in her presence and that pissed her off, causing her to lunge toward Val with incredible speed.

He leapt out of the way just in time, and the Spider Princess crashed heavily into the ground where he had stood moments before.

"Shadow Bind," Val commanded.

As if responding to his words, the shadow beneath the Spider Princess surged upwards, aiming to bind and immobilize her. However, she resisted, quickly slashing the binding shadows apart with rapid stabs of her sword-like legs.

While she was busy dealing with her own shadow, Val seized the opportunity to prepare a decisive move that would decide the ultimate outcome of the battle.

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