Child from the Dungeon

Chapter 101: Black Merchandise

Chapter 101: Black Merchandise

( Meanwhile. )

Duncan is walking into an unknown place, a place outside the grid, not even the maps even recorded the existence of the place he's in right now, for he just goes there walking towards the road, with his memories as his only guidance.

" His place should've been around here. " Duncan said, walking in the shadiest forest he could've ever walked to, whether he is still on the earth or inside one of the Gates' Dungeons, the thing is, he is there to meet someone he hadn't met for a long time.

" These woods, these black woods of the trees that shadowed all over the place. "

" This place is as shady as ever. "

" Oh how often I get the goosebumps when visiting this place. "

" But what can I do? since he wants to be off the grid himself, I can't comment on his decision for his logic for this sounds very true, especially... "

" Since his merchandise is quite off the charts... " Duncan still walks his path until finally, he reaches a place where the large trees didn't shadow it as light comes in and shows the only mansion exists in that place.

" Oh, there it is, thank goodness I still remember the path. "

" Dammit, I already told him many times to at least give me a map or some [Teleportation Scroll] for me to use, dammit! " Duncan says as he walks towards the mansion that the light shows.

" Really now? Do you guys really forget me when I never visited for just a couple of years? " Duncan says as, from the shadowy path, he can see many pairs of white eyes staring at him over the blackness of that place.

"You guys, it's me! Duncan! "

" Duncan Grimshaw! the Sharp Eye! Grim Saw! remember!!! " Duncan says to the eyes staring at him.

The white eyes get closer, approaching Duncan as they surround him all over the place.

" Oh for my own safety sake! "

" How can you all forget me and think of me as an intruder of some sort!? "

" Do I smell or feel different from your senses now!? " Duncan asks them.

" Well if that's the case, I get it, after all, before coming here again, let me tell you all that I've already married and had two kids, one I adopt from the Dungeon and one I have biologically! " Duncan says as he hears the things with white eyes growling, the things covered by the blackness of the whole place, can't be seen even if Duncan uses his orb as his guiding light or to shine things up.

" So. I'm wondering if my scent is different because of the things that happened over my life this recent year, please I need to know that's the case for you all!!! " Duncan just says what in his mind to the things that stare at him, still didn't know what is these things even after years of coming into this unknown place.

" I don't understand you 'Things'!? "

" I don't know if you all are humanoid or not, but I can't tell that you all are a monster either, bla bla bla..., bla bla bla bla... !!! "

" Enough, all of you! " a voice suddenly came which made the things with white eyes inside the blackness of the place vanish without a trace, as if the whole pitch-black darkness swallows them into nothing after the voice comes in.

" Finally, I was wondering if I could find you or not! " Duncan says as he sees the person who just talked earlier, a small person with a pitch-black face and yellow eyes for his head is covered with a hoodie, holding a square-bladed broadsword, and had a dark brown robe costume and had a big back behind his back, carrying lots of things, despite his size.

" Hello Dun, I was shocked to see you coming here after so many years. " he greets Duncan while approaching him from behind.

" Black Merchant, how I was wondering that you were not actually in the home earlier. " Duncan says, telling the Black Merchant that his 'Things' been so aggressive towards him earlier, he wonders that is their attitude on greeting guests while he's not inside his mansion, the only building in the whole area.

" Oh yes, those good guardians of my domain really do their job very well and care a lot about my safety. "

" Despite I always told them to often spare their energy, since I don't want to drain them. " Black Merchant adds, telling Duncan about his mansion's guardians, bragging about how enthusiastic they were about guarding the whole place.

" No wonder some who knows this place said that ' one must come in the right time to safely enter this place'. "

" Of course, that's why Ronald* lost his arm remember! " Black Merchant says.

" Fate was good on him since I arrived before my guardians tear him apart. "

" Or else, his fate will be doomed before even meeting you. " Black Merchant reminisces the past, remembering the event, and relays it to Duncan, praising him for how lucky he is.

" Of course, if he died, then I wouldn't get my first weapons. "

" Ronald was so good to me, to even told me about you and this place. "

" My wife even trusted him, despite she can easily buy weapons from far fancier stores with her privileges. "

" Right, if Ronald is still alive, he would've been so happy to see you right now... "

" I mean together... " Black Merchant says which shocks Duncan, making him stop his steps.

" What!? is something wrong, Duncan!? "

" No, Black Merchant... it's just... " Duncan was confused.

" How... "

" I know, Duncan... "

" My guardians probably didn't know many things but if you ask me about me being aware of everything or not, then... "

" My answer is, I'm pretty much aware of what happened outside this place. " Black Merchant says while asking Duncan to continue moving, for they should talk things inside.

" So you know why...- "

" You're here to gain something, of course! "

" Everyone that knows about me, would definitely come and gain something after risking themselves entering this unknown place. "

" And because of that, I respected them for surely one would never journey into unknown places or lands without a greater purpose in their mind and heart. "

" So please, tell me the details of your requirements... " Black Merchant says.

" I can tell you? all of it? " Duncan asks, for he is quite shy about using his privileges for being the Black Merchant's 'Special Customers'.

" Of course, just say what you need in mind and I will respond the best I can. " Black Merchant answers as they approached the gates, where the gates immediately opened for the two of them, as they enter the place.


*Want to know who Ronald is? see Duncan's Character Introduction and you'll know who gives Duncan his first weapons.

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