Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 231: Dark Past

Chapter 231: Dark Past

(Fair warning, this chapter is... intense. And this is coming from me, the one who wrote it.)

Laz was in heaven, a heaven he didn't know existed. With four sets of hands massaging every inch of his body, Laz couldn't be more relaxed.

He laid back in the water on a shallow stone stool and felt like he was floating while the four girls went to work on his body. Their hands felt like a combination of silk and iron, one that could not only work the muscles but also soft and gentle to the touch. Laz's body was naturally much stronger than an average person and even several times stronger than a regular foundation realm cultivator. Although the girls had experience massaging their mistress, rubbing Laz was like rubbing a hard stone.

They made progress, but what was suppose to be a deep tissue massage ended up being more like gentle pats. Still, as far as Laz was concerned, it truly was relaxing.

"Master, your body is like iron."

"And soo vigorous."

"Truly, a work of art master."

"Do our hands feel good master?"

"MMMMM..." Laz had no words. Honestly speaking, someone could be hitting him with a baseball back and he would probably feel it less this. Not that he wouldn't know he had been hit, but instead it wouldn't have had as much impact as the hand technique the girls were using.

The biggest problem was the one that none one was really bringing up, the one between Laz's legs.

Obviously it was there and couldn't be ignored.

Laz had no shame and didn't even pretend to be shy about the fact that he was just hanging out while four girls rubbed every part of him. The curious thing was that the girls just kind of treated it as another body part, basically moving it aside when it got in their way of rubbing his thighs and such.

Not that Laz had planned on anything else, but their reaction surprised him.

After all, he was completely naked while laying in this bath while the girls had just the light covering over themselves. With the steam and the water, their bodies were almost completely exposed. If one were to look at them, it would just seem like there was a light film covering their bodies, making it so that although you could see their skin, it was blurry.

Laz had no experience at this type of place so he truly didn't know how he should act. As such, he took on the mentality of a potato. He didn't move, didn't react and just let the girls go about their work.

As he drifted there, he felt at peace for a while. It was the first time in a long time that he had let himself go and just relaxed. For as long as he could remember, even when he was doing something he enjoyed, there was always a bit of tension. On top of that, he knew that even if he had the chance to experience this again, it was likely he wouldn't be able to calm himself down again. Sometimes, it's the things you don't plan that have more value than the ones you do.

Since Laz had taken the stance of a log of drift wood, the girls were trying harder and harder. They really couldn't believe how hard and tight his body was. It had to be said that even Freya had given them credit for their abilities in this field and yet this young one in front of them seemed almost indifferent about it.

Laz's one mistake was not responding as they thought one should.

He would answer their questions and respond positively to them, but his body never seemed to let go of its hardness. Without words, they knew they had to go even harder on him.

The two girls who were focused on his top half took a top down position, hoping to use their bodies to apply more force while the bottom two actually stood up and started using their ankles to press between the muscles.

For Laz who was drifting back and forth, he chuckled silently to himself as he saw them exert more effort. But it did produce an effect..

It was subtle, but Laz started to feel them effect the muscles as well. Their realms were like the first one he met, strange in that it seemed half real and half not. But using their strength as a gage, Laz could tell all four of these girls were in the condensation realm.

It was pretty impressive to be honest.

As Laz was enjoying himself more and more though, the girls were starting to build up a sweat due to their efforts. As such, their moist bodies became even more wet, causing their balance to not be totally on par. Just as Laz was going to tell the young, focused women that it was ok to take it easy, the one working on his upper left suddenly slipped.

With her realm, the fall wouldn't do anything to her. Had they not been within three feet of water with nothing else around them, she would have regained her balance in no time. But because of the situation, she was going to fall for sure into the water.

Even if she was going to be ok, Laz wasn't about to just ignore her.

He reached over and grabbed her leg in the air, yanking her towards himself. The idea was that he would be able to give her a hand to stop her from falling down, assuming she caught his hand in time. Basically, he was flipping her forward.

The result was that she landed on Laz chest, causing the other girls to jump back in shock. On top of that, the girl also landed on Laz's arm, basically straddling it.

It should have been a rather sexy thing but there was a slight problem.

There was something hard between her legs...

'OH MY GOD...'

Laz wasn't a religious person by nature, but he was seriously wondering where in life he had gone wrong to end up here.

At the same time, Laz wasn't the kind of person to hate or look down on anyone for any reason. The choices they make and the paths they choose are their own. Being alive in this day in age means that if you feel like you were born in the wrong body, at least there was a way to correct that now.

Laz just never imagined that he would come... in close contact with someone who he thought was a girl.

Of course, the various things racing around in Laz's head were all his own thoughts.

"I'm... I'm... I'm...." The girl could barely get out a word as her entire face turned bright red. She could feel Laz's arm and knew exactly what he felt right now, causing her to be unable to utter a single word.

For Laz's part, he just stiffened up and didn't move, giving her a chance to collect herself.

"It's fine. Are you ok?" Laz asked settling himself down. Laz had been through so much stuff that although that wasn't his taste, he wasn't one to shame someone else either. She was a person with feelings after all.

The other girls looked confused for a quick moment before seeing and understanding. The two who had been rubbing Laz's legs and looking after his manhood couldn't help but turn red as well while the other one who was above Laz moved over and helped her sister off of Laz.

It's truly was a very awkward time all around.

"I'm really sorry master. Please forgive these clumsy slaves..." All four girls said at once, almost on que. Laz couldn't help but wonder if they had practiced this as well.

"No... You're fine. It's not a problem... I just... umm... have no experience with this kind of thing... and I'm.. straight so..." Laz couldn't help but be embarrassed. He really had no idea what to say for this kind of situation.

"Master?" The girls looked at Laz with questioning, innocent filled eyes. Laz couldn't help but marvel at just how beautiful these girls were. Had he not felt what he had, he never would have even thought that they weren't what they appeared to be.

"Oh. Uh. It's nothing. I just... was surprised. You all... have breasts... and are very beautiful so I just thought... you were all girls..." Laz was stuttering, making it hard to understand him. This was due totally to the storm in his head. All the girls really got out of it was that he somehow thought they weren't girls, confusing them.

"But master, we are girls..." The one near his upper right said.

"Yes. Of course. I know. That's how it is. I'm just... Uh... I felt... and it was... so I didn't understand right away..."

Suddenly, understanding dawned on the girls, causing them to all laugh at the same time. It really was like one girl with three reflections in the way they were acting. Laz couldn't even begin to tell them apart.

"Master. We think we understand what you're thinking, but it's not what you're thinking," the one near his right leg responded.

"It's not?" Now Laz was super confused.

"Our queen told us that you can be trusted in all ways... and, although it's our greatest shame, allow us to put your mind at ease," the one near his left leg said.

Before Laz could respond or ask anything else, the blurry mist surrounding the girls bodies vanished. At the same time, the girls leaned down slightly in the water and removed the last bits of clothing covering their bodies.

The truth was far more shocking than what Laz had originally thought.

Looking at the four girls who originally seemed like fairies, Laz was greeted with a sight that would haunt him for long time.

All four of the girls had horrible scars all over their bodies, with very little skin being left untouched. Even more disturbing was that the scars stopped right at their neck lines, causing their faces to remain unblemished. Their hands and lower arms were untouched as well, but as soon as one looked past the elbow, heavy layers of harden skin covered almost every inch from there on down.

Laz couldn't even imagine the type of pain one would have to go through for their bodies to look like that.

As though the girl's thoughts were shared and despite being bright red from their embarrassment, the girls then reached down and lifted up one leg straight up into the air as though doing a standing split. This action should have caused Laz to have a view from heaven greet him on all four sides, but all that greeted him was just how badly the girls bodies had been damaged. It was easy to tell considering the lack of hair that what Laz had felt before wasn't what he thought. It was actually hardened scar tissue that had covered their most private of areas.

Even if they wanted to, the girls would be unable to have intercourse. Even surgery wouldn't be able to fix the damage that had been done.

"What the hell..." Laz was equal parts horrified, shocked and sickened, not by what the girls looked like, but by what had been done to them.

The girls, still bright red, put their legs down and dropped their heads, afraid of meeting Laz eyes. Him showing up here was a much bigger thing than anyone had let on. Freya had spoken about him often, including the heavy praise about his fighting with federal agents and those chosen bastards. She had said he was someone who could do something, become something. He could become their strength.

Whether this was her opinion or some rumour that was going around remained to be seen. Although Laz was now in front of them, they weren't exactly sure he was as remarkable as they had been told. After all, besides being more reserved, he still seemed like any other man.

It was silent for a minute while the girls waited to hear something from Laz, but all they got was more silence. Besides feeling a bit disappointed, they had no other thoughts. They were far too used to this reaction to be surprised any longer.

Just when they were about to excuse themselves to remove their blemish from Laz's sight, the four girls actually felt a strong pair of arms wrap around their narrow shoulders, pulling them towards a warm body.

Just like all of the girls in Heaven and Hell, they were subject to the low internal body temperatures caused by being made subjects of Freya. But now, all four of them had been grabbed and held closely against a warm, muscular body that was being covered by a black flame.

Having lost himself in his emotions, Laz subconsciously let out the black flame that was a visual sign of his feelings, but this time the black flame didn't harm nor rage out of control. Instead, it felt full of life and energy. It felt like being cuddled inside a warm embrace, one that would protect you from the wind and the storms. The black flame not only didn't harm the girls, but it brought a sense of comfort to them while the energy from the flame entered their bodies, causing their blood to flow and heat in a way they weren't used to.

Being startled by this reaction, the girls suddenly lifted their heads to look at Laz's face, only to see his eyes closed while a few warm tears ran down his cheeks. If one looked close enough, they would even notice a red tint to them.

Seeing Laz's reaction, the minds of the girls reacted at the same time as they lost control of themselves. They grabbed onto the warm body in front of them as they attempted to bury their faces in his chest wrapping their arms around whatever they could.

The only sound in the huge, luxurious bathroom was now the sound of barely concealed crying and cold tears hitting the water.

It was around ten minutes later when the four bodies separated themselves from Laz. He had vented his emotions while the girls had vented theirs. Everyone then sat back down into the water, the girls cuddling in close to Laz as they told him their story.

The girls had a happy childhood, as far as they could remember, but there wasn't much of it. At some point, they remember having been with their parents but something happened one night and all they remembered was being thrown into a van and never seeing their parents again. Instead, they spent the next several years being shipped around before they ended up being bought by some rich people in South America. As far as they could remember, they were around seven at the time.

For the next several years, they were stuck working fields by hand, picking leaves and delivering them to a large storehouse that every time they got close to, their eyes would burn. Although their days were hard, there were several older folks on their group that would take care of the younger ones, making sure that they learned at least the basics in education.

Sadly, nothing good ever lasts forever, especially in this environment. The older, kind people of the group would eventually disappear, one by one. When the younger ones asked about where they went, the others would just tell them to a better place. Whenever the younger ones asked if they could go, the older members of the group would just smile sadly and say they could not.

After several years of this, the girls started to grow up and became young women, something that was very dangerous in this place. The few nicer people tried their best to help the girls hide their blossoming beauty, but accidents happened far to often and one day, the girls attracted the eyes of a wealthy, high ranking member in the cartel.

They were brought away quickly to act as servants in his home.

Although they no longer had to worry about being dirty, cold and hungry, they now had to serve a man whose ust was only overshadowed by his cruelty and is equally deranged wife. Seeing the beautiful girls her husband brought home, the wife went crazy and fought with her husband. In the aftermath, the girls were all beaten senseless by the mistress of the household while a fire heated poker was used to ensure that the husband would never find peasure from the girls or accidently knock them up. That was only the start of their torture.

For years after, the girls had to serve both the man and woman of the house that had not only scarred their bodies, but also their minds. The girls lived in a constant state of fear and pain, being beaten by whichever one found them displeasing, but they never harmed their faces. It seemed like it became a game to the master and mistress, to see how the girls could be abused more without ruining their perfect looks.

They wanted to make the girls into monsters.

Like all things in life however, something unexpected happened.

One day, the compound was raided by federal agents who had no problems with killing everyone in the place. In the resulting chaos, the girls happened upon the master of the house who had been trapped underneath a collapsed wall. Noticing the loyal servants who had been with him for years, the man called out to them, drawing their attention.

The girls never even hesitated.

Before he knew what hit him, the girls had grabbed rocks and other debris off the floor and beat him to death, right then and there. They then grabbed what they could and made their getaway. No one even bothered with fleeing servants at this point and the girls got away.

They could only remember that they had once lived in North America and decided to try to best to return. After a long series of challenges, they had finally snuck their way past the border wall and ended up back in the states. The problem now was that they had no where to go.

By a series of random events, they ended up finding Freya while attempting to locate their parents. As of now though, over twelve years had passed by and they didn't even know their own names. In fact, up until now, they had never even been given names. Freya, seeing this, decided to call all four girls Ivy, a name meaning four. They all agreed. Between them, they were one, even though there were four of them.

Besides finding their parents, they only had one other goal in life... to find the mistress of the household and end her life as well, but not quickly. In fact, they would destroy her life piece by piece. Freya, seeing this, decided to help them.

And that was when they started working here.

Laz had no idea what to feel after being told all of this. Many people had a rough life growing up, but not like this... not even close.

"Although their story is especially tragic, all the girls here have gone through something that leaves them scarred for life. That's how they end up here."

The voice of Freya coming from behind them made all the girls jump, but Laz had already known that she arrived.

The girls jumped up and greeted her before running off. They knew their time with Laz was done for now, but it would be one of the few warm spots in their heart from now on. A man who looked at them with compassion, instead if disgust.

"Well, you seem to get along well with everyone, don't you?" Freya asked with a smile and she leaned down next to the bath. Laz had strange expression on his face as he watched the four girls named Ivy leave.

"Just when you've thought you've seen the darkest parts of humanity, something else rears it's ugly head."

"There are even far worse stories. For all of their hatred and madness, at least they have a chance to make it right. Many die filled with regrets and hatred. And let me tell you, they are far from sane, those four." Freya replied, staring towards them as they closed the door on the opposite side of the bath.

"Anyway, it's time to get dressed and have your welcoming party. So come, come. Let's go..."

"Alright." Laz then proceeded to start to lift himself out of the water, only to be stopped by Freya.

"ECKK... let me leave first... perverted big brother..." Freya ran out with a shriek, leaving Laz all alone.

'Seriously... I wonder if there is actually a sane woman in this place...?' Laz thought while looking at Freya disappear.

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