Child from the Dungeon

Chapter 117: Draven’s Official Debut To Society Part 4

Chapter 117: Draven's Official Debut To Society Part 4

( Back then. )

" These elves, I don't which Elven race they came from, but... " Carlos says as he sees the dead Elves body.

" Who could've done this? " Carlos asks in his mind as he sees the corpses were scattered so horribly, as if the one who massacred them didn't regard at least of their lives.

" I know monsters should've been slainned but... "

" But this is too much! " Carlos says as his honorary heart can't stand to see such massacre happened, even to the monsters such as the Elves.

Besides, despite mostly considered as monsters, the Elves are mostly the monsters that the humans are commonly have most relation with, unlike the savage monsters, these non-human beings had a great intelligence and also great morality, making some of the Elven Race actually allied themselves with the humans, even some of them decide to move into the Earth.

After time, even the humans began to reconsider some of the Elven Race as merely 'non-human', amnesting them from the 'monster' label including with some other non-human races that now exist in this world too. For example, the Dwarfs and the Beastmen.

Hence why, Carlos who didn't know the Star Elves' race identity, was immediately pissed for outside the academy, he often made friends with some Elves that often come into his place, the children of his father's friends which he was mostly accompanied with during that meeting event more than his brothers and sisters from his 'mother' side.

" Elves shouldn't be killed like this. "

" Elves are the race with great honor and morality. "

" Unlike humans, the Elves stand true to their believes, never betray them till the end. "

" Like him... " Carlos remembered someone at that moment.

" Whoever did this, I must correct him, beat him if I have too. " Carlos says as he activates his Star Magic.


( Back to the present. )

" You seem to be well-trained in using swords, Draven! " Carlos says to 'Draven' as he attacks him with his sword attacks.

[ Star Valiant Slash ]

[ Star Valiant Slice ]

Carlos strike true on 'Draven', didn't give him any gap as he also pours so much mana into his sword.

[ Star Imbuement ]

[ Imbue the weapon with the power of Star Magic. ]

"( Oh boy! )" 'Draven' says as he increase the Aether.

< AP +25.000 >

"( I better make sure that the sword doesn't hit me, it would be nuts if that happen. )"

"( Regardless of my current level that is going near LVL.100, after all of my grinds... )"

"( I can't turn a blind eye over Carlos's Star Magic. )" he says as he sees Carlos's status.


< Scanning >

< Identification Complete: >

< Name: Carlos Antares Calibur >

< Level: 88 >

< Magic: Star Magic >

< Tier: Identified as Tier V. >

< Race: Human >

< Age: 10 >

< Class: Mage, Swordsman >

< Status: >

< HP: 769.050/880.000 >

< MP: 712.120/880.000>


"( Dammit, he's quite sturdy isn't he? )"

"( Not his physique but his f*king as Magic, a Magic so powerful that made people think he must be some type of the 'Chosen One' guy? )"

"( Dammit! I often really hate when facing his Star Magic! )" 'Draven' says as he remembers clearly what happened back then, before the 'Draven' persona was even created.


( Flashback. )

[ Battle Class ]

[ Donovan Richter-Grimshaw vs Carlos Calibur ]

[ Day 1 ]

It's the most anticipated match between the most combat-ready students in Class 1-S. Carlos with his specialized ancient Star Magic from he was born VS Donovan who had the most unique way to use the most underrated magic of all time.

Remember, Donovan, must refrain to use the Aether, the Black Shadow, and all of it, etc etc etc other than his known magic in the society, Water Magic. Thus he had to fight Carlos as much as he can, while not using his other abilities.

"( Can't let the world know about 'that abilities' of mine for now... )" Donovan says to himself as the battle starts.

[ Star Sword Strike ]

" Gaaahhhh!!! "

" Winner, Carlos Calibur! "

" Dammit! " Donovan says as the clash finishes, after it was finished after the whole academy sessions are finished, Donovan immediately came home, do training, gains some EXPs from random Quests, do it all again, to fight Carlos again.

[ Day 2 ]

" Water Barra- "

" [ Star Magic: Star Shower... "

" Focused ] ...! "



"( Carlos you A$$-f*king h*le!!!! )" Donovan was blown away because of the magic attack's goddamn speed, which damaged him badly.

" Winner, Carlos Calibur! "

" Dammit! " Donovan says, and again, after the whole academy sessions are finished, Donovan immediately came home, does training, gains some EXPs from random Quests, do it all again, all again, in order to fight Carlos again.

Next day,...

[ Day 3 ]

" [Star...--- "

" I got you now! " Donovan says as he tackles Carlos mid-fight Carlos responds by knocking his head with his elbow so hard, which made Donovan fainted.

" Winner, Carlos Calibur! "


[ Day 4 ]

" Winner, Carlos Calibur! "

[ Day 5 ]

" Winner, Carlos Calibur! "

" Winner, Carlos Calibur! "

" Winner, Carlos Calibur! "

( End of Flashback)


"( GARKKHH!!!! )" 'Draven' screams as if he can take it anymore.

"( Dammit, I looked like a weakling during the battles, the memory of defeat wounds me so hard! )"

"( Having to live due to having two identities is so f*king hard, the freaking patience I have to get through! )" 'Draven' says as finally he was able to go full effort on Carlos for once, despite his personal vengeance from his original persona, 'Draven' still maintain his composure as he makes sure he looks like an enemy to Carlos, a new enemy, not someone who's desperate for a rematch.

< Skill: [Aether Slash] -- LVL.8 >

< The User unleashes a great slash, using the Aether to give a great CRIT ATK to the enemy. >

< Cost: 4.000 >

"( Despite I have to maintain my persona as a stranger. )" 'Draven' says as he sees the slash hit Carlos, wounding him quite badly, as it injured his hand despite he already cast [Star Shield] to defend himself.


< Carlos HP - 370.000 >

"( Somehow, I feel relieved in hurting Carlos! )"

"( I don't know why? )" he says to himself as he smirks inside his mask over Carlos's pain.

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