Child from the Dungeon

Chapter 83: Donovan Raid Day Part 4

Chapter 83: Donovan Raid Day Part 4

In the car, Vector whistles as he still drives towards the Richter family house.

" Young master, is very calm right now? " he says while looking at the rearview mirror, in order to see my condition which he found me asleep ( I was looking at him using my Water as a mirror.

" Guess my binding is too strong that even the young master has to waste his energy, eh...? " Vector asks himself as he felt proud on his Binding Magic had grown so much after many years serving the Richter House.

" Well, it seems I better take the young Master home before Lady Irina gets more worried about his Raid. "

" After all, she is currently busy with young master Adria is in the crucial moments of her being a newborn. "

" A cute loud and energetic little baby that is. " Vector says while he drives home.

As he continues to drive, behind his seat, Tania and I hide below the back seat, hiding from Vector's sight while Tania performs her Elvish illusion magic, known to trick any human eyes from the truth.

" <Nelluon Tanar> "

< Nelluon Tanar (Illusion Cast) >

< An Elvish Illusion Magic, that made any other beings' eyes lie to them as they see things that shouldn't happen. >

" May. Vian. Til. Linta. N'avaes ( May your eyes see lies) " Tania chants as the spell completely works.

" You sure it works? " I ask Tania quietly.

" Don't worry my young master. "

" Since the driver of yours has seen it, he will continue to see the illusion until he realized it's too late. " Tania answers me at that moment, the two of us then use <Racial Skill: Shadow Transport> using the very shadow that existed inside this very car.

( Inside the shadow. )

" You sure that father is there? " I asks Tania as I ordered her to follow both dad and Guildmaster Resha earlier.

So before I was taken away, I order Tania to enter dad's own shadow in order to let her see where they are going.

" Your father is in the Territory Dungeon, near Sector T," Tania answered as we immediately go there ASAP using the Shadow Transport.

" We're here... " I said as we came out from the Shadow and finds the Territory Dungeon below us.

" So the two of them were here? " I ask myself as I tried to sense my dad's presence in that place.

" I can sense him, but it's faint. "

" I thought the faint presence was due to him being in danger but..., "

" As I checked again, using my senses... "

" It seems dad intentionally reduce his magical presence in order to evade detection in this crowded place. "

" This is bad... "

" I sincerely want to aid him, but if he finds out he could kill me for disobeying him. " I said as I fear dad would punish me at home if he knows this.

" Guess, I have no choice then... " I said to myself as I look at my inventory at pick two masks.


< Inventory: >

< Equipment: >


< [Item: Aether Mask] >

< Item Class: A >

< Type: Helm>

< Aether: +12.000 >

< This Aether imbued mask is made from the Dark Elf's blacksmith art using Elven blacksmith art to make the Aether in this mask can effectively affect the mask's durability. >

< Effect: >

< - [Visual Sharpen]: The Ather will increase the User's visual sharpness, increasing the visual accuracy by 25%. >

< - [Durability]: Since the Aether is a force made from hatred, the more user feels hatred as their 'negative emotions' then the Mask will increase the user's head durability by 20%. >


< [Item: Alvion Mask] >

< Item Class: A >

< Type: Helm>

< Aether: +11.000 >

< This also Aether imbued mask is made from the Dark Elf's blacksmith art using Elven blacksmith art from the Elves Alvion Region, the Aether in this mask can effectively affect the user's magic. >

< Effect: >

< - [Magic Increase]: The Ather will increase the User's magic, increasing the potency by 25%. >


" Isn't that, the Alvion Mask, young master? " Tania asks right after she sees the mask.

" Yep, the one that I get from that Elf we fight during our break time... "

" Fyuh, that Raid back then was so intense as we need to finish the Raid before the school's break is over. "

" Thank goodness, the monsters there was only that one Boss Elf, back then I was so shocked that it was a [Boss Dungeon] but with your help tricking him, I was able to give him the finishing blow when he unsuspected it. "

" Of course, young master, the Elves from Alvion Region are quite vulnerable against these kinds of Magics. "

" Which is why, I, the elf from Validur, one of the Dark Elves Region, had the most advantage on defeating the Alvion Elf despite my lack of physique and raw magic power. " Tania tells me while I'm still having some time saying or hearing the elvish language.

" Oh yes, Alvion..., Validur..., those Elvish Regions you talk about in the Elven Realm. " I said as I decided to give her the Alvion Mask since she's an Elf.

" Young Master, why are you giving me this mask? "

" That's for you to use... "

" After all, I don't want them to report that there's a 'Dark Elf' in here. "

" So instead I want them to report that they've been attacked by the Alvion Elves, the Steel Elves since they have been attacking the human realm borders lately. " I said to her as it was the truth that recently, those Steel Elves had made many Gates appear on Elysium Haven, and the Knights and Hunters had to deal with it while still maintaining the peace in the country.

Unlike the Steel Elves, however, the Dark Elves like Tania is not usually common to be seen attacking the human realm or even communicating with us unlike the other Elven Race, these elves are known to hide in the dark as there are some rumors back then (before meeting Tania*) that many people seen Elves stealing their belongings in the darkness of the night, shutting down every lightbulb around when they do the job.

One night, one victim gets a glimpse of his attacker and uses his fire magic to lighten up the situation as he sees the dark elf trying to rob him from that moment, the people begin to spread rumors about the Dark Elves despite some still dismissing it.

I used to believe those rumors back then and until some time, finally, an opportunity came where I finally meet the Dark Elves and even convert them into my shadows, also...

Making one of them my first Elite.

As I think about it, both of us then begin to wear our masks and try to depart, but suddenly Tania holds me as she then reminds me to use a covering armor for she fears that someone might notice my identity from my unique kind of hair.

" You're right, a covering armor would be nice for me. " I said as I open the Inventory.

" Would you like to also use one? " I ask Tania and she agrees with replies that she would also like to use armor despite her already using one in her form as her second layer.


< Inventory: >

< Equipment: >


< [Item: Aether Aegis Armor] >

< Item Class: A >

< Type: Armor>

< Aether: +14.000 >

< This Aether imbued Armor is made from the Dark Elf's blacksmith art using Elven blacksmith art to make the Aether in this armor increasing the User's Defense. >

< Effect: >

< - [Aether Defense]: The Ather will increase the User's DEF by 35%. >

< - [Aether Imbue]: Since the Aether is a force made from hatred, the more user feels hatred as their 'negative emotions' the Armor will increase both the armor's strength and durability to 15%. >


< [Item: Alvion Armor] >

< Item Class: A >

< Type: Helm>

< Aether: +11.000 >

< This also Aether imbued armor is made from the Dark Elf's blacksmith art using Elven blacksmith art from the Elves Alvion Region, the Aether in this armor can effectively affect the user's magic. >

< Effect: >

< - [Magic Rise]: The Ather will increase the User's magic, increasing the raw power by 45%. >


As we equip it, we then look at the Dungeon below as we prepare ourselves, and before entering we suddenly hear.

" Hold it right there, who are you both!? " A person suddenly came behind us with some large body and weaponry as his shadow covers us.

"( Oh..., just what we need before even entering this Dungeon... )"

"( Goddamit, we haven't even do the stealthy-stealthy yet! ) "



before meeting Tania*:

Before Chapter 32: Forest Dungeon (1) and before Volume 2 even begins.

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